Hey guys, just got a Redemptor Dreadnought for Christmas.
Is the Macro Plasma Incinerator worth taking? I want to take Storm Bolters and the Onslaught Gatling Cannon, but I'm torn on the Heavy Onslaught versus the Macro Plasma.
Plasma seems like it might be good against vehicles, but I'm not sure since you could end up rolling really low.
Just made some money from Christmas. Doubles gets to decide what army I look into starting for the new year.
I already play Orks and Space Marines so any winning numbers with them will be seen as saving my money.
Jaxon Hall
Dakka dread is best dread.
Juan Carter
Ryan Watson
Juan Nelson
Michael Cox
>but I'm torn on the Heavy Onslaught versus the Macro Plasma.
Onslaught is better, with double onslaught you're putting a good amount on shots that should wound shit based on weigth of fire alone. Plasma looks ok but it doesnt excel much, if it could take two then it might be better.
The weapons are interchangeable, both should fit in the shoulder without glue so paint both and try them out yourself!.
Jonathan Kelly
gonna use ideas from all of these to create the bestest and biggest ork in the sectah
Landon Clark
Come on user. Being bitter and lonely on Christmas is no reason to take it out on us. Tell us something nice if you are begging for a (you).
Good old Abaddon. He does keep trying I guess.
>battlesuit The tau are unapologetically the weebshit faction so it makes sense. I assume also that their playerbase are still struggling with being assumed to be 8 years old at all times?
>I play Orks as stormboyz My fellow mycological brethren. We must secure a future for our spores.
I think he is meant to be wearing what looks like EOD armour or inspired by it. Sadly it makes him look a bit tubby.
Oh my yes. Please post more of this. I am very old and am coming back to 40K after a break of a decade so this is exciting to me.
Alexander Peterson
got it in one
Jeremiah Morales
Is the fellblade worth it ? Or should i use it as a proxy baneblade ? Also what of the rumors about a plastic release of the custodes ? Is trajan valoris going to be alone ?
Carter Thomas
Seems aight in a vacuum, but what's the point-cost difference?
John Garcia
Khârn the Betrayer or Dark Apostle/Chaos Lord. Help me decide.
Trying to fine-tune a list and although cool, the 1" area of rerolls seems really bad. He would be buffing 3 squads of Berzerkers and I don't think it would reach to provide buffs to all of them, unlike a regular Lord.
Christopher Campbell
Good luck.
Parker Johnson
>Oh my yes. Please post more of this. Unfortunately that is all they got at the moment hence us needing more. Although here is the Arvus that the user before me was talking about.
Cameron Rodriguez
How fucked am I at a friendly level with this? I already have 6000pts of other dark angel stuff but I did get some Primaris stuff for Christmas.
Parker Collins
I was thinking about getting into a Genestealer Cult army with some of the money I got from the holidays, is now a good time to dive in or should I wait?
Grayson Richardson
>friendly level please leave
Joshua Jones
So I'm taking a look at the Deldar index. Is there any reason why every one of their characters has at most two out of decent S, AP or D? Seems like everything's either S3 or D1. Fucking Farsight gets better stats.
Angel Gray
Wait for what???
Get the holiday box if you can.
Or find DW:Overkill box somewhere else (not from the webstore because exclusive shit hike the price up)
Noah Scott
While that mini and paint job are really neat, it might be his pose but are his legs really short?
That's a shame. Stuff like this is really fun. I have always approved of the imperial brick school of aerodynamics.
If you or anyone else wants to post minis (good or bad) I may have missed in the last decade please do.
Nicholas Peterson
instead of memeing why not offer constructive criticism?
Carson Morris
My work kinda looks like shit so that may be the way to go. Just sucks because I liked the midnight sorrow guys.
Caleb Williams
>I assume also that their playerbase are still struggling with being assumed to be 8 years old at all times? Nah, they spent most of 6th/7th being top tier and the bandwagoner's faction of choice so now that they're crap those left who legitimately just like the faction have to deal with the ingrained hatred. Seriously Taufags get a ridiculous amount of shit from everyone.
Jeremiah Watson
What if splinter weapons were S3 with +1 to wound non-vehicles? Would that be better or worse than straight up 4+?
Samuel Sullivan
Plasma and overcharge that shit every round
Charles Jenkins
No, the guy just cluttered it.
Leo Nelson
Pic related looks cool too user
Elijah King
If you're playing at the friendly level, who fucking cares?
Austin Nelson
Lateral move at best. Better versus T3 and under (which isn't that common all in all), same versus T4-5, worse versus T6+ (though that's rare for non-vehicles, mainly on Nids).
Gavin Hernandez
Only thing there that bugs me the the whole “all non eldar are vermin” thing with that masque. That and the Solitaire looks meh.
Leo Smith
>holiday box What holiday box? I don't see anything on their store.
Chase Hughes
This is the list. I could replace Kharn with a Dark Apostle and then pick up another Chaos Lord and move Oblits into another detachment for +1 command point. What do you think is better?
what makes harlequins move so fast? they look like they are wearing regular clothing
what sets them apart from regular eldar?
Ethan Harris
Can I bring a guard detachment and a marine detachment in one army?
Brandon Campbell
The way I see it, T6+ is darklight fodder anyway, and deldar have trouble clearing T3 because lol 4+ everything. It's also better against T5 vehicles like speeders if only a little. I figured S4 +1 vs infantry was a little busted.
Jaxon Wood
Yes but it makes you a faggot
Jeremiah Perez
They dispense with all that frilly spiritstone/torture/world spirit shit and put their faith in Cegorach instead. Basically they just don't give a fuck. Goes triple for Solitaires.
Ethan Young
make sure you also bring guilliman, too
and some custodes for good measure, also spam stormraven gunships
Juan Taylor
They’re just naturally acrobatic. That and they have flip belts that are basically the 3D maneuvering system from AoT. Also, they have holofields that shift and distort their images.
Gabriel Butler
Go be a queer somewhere else
Shit yeah
Landon Howard
Alright friends, got around $175 for christmas what kind of fun army can I buy from chinaman that isn't space marines or genestealers?
Aiden Davis
Fuck off caacfag. Sub-factions always work together in 40k. Nothing wrong with that. This isn't Tau+Eldar alliance.
Colton Nguyen
>Wait for what???
Good rules.
Ryan Kelly
> Take a detachment of throw-away infantry squads to shield my useless block of tacticals from T1 charges > Suddenly a WAACfaggot
FFS can't my hilariously uncompetitive list at least have the mercy of not being lumped in with grey plastic Catatank spammers.
Hunter Phillips
>spiky elf in a suit that's more fashionable then protective using weapons made to inflict pain >3 foot dude in a mech wielding a magic sword
Joshua Ross
A Lighter like that shouldn't be too hard to build. Well, easy to get the basic principle, hard to get right on-par with the genuine article.
If I were to build one, I'd probably go with a design that has more of a deep-sea explorer sub design, but built for engineering jobs. Something with arms on the front equipped with various tools for cutting through wreckage and salvage, plus outside storage space for tools and plenty of places to tether an umbilical. Plus a means to store and tow to help move things out of the way or deliver supplies to the jobsite.
Jeremiah Bennett
Reminder to tell the gang of WHTV to bring back members of the old guard. Otherwise we will continue to suffer with shit writting and shit lore. Phil Kelly has good ideas but he clearly cant lead a lore project such as 40k nor whfb "he killed it btw"
Aaron Diaz
You probably should avoid white/yellow and work until you can paint a smooth surface on your model.
Or maybe old metal mini have shit surface and you didn't file them properly.
Robert Martinez
both, both weapons come with a peg that slots into the upper shoulder so theyre interchangeable without any magnetizing, albeit the peg does get loose after a while so change them sparingly
Benjamin Scott
The writing and lore has never been good when compared to anything other than itself. Abnett is great when the point of comparisons are people like Goto, McNeil, Lyons, etc. - but even the best 40K books are average when you look at them alongside sci-fi writing as a whole. Let's not pretend 40K tells stories that are anything other than quickly-produced war-porn with one-dimensional characters and predictable outcomes.
Luke Green
Go ahead, try to coherently explain how current lore is "shit" and why anyone except delusional grognards would want that faggot or anyone else that was fired from GW back.
Jace Perry
>it's never been Tolkein so we should not want it to improve
Swell outlook there guy
Charles Cruz
Finally finished assembling my Battleforce box. Wew, that took longer than I thought it would.
Owen Campbell
I think a lot of the problem is shit that works as a tabletop wargame setting for Your Guys isn't the same as shit that works in a novel. 40k is inherently just absurd, so going into detail about things just ends up being silly.
Benjamin Gomez
Did you... make your commander a broadsider?
Angel Myers
As said, you can swap the arms freely, but Onslaught is really the way to go. With the Incinerator you'd be better served getting a Predator.
Julian Rodriguez
Really sucks for me. My two favourite harlequins schemes are the midnight sorrow (blue and red diamonds) and the frozen star (black and white)
Daniel Perry
What do you fag lords do for campaign maps?
Elijah Green
>wanting armies to have strengths and weaknesses instead of cherry picked strengths is caac
Whatever let's you sleep at night, faggot
Matthew Brown
I think I’ll just run the Heavy Onslaught setup then and customize the pose. Thanks.
Did the same with my Deathwatch one. Have a pic of my DW Leviathan I need to clean.
Kevin Diaz
Have you considered marines in any way weren't meant to have a bucket of disposable troops?
Jack Smith
Nah he's just out of shot because the little stick holding him up broke off the base and I had to prop him up with some stuff until it dries properly.
Gabriel Thomas
We just write down sectors and give them themes and resources. The we link them together with lines. Simple but functional
Alexander Foster
Have you considered space marines user?
William Adams
>mess around with alatoic as my army >Suddenly everyone has -2 to hit without even trying
This is insane.
Ethan Reed
My campaigns are semi-linear narrative affairs so the 'maps' are just an ambiguous sentence or two. Something like "There are three hive cities the Armies are fighting for: One in the Arctic North, one near the temperate equator and one in the mountains to the south"
Bentley Thompson
>wanting armies to have strengths and weaknesses instead of cherry picked strengths is caac Well yeah, that's exactly what it is. You are putting your own, imaginary handicaps to fit your headcanon version of how the game is meant to be played. GW designed 8th edition rules with sub-faction alliances in mind.
Connor Perry
Generally I'd paint with my own scheme. You should start with dark color first like Black/Nagaroth Night/Kantor Blue/Incubi Darkness.
Once you get a smooth base try to add a 2nd color to your scheme and you're good. Even if the color don't go well together it would still look great as long as the surface is smooth with no visible brushstroke.
As I told you, be creative, stripes is also a good pattern.
Juan Adams
Yeah, 40k really could do with some limit on the penalties. Especially army-wide ones.
Jason Jenkins
If you could get some plasticard tubing around the magnets to hid the joint it'd be perfect.
Angel Foster
So i finished some Blood God's Realm bases anons.
Caleb Martin
Honestly my next move
Easton White
Where do you think you sre
Andrew Rodriguez
This is Veeky Forums not r*ddit. You have to go back.
Brody Peterson
My original plan before even knowing about the frozen stars was black and white with gold masks, albeit a lighter gold. Kinda like equinox from Batman
Owen Johnson
And that's perfectly okay - we don't need to try and make 40K something it isn't.
David Martin
Horus Heresy film trilogy when?
Angel Carter
Not sure if you noticed, but 40k has in fact been used as a setting for a novel. Several, in fact.
Gabriel Phillips
Also bear in mind, my smallest brush is a small layer brush. Not a fine detail one. So there’s some inaccuracies due to that.
Hudson Torres
> using * I got (You) a late holiday present. Please use immediately
Samuel Bell
Best not to draw the eye of the Mouse and wind up quippy and neutered like Marvel and SW.
Bentley Martin
>GW designed the rules to sell superheroes Fixed that for you. They just want allies to be legal so they can sell more shit. That doesn't mean the game was designed to be balanced around allies, which is why there's like 2 viable lists: imperial soup and Ynnari soup. Maybe Nid soup once they start seeing play.
Asher Ramirez
It's more suited to a show series
Ian Bell
I think 3 movies would do it justice.
Movie 1 starts with the Emperor mopping up the last remnants of resistance on Terra. Primarchs get warped away, Emperor heads out to find them all. Movie ends with the Emperor and primarchs reunited and ready to conquer the galaxy.
Movie 2 the Emperor hands off command to Horus while he heads back to Terra. Horus struggles to gain the respect and obedience of his fellow primarchs and eventually gets wounded in battle. Movie ends with him turning to chaos.
Movie 3 is a bit of foreplay then 2 solid hours of the Siege of Terra in a Battle of Helms Deep sort of thing
Carter Phillips
>GW is out to get you and your money Come on man, you can't be that far gone. Sure they want to sell models, but this the game mechanics we are talking about. 8th is different from the previous ones. Now we play with detachments where you can have different sub-factions. Let your mind be free from preconceived notions from previous editions.
Connor Wright
I feel like a horus heresy movie series would be a ba bad idea, marines tend to look really silly in motion and the heresy was almost entirely centered around marines.
Carter James
Here do I get to see Fulgrim fuck up his brothers?
Kayden Stewart
>Implying the majority of the 40k fanbase give a shit about anything other than Marines
Jaxson Diaz
>shitposting intensifies Here, let me answer in a language you might understand: I fuk ur mum & ur army is shit.
Josiah Jones
Somebody posted this a while ago but if they ever did a 40k movie series it woild best be done from a Guardsman's perspective ala Saving Private Ryan. Start out with them vs a small cult insurrection that over the course of the movie turns into a full on Daemonic invasion with Space Marines landing and taking over the battle in the last third of the movie. End with the Space Marine Captain declaring that the planet is set for Exterminatus and demanding the Guardamen fight to the last. End on a massive battle as the daemons breach closer and closer to the ring of mere mortals all singing the Emperor's Litany of Battle or w.e as a countdown ticks and then boom, planetary anihilation. Zooms out to inquisitor on the ship that did the Exterminatus with an outro introducing movie 2 and the "Archenemy" as a whole.