What's the most kino fantasy race and why is it mushroom folk?
What's the most kino fantasy race and why is it mushroom folk?
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she has man hands, completely ruined
Nah, her hands are just thicc
Thri-kreen/mantis people/bug people in general
Dryads and mushroom folk
Why does it seem like avians are always so overlooked and underused? Would they really be that OP?
My favorite fantasy race right now is the centaur, which is weird, because for the longest time I disliked them because of their lower half and horse pussy
But now I’m interested in them because of how they would work in a setting
Crab added a mushroom girl to Monster Musume?
>For Spores to be produced apparently other conditions must be met first
>Horse pussy
user, please, the horse dick is shockingly vogue.
Mushroom folk are the absolute shit. My players always look forward to meeting THE ROOT whenever one of its hosts happens to be around. Chillest hivemind in the multiverse, and it knows where the best drugs are.
But you said "kino" so fuck off back to /tv/ and kill yourself fag. we can still be friends
A long time ago.
>But you said "kino" so fuck off back to /tv/
I think he was making a pun about kinoko.
Dude, I stopped reading that manga after the Mero Hotel arc so I have no idea what’s happened since then.
Is it worth catching up?
Not only are you correct, but that's actually quite funny when you put it that way.
Oh god keep it away from Laius.
The fuck does kino mean.
I'm going to look that up.
Jesus christ, that's the most pretentious shit I've ever heard. Am I being trolled? Is the WORLD trolling me?
I can't tell if that's really clever or completely retarded.
It’s a /tv/ meme born from efforts to categorize movies as “flicks, films, movies, cinema, and kino,” with kino being so artsy and high brow you can’t not apply it to the dumbest shit and insist it was actually good.
I see.
So I must poison the ocean.
It would be a good start.
Humanity’s doing a good enough job of that already, but an extra hand can’t hurt.
I guess I'll go source cheap, water soluble poisons.
I wonder where they got those sludge factories in captain planet, I need one.
So The Room would be kino?
>Mmm, Skeksis HELP little Gelfling, yes? Hmmmm...
Depends on the setting.
Alright non-answer out of the way there are several setting factors that really need to be kept in mind when you introduce any flying race not just birbs.
For example, gary, nobody should ever want to play a magic user, gygax let them have fly, but had to be convinced over a week just to let magic missile always hit. Why? Because the way he played the game, and as a result tailored its rules to, took place almost exclusively underground, you know. In dungeons, and being able to fly is much less consistently useful underground.
So the kind of game (something rulebooks only have so much of a say in) is going to be the biggest factor here. How prevalent are ranged weapons? What's the predominant terrain? Is the gm ok with having to overdesign the shit out of any above ground movement based challenge (birbs render any puzzle or challenge focused on 3d movement moot without a heavy design focus on not being birb friendly, and additional time to mask that so it doesn't seem like you're purposely shitting on the person you let play a birb). The list goes on.
I use them in a renaissance inspired powder fantasy game, they excel in some environments (sailors fuckign love them for example), but the second someone picks a fight, the first thing on their mind always needs to be "how many arquebuses are there, and is dropping cover going to be worth the height advantage?". Should be a pretty interesting fight when I finally drop a group of brigands with a birb who is carrying a dozen powder bombs on the party.
Tfw "kino" just means "flick" in Russian
I see you but I also raise you.
Why is it always [real life thing]-folk?
Are we that creatively bankrupt?
So, given that an octopus' mouth is located between the tentacles, how exactly do the holes on this creature work?
Probably because we have a solid understanding of [real life thing] in real life and can easily extrapolate that to fantasy elements and grok it when we encounter or read about it. [abstract concept] folk might sound swell in your head but will probably get played and used a lot less than you hope in practice.
The same way kekomimi with both human and animal ears work.
Artists that don't give a shit.
They are called "froggirls", you fuck.
And "cinema" in german.
The stagnation of fantasy is a feedback loop between content creators and audience.
Frogposters get out.
This is how i shroom
Dark Souls is so epic holy shit
most of a mushroom is underneath the stalk
the stalk is made only to eventually release spores
what does that make mushroom folk?
Mobile, sapient genitals.
Different kind of mushrooms
Damm, right in the feels.
That quest was good, and mushroom girl was best waifu.
A bard?
>Are we that creatively bankrupt?
No, you just have an idealized concept of what creativity is, it has always been about chewing up and spitting out
Idk if you ever played the game shining force on the Sega genesis, but it has centaurs as one of the main races. Unsurprisingly, they're knights, although one can learn magic spells.
>one one Vagánia
I prefer goats myself.
I would like to hear more about THE ROOT.
It never gets old.
t. Muhammad
>muh kino
fuck off back to /tv/ with your shitty memes
I'm fond of rat people. A bit feral, but without as much furry as you get with the bigger animals. Preferably human size, as if you make them small you start to get more pet bleed-over. The Burmecians from FF9 were great.
>not having a beastfolk race for every animal
>not having multiple invertebrate races based off real bugs
>not having mermaids with bottom halves of many kinds of animals (like mershrimp and meroctopi like Ursula)
>not having weird cave people
>not having dwarfs and hobbits and brownies and gremlins and halflings and making them all closely related
>not having a million zillion elf variants
>not having "humans but better" races like Nemedians from Irish myth or weird "like adam and eve" progenitors humans but live to be like 900 because bible
>not having multiple races of giants closely tied with the elements of their native lands
>not having entire races of shapeshifters
>not having completely nonsensical biology to create races like living slime molds and living pollen
>not having all the orcs, ogres, and goblinoids
>not having weird ass races made of animate objects came to life but have since become their own races
>not having opposite alignment versions of all of the above.
It's almost like you have shit taste.
>Furfag talking about shit taste
Oh the ironing
Pretty perfect list.
I'd only add in some flavor of birdpeople and you're set.
Giants. Gets to be a human-like race without being elves or Dwarves, and you get to make pretty much everything before bigger, with more scale.
Some neat stuff her but altogether that's just too much shit going on
>opposite alignment versions
>using alignment in your world building as anything more than, maybe, a rough inspiration
I need to admit that thing is really cute
but at the same time her body makes me feel funny, she is big in some places...
>but at the same time her body makes me feel funny, she is big in some places...
Welcome to puberty, you have a lot of amazing discoveries to make.
did somebody say MUSHROOM PEOPLE
Jerry, it's not a big deal.
And that's all I have.
I would probably this octogirl, assuming that's a vagina and not a mouth between her tentacles there.
There are still other orifices and appendages user.
That's why scifi races are superior. Farscape had the best ones
If i was ever going to magical realm a playgroup it'd probably be this.
First we've had a serious /v/ infestation the past couple weeks and now /tv/ is here?
Are the other boards all raiding Veeky Forums or something?
The pussy is the mouth and the mouth is a pussy
>the joke
>your head
Look at her name
Problem with mushroom girls is that they're all sluts.
They've got really loose morels
Shroomgirls ain't nothing but bitches and spores
Oops, this thread’s still up. The Root is a hivemind commune of psychic fungi that like to consume/pollinate in corpses, adding their thinking power to the collective. The Root only fights in self defense, and prefers to spread like a chill religious experience (“Sapient, have you ever heard of THE ROOT?”). They speak in a slow, methodical pattern, like something composed by committee. They also enjoy new experiences, and are an excellent information network due to their perfect eclectic memory and instant communication abilities. Some of their byproducts are hallucinogenic, which they trade with other races for garbage and waste.
>So the kind of game (something rulebooks only have so much of a say in)
This is actually one of the biggest hurdles facing the designers of D&D. Game design is not the same thing as adventure design, but they're deeply interdependent. But the expectation is that D&D should be able to accommodate a endless variety of different adventure types, even ones that would require fundamentally incompatible game design elements to do them justice.
Pink best slimefu
>doot doot
I'm imagining this right now!
I'd rather 1 vagina and 6 dicks than 7 useless holes
Cuz ur a gay
Do you have 7 dicks?
insectoids that aren't generic evil hive mind race
N-no. The seventh one is more of a grasper tentacle