Since the previous ones surprisingly popular and I got interested in the game thanks to them, let's try having another Epic General.
1st and only rule: don't post caster/recaster information or material.
>Where do I get the rules? It's based off of the Epic Armageddon rule set, otherwise known as Epic 4th Ed, with some minor changes and new army lists. The Epic30k supplement.
>Where do I get those fan made minis that show up everywhere? You go on any of the Facebook groups for Epic and lurk. Eventually ask politely if anyone has them for sale or trade and you might get a PM from someone who has contact info. Asking outright as your first message in any of these places will get you ignored.
>Where else can I get miniatures? There is a lot of old epic stuff on Ebay and some manufacturers produce good proxies, like and
>What's the game like? Players alternate using parts of their armies called formations rather than moving and fighting with their entire force. Morale and fatigue is represented by giving “Blast Markers” to a formation when something bad happens to it, which gradually makes it less effective and stops more and more units in the formation from acting until they rally. The scale makes units with longer range weapons or high movement speed stand out more, makes maneuvering more important and allows for the use of many units that are super heavy or above in Warhammer 40 000, such as baneblades, fliers, knights and even titans. While still keeping regular tanks and infantry relevant and effective.The new 30k stuff is also great, thought development is apparently dead.
Woa,, so this warhammer with smaller minis to represent even bigger armies, sounds interesting amd unique.
By the way, how hard is to paint those small details? I can only imagine that these minis requires even more work to make them look as good as those two pictures show them to be
Gavin Wright
From what I understand it's mainly heavy dry brushing with washes, and maybe a few details with a crazy small brush.
Blake Edwards
Painting is easier and well battles are bigger the main appeal is the games greater strategic depth.
Ian Jenkins
Can Sisters of Battle be played in Epic or did they never get rules?
Juan Jackson
Did they ever release rules for the Elysians ? I always wanted to do a massed flyer/paratrooper army in normal 40k but the flyers are expensive and considered cheap thanks to the stigma from older editions.
Isaiah Turner
They must have a list somewhere, since they are in the army list builder for NetEA
They seem to be an experimental list but I think most opponents would allow it. And if not you can just run tons of stormtroopers in Valkeries with tons of air support.
Interesting, I don't know the game well enough to evaluate the fanmade ones.
How do Space Marines play? I might try 'SOB as Space Marines' (Similar weapons, same armour etc).
Joshua James
That would work honestly, and regular marines work like how you would expect them to. Without modifiers their orders always go off, and they have good armour saves plus solid stats all around. A jack of all trades pretty much. Now I don't know about the specific Chapter rules, as I know White Scars for instance are (obviously) a lot faster and favor fully mounted armies.
Grayson Bailey
If any, Salamanders are likely the most fitting.
Caleb Moore
How 'elite' are they? I recall people saying that Epic marines are super-elite.
Carson Phillips
They’re elite in the fact they’re not as easy to use as a Space Marine is to use in regular 40k. Against some armies Space Marines will be harder to use because you will have fewer detachments and this fewer activations compared to your opponent. Imperial Guard is considered the starter army for this game.
Jack White
Interesting. What are their main strengths?
John Butler
Space Marines have Terminators which you can teleport. They’re tough in assault but if you don’t win the Strategy roll the turn you decide to teleport them in you can get fucked over. Also the Thunderbus strategy (Two thunderhawks with a unit of Terminators) is pretty ridiculous. Basically you’re able to assault with Termies in a Thunderhawk and as long as you win you can bring the 2nd THawk in to transport them off the table, rinse and repeat. Also 1+ Initiative rating plus needing two blast markers to suppress a unit instead of 1 is pretty nice considering your Detachments will be small.
Josiah Perry
Right. I'm...not 100% sure what I'd use for SOB on that front. They don't really have a Terminator or Thunderhawk equivalent. Maybe Celestians for the former (Since they are elite but they are not terminator armour equivalent).
Leo Russell
Newbie here planning my first purchase, how is this for Steel Legion?
Steel Legion (Epic UK) 3000pts
Regimental HQ [650] Supreme Commander, 12 Infantry, 7 Chimera, Fire Support Platoon plus transport (4 Fire Support and 2 Chimeras)
Infantry Company [250] Commander, 12 Infantry
Tank Company [650] Leman Russ x9, 1x Vanquisher
Rough Rider Platoon [150] 6 Rough Riders
Sentinel Squadron [100] 4 Sentinels
Super-heavy Tank Platoon [200] Baneblade
Super-heavy Tank Platoon [200] Baneblade
Super-heavy Tank Platoon [200] Baneblade
Vulture Squadron [300] 4 Vultures
Thunderbolt Fighters [150] 2 Thunderbolts
Thunderbolt Fighters [150] 2 Thunderbolts
Joshua Butler
I've done this in Dirtside II and Future War Commander.
Dylan Bell
How do you get terrain for 6mm?
Christian Green
Is this a normal table?
Kevin Lopez
You can pretty much shut that down when you have AA (ground or air based) on the other side
To my mind this is the best combined arms tactical ruleset ever made and I have thought of adapting it to WW2 more times than I care to remember (I know, there are 2 adaptations already)
Space Marines are an Elite force due to their hard hitting nature, but they are pretty inflexible, formation-wise, which requires you to actually use things like combined assaults and double activations, choosing your battles carefully. They also struggle against titans given that they lack titan killer weapons, but that only means you must take titan support of your own, which is also fun!
Charles Howard
That's a nice first attempt at a list, though there are a couple of things you maybe should keep in mind and perhaps change:
1) one of the victory conditions is called "Break their Spirit" - this means that you must destroy (not just break, but completely annihilate) the enemies most expensive formation. Right now, you have two of those (Regt HQ and Tank Coy).
2) you lack artillery, which is great fun when IG uses it
I'd probably solve those problems by removing the Fire Support (FS) from the Regt HQ and giving it to the foot infantry company, then use the 50 remaining points (from the FS's Chimeras) and combine it with one of the Baneblade's points to buy a Basilisk Artillery Battery (which has a humongous range that can pretty much shoot anything on the table right from the start). I'd also substitute one of the Baneblades for a Shadowsword for its Titan Killer cannon.
Other than that, it looks nice!
Ryan Diaz
not really - that is from one of the longest running campaign stories around - it's from EATotalWar campaign, I believe - he makes great tables and stories.
Charles Fisher
Scratch build it or look at N-Gauge train stuff.
Leo Rivera
some clubs have a dedicated terrain guy that can sell you some stuff, or a couple garage companies making terrain. you can find cold war terrain easily in 6mm, even if it's lacking in the gothic department. I've seen a very cool modular fortress wall line recently (sadly the guy went under since)
Colton Taylor
Jaxson Barnes
Anyone know how orks are supposed to play and a good starting list for them?
Noah Gonzalez
Thanks user. Any reason you suggest basilisks over bombards or manticores? Just curious, since I'll get basilisks anyway because they look nice.
Samuel Evans
You're welcome!
The reason I'd go for basilisks other than looks (I also like them a lot) is that they're not slow firing, which means you'll get to fire them every turn. They have the added incentive that they can be used as long range direct fire AT/AP platforms.
If you had 2 arty batteries, then I'd opt for Manticores on both batteries, and shell out Disrupting barrages, which are more effective, given that hits, not kills, inflict Blast Markers on the target formation.
Wyatt Garcia
Orks are supposed to go for the close combat, but there are other nice toys and list options. I like to go for lots of small Blitz Brigades combining 1 Gunwagon/2 Flakwagons or the other way around and 1 Oddboy with a Supa-zapp (MW3+ TK) which are 200 pts and zip around the table as a MW delivery formation. I may include 2-3 of these
I also use a Supa Stompa with 3 Supa Guns for the 6 BP MW barrage accompanied by 3 Stompas, for a hard as nails Break Their Spirit
Most times I include 1-2 big warbands on foot that deploy garrisoned in and around an objective and slowly slog forward
Deploying bikes on the backfield of the opponent with a Landa is also a nice option that drops a highly mobile close combat formation on the rear! It's awesome!!!
What is the best way to put blast markers on an enemy formation before an assault as Imperial Guard?
Robert White
The Elysians were a 40k response to the introduction of the IG flyers in Epic. Build an air drop IG list and you have Elysians already...
Logan Thomas
A quote from 40k summarizes it nicely. "The Guard are the Hammer of the Emperor. The Astartes are His Scalpel."
You use IG to advance across the table pounding the crap out of whatever your opponent brings in range of those huge artillery batteries or the companies of LR and heavier.
You use Marines to pounce on objectives, enemy commanders, and other strongpoints by using TBird, Pod, or Teleporter drops. Marines are NOT the idea board crawl army.
This is why IG and Marines together on a table are death incarnate for most opponents.
Austin Hughes
Kayden Flores
Basilisks or Manticores, is the extra blast markers really worth firing every other turn like this user says?
What is the point of upgrades if I need to maximize activations?
Kayden Parker
So what's the "correct" way to field your infantry, five in a line or like pick related ?
Christ I want to play that.
Anthony Bennett
From the rules: A stand may be no more than 40mm and no less than 5mm across in any direction. A stand must be at least 20mm across in one direction (i.e., a 5mm by 5mm stand is not allowed, but a 5mm by 20mm stand would be okay). Stands representing infantry units must have at least three infantry models and may not have more than seven. Infantry mounted on bikes or horses must have between two and four models mounted on each base. Stands representing artillery must have between one and two artillery pieces and up to six crew models.
Jack Kelly
five in a line is tactically better due to the game mechanics (touch a tank, take cover, prevent infiltrations,...)
Kayden Moore
What is that?
Jason Hernandez
Generic 6mm sci-fi wargames.
Jaxson Hall
I'm the user.
I think it depends on the opponent you're facing. If he is rather difficult to supress or has good saves, like marines, for example, the extra BM's are very good. Indeed you don't even have to wait every other turn to fire, if you fire some weapons instead of all of them in a battery (say a 2-weapon barrage turn 1 then a 1-weapon turn 2, and so on)
The point of upgrades is that they add sinergy to some formations and/or staying power to others. I'd probably prefer a 500 point ork stompa+supa-stompa mob (3+1) then 2 x 225 points 3 strong stompamobs - it's much harder to break, very difficult to supress unless you screw up by having the stompas behind, and once broken, provided you have a living supa-stompa, not prone to extra casualties due to blast markers being inflicted upon it.
Logan Price
lol, I just made a mistake - I'm the user, not the one I just quoted :)