Happy Yule, Io Saturnalia and Merry Christmas, Veeky Forums! Hope everyone is recovering.
As usual: LARP, Historic recreation/reenactment, etc. What have you been up to? Any new loot or plans? Upcoming events?
Happy Yule, Io Saturnalia and Merry Christmas, Veeky Forums! Hope everyone is recovering.
As usual: LARP, Historic recreation/reenactment, etc. What have you been up to? Any new loot or plans? Upcoming events?
>Ho ho ho! I heard someone sayin; 'santa isn't real' like I wouldn't hear about it!
>tfw in American north east
>tfw all the LARPs in reasonable range are fucking trash
Life is suffering
>Santa heard you talking shit
Which state? What kind of game you looking for?
NY, specifically in NYC. I was dragged to Knight Realms repeatedly but besides it being a literal ponzi scheme, I don't really like the tag system. DR was also attempted.
What am I looking for?
>tagless system
>relatively high costume standards
>low tolerance for adults acting like children
>tagless system
If you mean a positive force vs touch game, you're kinda SOL unless you are willing to drive to events in Canada, go farther south, or start a new game.
>relatively high costume standards
See above.
>low tolerance for adults acting like children
Just something you'll eventually deal with in every larp
Appreciate the answers, looks like I'm out of luck for a while than. Either way, I'll always be able to lurk in the larp general on /cgl/ and be eternally envious of euro-larp
Come join us in VA. We are hoping to play in and around some 300 year old buildings this summer.
>Dat pic
Are there any games doing colonial fantasy in the US?
Currently, the entire Republican party.
A few, obviously all east coast states. We got a good one here in VA, using euro style, high lethality rules. Granted, its cheating for us as most of our players are reenactors and living museum employees.
Pic related. Get a good latex hanger sword, and a pistol and you're set.
I've always wanted to bring back gladiatorial games and the staged naval battles in the flooded Coliseum with nerf weapons and such.
Already some groups that do that kinda stuff. I know there is a loaded fort in Mississippi, and several groups throughout the south.
Fuck yes!
Maryland fag with Revwar civilian kit: tell me more?
honestly, that means half the continent, so not surprising
I've almost completed my fireman kit for a post-apo larp, got the second-to-last piece as a gift this Christmas. Only still looking for some authentic fireproof gauntlets and then I'm done.
Did you get any cool new gear this Christmas, Veeky Forums?
Highly lethal historic fairytale horror, mixed with the turmoil of the colonies on the brink of war. Thats what we're aiming for, anyways. Enforced standards, no numbers or HP. Drop me a line at screwloosecircusATgmailDOTcom if you wanna know more. You can be almost anyone, as we're all taken down a peg in the untamed forests of the colonies.
>fireman kit for a post-apo larp
>Did you get any cool new gear this Christmas, Veeky Forums?
Nothing. I just had to buy a new car, so my christmas list was "Money to help car payments".
Bump for interest. Does one get into larping?
I had this crazy sort of idea regarding mall santas.
what if, perchance, they all reported to the *actual* santa yearround?
Which one? You act like they don't already.
Pic is the summit of original Santas.
"Santas" of Northern Russia: on very left, Yamal Iri, the "White Elder" of the Yamal Peninsula, belonging to the indigenous Nentsi people; Second from the left is Russian Ded Moroz himself; Third from the left Chyskhaan, the "Bull Man" of the Sakha people of Yakutia, in Northern Siberia; next one, the lady, is Tugeni Eneken, "Mother Winter", of the Evenki and other tundra nomads; after her is the visiting official Santa Claus of Finland; and then Pokkaine, the youngish "Santa" of the ethnic Karelian people.
Photo: Vladimir Sevrinovski
Figure out what kind of setting you want (fantasy, scifi, horror, etc), look up your local groups and contact them via facebook, saying "hey, I am new and want to try your game, got and loaner kit and a copy of the rules?" Most have newb-friendly specific games without allowing advanced characters.
After you find a group with a system, players and setting you like, invest in a kit. Don't be afraid to try a few games.
Don't have pictures of the suit. It's a one-piece overall (decommissioned Dutch training uniform, gifted to me by the local chapter of the fire brigade), a helmet and balaclava (British fire brigade and army, respectively), nondistinct rubber boots, and the Epic Armoury fire axe.
The larp is a rather small Dutch larp, in which (IIRC) a solar flare has fried all technology some sixty years prior. There's "basecamps" dotted throughout the country where people try to pick up life, with generic post-apo threats (raiders, cults, mutants, not!axis and not!allies). I'm going to play someone who grew up with a cult holed out in a storage for emergency services materials, that follows emergency protocol religiously. Literally. In other words, I'm playing a fireman with an obsession for protocol.
Note: I designed the suit in such a way that it screams "fire brigade", yet is obviously distinct from actual emergency services. Impersonating rescuers is a bad idea, and probably illegal.
suck the god's dick.
So you play Slaaneshi then? Hot. Whats your character?
I have a brigandine coming for my armor kit but it's gonna take 4 months.
that is the single most badass thingI have seen all fucking day.