Let's talk about Water Elves.
Let's talk about Water Elves
I’m sad that I can’t drown them.
I have Sea Elves in my campaign world. They're the elves that stayed behind when elfin Atlantis sank beneath the ocean. They hate all other kinds of elves for abandoning their homeland. They consider themselves the one true elfin people. The other kinds of elves consider Sea Elves dead things that haunt the ruins of their former kingdom. There is credence to this since Sea Elves bleed water and eventually degenerate into Sea Devils or Sahuagin.
Water Elves? You don't know what elves are?
i will fucking kill you
Dammit, Carlos.
you fucking triple naga
>Water Elves
>Hey look they're elves, except these ones live in the water!
This is why I fucking hate elves, and elf-lovers like you. You have this whole new world to create fantastical creatures to interact with, and what do you do? Fifteen fucking flavors of elf. You uncreative, lazy PHILISTINES. Explain to me how an elf fits in an undersea environment. Fucking explain to me what makes water elves different from elf elves. Oh, nothing except for the fact that they live in the water? Okay. So they're JUST A FUCKING ELF. Why do you have to have a special super different type of elf just because their kingdom is in a different environment? No one else feels the need to have a whole fucking subrace for every variation. Oh, my character is an X. Here's their origin. Done. But ooooh noooo, I'm not just playing an elf from the forest. No, see, they're a Wood Elf, which means they're special-er than if I had just called them an elf and had their backstory involve living in a forest town.
And now, in this thread, you take the most open-ended setting for creature design, an ocean, the place where bizarre translucent shit and mammals the size of freight trains exist, and your idea of a fitting race isn't a unique sentient octopus or some kind of tribe of mermaids pulling from folklore. Oh no, you just transplant your fucking knife-ears and slap the word water in front of them.
>Water elf
>Wood elf
>High elf
>Dark elf
These are just ELVES. No one describes "sand humans" or "grass halflings" or "low orcs". Why the fuck do you people get a pass for this? Christ Almighty, you faggots are worse than Space Marine autists talking about how every one of the 8000 chapters of identical space knight is soooooooo unique.
Fuck you. Just fuck you six ways 'til Tuesday.
Is this really anything to get upset about?
People like elves. It's not about being uncreative or lazy, it's having fun and tying into the original lore, with there being light and dark elves in Norse mythology, which Tolkien also expanded with his own varieties of elves, including the Sea-elves, the Teleri.
>These are just ELVES. No one describes "sand humans"
In a way, we do have "nomad people" or "island people" and "desert people", and while we call some of them Mongolians and Polynesians and Arabs, it wouldn't really be too strange for someone to poetically call them something simpler and more descriptive. I mean, when it comes down to it, Polynesians are basically being called "Many Island People".
Would it be so strange to talk about Island Elves?
That was so disappointing. A great buildup which suddenly went absolutely nowhere.
>No one describes "sand humans"
The merfolk in my setting happen to be elves who adapted to the water.
However, there are also three species of human rocking about, so there's also that.
what about them?
They sail and live on boats their entire lives? they have fleets of ships instead of cities? they have big fuck off ships enchanted and propelled by sails unmatched by mortal keen.
Well it goes somewhere if you're some kind of repressed prude, but this is Veeky Forums so... yeah, pretty disappointing.
Elves are just a shitty ripoff of Djinns, and those can originate from a lot of things (light, fire, water, earth...) and each element is it's own kingdom, so water elf is as bad as "elf" itself, but I have to admit that adding a flavor of elves when you have a whole fucking sea of possibilities (no pun intended) is horrendous even mermaids or altantians are better.
You know both the Philipines and Greek had myths of Elf-esque people that lived deep underwater.
Water Elves are not a tabletop rpg original, just the name.
What if elven words for human races actually mean things like sand humans, snow humans, steppe humans?
You're not wrong, but what do you propose?
>in my general rehaul of the canonical races I had an idea for aquatic magical people being basically prone to telepathy and shit. Melanchonic but artistic as fuck guys, what I'm thinking for the their capital is half-submerged coral Venice. Not really "elfin" tough, a little on the chubby side.
Man, if JollyJack only just toned down the furriness ever so slightly I'd love the fuck out of him. It's so rare to see cartoon porn that's so humorous and self-aware (or for that matter, Western cartoon porn where the art isn't absolute garbage).
I hate how often the ocean is misused. Every episode of a T.V. show where they "go to atlantis" is fucking boring. Aquaman is boring, you get it.
So I wanted to change that, not because I have an autistic sea-boner (I'm actually pretty afraid of the ocean in real life), but because I like a challenge. Meet the Nymphos, my (incredibly clever (/s)) take on Water Elves.
There's this ocean goddess, and she gets bored of being the only sentient thing in the ocean, so she creates the Lhampry, except they turn out really fucked up and come to resent her for creating them, so they declare war on her. She gets terrified, and creates the Nymphos, who are your typical "elves", but with neck-gills, head fins, but have only mermaid tails. They build giant temples to their goddess, and wage war against the Lhampry. The Goddess blames the Lhampry on a minor god named Ohrduht, and he resents her, claiming them as his own. Eventually, an exodus of the gods occur, and the Nymphos and Lhampry are stuck in conflict, until Nymphos are granted the ability to walk on both land and sea, no one knows how, and all archives of this have been deleted (cont.?)
>Fucking explain to me what makes water elves different from elf elves. Oh, nothing except for the fact that they live in the water?
They can breathe underwater, speak to fish, bleed water, and eventually turn into sahuagin after a streak as a serial killer.
You're making a big fucking deal over what is essentially ethnic groups of fantasy races, you autistic faggot.
That's exactly what it is. Hell, the names ethnic groups give each other can literally be "people of place" in their own language. This shit is basic and old nomenclature.
They live primarily underwater, but use converted ships led by sails or pulled by sea beasts to assault other ships or travel long distances across their waters. They also have coastal villages on land, like land people have coastal villages on the water for fishing.
>Hey look they're humans, except these ones live in the desert!
This is why I fucking hate humans, and human-lovers like you. You have this whole new world to create fantastical creatures to interact with, and what do you do? Fifteen fucking flavors of humans. You uncreative, lazy PHILISTINES. Explain to me how an human fits in an hot, arid environment. Fucking explain to me what makes desert men different from regular men. Oh, nothing except for the fact that they live in the desert? Okay. So they're JUST A FUCKING HUMAN. Why do you have to have a special super different type of human just because their kingdom is in a different environment? No one else feels the need to have a whole fucking subrace for every variation. Oh, my character is an X. Here's their origin. Done. But ooooh noooo, I'm not just playing an human from the forest. No, see, they're a "Iriquois Human", which means they're special-er than if I had just called them a human and had their backstory involve living in a forest town.
And now, in this thread, you take the most open-ended setting for creature design, an desert, the place where bizarre giant storms and mammals the size of freight trains exist, and your idea of a fitting race isn't a unique sentient goat or some kind of tribe of dune-coons pulling from folklore. Oh no, you just transplant your fucking goat-rapists and slap the word "sand" in front of them.
>Sand Man
>Wood Man
>High Man
>Dark Man
These are just HUMANS. No one describes "sand humans" or "grass halflings" or "low orcs". Why the fuck do you people get a pass for this? Christ Almighty, you faggots are worse than Space Marine autists talking about how every one of the 8000 chapters of identical space knight is soooooooo unique.
Fuck you. Just fuck you six ways 'til Tuesday.
Let's talk about land merfolk
Merfolk would have villages on land on the coast to do the work that can't be done underwater, like metalworking. These villages would also be centers of trade between land and sea peoples.
After beginning to walk on land, there was a major schism between within the race. Half wanted to stay faithful, while half wanted to explore this brave new world. The ones that left became "Nymphs", who found their bizarre, otherworldly nature had a significant allure, and used their wiles to gain footing in the world.
The other half, the "faithful", established nunnery-esque orders to keep the Lhampry away from the surface, and contrast their cousins by being chaste, devout, secluded, and disciplined.
This is justified in my setting. The god of elves is a gigantic narcissist so he had his creation torn apart and distributed among his pantheon for them to shape to their liking, straying too far from the base high elf cost every subrace something.
Sky elves and sea elves (the most exotic variants) are retarded in their own unique way for example, this is why Sky Elves are near extinct and Sea Elves are confined to a couple of citadels and protected by mutant dolphins.
In the beginning there were even more kinds of elves with garish differences who were swifly obliterated by the cruel world. The god thinks it was worth it because in his words "the world was truly beatiful for a little moment".
The Teleri got what they had coming to them, Feanor did nothing wrong, sea peoples ruin everything
i agree
but what would be a cool /d/ friendly punchline?
>using elves instead of sahuagin
Oh right, they're not pretty enough
Because they are different things?
In fact Sekolah is pretty much the archnemesis of Deep Sashelas and sahuagin and sea elves fight each other all the time
Why not both?
They drown if kept out of water for like 12h.
Western porn art is so fucking bad it breaks my heart.
>I’m sad that I can’t drown them.
In ancient Greece, elves drown you!
The Morgen Queens of Ys? The elves that fled the coming of man and iron by taking shelter beneath the waves in the city of brass and crystal? Bah, they're a myth, surely?
Though... There are tales of figures half-glimpsed in the mist... Green-skinned men with seaweed for hair and webbed fingers, clad in bronze and walking as honour guards for women of breath taking beauty and magical power, riding atop horses with manes of fire... But only a fool or a hero would chase after such legends.
Virt? Is that you?
>This is why I fucking hate elves, and elf-lovers like you.
This desu.
>Elves are just a shitty ripoff of Djinns
Aren't elves inspired from Scandinavian/Germanic forest spirits ?
>those can originate from a lot of things (light, fire, water, earth...)
I thought Quran describes them as originating solely from fire ?
Modest kek
Island Humans
Great Plains Humans
Jungle Humans
Mountain Humans
Why did John William Waterhouse paint the best mermaids, nymphs, and sirens? What gives?
>eddie murphy
Thay also have a weird hivemind-like thing, worship primordial chaos gods, have a mystical affinity to wheels and speak in chirping?
Why do we have all crazy kinds of elves, but all dwarves look the same?
i like'em blue
I like how moist they are
>High Dwarves
These dwarves are taller than most others and can be almost as tall as humans. They live in great mountain halls and are legendary craftsmen.
>Dark Dwarves
Living in the deepest caverns and mines, these dwarves have dark grey skin and large pointy ears that can detect the faintest of sounds. Their beards are made of bioluminescent whiskers that help them navigate in the darkness and the light they emit becomes brighter the closer they are to precious metals or gems. This is why dark dwarves are so good at mining. Women don't have beards, their whiskers form sideburns on their cheeks instead.
>Wood Dwarves
These dwarves live in the dark woods, building their homes out of bones of wood monsters. Their bonework is rather sophisticated, they make hinges and joints from bones, and produce architectural marvels that are sturdier than masonry buildings. Female shamans practive a form of magic where they carve wooden masks of animals or spirits and gain powers of said animals or spirits when wearing them.
>Desert Dwarves
Bronze skinned dwarves who roam the vast deserts of the east in their brass and sandstone fortresses that glide through dunes moved by the power of their enchanted clockwork hearts. These dwarves used to form a caste of high dwarven tinkers and engineers, but were banished when their mechanical servants went out of control.
>Sea Dwarves
This peculiar race of dwarves has developed a symbiotic relationship with certain polyps that grow on some parts of their bodies, as well as inside their lungs, allowing them to breathe underwater. They also grant the dwarves a soecial magical ability to shape and mold corals with thier fingernails. They build wondrous coral palaces and make all sorts of decorations from corals and pearls. Their beards are made of multitudes or very thin tentacles that catch and digest tiny sea creatures.
I've got Dwarves for each kind of giant, since they're directly related in a sense.
that's rascist
I like my dwarves divided by deep, DEEP ideological schism and who would sooner consider a human or an elf as dwarf than accept the (insert dwarven civ here) as the same race.
Except that, to every other race they act pretty much the same. The differences are not trivial, mind you, but they do not affect their behaviour that much. Only their history, heritage, sacred rites, values and maybe, MAYBE some of their attitudes and aesthetic sense. But only a little bit.
and they all drink like sailors and talk with a Scottish accent.
>water elves
All elves are inherently sea-faring in nature because of the call to pilgrimage to Valinor.
Pic only slightly related.
>not using fish elves