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Here it is ladies and gentleman, my magnum opus; Starry fucking Knights.
For best viewing, set the zoom to “page fit”
I still couldn’t figure out how to save it so it did that automatically.
I had planned on doing some long, dramatic, gay speech, but I'll keep the theatrics to a minimum.
I'll be lurking to answer any questions and concerns. I'm almost always lurking anyway.
Also, feel free to point out any errors, spelling or otherwise. I don't plan on going back to the lab for at least a week though, so take that as you will.
I already spotted one thing wrong, but oh well. I've already taken off my pants for today.
And the oh so mysterious mystery box of mystery!
It’ll make more sense to only look at this once you see it mentioned in SK, but I’m not your dad. You do you.
>Celtios, Herald of Eternity
Yes, I’m posting a premade build to knick the “first build” for SK. Sue me.
21yr old Human male, born in Olaf’s Hold on Calaphoon. Currently residing in Al’catar for a vacation with my guild. I am a Conscript trained as a Warrior, Reaver class. Solo and Guild Leader of Owl’s Cloak. Devout follower of Drengr Lündreykr.
[135 Training Points, 45 Shard Points, 1.22m Brouzouf]
>Suit Type
>Structural Upgrades
Star-Metal Plating, Star-Silk Weave, Simple Wards, Astra Shield Mark VII, Hazmat Systems, Locomotion Adjuster
>Vizor Software
Thermal, Nightvision, Tetrahertz Radar, Third Eye, Nerve Endlink
>Chassis Upgrades
Internal Repair, Bio:stasis, Tendril;Hack
>Combat Attachments
Rail Rifle, Tk Module
Adhesion, Propulsion Jets, Flight
>Personal Tech
H.U.D, Web-Link, Satcomms, Onboard Library, Guardian Drone, Dress Shift Systems
>AI Personality
Learning, Waifu, Personalized
>AI Specializations
Combat, Exploration, Tech
>AI Connection
>Brouzouf left over after building Suit
Fuck. I’m poor again. Deus said that he was giving my that cash, so I technically didn’t spend any of my own money. Hopefully my bank account is a bit bigger.
(1/4) It's a big one
Class - Reaver
Str - 7 (+1 when using Fire’s Herald)
Dex - 5 (+1 when using Fire’s Herald)
Con - 5
End - 5
AsC - 5
MP - 2
Will - 3
Int - 2
>Skill Set
Cooking, Archivist, Charisma;Persuasion, Astral Attunement
I am a herald of Eternity. As such, I must have vast knowledge of the past and a sense for things not of the physical realm. This will aid my journeys greatly as I search for truth.
>Weapon Proficiency
Polearm(Swordspear) primary, Hybridization(Focus).
Great reach with a nice and heavy blade, benefiting greatly from my strength and skill. It would also be pretty versatile to be able to cast enhanced magic with it. This is a weapon made just for me, my whispering partner. A grand black cross.
>Physical Arts [-135]
Staunch Will, Astral Conversion, Intensive Training x5, Ageless, Hardened Body, Steeled Bone, Explosive Muscles, Extension, Berserker Shift, Gore Hands, Martial Artist, Hyper Sense
>Astral Arts [-45]
Absolute Shield, Flame Dancer, Intensive Training x2
I don’t have much MP, so these are emergency use only.
kek, I forgot about that. Those storms were glorious.
>Companions [15 Max due to being a Guild Leader]
Sandra Fullmetal, Stella Stern, Tella Nox, Val Grett, Vex Grett, Deln Surva, Lana Saek, Vanessa Mrk2, [UNKNOWN], Amanda, Simon & Lilly, David the dwarf, Natasha, Sly’var Forn, and Android.
>Android;War-Delver - 20 Training Points & 50 Shard Points
Designation - Ophilia Mizore from R+V in terms of looks, maybe in a maid outfit too. The ones with the long fluffy dress, not the slutty ones.
Stats - 2/4/5/5/5/4/2/2
Weapon - Focus
Physical Arts - Climber, Staunch Will, Intensive Training
Astral Arts - Mending Touch, Frost Dancer, Smoke and Mirrors, Switch, Astral Charge, Intensive Training
>Mystery Box
Invitation accepted, the plea of the woman accepted as well.
>My Quests
Explore the power of the Shards
Beyond it All
Better to Rule.
Nothing, Something, and (You)
I know a great many things, the most important being the secrets of history and creation. My followers and I walk the path of Eternity. Most of the time though, we wander Al’catora in search of the ancient histories and secrets of ages past. We take jobs and protect the random village or two, spreading hope and joy as we do it. Together of our own strengths, not under the Council, that is how we should help others. I also happen to be the cook of Owl’s Cloak, not just its leader. Most nights everyone waits on the edge of their seats for my meals. We’re all a family searching for our lights. All of us have a few skeletons in the closet, but that doesn’t matter. Everyday we all try to be better people, helping eachother grow. In combat my strength and speed can ascend past my limits with Drengr’s smoke, my Reaver class skill, and even my Berserker Shift if backed into a corner. The harder I’m hit, the harder I hit back. When I need to recover, Ophilia can provide support or even “switch” out with me to fight up close with her ice magic. Once I catch my breath I can swap right back in so she can get to safety. This one-two punch combo can leave any foe I meet overwhelmed and quickly slain.
Standing on the streets of Raknarok, I feel no desire to win the games, only to find a way to save them from its curse. I can restore this world as it was before Corruption ever reached it. After that, I will turn my eyes once again to the path of the Eternity and work to build a better world through my strength.
Bitch I think you're missing a fucking name!
Nevermind, carry on.
Love you too buddy.
I forgot to change the Guild Leader description to say 15 instead of 25 companions.
Please forgive my mental defuncts, I have no excuse.
phone is strangely obviously choice for me, even though i'm not super tech savvy. time travel ala "runaways" {good show and comic} is not about going back or forward, but choosing the best path. almost unlimited post and pre-cognition and certain characters can travel thru phones so befriending dc's the atom and doraemon, so i can borrow gadgets and gift him with Dorayaki. super fun time.
Guild Leader, 15 instead of 25
Mask, "she were recruited." Really?
Dr. White, wrong quote
Abigail, last line
Still going through it
I haven't slept for three days, but this amount of mistakes is fucking ridiculous. My bad.
I'll go in to the lab tomorrow and fix everything I'm aware of.
>Golden Fortune Cookie
-Grass Jelly
-Almond Biscuit
-Old Military Cap
-Jade Ring
>Girl: Gou best fortune cookie
Become a super hero and use jelly to conceal my secret identity.
Let's have a little fun.
>Fortune Cookie: Golden
>Desserts: Red Bean Soup, Almond Biscut
>Trinkets: Jade Ring, Bent Spoon
>Fellow Diner: Zhu
>Price: Sick (Me)
And that's how I came down with... I dunno, bubonic plague or something.
Ho shiet, this is meaty as fuck.
>Tfw lost all steam on my cyoa
>Tfw Christmas was a disappointment
>Can't do quality work while I'm upset
Guess twins are gonna have to wait even longer now
gay angels have too many shard points
>finally get around to finishing my Guardian build after being busy all evening
>post without scrolling down
>there was a new thread almost an hour ago
But user, they lose training points and are assholes.
I saw it user. Good job.
Dude you have a fucking 100+ page cyoa. You got an excuse.
>Waffle Cookie
"You would surely last forever, through legend or some other means." A shot at immortality is better than nothing, so lets do it
>Grass Jelly
Always need shapeshifting, Shame it can't permanently alter my human appearance though, even one...
>Custard Tart
Pocket Dimensions are incredibly useful even without it also providing whatever I happen to need at the moment. I'm going to a new world, so I'll need a home more than anything, or just a home away from home on the road.
>Jade Ring
Being calm and focused is the first step to doing anything well. This effect alone will be more useful than anything else in the long run.
I always love agility over all other physical attributes. This probably isn't the most practical option, but I can't help but choose it.
Both her knowledge and skills will no doubt be useful on my "adventure", and she seems like she would be happy to have the chance to come along as well. I want to learn from her, and she seems like someone who could deserve my respect as well as affection. There are many things she can teach, but the staff might be most practical to begin with. I wonder if it would help to train without my trinkets.
I'm leaving this world, so this is actually for the best. No loose ends. Honestly being able to choose this along with the waffle cookie seems like cheating and I WOULD choose Mute instead. It would be a pretty good way to build trust and listen.
gay devils have too many training points
I dishonor my Viking ancestors.
But user, devils lose Astral Shard points and have tiny dicks.
Why do you think their women love humans?
>used Chiaki for the technologially-adept option for the AI companion
I heartily approve.
Thank you daddy!
I did it for you!
Biosynthetic Suit [70/1200] Expensive, but basically no charging and lacks the downsides and weakness of unassuming.
Holy Shielding (best magical defense it sounds like) [160/1200]
Hazmat, Locomotion [240/1200]
Starsilk weave (for the mundane damage) [280/1200]
Nerve Endlink [330/1200] For max response time
Night Vision [340]
Astral Scanner [410/1200] Just cause I have strong shielding doesnt mean there arent ways to trap me.
Third Eye [480/1200] Dont want someone sneaking up on me.
Biostasis [550] Slows aging and feeds me? Sounds good.
Automated Repairs [600/1200] healzzz
Combat: Nothing I guess
Adhesion [650/1200]
Flight [740/1200]
Personal Tech:
Sat Comm, Weblink [770/1200]
Translator, Library [800/1200]
Kindly, Bratty [802/1200]
Learning, Waifu [807]
Analysis, Diplomacy, Exploration [822/1200] Biosuits arent really for battle anyways it seems.
Suit Hardware [mandatory][827/1200]
Scanned through the rest but it doesnt look like I use credits anywhere else? In that case
Chasis: Suppression Field [887/1200]
Tendril Hack [937]
Blink [1027/1200]
Guard Drone [1057]
Oracle Drone [1097]
Homing Beacon, Dress Shift [1112]
So I still have 88k left but I guess that's fine.
Lorewise, how long does it take for a person to garner a single shard/training point?
Is it really worth pointing out spelling/grammar errors in a CYOA this long? I think it's better to just focus on mechanical errors and anything that causes ambiguity.
>Page 29: This body is new, but it seems to fit you more than the boy you think you had in your dream.
>Page 30 "Their ways are very strange to outsiders, many rituals of nature
apart of their culture"
Apart: a part
Apart means separate from, nature is a part of their culture, not something outside of their culture.
I'd say it's more on how fast can a specific skill be learned. For the sake of cyoa, this is just your inert power allowed by other options to simply make you a badass in a world of badass.
One point per muscle mass gained or for a day of studying.
Ah, thank you.
And again.
>Page 29: This body is new, but it seems to fit you more than the boy you think you had in your dream.
No no, I think that line is fine.
There are ways to make it work, but not how it's worded.
>Ginger cookie
Sounds comfy to see the world and not have to worry about food or lodging even more so if its very ancient lost cities.
>Jade ring
Cool wuxia vibe but more importantly super human reflexes and potential time slow down, at that rate only a bomb or a bullet could really get you.
>Custard tart
Who doesn't like baths.
>Redbean soup
Best adventure companion, it's sun wukong.
One of the easier ones to deal with I think as you can easily communicate in other ways.
Fun cyoa to read, thanks.
This made me smile most of all though.
are agent voorhees and vex grett supposed to have the exact same quote?
Adding to this His quote is actually;
“Need a bloke that can get in and out before anyone realizes? What about a guy that can split heads from miles away? I think my brother might interest ya.”
Another fuckup quote is Dr. Whites, which is;
“Friends? I can just as easily build some if I ever find myself wanting. Now then, would you like to see the upgrades I’ve given my pets?”
This is huge and great i will make a build after i finish sleep
Phenomenal. I can even seen the stains of your blood, sweat, and tears on some of the pages, Celt.
I said if even one user enjoyed this, I'd have done my job. It's seems I have done great.
I thank you all and bide you bon appetit.
I shall be heading to sleep as well. My eyes are quite smoky.
When I started reading I thought the mystery box charge would annoy me, but that's actually awesome.
You can purchase extra weapons for 5k each. In case you wanted to have many different weapons.
So I think I'm going for a antimagic magical swordsman build. More focused on speed than tanky.
Race: Hellkin
Birthplace: Synposia / Abaurelis
Background: Delver Student
Class: Paladin
Stat Boost: 2 to willpower to raise it to 7 and 1 to intuition
Skillset: Astral Attunement, Gambling, Cooking. If I've learned anything from novels, is that dumb luck and good food can lead to op things happening. I have no idea what attunement does, but sounds good for my build.
Proficiency: Shield (class), Gauntlet (race), Hybrid (tome Gauntlet)
Physical Arts: [115 training]
Water Tread [3/115]
Runner [6]
Climber [9]
Balls of Steel [12]
Pain Null [17]
Breathless [22]
Iron Gut [29]
Sleepless [34]
Ageless [54]
Striker [61]
Alert Sleep [64]
Astral Conversion [69] Even more defense against magic!
Tempered Body [79]
Steadfast Guard [84]
Intensive Training x2 [104] (dex)
Tracker, Blindsight [114/115] Technically I dont even need blindsight if I have my suit.
Magic: [65]
Mending Touch [7] Healing. Super important especially since I'm not that tanky.
Absolute Shield [17/65] For more defense against magic.
Always Fresh [20] Just because this is handy.
Item Summon [25] pocket space. Super helpful. Especially for exploration.
Antimagic:Half Price
All the antimagic stuff [53.5]
Astral Dias [60.5]
Nature Imbue [63.5/65] Not much is worth 4.5 points and nature imbue at least stops animals from hating me.
Solo run. Part Explorer, Part Hunter, all around cool guy.
Job: Guild Leader. Why not team up with a bunch of people who are tired of the whole factions nonsense. There's good people with good money on all sides.
25 Companions is a lot. And there's a lot to go through. Let's just assume that if you have more than 25 female companions, I chose a fairly evenly distributed selection of them.
>Hey you have page 81 is the same as 82. It's the imbue section.
How the hell do you go from this to this
>Hey you have page 81 is the same as 82. It's the imbue section
I'm at a loss for words. That is an enormous fuckup. Would anyone fault me for just putting a big "404" in place of that page? Taking it out would fuck the arrangement all to hell and give me a heart-attack.
clearly you need to make a new page.
Can anybody post the lastest waifu cyoas
I've been gone for a long while
Attunement is how perceptive you are to things of an Ethereal, Infernal, or Astral nature.
See ghosts of the past, look upon the horrors of Nothing and understand them without going insane, intuitively understand the way Astral energy works. Sorta like magic esp now that I think about it.
I figure I'll just use my proficiency weapons honestly instead of the fancy stuff.
Blessings: Mirror of Fate. Foresight is pretty incredible in a fight. So is teleporting home.
Quests: Spread the name of Ainz O- Wait wrong thing. Actually no fuck that. Exactly that thing. I'm just going to expand my guild until we rule a plane or whatever. Maybe the astral plane.
I guess I'm suppose to add the Brouzoff to the suit budget? Probably wouldve been nice if the race thing was before the suit. Either way I have like 100k left over. So. I guess this will go into my guild fund?
[Str 4| Dex 4| Con 3| End 4| Asc 2| Mp 3| Will 7| Int 3]
Honestly I would've liked to be able to spend some of the money upping my stats. I could use more AsC, MP, and Dex to really complete my antimagic swordsman. But taking every single antimagic spell was too important. Well hopefully in universe I can find more time for training or whatevers anyways.
Quick give me enchanting ideas. slight of hand, shock absorption, I dunno.
>Probably wouldve been nice if the race thing was before the suit.
Two thing influenced me to do it the way I did.
1; It was for a design final project which I aced since I could use it and be "normie" with it explaining it as something similar to D&D.
2; Just How I planed the narration. First thing you see upon waking up in the new world are your Suit specs.
I also like the idea of using extra Brouzouf to have stats increased, but I'd haven't a clue on how to balance that. In comparison a friend of mine said like one training point is 10k or something. So to even get the lower cost stat increase would be extremely expensive.
Also, you're only allowed 15 companions as Guild Leader. I fucked up and forot to change that bit before exporting
It's ok bud we dont hate you. That was a fun thing and a big project. Honestly going full antimagic didn't leave me with enough points to care too much.
Ghosts aren't real. If I have antimagic on my hybridized gauntlets, can I destroy that illusion ?
Ok. 15 makes a lot more sense. Probably not going to bother at least not right now though. But overall good job and everything.
>antimagic on my hybridized gauntlets, can I destroy that illusion
>But overall good job and everything
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Hubris. I have no other explanation for how someone could spend over 100 pages making something not even half as good as their old work
>Golden Fortune Cookie, Gingerbread Fortune Cookie
I am become Scrooge McDuck. Adventurer of Worlds.
>Chopsticks, Tangyuan
I am become Avatar: The Last airbender (but my skills would probably mean I'd be more like Korra)
Okay, this is gonna be the gayest fucking thing ever said on this image board, but... I don't want a waifu. I'm sorry, but I have a MILF girlfriend I'm quite happy with. That said, if I must choose, Huo, because I'm sure she can teach me all kinds of awesome stuff. I'm normally a dragonman but fuck if I don't have a monkey on my back for this one.
I do a lot of internet socializing and rarely use voice chat. Yeah, losing my voice for a year isn't gonna be a heartbreaker.
fucking hell, all of these choices are pretty kino except rain remedy.
Fuck it, I'm going with Snowy Month.
>91 pages
>sweating loudly
>not even half as good as their old work
I know I sound like an asshole but this simply doesn't do as much to draw you in as this "Starry Knights" is a campaign setting. The most important part of a CYOA though is the escapism. You want to feel it, feel like you are a part of something different. Starry knights kind of has it's little isekai bits, so it's not a total failure like, say, Traveller, but it's still written like a PHB which doesn't really do anything by itself.
>but it's still written like a PHB which doesn't really do anything by itself
Well in terms of writing it's much better and has much more to it. There's also a lot of references and cross-referenced lore too. I like that.
It's well-written, but the gameplay is shit, figuratively speaking at least.
Waffle fortune cookies
old military hat
red bean soup
custard tart
Time for adventures with my herculean wife.
The Imbue spells page happens twice.
Too tired to make build, will do tomorrow.
Guardian Spirit CYOA:
Choose Your Fate:
>Receive A Guardian
>Astral Bond
>Incorporeal (+2 Defensive Abilities)
Base Form:
>Feminine (+1 Defensive Ability)
>Maid (Pic)
>Defense (+1 Offensive Ability)(+4 Defensive Abilities)(+2 Specialized Abilities)(Advantage: Bond)
Offensive Abilities:
>Ether Manipulation
Defensive Abilities:
>Ward Off Evil
>Danger Sense
>Cure Disease
Specialized Abilities:
>Time Manipulation
>Space Manipulation
>Consequence Free
>Dependency (Guardian on Charge)
Pic spoilered due to lewdness.
What does /cyoag/ think of small kemono options in their cyoas? Yes? No?
Depends on what you mean:
>beasts (feral or sapient)
Depends on their purpose in the CYOA.
Against global rule #3 to post outside of /b/ (and /trash/ where only certain global rules are enforced).
I can almost imagine some user getting arrested while trying to transform into a little girl
Why did people like Adventures in the Orient so much?
I'm genuinely curious, when my old stuff is mentioned people always bring that up. Why? What made it so much more memorable and liked than my other stuff?
also here is that world map of all the nations that someone suggested
yessss that was me. looks good!
If I had to guess timing is always a factor. But the orient also had a good variety of choices without being that long.
I don't want to pick her because I would murder her parents and then she would be an orphan. Maybe that would be best though.
>Biosynthetic Suit (30k)
>Carbon Restructure (70k)
>Astral Resonance Plating (140k)
>Simple Wards (170k)
>Astral Shield Mark 7 (290k)
>Hazmat Sytems (320k)
>Locomotion Adjuster (370k)
>Thermal & Night Vision (400k)
>Tetrahertz Scanner (450k)
>Astral Scanner (520k)
>Third Eye (590k)
>Nerve Endlink (640k)
>Magic Burst (670k)
>Automated Repair (720k)
>Suppression Field (780k)
>BioStasis (850k)
>Propulsion Jets (890k)
>Blink (960k)
>Tranlator, Satcomms, Web Link (1000k)
>Hardened AI (1001k)
>Blank - Astral/Non-Euclidiean/Fourth Dimensional Thinking (1011k)
>Bio Link (1018k) - I know this breaks the rules on Bio suits, but bear with me
I found the suit when I ran away from the Militia. Mine was out of charge, so I pulled it on. Then came the pain, the worst pain I've ever felt. It pushed its tendrils into my head, I can feel them now, behind my eyes. I can no longer tell where I end and the suit begins, and I could no more remove it than I could pull out my own brain. But despite this great cost it has improved me beyond anything I could have possibly imagined. I can see into and move through the Astral Plane as easily as the physical one, and I do not age nor need to eat. Now I just need to survive attempts by others to take the suit away from me - from both sides of the veil.
>Helkin Conscript Grand Delver
>55 Training Points, 95 Shard Points, +15k Brozouf
>Tome Focus, Sword Focus
>Daltros, Sector D-74
I grew up surrounded by unimaginable poverty. My single mother was... unstable, so I spent a lot of time away from home, with the neighbourhood kids or with this crazy wizard from down the street. Other kids were scared of him, but he was just a befuddled old man. He hated leaving the house, so I used to buy his drugs for him, and he paid me back by teaching me about the Astral. I learned a lot from him, which was why the Citizens Militia tracked me down and made me and offer I couldn't refuse.
>Astral Attunement
>Ageless (20)
>Astral Conversion (25)
>Thick Blood (30)
>Sleepless, Breathless (40)
>Staunch Will (47)
>Pain Nullifying (52)
>Runner (55)
>Specialised Training 2 (Astral Connection)(50)
>Specialised Training 1 (Manapool) (75)
>Mundane Transumutation (82)
>Bio Transmutation (92)
>Astral Charge (95)
The suit has improved me beyond anything I could have possibly imagined. I can make and unmake as I see fit, seeing the world around me in a way that was at first strange and alien, but I have since grown accustomed to. With a thought I can dissassemble and object on the molecular level, and reshape it to suit my whims. I longer age or need to eat, and I and the suit co-exist in a kind of "astral feedback loop" that ensures the suit will never need to be removed.
>Path - Solo
They all want the suit for themselves, seeing it as a weapon, as a way to enact their will on the physical realm. Nothing could be further from the truth. The suit is merely the first step on a path to much greater things.
Str: 2
Dex: 2
End: 2
Con: 2
MP: 5(10)
WP: 4
Int: 3
Leaving off companions because HOLY SHIT THERE'S 30 PAGES OF COMPANIONS. Great job with this thing Starry user!
Grass jelly and custard tart
Chopsticks and lucky bracelet
Horse Pussy
I want to go on fantasy adventures. And in terms of the price, experiment seems like it's the only one with a positive slant, in that presumably whatever they learn from their torture experiments will advance medical science and help people some day. A year of pain and maybe some kid survives his cancer seems like a decent parting gift for this gay earth before I go off on a fantasy adventure.
thanks for making all these cyoas
Just cant wait to post them on /r/makeyourchoice!
Summon succubus.
That's already a spell in the conjuration - infernal school, page 76
Maybe not enchanting, but some meta-magic stuff? Magic based around seeing or manipulating magic itself. I tried to find some for my build () but there was none there, so I went with transmutation instead. Which honestly, wasn't that much of a tradeoff.
>nero a shit
as expected
So counterspell reflect magic copy spell, empower spell, sense magic, dispel, magic immunity, null magic zone... just to name a few possibilities.
Some or all of those might exist (possibly in antimagic if that's a thing), I'm just naming what I can think of as meta magic.
Yeah, stuff like that. Or something that lets you see/move through the Astral Plane.
Posting pdfs to your shitty sub-reddit is actually against their rules.
Eat shit, cuck faggot.
Looks great! Will make a build later when I'm not exhausted. Do appreciate there being at least a few non-straight companions!!
>space opera with magic
OK cool
>elves, dwarves, etc
So was PPP+ just a myth?
what are your favorite SK companions?
what are the worst SK companions?