Why havn't you set sail for adventure yet in your own games?
One Piece
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My desire to play in that setting ranks only marginally higher than wanting to play in the setting of Naruto. My desire to play in the Naruto setting ranks only marginally higher than my desire to shove bamboo under my fingernails before trying to play a stringed instrument.
Pirates are fine if they aren't in a fucking garbage-ass setting.
The setting is great what are you talking about? Granted the topography is shit but thats its only flaw really.
Can someone explain the appeal of this show? I started watching it the other day and have been pretty unimpressed so far. I just finished the arc where they added Ussop to the crew and it already reeks of being made of filler. Does it have a weak start then get better?
>Garbage ass setting
>One Piece
Nigga what
Well for one thing, it's better to read, but you're free to do whatever you want.
Secondly, yes, the East Blue saga is pretty slow going, as it's building up of the crew, introducing a lot of ground rules to the world, and just a lot of build up, plus Toei likes filler. But once you hit Arlong Park, it really sinks it's teeth in (pun intended), but if it doesn't hook you by Arlong Park, I don't think the series is really for you, but again, it's up to you what you do with your time.
Well, for one thing the American version is so heqavily edited it's nothing at all like the original show, so you're missing half of the damn show from the start.
Those goofy fights with guns that throw punching gloves and shit? Yeah, in the original unamericanized version, those are real guns, and those fuckers DIE.
I do find it a little weird how much more popular Medieval Fantasy has become in comparison to Caribbean Pirate fantasy.
It seems like anytime you see pirates in a PnP they're either relegated to a single themed town anachronistically sitting on the coast of some feudal kingdom, or they feel like they have to tack on extra, and now hackneyed, themes like making them Sky Pirates.
I want pirate fantasy to come back damnit; you can be a wizard on a boat just as well
>Can someone explain the appeal of this show?
No other series has ever captured a sense of adventure and excitement in a massive, living, breathing world as One Piece does, in my opinion. When events take place, they don't just effect the main characters and their immediate allies, but can effect the entire world in a variety of ways. What seems like throw away lines becomes crucial plot points hundreds of chapters later, characters who set up seemingly unimportant plot points only become relevant way down the line, in big ways. Characters who are just briefly mentioned become key players in massive events, or characters that seem completely irrelevant pop up later and flip the story's world on it's head. But not just that, The world is full of so much color, expression, and unique energy, islands n the sky, under the sea, fighting highly skilled government assassins, or battling hordes of zombies, small scale battles that can effect only a single person, or massive wars that will change the fate of the world, insane powers of all kinds, changing even simple fights into displays of bizarre strength, technique and abilities, like a swordfight between a man and a giraffe man hybrid becoming one of the most intense struggles.
One Piece is a plethora of ideas, a creative wellspring that runs abundant with locales, characters and story elements, and is always a delight to step into, as you follow this small crew of pirates traversing the greatest sea in the world to chase their dreams. Thats the appeal to me.
One Piece has plenty of boat wizardss
My players straight up refuse to play anything remotely eastern in nature, referring to all of it (sometimes with valid reasoning) as "weeb shit".
Even though OP's setting is actually pretty decent as soon as they learn it's made by a jap
>LOL nope weeb shit
I'd much rather run JoJo but same thing happens
Wow, what garbage people with garbage opinions. I feel sorry that you have to deal with that.
Thanks for the sympathy user.
My first attempt to try JoJo and OP was trying to explain the world/powers without actually giving away what the source material was but this ended in my players being confused (in the case of JoJo) or quickly recognizing it and then refusing to play.
Life sucks user and my mic + internet is too shit to play tabletop with online people
Really is a shame, that they would outright refuse to even try such places because they are Japanese creations, the ignorance is astounding. I can only hope that one day you either find more open minded players, or gain better access to online playing.
To some people, shit topography apparently equals shit setting.
I personally know very little about the setting so I can't speak on its quality, but the characters I've seen from the series make me very wary of it. Sword gloves, successfully using a sword held in your mouth, some short reindeer person... I dunno. Maybe it's great, but the character design makes me want to avoid it.
Granted their are some questionable character designs, a lot of my problems rest in the way Oda draws literally every girl
However there are very few settings in fiction that convey to me the same sense of adventure that One Piece does with the sheer scale and variety that it holds. But that's just my opinion or whatever, it's up to you what to make of it user
One Piece runs entirely on "Is it an interesting idea? Then it works"' Kuro being able to fight with gloves tipped with swords on each finger, Zoro's three sword style, Sanji fighting solely with kicks, the list goes on, One Piece runs on it's own internal logic, which also means characters looking bizarre and outlandish, completely inhuman, but still being human in setting, it's an incredible open world full of possibility.
Also on the subject of the reindeer person, he exists thanks to a magic fruit that turned a normal reindeer into a human, and he's the best damn doctor around.
I suppose it would be good for a rule of cool setting, then. Not my cup of tea, but I'm glad you enjoy it.
It's definitely better to read the Manga. But if your going to watch the anime watch it subbed or the Funimation Uncut dub.
Daddy Masterson is weak filler, but the Arlong arc is when shit starts to pick up since it's really the crews first step into the grandline.
I will readily admit that it's not for everyone so if you don't like MC's that only just manage to defeat the boss battle than One Piece isn't for you.
Don Kreig had no idea how lucky he was.
It's more than just rule of cool, One Piece is full of weird and unique things, but if you're worried that it's all silly all the time, it's not. Just as there are enemies or characters will weird or silly ways of fighting, One Piece is also full of dangerous and intimidating foes. Characters like Crocodile, who can turn into sand and dry anything he touches, or Moria, who steals shadows and stuffs them into corpses to create zombies, or Akainu, who is literally made of magma. Even strange powers can be dangerous in the right hands, the main character can stretch like rubber, but he utilizes it in so many unique and creative ways to fight his enemies. One Piece is just filled to the brim with creativity, I just feel it's a shame when people don't give it a shot.
>When events take place, they don't just effect the main characters and their immediate allies, but can effect the entire world in a variety of ways. What seems like throw away lines becomes crucial plot points hundreds of chapters later, characters who set up seemingly unimportant plot points only become relevant way down the line, in big ways. Characters who are just briefly mentioned become key players in massive events, or characters that seem completely irrelevant pop up later and flip the story's world on it's head.
The manga itself really sells this bit, with the between-chapter portraits that follow random characters around as they do shit in the world that isn't immediately relevant to Luffy and Co.
The One Piece world is a suger coated cake filled with maggots. It looks super whacky and cartoony but the more you get into it you realize how absolutely grim and evil the world is.
whats the big red line
It's literally the Red Line. It cuts the planet in half longitudinally and marks the beginning and end of the Grand Line. The treasure of One Piece is on the western edge of it but you have to go all the way around the planet to get there due to all the shit that surrounds the place.
The only continent I know of in One Piece. It stretches all the way around the world and is as far as anyone knows entirely one massive wall. Aside from one hole at the bottom of the ocean. It's called the Red Line.
Completely agreed. Koby's portraits were my favourites.
The Red Line, a giant continent that bisects the world. The location in the middle is known as Reverse Mountain, the only way to enter the Grand Line without crossing the Calm Belts (the light blue lines, named so because there is no waves or wind on the Calm Belts, and they are filled to the brim with sea monsters, so sailing through is suicide)
God that's a retarded map
and people bash the ASOIAF map
have you seen the HxH map? Biggest anime map I've seen.
It's really badly drawn, really childish and juvenile, and really wacky.
As a result you get to feel like a primo contrarian shilling it. Throw some nostalgia in and you got an OPtard
It's not a literal map, it's a vague representation of the world. The full map of the One Piece world has yet to be shown, this just demonstrates the key feature, the four Blues, the Red Line, the Calm Belts and the Grand Line
The big red line is the only continent.
Until Dungeon Meshi, no other manga I can think of did an adventuring party better - and it is still the best heroic shonen weekly there is.
What the others fail to mention is that the Red Line is a literal line of cloud piercing rock with sheer cliffs on either side.
> really badly drawn
> really childish and juvenile
> really wacky
Have your (You) and stay mad buddy.
It's literally the best selling manga in the world. You'd be contrarian by saying it's shit not shilling it.
I mean Oda's annual income is apparently 2 - 3.1 Billion Yen, or 24 - 37 million US from all the shit the series sells.
I think Dogs in the Vineyard could make a really good One Piece game with massaging, it’s episodic and the dice system works for anything that could happen with natural escalations. If you could have some sort of faction system for background events, be able to zoom in and out of action (being able to pair off enemies and crew members and run all over the island in an encounter), swap the stats to the setting, swap demons for the world government (bounty would be the consequences of a fight along with injury), and have more structure around character abilities (maybe fixed numbers instead of dice?).
Basically the game session would be show up on island on the grand line, get into trouble and get out of it, and then end leaving the island chased by the government.
This image sums up everything I love about One Piece. It's just fucking awesome.
I personally prefer this one. I wish I had a better quality image of it, but the end of Skypeia is so fucking great,
A desert country manipulated by a infamous pirate given free reign to do what he wants by the World Government, and his organization of deadly assassins stirring up a rebellion in hopes of taking over said country, and the only hope the kingdom has is it's young princess and the small band of rookie pirates he befriended
An island in the sky swallowed in a 400 year old war over the only land not made of cloud, all while a psychotic ruler with a god complex prepares to plunge every inhabitant into a bloody game of survival
A floating island populated with the undead, animated by a cruel and malicious pirate who traps ships on his island and steals their shadows away in hopes of creating an unkillable army to rule the seas with
An all out battle against a secret government unit of assassins on a highly defended government island, aided by only a horde of street thugs and a group of highly skilled shipwrights, all to take back a single friend from the clutches of the World Government, even if it means declaring war on the largest force in the world.
One Piece is chock full of stories, and due to it's nature, anything is possible, how can you not like it?
I remember hearing the OP world has breathable air in space. That's such an underused thing. I'd enjoy a setting involving space where you don't have to worry about technology/airlocks/suffocation.
>One Piece
>Garbage Setting
As far as we know, yes it does. As one character flew a propeller powered air ship up to the moon and walked around without a care. There were also aliens on the moon and an entire civilization filled with robots
I'm the only person I know who reads, watches, or likes One Piece at all.
I'd absolutely love to run an OP game, but I can't convince anyone to devote the time it takes to get in to the series, which kind of bums me out. It's one of my favorite pieces of media and I feel like I'll never get to talk to anyone about it.
The shitheads on /a/ certainly don't help since the OP threads can be boiled down to "Oda is a hack" and "I want to fuck Carrot".
This Discord was set up a while ago for people looking for One Piece games. You can probably find folks to play with you. Two games are already set up even.
You can have fun doing the ooos and aaas or whatever.
I'd honestly say it's populated by some strong moments but filled with a weak...overall. Your assessment is right, it basically is made of filler in spite of what all the anons saying "read it" are trying to tell you. It's a series of big actions moments strung together by weak strings that don't really make for a good story.
In short? Ask for the best moments and read those, read wiki summaries if you're confused because you won't miss mess.
What is it with Nip cartoons and characters explaining what they’re doing while they do it? It’s so awkward and off putting. Did nobody over there ever hear about show don’t tell? People loudly exclaim how angry or sad they are instead of just letting us come to that conclusion ourselves. It’s been a problem in every single animoo I’ve watched, sub or dub. It’s like everyone is autistic.
I can not like it because I don't like any of the things you just said about it. In addition, I hate the art style, and the topography of the world makes me angry- they could have not shown it as a globe and made it believable, but instead we get this giant middle finger to believable world design. Though from what I can tell of One Piece, it is highly dependant on the audience being able to ignore dumb crap that would either not work or backfire, all in the name of it looking cool.
This may come as a shock, but there are people who don't like the things you like.
they have electricity, advanced ships, TV, and telephones. No way they couldn't show a proper map
>implying sales figures equate to quality
Only in really high tech places, the vast majority of the One Piece world still works on gas and oil
>Advanced ships
Rarity. Even the fanciest ships are a one of a kind thing. The most powerful pirates and even the fucking Marines still use regular old sail powered ships, the hi-tech ones are highly unique.
>TV and telephones
Snail based technology. The Den Den Mushi's aren't high tech, they are just animals with special abilities that people utilize.
The world of One Piece has yet to be fully mapped, thats Nami's entire dream, to map the entire world.
Thats like saying Simpsons back in the 90s wasn't good despite being literally everywhere. You don't reach the heights One Piece has by being a bad series.
He didn’t imply anything about its quality. One Piece is very popular, therefore shilling it is the opposite of contrarianism.
The ugly truth that weebs won't accept.
I feel like this is supposed to be an exaggerated representation of the Dark Continent, but at the same time I hope it isn't and is totally that size
We did a sailing arc earlier. Sealed a dragon away that was being released by a bitter old pirate who had lost everything.
Now we're in a lost ancient city made by a mad sorcerer trying to escape from the sorcerer's partner killing us with his shiny magic robot body.
>go to space
>return at end of grand line
>collect one piece
Mate, buddy, friend, pal. This one's not even hard. The original format for most of these is print. A few words on panel to explain is invaluable to a mangka or artist under a time crunch to finish before their deadlines, especially when the alternative is creating whole extra pages instead. Yeah it makes things tell instead of show and can be odd if/when it's animated, but that's just the reality of them getting their work done on time.
Ya don't have to like it, but don't pretend that it doesn't happen for an easily understood reason.
If you wanna take your billions and go fund the manga scene so they can change up their style then go for it.
Understanding why it happens doesn't make it any less grating. Why should I lower my standards? There's plenty of other media out there that doesn't do that, and I'm happy to go watch / read other things instead and just not support their work.
So what you’re saying is that Japs fundamentally don’t comprehend animation as a medium and don’t know how to adapt pictures to movies? How can weebs like such cringy shit?
I don’t even have any particular bias against anime but I literally haven’t found a single one that isn’t horrible written and full of sperg characters.
>really badly drawn
that's one of the fairer criticisms towards the show.
It just isn't that well drawn.
Yeah, and Naruto is third best selling. That means it's almost as good right?
Came here to say that the Arlong vs Zoro fight is one of my absolute favorite, just for the instant shit from "I'm the baddest motherfucker around" to "Holy shit, I am so fucking lucky."
So...go and do that? And don't ask dumb questions in threads about media you don't care for?
Well yeah sure there's a lot of trash out there and even the best often have issues that bug even die hard fans. And it's not like that's a uniquely Japanese issue either.
On the other hand there are some things that are simply due to differences in culture and/or differences in language. Some things you just gotta deal with.
Oh well sure there's crappy animation in the show, especially the latest stuff. S'why I stopped watching and actually started reading it. But Oda's actual art is gorgeous. Yeah he's got a mostly simplistic style that he sticks to, but that doesn't make it poorly done.
Another user misses the point of the comment. Take the rage tinted specs off for a sec and actually engage your reading comprehension. See >> [[ ]]
>Another user misses the point of the comment. Take the rage tinted specs off for a sec and actually engage your reading comprehension. See >> [[ ]]
Just run it anyway and don't tell them what its based on.
Because a sailboat doesn't go on my GM's rails.
>Imblying I haven't
You're fucking small time
>Best Doc
That would be Law
Law is unquestionably the better surgeon, but doctor?
Eh, I'd put my money on Kureha for a while yet.
>I can't fap to this. That makes it shit.
>Wan Piss
>Good setting
I bet you people also think that Shounen-Shit has an overarching plot instead of the author just making up shit as he goes.
What's a real shame is that the world is 100% power levels. It doesn't matter for shit what powers you have, someone with a higher power level will still push your shit in. Intelligence, planning, strategy, numbers, none of it means anything at all, and the result of every battle is predetermined. As if that weren't enough to remove all sense of suspense, Oda is determination that no one, regardless of power levels or damage taken, will ever fucking die.
I lost interest back around the time Luffy defeated ten quadrillion navy soldiers at once, and from checking up on it every few years, I know the show has only gotten increasingly formulaic and dull.
It sucks, really, because I used to really love this show.
Both one piece and Naruto are amazing settings. The story of Naruto doesn't live up to the setting though.
>the idea that it is crazy dangerous and monsters live beyond the edges of the known map was invented by anime
What am I missing? Why would anyone want to have sex with Carrot?
Because One Piece is absolutely shite. Not just the animation style, but also the story, the characters, and the setting.
It's really tragic how often this happens.
>the edges of the map turns into The Night Land
This. And when the campaign's over and they all tell you how much they loved it, just give them the biggest grin you can manage, let your halitosis REALLY shine here, and say, in the same voice you give your body pillow waifu at night, "It was weeb shit the whole time".
I laughed.
What's wrong with the topography? I don't actually know anything about it.
You've yet to get to the Arlong Arc, which is absolutely spectacular. The Baratie Arc is also top-tier, which comes right after where you're at. After that, you can either start reading the manga or just quit; you won't miss much.
>the characters
That's the least disputable part. The character are EXTREMELY flat, their arcs completely contrived, all of them juvinile and 99% are one note characters while the other 1% completely pointless.
sell me on Naruto's setting because from the little I know about it, I disagree.
Unless the semi-modern, semi-magical aspect of it is all that means, because there I agree
That's the ugliest looking map i've ever seen
What stops you from crossing the landbridges that go across the lightblue areas right next to the western edge?
Post apocalyptic world with magic where every society is so hardcore that limiting your child soldiers to latrine duty and the equivalent instead of using them in violent missions before they turn twelve is considered a huge social reform.
What is a good theme for a man who can turn into a giant ostrich?
Like for naming their attacks; I've already got that they're probably extremely fast and can kick things to death like Sanji. I just don't have names for their attacks.
Just name it stupid shit, like Ostrich Shot
Okay, first off, be a Cassowary instead, make his crazy berserk temper an asset gained by the fruit, and have an Australian theme to your attacks.
DitV is an absolutely horrible fit that was designed for an entirely different type of theme and setting. IMO one piece would work best with something like Risus.
The topography is perfect because it makes having adventures much easier, while having (and justifying) a linear progression of power of characters.
Reverse Mountain (where the canals line up on the equator) is basically just a sheer stone wall. The only way onto reverse mountain is to sail up one of the canals and hope the trip doesn't obliterate your ship. The only way off spits you out into the eastern Grand Line.
As for the islands along the calm belts? Dunno. They either don't actually exist, or are otherwise impossible to navigate. The only canon entrance to the Grand Line is through Reverse Mountain (or the calm belt, if you are a particularly BAMF fish person, I guess).
They're just more classic wizards that fuck your shit up with their own hands.
Like Gandalf or the pictured Big Mom.
>Oda is determination that no one, regardless of power levels or damage taken, will ever fucking die.
Give it another shot mate.
Does anyone have a onepiece game going. And can I rp as a real pirate instead of some assburger pirate crew. I just want to be a farmer whose crops got ruined, decide to head out to the seas to rob and survive till next year.