So, is FFG's Star Wars a bust? I knew a few places pushing games for EotE and F&D when F&D was released but it's just kinda fizzled out. It doesn't help finding the dice in stores was next to impossible.
Blake Gray
Well, I personally love TLJ and put it ahead of Empire, and I re-watched Empire, too, just to be sure.
I'm digging everything about the sequel trilogy so far. If other people can't have fun with these films, well, it's their loss.
Let the past die, indeed.
Jason Williams
>is FFg's Star Wars a bust
Not even remotely. If it was, they wouldn't be about to publish four new supplements at once in a month or so.
Ryan Smith
>finding the dice in stores was next to impossible. Amazon, nigger. As they're still writing new books, and indeed printing new issues of existing ones, I'm inclined to say it is not a bust.
Owen Ross
The only new supplement I've heard about the game is the Force Awakens game.
Yeah, you could order the dice from amazon but it's better to get them at a local shop or store. No wait + supporting local shops.
Sebastian Cruz
I miss Kyle...
Justin Wright
>supporting local shops. Sure, but it beats not having them.
Anthony Nguyen
What? There is four new books coming out.
>Cyphers and Masks Spy career book >Fully Operational Technician (?) career book >Dawn of Rebellion Rebels/Rogue One/Pre-IV sourcebook >UNLIMITED POWAAAHHH Mystic career book
Connor Cook
oh ok wow I didn't see anything about those on the site
Still, can't find anyone who does the FFG games. Sucks because I'd like to give it a shot
Nolan Long
Your best bet is to do roll20, or look for peeps here, if you are trying to do online. Furthermore, you can more easily get people for it if you offer to DM.
There are a lot of newbies that comes to this thread and elsewhere that would love to play if you offered to DM. This is also true for finding a potential group in your local area.
Lucas Cooper
Can confirm. I'm using it as a gateway right now in the hopes of getting my group into Traveller. Selling people on a Star Wars game is far easier.
Adam Stewart
Pro-tip, if you want to find the newest books for stuff go to Upcoming and filter it to Roleplaying Games. Traveller isn't hard to find players for, you can always post on a Traveller general or in the /lfg/. Last time I advertized Traveller I got like no joke, 20 requests to join.
Jason Evans
Offline, I mean. Also, Traveller General has been dead since the 6th.
Jacob Carter
Still thinking he should do next episode. I’ll be more entertaining than JJ & Rian for certain.
Michael Anderson
I want to see the Bendu dressed in a Ranch-hand gettup. Since apparently his planet was Nucanon Agamar
Xavier Hughes
So why is fantasy flight a cancer on table top games and why do they own the rights to said games. Does Disney like giving the starwars IP to terrible companies that make their brand look awful in comparison?
Cameron Collins
How can one movie ruin so much?
Aiden Walker
Trolling is against the rules
Easton Rodriguez
Do you prefer to start the party out with a ship or have the first sessions be about getting a ship?
Nathaniel Murphy
Survived the forces of Santan for another year, placated as they are with ham and gifts.
Alexander Sullivan
I'm ok with the first few adventures being ship 'acquisition' as it tends to be an easy way of bonding PC's together and I think it gives them a bit of achievement as a group to get something.
Brandon Mitchell
Angel Ramirez
Hudson Carter
Andrew Reed
Oh fuck off. The Last Jedi is the first good Star Wars movie in 30 years.
Lots of pacing issues and plot holes, plus character inconsistencies between various points in their character arcs, keep it from being great. I'm pretty sure you can cut the entire Canto Bight arc from the film and it'd be not only better, but no more confusing for the omission.
But it's still a really good film. The music and visuals are great, probably because this is the first Star Wars by an actually skilled director since George replaced all the talented people who worked on the OT. The core emotional arc between Rey, Kylo, and Luke works really well and everyone involved gives great performances. The action is really fun when it counts, like the opening with Poe or Luke's short but sweet duel with Kylo, despite the pacing dragging a lot during the second act.
Overall, I rate 86/100 - better than anything *since* the OT, but weighed down by too many plot and pacing problems to be on the level of the originals.
Liam Gray
I see you've modified my post to be angrier since you started posting it
but I also see that it still doesn't work as bait because it's my nuanced opinion rather than a one-sided defense of the film
William Kelly
Messing with beloved characters (deconstruction son) without adding nothing of value. Dark Empire at least added a shit tone of stuff and it's a very controversial comic because it messed with Luke and Palps clones. I read it not so long ago in a comic dump in /co/ and after TLJ I found it good.
Jaxson Howard
>if you just ignore all the massive problems it's fine
I started to type up a rebuttal but then I remembered this is bait, so well done there.
Henry Howard
What's your problem with FFG? They've really stepped up their game handling X-Wing balance, Armada is great, Destiny is starting to pick up more traction, and their RPGs keep selling. The games are enjoyable, updated frequently, and include fan favorite characters and settings. Not to mention Legion is on its way. I'm honestly curious about what you don't like.
Brody Adams
Dark Empire was great, they should have just filmed that.
Same person but only thing I didn't like was the slow chase, the fucking destruction of ALL res fighters and Canto Bright.
[spoilers]green milk[/spoilers]
Justin Hernandez
Just like any FF game, proprietary items that you have to shell out more for and thousands upon thousands of miniature expansions instead of just releasing large expansion sets of their games every few months.
Dominic Ortiz
I agree. I found the Clone Palps to be kinda of shitty or Luke getting tempted be the Dark side to be eh, but the rest was pretty good, and god damn some sexy space ships in there.
Lincoln Hughes
How is smaller expansions a bad thing?
Its never a good idea to make people buy stuff they do not want to get what they do want. With X-wing I only buy what I enjoy.
Camden Allen
The misuse of Phasma didn't bother you, even before the book or the hype? How did they contradicted R1 with the hiperspace jump being so devastating? The way they robed Finn from a cool ending? The under utilization of Broing it up of Finn and Poe ? How they conducted KR to be likeable until the destruction of the Supremacy, when he goes again full evil retard? How nonsense all the Rey stuff is? Leia Poppins or the death of Akbar to be so under whelming (Imagine of instead of Holdo was him doing the hyperspace jump)? And that's with the optic of liking the new universe, because as an "old" fan (I actually enjoyed lots of parts of the prequels and I love clones wars and like Rebels) I could nit pick a lot of stuff.
But well, all is subjective, I found that film, as a film per se, to be jumpy, with pacing problems but well filmed (not that well edited tough) and very well done, even when the music was a bit underwhelming (not a single piece than I can remember did grip me), I have the sensation than it got worse everytime I try to make sense of it so I kinda of stoped. As a Star wars film, than has to build an universe after the EU demolition, a very bad one.
Jaxson Foster
Why would it be better to release fewer larger boxes?
Jose Johnson
Honestly I think the NT problem come from the fear and a massive incomprehension of the PT. Because of the massive backclash on it, they tried to writte it out and to return to a more OT ambiance.
Except it's fucking stupid. Because when you think about it, the problem with the PT wasn't the tone or what it was trying to carry and show (well except for a few things, like the dam medicchlorian bullshit) it was the execution. Because a few shitter winned about "Muuuuuh politic and context are borring, I want my rebell constantly on the fly back" as they couldn't handle a few senate scene, they tough taking their time to make some worldbuilding and explain the context would scarre people off or something.
And the result was the Episode 7. And I dare to say, TFA was even worse than TFM; because at fucking least TFM was trying to do something and to go somewhere. It was poorly executed, wanky as hell and full of flaw, but at least there where savlageable element, and pretty neat thing. Like some of the design for example: the Naboo fighters looked dope and I think the Droid army look pretty cool.
In the TFA ? Litteraly nothing happened. The context is vague, we don't know what is what, the situation seems to be the same than before Endor with a Resistance™ who hide and fight a First Order™ who have the upper hand and build super weapon. Character run around because the plot ask it, getting along for reason and being more plot device than real character with personnality.
Isaac Hill
Arkham horror. FF has a retarded policy on LCG where you need 5 15 dollar miniature expansions that release every other month instead of releasing it in one go and allowing players to enjoy the full expansion and have to fight other people at LGS's for the expansion release.
Same thing with the starwars LCG. Each set shouldn't be separated into 3 sub sect releases for each set so you have to memorize which sets you bought and which ones you need to. All these cards in each set synergize with each other, and instead of just putting them into one xpac, you gotta buy these arbitrary overpriced 30 card packs.
Then to top it off the RPG system or really any board game they fucking sell comes with this garbage custom dice system where you have to keep asking everyone where the dice is to pass around which slows down gameplay because they can't just use a normal dice system like fucking everyone else or you can buy your own set for the low payment of 10 dollars!
Camden Brown
Yo, this dude is really cool and chill. He also looks fucking fantastic.
Carson White
It's deeper than that. (For the record, I liked TLJ, disliked TFA/R1).
Look at Rey's ridiculous force powers despite no training - where'd that come from?
It came from the prequels, EU, and video games. The more mystic, subdued Force of the OT was long dead and buried by the time Disney bought the franchise - and George killed it, by raising a generation on Yoda doing kick-flips and force lightning as a combat power that you unlock when you level up. Everyone who grew up with the prequels and video games (read: *everyone*) is used to the Force working exactly how it works for Rey.
In ANH, Luke doesn't use the Force directly except as some sort of vague analog for aiming? As if it's less a power, a physical ability, and more of a state of mind or a guiding concentration.
Prequels/Vidya? Backflips, lightning kamehameha battles, and deciding whether to put points into force push, force lightning, force choke, or force heal.
So if you're gonna make a movie that appeals to that generation, you have to take that as your starting point. But you also have to appeal to the people who are only at the theater for nostalgia purposes. And you can't piss either off, or you get the fan reviews of TLJ, where some people liked it and some people disliked but the ones who disliked it are louder.
John Moore
>TFM >F nani the fuck
But no, I agree. The prequels were poorly executed and directed and written, but the worldbuilding was superb and they were TRYING TO BE THEIR OWN THING and not just "HEY REMEMBER WHEN X DID Y IN THE SHIP LET'S SEE THAT AGAIN BC NOSTALGIA MMMMG"
Gavin Fisher
Thanks I forgot to post about Phasma, waste of a good character.
And how tf did the hyperspace contradict anything in R1? lmao. The jump obviously didn't destroy Snoke's ship, it just disabled it. They were still able to unload their shit.
Joshua Long
he also force-kicked some dude (at least that's what it's hand-waved as...) and jumped out of the carbon chamber.
Aaron Scott
Why are Abednedo so popular in the new trilogy? Feels like every other fucking alien is one of these new fuckers. Ello Astay, Brasmon Kee, Crusher Roodown, Slowen Lo, etc. Who is it at Disney who can't control their hard on for the beastie boys?
Aaron Kelly
Dam for some mystical reason I replaced the middle word with the translation in my language. But anyway, yeah I was talking about the Phantom Menace; my bad.
And yeah, it's exactly what I hate in this new trilogy and why while I still like to see the prequel despite all it's flaw I don't think I will take any pleasure in rewatching TFA.
For example I'm a big CIS-fag, I really love the idea and their visual. They where great vilain in the movie and where developped as more than a bunch of stupid evil nazis in the extend universe or hell even in the movie, because we knew of their motivation; because of the fucking context-as much as some can hate the political babble.
The First Order ? Fuck they look like a empire who smoothed all their gear and gone full evil stupid and that's it. Where do they come from ? What are they ? Buy the book ! But don't expect too much.
Adam Gomez
I like the First Order, and the idea that they're a religious zealot remnant of the Empire that grew unnoticed in the unknown regions, but I do kinda agree that we should know more where tf they come from. And this is something that shouldn't be answered in an EU novel or game or comic, this is a movie matter lmao. I do hope that they do.
I would rewatch TFA if my family wanted to watch it, or if it were on in a marathon, but I wouldn't watch it any other way. Tbh, TLJ was a lot easier to watch. Mostly bc it wasn't "OT MASTER RACE NOSTALGIA NOSTALGIA", I kinda like that it stamped out every bit of nostalgic goggles that TFA had
Zachary Harris
Not him but the Holdopedo worked because matter struck matter at high speeds. A U wing is made of matter. Atmosphere's are made of matter.
All 3 of the most recent films have basically used hyperspace as a deus ex machina rather than an actual aspect of the setting. A few TCW episodes did too but even at its best that was still a kid's show so it gets a pass.
Noah James
I don't recall seeing any of those.
I'm sure they're in the movies - but why have you noticed them so acutely, user?
Jeremiah Parker
>why have you noticed them so acutely, user? For one, Ello Astay shows up in the X-wing tabletop. Second, THEY'RE ALL NAMED AFTER BEASTIE BOYS SONGS COMEON!
Asher Price
I also don't recall ever hearing any of their names.
I don't play X-Wing, though.
Connor Jackson
JJ is the one who drops Beastie Boys references in all his movies so it began with him and Ello Asty. Guess they just kept the ball rolling after that
Justin Johnson
Slowen Lo is the guy in TLJ who gives Finn and Rose shit for parking on the beach, btw. Played by Joseph Gordon Levitt, apparently. Ello Astay was Poe's wingman in TFA. Roodown was the guy on Jakku with robot arms.
Jordan Reed
I guess reusing the one latex mask they made was cheaper than making more exotic alien ones
Matthew Scott
You'd think, but they're each incredibly different from each other.
Jeremiah Johnson
How does Duty/Obligation/Morality work?
Joseph Williams
Have you tried reading the rulebook?
Ethan Johnson
No I haven't
Benjamin Campbell
Guess how I can tell.
Joseph Collins
They all have seperate rules and are pretty simple.
Obligation your goal should be to try to lower it to decrease chances of it triggering.
Duty you want to accomplish what you chose as your duty to get more duty to eventually get a re-supply and also to increase chances of duty triggering.
Morality is just a simple x-axis with benefits of going either light side or dark side and nothing really if you stay in the middle.
Cameron Walker
I forgot to mention with obligation, you can choose to start out with more to get more xp and/or money.
Connor Richardson
Anyone want to talk about X-wing?
List building, tactics, anything.
Anyone going to a System Open or Regional and unsure of what to bring?
Anyone just get the game and unsure of what to get?
I'm trying to make a list with two Omega TIE/sf as wingmen to an ace, but I keep coming back to the fact that the list would be better if I just paid the extra 4 points for Quickdraw. Also- Why is Advanced Optics so good?
Nathan Sanchez
Fuck you Rian Johnson. I hate you!
Ryan Anderson
>the music...great Stopped reading your tldr there. The music is the worst it's been, original music wise. Williams is phoning it in hard with the sequels. The only part of the score I even remember is that but that's from Empire.
Andrew King
I admire his work ethic and see where he's coming from. But I still disagree, if only on final execution.
Xavier Hall
I liked the music. I didn't notice it in the theatre because I was busy being mad, but later on I listened to the OST on youtube and it's solid.
Also, when are dummies going to start recognizing that as pasta?
Michael Brooks
stop linking your worthless reddit shitpost.
Samuel Cooper
but it's so clever, I mean, I totally subverted your expectations by just doing the opposite of what was normal whether it made sense or not :^)
Jose King
What's the longest lightsaber in canon?
Anybody used a light nodachi?
Jaxson White
Okay, so its a personal taste thing. I havent touched Arkham, so you know more than I do on that, but it sounds similar to how they roll out Imperial Assault.
I don't think of it as a huge problem, but I guess it'd be nice if they bundled every 6 months worth of releases (with errata and at like a 10% discount) for some games with smaller pieces. Wouldn't work for Armada, at all.
Jace Evans
This was for a good cause mate.
Aiden Johnson
>if you just ignore every reasonable metric of film quality it's a good film >also dude prequels lmao >this is a 'nuanced' opinion
Jose Cox
>the death of akbar to be so underwhelming (Imagine of instead of Holdo was him doing the hyperspace jump)? >having someone named Ackbar do a suicidal plane crash Yeah that'll go over well.
Jackson King
>political commentary is more important than telling a good story I hate this timeline.
Jeremiah Johnson
Do these games work with just one player and one GM? FaD in particular
Luis Miller
I'm surprised they even kept using him post-rotj. Should have been Leia that ate it either way though.
Ryan Wood
Leia should've just died when she was spaced.
Wyatt Flores
>Main characters have bold plans and make heroic sacrifices, get told off and punished >Secondary character has a bold plan and makes a heroic sacrifice, gets lauded as a hero
Logan Fisher
I feel like having her in a pod or a still-pressurized mini-chunk of ship would have both still had the scene work the way it did and not look nearly as silly or head-scratching.
man that rotten tomatoes score really did Disney in didn't it lmao
Aaron Hall
>New Legends lore >Implying that's a good thing
Legends needs to stay as is. The fact that it's not being fucked with anymore is a positive.
Nolan Morales
It's almost like there's nuance to the situations and the point isn't for needless heroics when you'd be better served elsewhere.
Jacob Howard
>I liked some things and disliked some other things >I compare the film to the most recent films in the series >overall I give it a B
Levi Brooks
This isn't really freshly made, it's more like old stuff that went unreleased, so it's still safe. Pretty interesting read, expands on a bunch of Dark Side cults and the Pius Dea.
apparently Holdo wasn't the first to kill an enemy ship via hyperspace
Carter Robinson
Nah, that was more of a "came out of hyperspace too close, causing a collision" sort of deal. There's a pretty big difference between that and jumping directly into another ship.
those were two ships of similar sizes just colliding into each other. Holdo doing a short jump then ramming supremacy would have been feasable but also pretty ineffective
Holdo somehow blew all the way through supremacy and a bunch of star destroyers behind it
Daniel Carter
If Disney can't make any money off of the franchise then likely there will be a new direction: possibly Abramsequels will be decanonized or the Legends EU will be recanonized or they'll start cranking out more Legends novels. Either way win-win for us.
Jason Young
Oh yeah, it's fine, I'm just concerned with the idea of Legends ever being "added on" to.
David King
Technically all of these can work with one player, but it's a really singular experience and can ruin an otherwise exciting dynamic of the game.
Moderation is key.
It's Admiral Ackbar, space fish. Not some progressive-socio-libtard leftist crack, or a full-blown islamist.
I think Holdo would have been a better candidate. Ashes to ashes, cold bitch to cold bitch.
It's the purple midichlorians in her hair.
Christopher Davis
Okay, hear me out...
Episode IX: The attack of the Yuuzhan Vong. Followup movie of TLJ.
On a scale of 1 to extremely triggered, how would Veeky Forums feel?
Isaiah James
After they shit the bed with their New Canon, I'm also glad that they at least won't be fucking with Legends.
Robert Ward
Not triggered at all if it forced Hux, Finn, and Poe and Kylo and Rey to set aside their differences and work together for at least 2/3rds of the movie.
Anthony Adams
There is no way to redeem the Sequels now.
They have to
>explain the First Order and Snoke in one episode >explain why Rey has all this power in one episode >explain what happened to the New Republic, Resistance, etc in one episode >resolve all of this also in one episode
It's pretty much impossible.
Benjamin Bennett
user, the only reason I welcomed the killing of the EU was for the VONG. I would scream like a triggered tumblr bitch and reeeeing like teh worse robot when he has to socialize.
Jackson Anderson
They also have to generate characters we care about somehow. They're 0 for 2 so far...