Fuck this movie was better than it should have been.
I hate elves even more now.
Fuck this movie was better than it should have been.
I hate elves even more now.
Other urls found in this thread:
>better than it should have been
Can't imagine "what it should have been" since it was terrible
Know your place, round-ear.
Go away /tv/ you have some BvS to ironically like.
Fuck you knife earred pixy faggots.
It was a average cop movie, predictable plot. The world building made it interesting to fantasy nerds like us here. I liked it better than The Last Jedi.
FBI Elf guy wasn't so bad. He was just very elf ish.
QT elf was also QT.
Holy shit, that's a lot of effort for a B movie's lore.
What makes it a B movie? Because critics say so?
Here we go again, complaining about movies on the not movie board.
You monumental faggot.
because Will Smith plays there
It set out to do something interesting and I feel like they accomplished it, maybe went too far with the length of the movie but that's about it.
Max Landis did a good job guys, no obvious plot holes to be seen around here atleast.
The director rewrote the script before filming
Elf genocide when?
It was pretty good, I would like to see a sequel I think the world building was great.
I don't get the pixie thing though. He legit kills a pixie. Arent pixies like a intelligent race or are they normally seen at like bees/flies?
This movie was fucking terrible, tf are y'all on about
I dont see how people can hate it. At WORST it's a average cliche cop movie.
Seems like they're pretty vicious and primitive in this film, like feral dogs with wings.
Odd. When I think Pixies i think of like fairies. Intelligent magic race of creatures, so I was like...didn't a cop just murder that pixie.
See Hellboy. This isn't the first setting to do feral fairies.
>I hate elves even more now.
Remember Killing elves isn't genocide its pesticide
Can I fuck your sister?
Stop shilling it.
Fairies in the world of Bright are nothing more than tiny monkeys with wings. There was a reason Ward mentioned that one shit in its own hand and tossed it at his brother at the beginning. They're essentially pests, like rats.
It was hyped to be a shadow run movie but it was a cop movie at the best of times and a Orcs lifes matter at the worst. It wasn't bad just not what people thought it was going to be.
>It was hyped to be a shadow run movie
It was not. All the trailers did was show us cops rolling around in a world of orcs and elves, and then a bunch of people who saw it said "Hey that kind of looks like Shadowrun." The studio itself didn't mention a single word of such.
I thought it was going to be will smith in a buddy cop movie with fantasy races. That's what was advertized, and what was delivered
Yeah let me correct my self. It was over hyped on Veeky Forums as a shadow run movie. It's bad I personally liked it.
*it's not bad
Inmates do that too.
Yeah, feels kind of odd now after having watched it, that Elves are basically the super rich that get their own special district and are treated so damn well yet from what I gathered, the Dark Lord was an Elf and many of his top lieutenants were also all Elves, but everyone shits on the Orcs instead. You think someone would've noticed that....Also background centaur cop, wasn't expecting that.
Oh no, I noticed that alright. I'm not certain his Lieutenants were elves but that can be inferred by the existence of Inferni.
But that is one of the interesting conundrums of the universe. My own personal theory is that orcs carry more of a stigma because they collectively, as a race, chose to serve the Dark Lord (except for a few exceptions). Whereas the Elves played the "not all elves" card throughout the ages.
Honestly, I feel like the movie went a bit too hard on 'Elves are the real evil!' when it tried to tell the idea that orcs are just like anyone else.
Watching those elves massacre everyone made me think of Dark Eldar Wyches in 40k.
Clearly youve never seen any arrowstorm films, like mythica or saga curse of the shadow
Comparatively small budget, or no theatre release, generally.
The budget was $90 Million
Hot Fuzz had a budget of around 8 million, and that was pretty damn solid. Good direction and a lot of talent can make even a low budget film into a good one.
>Also background centaur cop, wasn't expecting that.
But no centaur in strip club :(
"Just like home on the plains" must be a minority taste in that universe.
Hot fuzz was a great movie, but i would definitely conveyer it a b movie.
Yeah that's not very low. Fair. No theatre release though.
Because it is a Netflix production, they have no need or want for theater releases.
I hate to break it to you user, but even in a fantasy land with centaurs you'd still be fucking a horse. Plus you'd have to a special stage reinforced just to have centaur strippers and that sounds super niche and expensive and not really worth it unless your strip club is next to a farm.
It was made from the very start by Netflix, for Netflix, with absolutely no intention of a theater release at all. That's not Netflix's model.
I might need to rethink getting that suit and gorget.
What's with all the Bright threads? Unless we are talking how to turn it into rpg this does not belong here
I've got a strong feeling we're actually dealing with legitimate shills. The movie was shit, but we've been getting spam about it here praising it to the level where either Veeky Forums has utterly terrible taste or someone is hoping to advertise their garbage here.
I'm actually hoping for the latter, because people pretending to like it for a paycheck is somewhat less disagreeable than actually liking it.
Well, I'm afraid I'm not a schill, user. I'm genuinely at a loss how a solid "4-6, depending on your taste/fetish" mismatched-cops-run-a-gauntlet plot/there's-a-pretty-waif-girl/stock-urban-fantasy-genre flick has gotten this kind of attention, but my best guess is the schills saying it was The Worst Thing kicked it off.
>I *do* have some suspiscion that somebody at netflix pulled a PT Barnum and started ridiculously negative buzz so it could backlash in their favor, though
>What's with all the Bright threads? Unless we are talking how to turn it into rpg this does not belong here
Well, I was already thinking Dresden Files.
>beating pixies to death with brooms
>in public
>so going to need a new group if I do that
How is the system for Dresden? I was wondering about picking it up.
>user thinks that Veeky Forums is on any advertisers radar in the slightest
People are allowed to like things friendo and if you didn't like it I feel bad for you.
Not fantastic. It's FATE with extra rules, which honestly hurts it a bit.
It's not BAD but it does sorta lead to 'Mages beat most everything'.
It's FATE. Make of that what you will.
Nowhere near as bad as I feel for you. I was at least hoping you were getting paid, but you're telling people you have shit tasted for free.
Worst still, you have really shitty taste. All my pity, friend, all my pity.
Bah think I will just stick with cofd/nwod conversion if I try it.
It's not bad, it's just got it's issues. I'd lean towards raw FATE before WOD (But that's personal preferences. I loathe WoD's sense of balance (That it doesn't have one))
I'm with you on Wod/Nwod balance but since I'm talking about adapting stuff here this is not so much of an issue. And combat seems lethal enough for normal humans
That is kind of the point of the game, although mages don't beat everything - masters beat everything. that's not the same thing at all.
The Weeping Orc is ghetto as shit. His "elves" are human crack-whores with spirit-gum vulcan ear props, those fairies are tranqued-up spray-painted pixies, and if you actually ask about the centaur he just keeps changing the subject and shoving orc bitches at you.
>Movie was shit
>Audience score of 91% on RT
Wow buddy feel free to stop being wrong anytime now. Or are you one of those hyper breed autists that refuses to like anything that a majority of people like because you wanna feel special?
Its ShadowRun. fuck you faggot
His own fault for setting up shop next to Monster Manuel's.
Honestly I was disappointed. I went in with low expectations but it managed to both make a good case for itself and let itself down. It kinda felt like it was originally supposed to be a series or miniseries. The background is so poorly fleshed out on screen but seems to be decently conceptualized behind the scenes. Same with the relationships and even the character histories. Tikka may as well not exited up until the last five minutes she's in the movie even though they both seem to have some strange connection with her and vice versa. The relationship between her, the dark lord, and the other inferni is also never really fleshed out but the final confrontation seems like it relies on knowledge the audience doesn't have.
Also, I was frustrated the sword they took from the hobo guy never came back. Felt like a total Chekhov's Gun to me.
Altogether, I'm frustrated that something with a lot of pretty good stuff going for it ended up such a mess. Pretty much just a Will Smith vehicle really.
I can't bring myself to hate all elves after this. She was great.
>Also, I was frustrated the sword they took from the hobo guy never came back. Felt like a total Chekhov's Gun to me.
I loved the film, but you actually raise a good point. It's weird that sword guy never came back and in retrospect it was super clunky that that guy basically just exposed himself and made a scene just so he could get caught and give us information.
Here I liked the way they trusted the audience to get the implicit world building and to accept the mysteries that they didn't get around to yet. It did very much feel like either a jumbo-sized pilot episode or an effort to launch a franchise. There's a bunch of things they set up that feels like you will have to turn in for 2 more movies to see pay off.
That, and the scene with the FBI guys interrogating him, just seemed like more evidence that the movie was originally something longer/larger and it was cut way down in production so the plot/script ended up really clunky because they were trying to squeeze in as much information as they could so the overall plot/characters still made sense.
I want to fuck an elf. The weird eyes and sharp teeth really do it for me.
>The weird eyes and sharp teeth really do it for me
The movie had really convincing elves for me, not because of the ears, eyes or teeth, but because of their unblemished and almost plastic-looking skin. It really sold me on the fact that they were elves. Too bad I'm mostly convinced that the effect was not entirely intentional.
This movie is great for anyone who has never once seen a buddy cop movie before and considers the idea of mixing fantasy and modern reality as fresh and new.
Originality is not a prerequisite for, nor an indicator of, quality
It is when predictability and cliche becomes a huge factor as to why someone would not enjoy the film.
There is a reason westerns died out.
What part of the movie made you think it was portraying orks as "just like everyone else"? They're all weird clan brothers with weird traditions about getting "blooded". One of them lifted a fucking truck bare handed.
They have their own language. They can smell emotions on people. They're wildly different from "everyone else" in many many ways!
At most, the movie says Orks are worth sharing a society with and you should be nicer to them. There's no inherent reason that that should automatically extended to as well.
Didn't they use simmilar effect in Hellboy II with fae royals? They did look kinda simmilar
Hitler was an Austrian, but who gets shit for the Nazis? The Germans. Stalin was a Georgian, but who gets shit for the Great Purges and other stuff? The Russians. Hell back in the day when Napoleon used to be the big bad of Europe, the guys who got shat on over it were the French, even though the Bonapartes were Italian. It seems to me that people are far more willing to lay the blame on a group for that group's collective actions than for one member of that group being particularly evil. So yeah, the Dark Lord could have been an elf, but so long as all the other elves gathered up to fight him, they can say he was an aberration. Meanwhile, the vast majority of Orks fought for him, so it's Jirak who is the aberration.
Westerns died out because their values and ideals became irrelevant to the culture as the newer generations grew up and because current events (in particular Space Travel and the Vietnam War) captured the minds of audiences.
The themes of Westerns stuck around though, and are still popular today.
Regardless, originality is orthogonal to quality, they do not share the same axis and they do not affect each other. Something can be original and shitty or cliche and well executed.
They have a significantly higher chance of being able to wield magic. I also imagine they've got the standard long ass lives and enhanced reflexes, given what we see them do and the FBI elf's comment on tracking her for twenty years despite not looking a day over 40.
it wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. I went in with no expectations and while I wasn't surprised at anything, I wasn't really angered by anything either. Despite what could have been a very interesting setting to explore further, it feels very bland and forgettable.
it's a 5 or a 6,5 out of 10. Not great, but not bad.
Harry potter did it as well.
Oh yeah that is pretty good indication that it's Elven Law Enforcement thing. Basically it's there to announce to other elfs that fucking with the bearer of this gorget will land you in world of hurt or atleast that's my interpretation of the last part.
Modern fantasy as a movie whike not totally new is rare enough for this to feel fresh.
fairies being feral little assholes is reasonably common in folk lore actually
>i hope people actually dislike it, because that's better than them getting paid to dislike it
>wait no, now that someone said they dislike it, now I hope they were getting a paycheck because that's actually better.
Shit what a waste of money.
>there's a reason westerns died out
what is cheap production values and a changing culture Alex?
Not like they ever stopped making westerns either, or that they stopped making western themed entertainment. Videogames, boardgames TTRPGs etc.
I fail to see anything wrong with a buddy cop film, its a respectable niche.
>Veeky Forums has utterly terrible taste
Veeky Forums has always had terrible taste. We like Andromeda, Dresden Files, and 40k novels. Not for their merit as fine works inside of their medium, but for the potential they hold as inspiration for tabletop. A Veeky Forums user isn't watching Bright and thinking: "Wow, what a beautiful, well-made shot" they're watching it and thinking: "How can I incorporate this into a campaign?" and that's what gets our juices flowing. I wager most of the people saying here that they 'liked it' spent half the film daydreaming about their own shit inspired by the film. Terrible taste, because something doesn't need to be good for it to inspire good.
Yet the average critic score is 30%. And remember, if you try to say that the critics score doesn't count for 'reasons' then it becomes equally valid to dismiss the user score for 'reasons.' You'll need to find another way to disparage the critics.
It was just a bland 21st century remake of pic related, and while at no point was Bright bad enough for me to want to turn it off, it was never good enough to be worth the time or money investment of watching it. 4/10.
I like it and I'm capable of deciding if I like things or not without asking anyone's permission.
>Many people dislike it
Well like said..
I'm on goddamn Veeky Forums. I'm pretty well used to liking things most people aren't fond of.
So i wasn't the only one who it reminded of that movie and series
Nah user. There are basically two sides.
On one side you have the reasonable, rational people who think it is a 6-7/10 movie and openly laugh at the critics.
On the other side you have the crass imbeciles who give this movie a 2/10. They are laughed at and don't understand why they are so ridiculous - petulant, they only appear funnier.
>Because it is a Netflix production, they have no need or want for theater releases.
Which is why the professional critics hated it. Direct streaming releases threaten then whole Hollywood Economy and theater industry. I’m not saying the movie was awesome but it was ok. It had to be blasted. A lot of rich movie guys will lose money if the current system is replaced with direct releases (and it will be).
In the Elftown scene didn’t other Elves have gorget like jewelry on?
>tfw no one will ever rehash the Lethal Weapon movies with the Shadowrun universe
I'm getting too orc for this shit
Haven't seen anything like that. Seems like this is fed-elfs thing. On the other hand one has to wonder how much fed-elf is representative of general elf population
I think he's supposed to be very old fashioned. Double breasted pinstripe suit with a matched vest hasn't been in style for humans in 60 odd years. He's also got a damn watch chain as an accessory. He looks like he picked out his wardrobe in 1890 and hasn't really bothered changing it. Other elves seem less conservative and more fashion forward.
Can you blame him?
Might be. He is also goverment official so he has to look the part and not like a random elf yuppie.
Tho when talking about how representative he is I was thinking about his character and interacting with other people. Neither Tikka nor Inferni give us particualry good insight
Hell no. If I had a suit that nice I'd wear it too, fuck fashion.
I think we get a pretty limited cross section, but some idea. Cali-elves dress fashionably, perhaps a little more peacock then you'd expect from humans in LA's most upscale shopping districts, but not too far off. I imagine fed-elf is representative of the elf bureaucrats that 'run the world' as people say. Old fashioned, conservative but still wanting to show wealth, control and power in how they dress.
>Hell no. If I had a suit that nice I'd wear it too, fuck fashion.
I've been looking for simmilar style of suits for quite some time. Considered going to the tailor even
>Old fashioned, conservative but still wanting to show wealth, control and power in how they dress.
This is funny considering he is partnered with angry human slob.
>He looks like he picked out his wardrobe in 1890
He's an Elf, he well might have done just that.
>being a movie snob
Why are cinemaphiles the most pretentious people in existence.
Sword hobo is a setup for the sequel (which is greenlit already). Apparently his ranting was telling Jakoby about the prophecy surrounding the two of them.