Yes, it is as good as they say. 3 and 4 are what I wanted the ST to be. Also, in case anyone missed it, the holiday special’s final chapter is up.
William Collins
Luke Morgan
For all ye old Wing Commander folks out there: How do we stat the Hurrie for the Imagination Aviation Entertainments series of dead-tree format & graphite writing tool games?
Alexander Russell
yeah last jedi was not 'ok'
it wasn't a star wars movie. it was a cash grab with an autistic director who couldn't pick up the pieces of the mess that jabrams made last time.
it was a bad movie.
Sebastian Torres
Yes, excellent. Glad to see you back in form, X. Even Zedile is back for this one
Also, my youngest brother got the Lego Saturn V for Christmas and it is a masterpiece of Lego engineering
Jacob Walker
Caleb Martin
XWW my dude! Good to see you back in the saddle.
Hunter White
Repostan in this thread. Just put /swg/ in the subject, you autist. This is silly.
Henry Kelly
If Royal Guards secretly serve with Stormtrooper units to keep their combat skills sharp, do they do the same with TIE squadrons to practice their piloting?
Chase Rogers
I thinks so, actually
Jackson Thomas
I mentioned it in the end of the last thread- But to the guy that was looking to get into X-wing via Corran Horn in an E-wing-
- What other ships or characters are appealing to you? I can help you make a list and/or send you some cards you would need to make it. While you can run a list that's just 3 E-wings, I would not suggest it, especially for a new player- The E-wing's manufacturing problems are in effect in X-wing too, in the form of the other E-wing pilots costing too much to be viable.
Nolan Campbell
I love you guys, you're the best.
Ayden Peterson
Wing Commander is pretty good. Ye Old School Dogfighter action. Sometimes it feels more WWI than WWII.
Hunter Baker
Even JJ did a better job than this. You could've made something out of his pointless retread.
Blake Edwards
This is why we haze all the new transfers to the squadron. Anyone who isn't willing to drink the swill Yalari brews in that disused bacta pod is probably a fink for the ISB or something worse.
Gabriel Rodriguez
Time to post about X-wing-
Are any of you working on lists?
Looking for strategy tips? Anyone going to any Regionals and not sure what to fly?
Anyone playing Epic? I'm getting a third TIE/SF to make a First Order movie Epic squad, and now I'm looking for another copy of Fire Control system, among other cards.
Nolan Sanchez
You fly like the ape that you are!
Nathan Martin
EotE Bodyguard: is it actually useful, or is just about anyone better?
Carter Torres
I assumed it was the case, but I really just wanted some outside input. I was rereading the D6 Imperial Sourcebook, and I was thinking of having an undercover Guardsmen join the TIE Squadron that's become my PC's rivals.
Easton Thomas
Same question, for the demolitionist.
Xavier Harris
The problem with bodyguard is not that it is bad mechanically, the problem is that it does a poor job of evoking the feel of being a person who guards bodies. Yes he has the body guard talent, but that is it.
Joshua Reed
That was my concern. Being forced to take Barrage was a serious red flag.
Anthony Young
I heard Yalari only got to keep his still because he pays off the XO with the slightly better rotgut he brews.
Saul Tigh as a terminal-XO aboard a Raider or Gozanti post-Endor
Colton Cook
Hey, that's how the Galaxy works my friend. Someone bigger than you gets the better pickings. I've had worse XOs, so if it keeps him from being a tightass, I'm not going to grumble.
Cooper Fisher
Do any of you think that there will be another X-wing campaign akin to the ones that they did in wave 3/4? Events to get new ships, etc.
My guess is that once the Resistance A-wing is released (Is it the missing SKU?) that they would have enough FO/Resistance ships to do some sort of movie-centric event.
Alternatively, would any of you guys help me write up a campaign for either 2 people or teams to do a Resistance Vs. FO X-wing campaign? I would have no idea about what to do for plot.
Gavin Lopez
Robert Mitchell
Consider Commander: Tactician or Soldier: Vanguard instead.
Improvised detonation looks fun enough to be worth it, imo, but I havent played it.
Jordan Rivera
Whats the trade off from a full size blaster rifle to a blaster carbine?
Lincoln Russell
If you want to guard bodies, you could probably look at the vanguard. Instructor is also not bad at guarding bodies either.
Demolitionist having really easy access to time to go is pretty nice. It's awkward to make full use of him since the class does point to having good mechanics score, but the only explosives in the game so far that use mechanics are the land mines in age of rebellion.
Jayden Bell
Has anyone tried reverse-roling some of the AoR modules for Imperial campaigns? Does it work?
Asking for myself because I've never run an AoR game before and don't want to fuck up too bad either by making a bad homebrew adventure or by fucking up the balance of one of the prebuilts.
Connor Carter
Range. In the FFG RPG only one carbine has long range where many rifles are long range and 7 even have extreme range.
Liam Jones
For FFG? Reduced range. But you also have reduced encumberance.
In lore? More or less the same distinctions between a full rifle and a carbine for the modern foot soldier.
Christian Hill
Range. Creative GMs can probably say carbines have lower ammo capacity too.
Camden James
I noticed that as a more-or-less system virgin and found it a bit puzzling. I don't see stats for demo charges or the like, either, I assumed the DM is expected to make mechanics calls for where to place such items.
Mostly I want Mechanics to complement another PC playing a droid. They'll bring the heavy stuff, I'll pray and spray with the repeater pistol and chuck grenades, I guess.
Jackson Williams
The Mass Combat encounters in Onslaught at Adra I and Friends Like These could be fun for Imperial players. If you ask me, there's nothing more satisfying than crushing a Rebel base with the glorious power of combined arms.
Jack Price
Managed to pick up a first run copy of the D20 SW RPG a few weeks ago for under $20.
Now if only I had friends nearby to play it with[\spoiler]
Did I get a good deal on it? Even if I didn't, it was nice to support a LGS and add it to my collection.
Henry Young
You did get a good deal. D20 SW isn't bad, and it's got a lot of nice fluff material and content to peruse.
I won't lie though, it's usually considered the worst of the three SWRPG systems. Mileage may vary.
Ryder Roberts
>Creative GMs can probably say carbines have lower ammo capacity too. >gewehr 1888 >5 rnd stripper clip >gewehr 1898 >5 rnd stripper clip >karabiner 98k >5 rnd stripper clip ???
Christopher Morris
I actually only just beat Prophecy recently, like a few weeks ago. Was surprisingly good, I had a sour taste in my mouth ever since 4, which was just annoying missile spam and death everywhere.
Sebastian Young
probably just Rebel fighters that I’d paint to be an EU NR squadron, I’d probably only make one team. Maybe buy an X, Y, A, and E and see how I liked the models and rules
Isaiah Roberts
for that getup you are not in a bad situation. Pack some tools to get more leverage out of that mechanics score. The engineer sourcebook is going to flesh out the explosives options, so hopefully that can let you blow stuff up even better. I like the Vibro-leatherman, you might find it a fun tool to give this guy.
And there is nothing wrong with the basic bitch mechanic too.
Looking on ebay, you got a screaming deal.
And it's good that you support your stores.
Logan Perez
don't bring that kind of logic into a star war, m8
Nolan Perez
Basic bitch mechanic doesn't work as well. Her background is that she's a thrill seeking ex-swoop ganger. Bit of a nut. Likes going fast, tinkering, and scraps.
Christian Wood
AoR is mostly about being part of a military/government organization. The real challenge is providing a fun narative, since players fighting for the empire will likely expect to have the full logistical support of the Empire.
You can leave the classes as is for the msot part. Just be more thoughtful about the gear they get, and consider using this duty chart instead of the more rebel focussed one.
>bolt actions Not him, but when I think Carbine I think long-barrel C96, M1A, or Simonov. The Simonov I would not define as a carbine per FFG rules, however. All have more rounds than a Garand however. >go to Modern >carbine or not, it has 30 round magazines Huh.
For Star Wars, the C96 or M1A would be the best model due to the smaller cartridge. Any objections>
Levi Russell
I figured as much, only $18 for a first run copy (and one in good condition to boot).
I spent a good chunk of the summer thinking up a campaign dealing with the post-Endor Coruscant campaign. Didn't have a system picked out for it though.
[Spoiler] To be perfectly honest, I'm new to tabletop gaming and only have experience with playing D&D 5e. And a handful of homebrew campaigns, most of which died before they went anywhere at that. I figured sticking with D20 would be best to start. Still trying to track down a cheap copy of Saga Edition though, since it seems most here are a little more impartial to that.[/Spoiler]
Adam Miller
>implying I'm not an Imperial /k/ommando
Xavier Flores
So no sequel-era stuff?
I could help you make a list if needed, and It would actually help me kill time, since I'm on a train.
Due to the massive cost of outfitting an E-wing, only really potent aces warrant taking one. Combined with it being in-game since wave 4, we've hammered out the competent builds for it.
Normal is 48-49 points, but you can run as low as 42, although I really don't suggest it.
Corran is a hit and run ace with high burst damage- his main and only fear being taking massive amounts of damage in one round.
What would the next ship you would like to include be? Y-wings are 20-38, B-wings are 24-36, X-wings are 22-35, A-wings are 15-36 points.
Jeremiah James
In that case it seems like a decent fit. Hope you and your bro-bot trash can the outer rim
Michael Bailey
That's the idea, cheers.
Jaxson Allen
>All have more rounds than a Garand however. Compare the garand to the kar98k. They're basically the same size.
>For Star Wars, the C96 or M1A would be the best model due to the smaller cartridge. Or just the STG-44 like they used on Hoth.
David Turner
I know this shit is offtopic but it has always amused me how rifles generally shrank over time and that what we call a rifle today was a carbine 50+ years ago, and what *they* called a rifle was a carbine not too much further back than that.
Jayden Stewart
>but the only explosives in the game so far that use mechanics are the landmines in age of rebellion.
Negative. Dangerous Covenant contains placed explosive rules. Proton Grenades, Baradium Bombs, Plasma Charges, etc. These all use mechanics as the check to set them. Pretty key to any demoman who wants to get shit done.
Brayden King
I might as well go more in detail- the build is-
- R2-D2, for shield regeneration. - Engine Upgrade, for maneuverability - Push the Limit, because he needs the action Economy.
Corran has 2 modes- "Come back around forvanother pass", and KILL. He flies by trying to get close-range killshots, and then dodging fire while he regenerates shields to come back and do it again.
Both Push the Limit and R2D2 require green moves which is synergistic, and Engine Upgrade lets him rotate an extra 45 degrees while clearing stress, and cover more distance.
His System slot is the remaining 2/3 points.
- Fire Control System lets him kill stuff incredibly quickly when he gets his close-range also helps his damage output in general.
- Advanced Sensors makes him insanely comically maneuverable. This is the meta choice currently. Per the winner of Gencon this year, it lets you "just dial in a 1-Forward and figure it out later".
What gets me is whenever intermediate-size, high-velocity cartridges saw use, then got ignored during the run-up to the world wars. The 6mm Lee worked. E-11 is a carbine as well. It's just using superior BLASTECH gas chambers.
>25 shit capacity I see India’s stormtrooper program is bearing fruit.
Noah Scott
This shit is why I like that FFG's ammo capacity for blasters is mainly "[Plot] number of shots per power cell and canister".
Landon Hernandez
They recognize that most ground can't be asked to track ammo.
Jacob Stewart
Though to be fair, Genesys keeps this, so even Modern ARs and LMGs contain [plot] amount of bullets.
Nathaniel Murphy
Modern rifles generally shoot higher velocity cartridges, often with more muzzle energy. As technology improved, the requirements for an effective combat arm changed.
Owen Ross
>ground Meant to say groups, obviously.
Hunter Bailey
If the Resistance A-wing gets is own release I think I might just drop the game entirely. I already had issues with the TIE/fo, sf, and the T-70 looking too similar and I literally cannot see any visible difference between the "new" A-wing and the old ones. I would rather see a year or two of purely epic ship releases than something that fucking creatively lazy get into the game as anything more than just a title for the existing A-wing, and I don't even play epic matches.
Jaxon Edwards
I know, but it's still kind of amusing and interesting.
Yep. Though even that works for the kind of action-movie stuff it goes for.
Jace Allen
>tfw no 18×25mmR gf
Camden Sullivan
The new A-wing looks pretty distinctly different to me. It's also larger AFAICT.
All Epic needs is some sort of rules update to stop the really cheesy shit. Some sort of "You must be this fluffy to play" sign or the like.
Lincoln Clark
I don't think it's a missing SKU, but you can bet your ass the RZ-2 will get it's own release. If FFG is nice, they'll bundle some generic A-Wing fixes in too though. FFG was assuredly waiting for the movie to be out, so they didn't have to worry about Disney NDA micromanagement which has fucked them over on movie ships before.
The ship though does actually have not just technological differences but a slightly different visual look though.
Isaiah Flores
Anyone ever run Beyond the Rim? I'm thinking amping up some of it, based on Prometheus: Fire and Stone, namely the part where they run through the jungle getting hunted by xenos. The Nexu fulfill this nicely.
I don't care for the ending, as presented however. Anyone have stories or alternatives on where to go with it?
Benjamin Jones
This is now a space /k/ thread
Kayden Brown
Space /k/ you say?
would this make for a good Moff's personal Blaster?
Charles Cox
>run through the jungle
Hudson Thomas
Unless you play the best/worst agent of the ISB who is a high functioning alcoholic and possibly autistic man with a love for random pop culture references
Chromium Bowcaster
Nathan Martin
For my First Order Epic squadron this is what I'm thinking-
In short, it's a Super-Blackout, a defensive Op-Spec Stridan, 3 Harpoon TIE/SF, one of whom is Quickdraw, and 5 Crackshot Omegas. Everyone has optics, and Stridan is there to keep those tokens active and Blackout unstressed, filling the role of an epic ship, despite being large.
There are some changes that would probably make the list stronger (Stridan vs Dormitz, etc), but honestly, it seems fluffy, fun, and not too cheese-gimmick based.
Jaxon Roberts
>implying it never isn't a space /k/ thread
Listen, when we aren't shitposting about movies, we literally only talk about ships and guns, and chasin' alien ass.
Jordan Davis
One of these days I'm going to get to run the AoR doorkickers game of my dreams
One of these days.
One of these days...
Carson Nelson
I fucking called it. I knew Mon Mothma's call for disarmament would end badly, and now here we are. Well, if any of you had any brains you'd have gone outtarim and made yourself so scarce they'd call you a Legend, like the rest of us did. Now ima just scratch my ass with the Force and make a holocron detailing how to use my weapons caches, and the rest of you losers can deal with Darth Mouse or whatever bullshit is going on back there.
Lincoln Jenkins
Needs a flashlight and oversized flash suppressor.
Alexander Price
Reminder that the baby nambu would be the easiest gun to starwarsify.
Robert Ortiz
Shame Imperial assault doesn't quite work as a super-tactical game.
I wanted to get into it with a couple squads of operator Operators operating operationally, but the meta says no.
Jaxon Cook
What would be featured on the Star Wars equivalent of Forgotten Weapons?
Joshua Hall
That was the joke, yes. >go read up on what green beanie missions actually were >take a few guys, some montagnard tribesmen, and land in the jungle somewhere >only a relatively small amount of clearings to land in >VC figures out pretty quick where they land >suddenly you have 5-8 men running through the jungle while a band of multiple dozens, possibly a hundred, VC hunt them >the mission itself is to find suspected ammo dumps
What a world.
Ian Price
Now I want a space archaeologist who goes and digs up old battlefields looking for guns.
James Parker
What is the best freighter, /wcg/, and why is it the YZ775?
Carter Morris
It already has a flashligth. The thing under the barrel is a 1940s tech flashlight and the copper grip panels are the touch-activation. That one belonged to one of hitlers bodyguards
Mason Fisher
All I can think of is stuff from Star Wars d6 and a few other things that are technically no longer canon. Like the SSK-7 heavy blaster pistol.
Angel Reed
Brayden Gomez
>Hey, we're here at the Coruscant auction house with a real cool piece today >A Sith Empire Deathfuck Killblaster! >*field strips a sith superweapon*
Jackson Green
Somebody pull up that Forgotten Blasters picture
Jordan Harris
>looking for guns >not elegant weapons for a more civilized age
Christian Clark
Can you field strip a lightsaber?
Adrian Adams
Jayden Stewart
I’m no gun enthusiast, but kinda looks like the DT-12 heavy blaster pistol
Matthew Cook
Probably? The Jedi Multi-Tool exists, which is 2 encumberence, but in the show they just sort of slap them together with the force.
Jace Hill
Counterpoint, the Bren gun minus the mag would be even easier >and chasin' alien ass. >TFW ywn fluster your QT twi'lek trap psquadronmate by actually flirting back, and end up learning all the gay cuddlefucking tricks that he implied he knew but actually didn't together in the back of a Ghtroc 720