What's a good system to run romance. The pure and chaste kind not the horny and sexy kind.
What's a good system to run romance. The pure and chaste kind not the horny and sexy kind
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Risus, unironically
What do you do when you fall in love with a character?
Prime Time Adventures, maybe. Hillfolk/Drama System, definitely. Monsterhearts if you like angsty paranormal romance.
I've also seen a rules light thing called Hearts Blazing floating around, dunno much about it.
Maid RPG
Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine is centered around slice-of-life gameplay and therefore is suited to making cutesy stuff like that, teenage romance and whatnot.
Meanwhile, however, GITP created a High School Harem Comedy themed RPG that may also be worth a check for some light-hearted fun.
Why the fuck does it take so long for shit to get popular? I've been reading that Takagi shit for years and it didn't get popular until like 1 year go. Do these fucking faggots never start a new series from page 1? Do they only pick up shit that's fucking halfway over?
That's fairly common with any media, not just manga. They're called bandwagoners for a reason. If nothing else, all you can do is take a small amount of pride in liking something before trends and memes caught up.
Also, I'm pretty sure that image is from the spin-off series where they're grown up, married, and have a daughter that teases him, too.
Unless you actually follow a particular scene it's unlikely to pick up something when it first comes out.
Blue Rose, Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine, Ryuutama, FATE, and GURPS.
Isn't Blue Rose the LGBT RPG
>Why the fuck does it take so long for shit to get popular?
An anime was announced for next year, that sure does help its popularity.
Once I tried to make some out of Social Engineering and Horror; this poor choice still haunts me.
Ribbon Drive
and this. Also, if you want to add magic and/or catgirls, furries, or werebeasts, Golden Sky Stories.
You may also want to look at Monsterhearts and All the Days of my Children's Hospital.
MonsterHearts is definitely not for the pure and chaste kind of romance, at least early in the game. To start with your only means of getting someone to like you is the 'Turn Someone On' move which is explicitly evoking a purely physical reaction from them, after the first season you can take the 'Make Someone Feel Beautiful' move which gives you the ability to be in a more supportive and caring relationship, but it's something you need to build towards.
Isn't Monsterhearts sexually charged?
This is very true.
I did end up having a very bittersweet romance in one of the games I played. But it was really fucked up all around and didn't have a happy ending. My character actually didn't even know they were loved by the person they loved.
Still, it's good if you're up for twisted, tangled teenage relationships. But it's not quite what OP asked for.
Oh, hell yeah.
Of the ones I'm most familiar with, Ryuutama, Golden Sky Stories, Chuubo's... I don't think anything is stopping FATE from being this.
There are several games specifically designed around romance, but I haven't played them or seen LPs, so I can't confirm they're good for it.
Dramasystem/Hillfolk is specifically designed for drama. It's a really great game, but it's all about characters coming into conflict and one of them walking away from the scene the "victor" and the other the "loser" (though the loser does earn points they can later spend to tip the scales in their favor later). I'm not saying it's not possible to do a sweet romance with the system, but you'd have to have good players who understand what they're doing both mechanically and storywise to keep it in the proper zone.
Monsterhearts is for Mari Okada like love dodecahedron melodrama right?
>Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
Oh i bet this gonna be some light weig-
>578 pages
To be fair it's pretty much a fantastic idea to have a starry eyed kid loving romance in MH. Hell, the mortal arguably is this by default.
I'd venture to say that in MH many romances are pretty much pure, tough not chaste.
As much as I'd love to scream YES it's probably less... hrm... mental insecurities and more high impact drama, if that makes sense. It's way more explicit.
The love part oddly enough isn't even in the game, but it's easily done with an additional String directive.
>Isn't Blue Rose the LGBT RPG
Yes, in the sense that anything left of 40k's Imperium is LGBT. The mind control meme is just /pol/ psyops.
In the sense that you are allowed to play an LGBT character, yes.
Chuubo's is definitely something else entirely. Don't expect to understand it at all on your first readthrough, you gotta savor it like a fine wine before it starts to seem coherent.
>the mortal arguably is this by default.
most of the mortal moves have the relationship be at either co-dependant or straight-up abusive though, hardly a pure romance
Gurps is nice for anything social. I’ve really enjoyed it.
Any system, you just need good players, who enjoy weaving a narrative and are happy to go down the romance route.
Rules are just there to facilitate the story.
Also 13th Age.
But OP, you posted a picture of the second kind.
true but OP said good system, which presumably means something which actively helps that romance narrative instead of not being involved at all
Teenagers From Outer Space.
It's a little of both sides but could lean either way and basically runs like an episode of Uresai Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, Tenchi Muyo and other early stuff tossed together.
Hot Guys Making Out
It is pretty much exactly what I sounds like
Unironically Microsoft Word. Players can’t be trusted with interpersonal interaction beyond “ask for information” and “attempt to seduce.” They’ll fuck it up, especially if it’s supposed to be serious.
Beyond that, attempting to use a TTRPG to run a romance game is fundamentally misunderstanding how 99.99% of TTRPGs are constructued. They tend to have very specific abstraction useful for modeling certain situations, mostly those relating to hitting things with other things. Given the nature of romance, what with getting it’s impact through a fundamental closeness, abstraction is about as far as helpful.
Even systems created specifically to run romance and interpersonal interactions fuck it up. They come out as strange and flat, in my experience, because abstraction and the visceral emotions stimulated by interpersonal interactions, especially for romance, are diametrically opposed.
So, if you are interested in doing some for of RPG involving romance, I’d recommend, in order:Involving yourself in community theatre, ad-hoc with people experienced in such endeavours and leaning creative, or freeform/non-rolling.
But, as I said, it’s destined to fail.
>I've only ever played with murderhobos
I’m honestly convinced that murderhobos are the only sort who play TTRPGs in this post-vdieo-game world.
>Videogames ruined the world!
Says the guy pretending to be Silverleaf the level 5 elf faggot
>system for romance
On Veeky Forums never change... id suggest rl though.
Does he also go by the name of Leaf Silver? I think I might know this guy.
Now, whatever gave you that impression? I’ve only DM’d for the last 6 years or so. Are you just attacking everyone who plays TTRPGs? If so, why the fuck are you here?
Teenagers From Outer Space, which is built to be an anime sex comedy on the premise that sex is never funny, being prevented from getting sex is funny.
I see it all the fucking time. I've heard that it is rules lite. Can you FAQ me on this? Wtf is Risus, anyway?
>Social Engineering + Horror = romance
dear god in heaven y
What i want to know is why anyone would want to murderhobo in a TTRPG when videogames provide far more satisfying murderhobo experiences. The entire advantage of table-top is that you get deeper and more meaningful interactions with the world than are possible in videogames.
It's pure feelings tough. Unchained, so to speak. Romance, distilled.
They aren't nice relationships, but no one said they were.
I dunno, maybe stop playing with murderhobos?
Ignorance of the strengths of the format and experience only with a similar but very different one. It's sort of silly to have someone enter a game expecting it to be like multiplayer Skyrim, then want them to realize it's completely different. Just have to make expectations clear immediately.
Everything is destined to fail, user. Even the very stars themselves.
But as people have often asked me, angrily, is that any reason not to try?
>criminally underrated post
Porque no los dos
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to know the diameter of your lover’s asshole
>The pure and chaste kind not the horny and sexy kind.
One certainly includes the other. Approaching romance pretending that its inevitable conclusion simply does not exist is the mark of a repressed individual.
it exists once they become married
Isn't that any RPG out there?
Blue Rose is "Mercedes Lackey: the Setting"
Perfect game for homosex, furfags, incest and bestiality. (just like her shitty books)