>General Rules This is NOT /tesg/ minus waifus, so behave properly. Keep the squabbling to a minimum. No waifus/husbandos, except for Azura. Previous kalpa:
Jason Powell
Merry christmas from the Whitestake, Veeky Forums. May your elves always be dead.
Kevin Torres
Skyrim was fun and had decent lore, Oblivion was the true weakest link of all the games and barely felt like an Elder Scrolls game in the first place.
Carter Harris
Oblivion (and to some extent Fallout 3) still had interesting quests that asked you to do things besides just go to a place and kill all the things, repeat for dosh. I play Oblivion not for well thought out game mechanics, I play it for some of it's memorable quests, like cheese and flaming rats falling from the sky for Sheogorath. Or goading a man to break his non-violent oath and kill me with a mace I reverse pickpocket in his bags for Molag Bal. Skyrim has significantly less interesting set ups for quests and only occasionally does it give you something neat to do.
Jordan Murphy
Yeah, except for that part where the Thalmor were infinitely more interesting than the generic "stop an evil dragon" story because we actually got to see them DO THINGS we care about... yet paradoxically the game didn't allow us to meaningfully fight or hinder the Thalmor on any kind of meaningful level. Oh, it also made the nords a bunch of backwards, racist, magic-fearing troglodytes who were somehow less interesting/compelling than the fucking ORCS.
Skyrim was a train-wreck, lore/story-wise.
Ayden Reyes
>You will never be a slave in Morrowind >You will never be bought by an attractive but utterly devoid of a sense of right and wrong Telvanni mage as a lab rat for the many sexual spells she's trying to create Why live?
Juan Reed
>I will never be an especially big and brutish, but also dumb, orc that is bought by a Christmas Cake elf mage to be her first experience >I will never have to listen to her explain to others she needs me as a bodyguard and for manual labour while letting me mating press her once the doors are closed God I wish that were real.
Also multiple pig tits on male orcs, who herd giant furry caterpillars. What the fuck happened to crazy stuff like that?
Logan Jackson
>What the fuck happened to crazy stuff like that?
The franchise got popular/profitable.
Chase Kelly
Why are Mer women so worthy of being bred?
Logan Rodriguez
>Why are elves, the race that in most standard fantasy settings is meant to be eternally youthful/beautiful/alluring/pure, such perfect waifus?
Gee, I dunno.
Sebastian Torres
Also humans are kinda shit in Elder Scrolls and everything accomplish of note in the entire setting was done by elves. Elves are the civilization-buildings, humans are just asshole raiders that come in and break/steal everything.
Except the Bretons. Bretons are cool.
Juan Brown
It's kind of weird how the most badass mage in Skyrim is an old cranky orc telling you not to fuck with his books.
Alexander Phillips
Badass by what measure? Combat ability? Importance? Accomplishments? Because cranky old orc doesn't win by any of those when you have the likes of Neloth, Miraak, the Psiijic order and such running around.
Oliver Thomas
>what has the Empire done for us: the post Don't get me started, mer-boy
Logan Scott
Reminder the foundations and infastructure of the Empire was basically all done by Ayleid elves. It's also arguable that the Empire's imperialism didn't actually help anyone except Cyrodiil. The Dunmer, for example, were more than happy to just be left alone, except for the merchants and polticians who fucked over their own people for perks and profit.
Asher Lewis
By measure of him being a hilarious and cool change of pace to the reserved and rather affable Mages of Winterhold (I just like him personally, really).
>Miraak Solstheim isn't in Skyrim. >Neloth See above >Psiijic Order I don't believe they reside in Skyrim, but instead the Isles.
Landon Lee
Except when the Empire enforced continent-wide peace and prosperity under Septim emperors, on top of being sanctioned by Akatosh himself. As soon as the Empire ceased to enforce its rule, you had Argonians jump on Morrowind and Altmer pushed their douchiness into overdrive, not to mention collapse of law and order in other provinces.
Only the Empire, as human-centric as it was, enforced equality for all races, maintained continent-wide trade and preserved peace and unity that, surprise surprise, was needed during each big crisis.
Brody Phillips
Is the Reman Empire actually better than the Septim Empire?
Christopher Young
>Only the Empire, as human-centric as it was, enforced equality for all races.
Of course you want equality for everyone when your own race is the weakest.
Connor Johnson
Did.....did he have a son with a Daedra or something?
Alexander Hughes
Considering Tiber Septim was a bigger Mary Sue than Rey in Star Wars, yes.
Not who you're asking, but considering it's a Telvanni wizard, would you be surprised? Pretty sure the leader of the Mages Guild in ESO (*vomits*) is a half-daedra half-dunmer.
James Carter
>enforced equality for all races Didn't they literally not give any fucks when the Bretons were killing orc babies?
Kayden Perez
They don't give a fuck about the provinces in general, as long as whoever killed the old management keeps paying the old management's taxes and doesn't threaten Cyrodiil. The whole Oblivion Crisis and everything leading into the Great War and Skyrim in general is kinda meant to be completely obvious and blatant proof that Cyrodiil doesn't give a shit about anything except Cyrodiil, where they enforce "equality" because their own race are literally the "we suck at everything" normies of the setting who fall apart when they don't have a demi-god or divine bullshit making them win.
Camden Turner
>t: salty mer
Christian Butler
>Implying the mer are the only ones who are pissed as fuck at Cyrodiil abandoning them during the Oblivion Crisis and Great War.
The Redguard Master Race would like a word with you.
Justin Hughes
>muh curved swords Redguards never mattered or contributed anything to Tamriel. They're just...there.
Liam Bailey
They're just there, and yet their lore and culture is more interesting than any of the other races of "humans" in the series. Imperials are boring normies. Nords are dumb magic-fearing trogodytes, and Bretons are generic half-elves with none of the history or lore of the other elven races.
Redguards are the only cool human race in the series. Admit it.
Noah Reyes
I get the feeling you're kind of turning Bretons killing orc babies into a part of a huge conspiracy.
Anthony Cox
Alexander Thomas
What "conspiracy"? The fact that Cyrodiil only gives a shit about Cyrodiil? There's a part in Skyrim where General Tullius literally says something along the lines of "The rebellion here in Skyrim is just a sideshow for the folks back home in the Imperial City."
A sideshow... a fucking sideshow... over that fact a key piece nation holding their entire empire together is literally so pissed off with you that they're threatening to cut you off from only other province you have left (High Rock) because it was easier to take a bribe from your elven overlord and let them kidnap and torture people in your neighbor's back yard than to actually be a good neighbor.
Fuck Cyrodiil, fuck the empire, we've been defending these fucks for how many games now just to have them become THIS? Let them burn.
Jordan Walker
This is the true problem with imperial leadership. They're wimps. They had a chance after the battle for the Imperial City, to negotiate a better peace or boot the thalmor out entirely. Instead they surrendered the right of every man in the empire to worship the god of his father and his grandfather. Which were the exact terms demanded by the thalmor at the start of the war.
Now the imperials think playing the waiting game against elves that live hundreds of years longer than men is a smart idea, while the elves have free rein to move about the empire and go after their real goal, the towers.
The Battle of the Red Ring proved the thalmor were overextending. The Battle for Hammerfell showed the Thalmor would lose if pressed. And 200 years later, the elves might have recovered enough to finally attack again. The window is closing. So that's why the stormcloaks are the best faction. Because you can't actually trust the politicians in the imperial city to do the right thing, but you know ulfric will start some shit. Any imperial soldier who wants to join up and secure a place for both Man and Mer to live in mundus free from the metaphysical terrorism of death cultist elves is free to remain in skyrim.
The rest should get out and go back to their families while nords save the Empire. Again.
Also the cartoonish racism has always struck me as overblown. The Grey Quarter is no worse than the history of any Chinatown, and Ulfric himself is never overtly racist. He has some racist nords working for him, and that's about it.
Matthew Brown
This is why "Missing in Action" was the best quest in all of Skyrim, and the moment I decided every character I made after that would be a Stormcloak supporter. Even my Dunmer characters, because fuck what the Empire has become.
Shame the Stormcloaks are mostly just a bunch of pissed off farmers with shit equipment, no real training, and no idea how to be an actual army. Them winning anything feels almost as stupid as the Minutemen being a viable faction in Fallout 4.
Cooper Flores
Why is Morrowind (the province) so conservative about sex? It says in the sermons that oral sex and anal sex is banned despite Vivec literally fucking anything in the sermons.
Grayson Jones
>the Stormcloaks are mostly just a bunch of pissed off farmers with shit equipment, no real training, and no idea how to be an actual army. I wouldn't mind this if the Stormcloaks were an actual guerrilla movement in the game. Maybe you could have quests where you ambush a group of Imperials, or destroy their supplies, or smuggle weapons in from a different province or something. Instead the entire thing was just "Stormcloaks and Imperials meet up on equal ground and hit eachother"
David Gonzalez
This was the kind of quest the game needed more of. Someone gets kidnapped by the Thalmor. You find out about it, you tell the family, they round up some able-bodied young men, and you go storm an elf fort together and put down every knife-eared nazi in the place, rather than licking their boots like timid milk-drinker nu-man Imperials.
Man... this makes me wonder if calling someone a "milk-drinker" in Skyrim is the equivalent of calling out hipsters for drinking Starbucks all the time.
Xavier Evans
But then again the Mer can't stop fucking up. Dwemer attempt the "A God I Am" trope with Anumidium and get BTFO'd to Oblivion (maybe literally). Chimer get pwnt by Azura for FOUL MURDER and become Dunmer. Some Aldmer get pwnt by Boethiah for attempting to cockblock the Chimer and become Orsimer. Altmer are crazy assholes whom pretty much everyone hates, including other Altmer.
I think you're forgetting that the Thalmor are playing the Stormcloaks like a cheap fiddle. Not only would a solitary Skyrim be massively outnumbered, they'd have next to zero magical support.
Granted, the Empire keeps proving that it's not much different. Now if a sovereign Skyrim was to ally with Hammerfell, on the other hand, the Aldmeri Dominion would either do nothing (considering Hammerfell fought them to a stalemate) or they'd try to flex on Skyrim and get utterly BTFO'd.
Leo Turner
I don't really know, but maybe it's something about living in harsh environment. It's hard to stay alive, you need to stick together and promiscuity could weaken bonds in family/tribe. Also Azura have already fucked them over for not living their lives properly so maybe they don't want to push their luck
Jace Johnson
Milk-drinker was the soyboy of 2011.
Jordan Morgan
Lmao such ebin cool character haha hes nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
Ryan Stewart
That feel when an Orc is a good enough mage to be on the college staff, but no Nords are.
Liam Phillips
Tyler Evans
The thalmor are playing both sides like a fiddle user. Their ideal is that no one wins the civil war. Ulfric winning it is the worst that could happen for the thalmor because he would cut off the thalmor access to snow throat.
Colton Rodriguez
James Baker
Tolfdir and Onmund are both Nords.
Noah Phillips
>see pic related >double dremora lord everybody to death Good times.
Jack Mitchell
>khajiti >beautiful and cultured >luxurious
John Campbell
Tolfdir is an "elder" (actual race used in the coding) and Onmund is a student. Nice try though.
Isaiah Nguyen
why do people like Rise of House Telvanni? the writing is fucking dreadful
Caleb Campbell
I could ask the same about skyrim.
Joshua Brooks
Yeah, that always struck me as odd, Dunmer are conservative as fuck (outside of maybe house Hlaalu) yet their most revered figure had his description pulled directly off a tumblr profile.
Jacob Wright
>Just want to be left alone >Own harems >city Orc for culture >tribal Orc for valor >Tusks and bone horns >Berserk to shrug off sissy magic and sissy weapons >Elves, so they’re beautiful >more loyal to the Empire than Nords >only race with a personal god that actually cares about them >Best smiths
Orcs are the Master race.
Evan Hernandez
Young Dunmer females are infamous for being loose whores though. It’s actual lore
Jordan James
>Considering Tiber Septim was a bigger Mary Sue than Rey in Star Wars, yes. He wasn't, though. That's in-universe propaganda.
Hjalti was actually kind of a pathetic shit who wouldn't have gotten anywhere without Ysmir and Zurin.
Lucas Thomas
The old 'thalmor collusion' story is based off reading way too much into a thalmor based intelligence document. Specifically the words 'thalmor asset' makes everybody think ulfric unironically is an agent of theirs or something.
Just like in real life, when your collusion narrative is based on one sketchy dossier put together by the opposition, your credibility is low.
Juan Phillips
I mean, dark elves gonna be dark elves no matter how pronounced your brow is or how many flees they convert into buses.
Sebastian Howard
Friendly reminder that we will never get a game set in Black Marsh or Elyswer because Argonians/Khajiits are too "unrelatable" for mainstream audiences and they would be weirded out by cat/lizard people everywhere, hell, even Valenwood and the Summerset Isles may be too much for them.
Cooper Morales
have you never dated a girl who was raised ina super religious/conservative household?
David Cooper
>Gigasluts in their early 20's >The moment they get married pretend they're completely sexless purity maidens Just like real life
Julian Clark
Actually Urag doesn't have a good sense of humour and he doesn't seem nihilistic at all.
Mason Jenkins
Argonians the best, all other men/mer a shit. A SHIT
Blake Myers
im running a 5e TES game currently
>start my party in a gulag >they become travelling merchants 3 days after getting out
some of the new classes are cool but the bard and a few others need some lovin'. also nothing's been done really about the crafting system so that too needs to be adressed
otherwise it's pretty choice
Jeremiah Edwards
Played Skyrim a while back but got bored of it after rushing through the main quest and have recently started with morrowind which I am finding far more compelling and entertaining. What advice would you have for getting more info on the setting for someone who doesn't have the time to just read through all the books in game. Also looking for some nice lore tidbits and setting elements that I might include in my campaign, I've already included long-distance travel being done on large insects (giant moths and beetles rather than oversized flea like things) in my setting. Elder Scrolls really is gold mine for inspiration.
Anthony Wilson
What did you use for conversions?
Lincoln Davis
Read the books at work. Imperial library. You really want to avoid any sort of interpretive sources these days after what coda did to the community. There is no guarantee anymore that people won't present their fanfiction as true.
Jose Cruz
the unofficial one in the OP plus sections from another to fill in the gaps on a few things here and there
Jacob Price
>brainlet someone didn't read his skill books in school
Jackson Collins
What happened to the “Japanese” orcish style?
Julian Barnes
It's been stolen and given to the Akaviri/Blades
Aiden Butler
Say what you will about Oblivion, it handled guilds so much better than Skyrim did. Going through the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion took like 8 hours (if you knew what you were doing, first playthroughs were usually longer) and almost every quest was interesting and had more going on than just "kill this person".
Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood line took me like 5 hours to get through on my first playthrough and almost every quest is just "find this person and kill them in whatever way you see fit". The characters and storyline were better, but in terms of gameplay, it was so boring in comparison to it's predecessor.
Brody Williams
> tfw you thought Morrowind was super original and unique > go to Hawaii for Christmas > tfw you realize that almost everything about Morrowind was a shameless ripoff of native Hawaiian culture/locations Well... ok.
Cooper Turner
I didn't know that Hawaii had mushroom trees and cute flee buses. Might have to go there now.
Nathan Reed
Here, here!
Xavier Brooks
Not to mention >orcs so they good at fighting >elves so they good at magic
Colton Williams
It’s a shame Orcs like like potatoes in Oblivion and Online
Jackson Jackson
A race whose God was eaten and shat out isn't going to have pretty disciples user. What were you expecting?
Aaron Gonzalez
It's a shame that in trying to fix the potato-head problem that Oblivion had, they went too far in the other direction when it came to orcs and turned the world's ugly outcasts into sexy six-pack noble savages.
"Too literal."
Asher Wilson
I don’t mind ugly, but they looked chubby and Down’s syndrome (like most Oblivion races)
Owen Stewart
Apart from building the White-Gold tower the Ayelids didn't really do shit for the Empire. Cyrodiil was a collection of Ayelid city states, Their infrastructure needs would be completely different to those of Alessia's super state.
Gabriel Thompson
Only the Thieves guild questline was actually decent in Skyrim. I dare say it might have been better than the Oblivion one. The rest were all pretty much trash.
Christopher Allen
I wish we could have saved the other Dark Brotherhood members.
Owen Brooks
I wish we could have done something interesting with the Companions
Noah Brown
Thieves Guild ranges from good to great in all the games, it's the most consistently quality faction.
Christopher Anderson
I didn’t know the Hawaiians were ancient Jews
Gabriel Parker
So many wasted opportunities with Skyrim like Nordic religion, but I’m really disappointed that they made Markarth an ancient Dwemer City instead of an ancient Nordic City
Kevin Murphy
A game in blackmarsh sounds like ass to be honest.
Luis Wright
Thieves guild in Skyrim is the one I've seen the most consistently panned as absolutely awful.
Kayden Perez
Windhelm is an ancient Nord city. What are we missing out on?
Ryan Adams
Thought I was browsing an elder scrolls thread on /v/ for a bit. Maybe we shouldn't make /tgesg/ threads non-weekend editions. People are thirsty today.
Chase Bell
I really like the concept of a city carved into a mountainside by the Thu’um.
Cameron Hughes
I've read before that the 36 Lessons of Vivec were written by Kirkbride over one weekend after locking himself in a room and consuming copious amounts of alcohol and cigarettes. He was also discovered naked. I can't find a source of this however. Is this just a legend?
Landon Smith
I assumed that's how he spends most days.
Luis Wilson
as far as I know, not true. Could be, but the picture in this screencap is out of a video. I think its called "michael kirkbride - i'm fat" or something like that.
Wyatt Young
>takes mushrooms >locks himself in for a week >writes some of the coolest lore in TES
Asher Carter
>most badass mage >most
My friend the eternally helmet-wearing Dunmer spellsword mercenary would like a word...
Asher Russell
>Bretons are cool
Ayyy, Camoran Usurper suck a dozen peasant dicks.
Liam Hernandez
Soycloak, please.
Bentley Smith
>My friend the eternally helmet-wearing Dunmer spellsword mercenary would like a word... Who?
Dominic Evans
I think that was how you say "Teldryn Sero" in cringe.
Jackson Edwards
Are you kidding? Morrowind feels the least like a TES game because the region was so exotic and different from all the other areas. People only like it because nostalgia and because it had one of the better game engines.