>Read up lots of stuff on w40k lore, enjoy it >Read the codices, find the stuff I like >Start building the list, imagining the colour scheme, watching painting tutorials >Just imagining myself painting and playing it makes me giddy
>Give it all up and shred the notes as I realise that I have a needy toddler, judgmental normie wife and a job >Job earns great money but is "flexible hours" ie I work from 9-23 every day including most weekends >I will never play w40k
Juan Bailey
that's what you get for falling for the "mature" meme. Enjoy being a failure
Jacob Rodriguez
Thanks I guess. The worst thing is that in some twisted way you're not completely wrong - I was much happier being a penniless student with all the time to do retarded nerd shit.
Does it ever end I wonder
Mason Sanders
There's a ton of people with families and demanding jobs that do wargaming.
Christian Fisher
I wonder how do they do it? Should I just bite the bullet now and explain to my wife that our son is not retarded and won't eat the paint or just wait it over a year or two when that would actually be the case
Would really love to hear from other teegee anons with family baggage about how do they juggle it.
Caleb Ward
what kind of job is it? is it FLSA non-exempt?
a lot of engineering types at the local auto plant where i am will take every hour they can, live off their wife's income as much as possible, and sock away everything they can, then retire after 20 years with a billion dollars. those dudes can play warhammer all they fucking want
Michael Evans
It's a law job in England, where employers generally are not obliged to pay overtime. Technically I work on demand - if there's nothing for me to do, I can leave any reasonable time I want. Problem is that I currently work in corporate and there is always more shit to keep me in the office. While I get an occasional day off or two during some weeks, overall it's not stable or relaxing enough to sustain a hobby, at least the way it appears to me.
Wyatt Hill
How old is your kid?
Nathan Wilson
I run a demanding account where peak times are 70 hours a week and have a wife. Need to make time occasionally for yourself and she says it's better than me spending it drinking or worse.
Zachary Morales
It ends in retirement. After your kid(s) has gone off to college and graduated, they'll visit you once or twice a year as thanks for being raised by you. Then you'll continue working until you're able to retire, after which you've got 5-8 years of being able to still do things you enjoy before your body slowly starts to shut down, over the course of 10-20 years. The most basic things you were able to do over the course of most of your life will suddenly become impossible for you.
In short, you've already let the time for hobbies pass you by. Any joy you will get will have to come from raising your child or from your romance with your wife, if there is any left.
Kayden Thomas
>Be me >Be 26 >Work a job where I essentially sit at a desk watching security cameras all night and maybe answer a phone call or two >Can shitpost of 4chins and watch youtube all night >Boss literally knows I do this >Have no kids or significant other so I can go home and do more of the same >Play DnD 4 times a week because no other obligations >Family thinks I'm basically a total fuck-up and failure >Read this thread and depressing replies like
Yeah, I think I made the right choice.
Grayson Morales
>All this shitty family life Is it already daytime in the States? Or that's just pan-Anglosaxon thing and you are Albion poster?
Nicholas Wilson
Actual mature people can easily juggle their job, home, family and hobby. Stupid pieces of shit can't.
Christian Campbell
>judgmental normie wife Wait what, does your wife not let you have hobbies?
Adrian Torres
Same shit, but with PF and D&D. My normie wife can't understand "how am i ready to toss away 4-5 hours a week on a make pretend game". The irony of it all is that SHE likes playing PF/D&D, but only like once or twice a month, when SHE has the will.
Nicholas King
In your case, you'll never know the fulfillment of having a child, of seeing that child grow up and succeed and make you proud, of growing a new life with the woman you love and bringing something truly special into the world, that couldn't ever exist without you. This fundamental, most primal and biological joy that most creatures on this planet exist for is one you'll never experience.
Adrian Martin
>It's a law job in England Just lawyer yourself out of this problem mate. Jew your equivalent of labor code to the fullest.
Or pray that EU will force labor law synchronization across Europe before you manage to leave.
Blake Morales
And somehow I am completely utterly fine with that and have zero desire for children ever. There are enough in the world already, and if I ever did feel the urge I'd probably adopt rather than have one of my own. For whatever reason, the biological imperative just isn't there for me.
Mason Nelson
Why did you marry someone who can't just let you have your hobby in peace? You've been dating for years before the marriage, I presume, so why did it never come up that she thinks all of your shit is retarded?
Hudson Anderson
Y'know you could also just end up with a shitty kid, right?
Ryan Morris
Because these hobbies became hobbies while we were dating/in marriage.
Robert Wright
You're utterly fine with it because you're completely unaware of the chemicals that will be unleashed by having a partner and raising a child with her. That incomparable joy is beyond your comprehension. You're free to say that you don't want a kid but you're not in a position to say whether yours is the right choice or not, as you'll never be able to experience the alternative without choosing it (or stumbling blindly into it) instead.
It's a choice between you and your partner slaving away for at least two decades to ensure your child(ren) has a successful life ahead of them, with at least half of that time spent feeling totally exhausted and with the rewarding moments being few and far between, or you living a lonely, isolated life unaware of the joy of having a child of your own, just indulging in meaningless, non-constructive hobbies until you're eventually alone in your deathbed, wishing that you had someone at your side.
Gabriel Jackson
what you mean one can't have both?
surely there must be a smelly girl nerd with lots of harry potter on her empty noggin and low standards to let me eject my slime into her axe wound.
Ryder Brooks
I dunno, that whole "incomparable joy" thing, I don't see it on my parent's face. I don't see on the face of most parents with kids.
As for dying alone. That's not necessarily something that you need children to remedy.
Aaron Campbell
All my normie hobbies are fine - whether it's writing, tennis, piano, all of that is fine and she has no issue.
Except she hates all the "nerd shit" with bitter passion - which she, to her credit, tries to hide around me but it's painfully obvious. This doesn't stop me doing it, time permitting, but definitely cools the atmosphere at home down a bit.
Just turned three
Mason Bennett
This is true too.
Ultimately, the only way to avoid being either a slave to your partner and your child(ren) or a static, mindlessly content herbivore man is to be rich, rich to the point where your wealth is almost self-sustaining. Time is money and if you're willing to part with the latter, you get a lot more of the former.
Remember, a person only has time for two of the following in their day: >Childcare. >Moneymaking. >Recreational activities.
Josiah Powell
It comes in spurts during the process of raising a kid. There were times when you made your parents almost burst with happiness, I'm sure. Of course, thanks to your life choices, those times are past.
Daniel Wilson
>incomparable joy Bullshit, most parents are depressed as shit and your a retard for advocating that.
Nicholas Collins
Holy shit, dude. Get a grip.
Stop indulging this delusional lunatic.
Just go to /b/ or /pol/ or watch the news to remind yourself how shitty some kids turn out.
James Sullivan
OP here and despite all the stuff I am venting about here I'd rather cut my dick off than marry or even go out with an average nerd chick. I've had run ins with a few at uni, they were slightly unhinged at their best and absolutely fucking insufferable otherwise. Not even mentioning their shit taste
Luis Phillips
Yup, I feel so guilty for not becoming a doctor or whatever they wanted for me as they mercilessly beat "success, success, success" into me until I stopped giving a fuck and abandoned them at 17.
I'll be honest, moving out was the happiest event in my life so far, and the first time since I was like 10 where I remember not wanting to kill myself at least once a week.
Caleb Roberts
Everyone has suicidal and criminal thoughts and urges. Those are meaningless. Thinking about suicide means absolutely nothing unless you have acted on those thoughts at any point in your life.
Ryder Lopez
>b-but muh chemicals! this is what ass-mad parents believe. they threw their lives away, and the best defense is that your brain will load you up with feel good chemicals. If that's the case, just do heroin, the high will be much better and there will be far less misery in between highs.
Pro tip:NEVER have kids. NEVER waste your money and time like that.You literally live once, and you're going to blow it on how many years raising some shitty kid?
Caleb Diaz
Why does she hate it, is it just some innate hostility to nerdy shit? And an even better question is why does she let her own (irrational?) hatred steer what you can and can't do? If it bothers her can't you just have your nerdtime for yourself in your study or whatever comparable space you have? I'm just asking here as I think that this is some pretty interesting stuff.
Camden Robinson
>abusive parents are alright >you probably just felt a tiny bit bad
Most parents I know, including my own, live in a state where the years of toil and hardship completely burnt away any and all semblance of romance between them and once the cheating was found out the marriage became a silently upheld agreement "for the sake of the kids".
Trust me, user, being the third child of the family that's already been fed up with childbirth, being raised by just giving me books and video games to distract me from having to take care of me, finding out that I'm possibly illegitimate, being stalked by someone who said is my real father and listening to arguments over Christmas Eve about how "user should have been aborted".
I now have a gf and a cleanly laid career choice and my parents still disapprove because it's not exactly what they wanted, because they make presumptions about my woman that are proven time and time again to be not true and I can't even discuss anything about my major in History with them because they still think that I took all of my knowledge "from those stupid video games" which I probably wouldn't even get into so much if they weren't a substitute for parenthood, so they refuse to talk to me about anything "worldly". I was always "window dressing" because I had great school marks and received scholarships to brag about, but at home, I had to often angrily remind my father that I am not 12 anymore and I understand how to fucking do mundane home stuff - stuff that they never bothered to teach me, so I had to figure it out on my own, or be taught by my girl that they keep passively-aggressively insisting should be gone from my life.
Most parents are fucked up and don't know what they're doing. Most of the ones I've met are control freaks who want to optimize their child like a Pathfinder build.
Brody Rodriguez
For the record, I am not , before anyone accuses me of trying to immediately make things sound worse for myself.
Adam Smith
All bullshit. Actual mature couples have time for hobbies, apart from the timeframe when they're toodlers possibly.
Aiden Mitchell
Pretty much. She's from a conservative japanese family and been conditioned to regard anything that doesn't have normie world "value" as a waste of time.
We've talked about it and tried to work around it, I even invited her for a D&D game I GMd once. She turned out to be a competent roleplayer and bothered to read the rules. After it ended she said that she admired my effort but would rather not come for the next one.
Nowadays she's mostly ok with me going out on a weekend to D&D or play MtG. Of course I never told her how much my two modern and a legacy deck cost so she doesn't have a stroke However, I am worried that having minis and modelling junk lying around her autistically neat living room would finally break her.
Daniel Morris
Maybe not playing 4 nights a week, but this.
Eli Robinson
Flexible hours blow, man. Id look for a new job if I were you. That shit may as well be designed to drive you nuts.
Thomas Lee
Shame on you. You could have put your child through college but instead you bought a Legacy deck!
Camden James
Joke's on you, they will never gut the reserved list, so after a few years I'd be able to sell it and pay for the second kid as well not that I'd do that - hope the little one will be motivated enough to do part time jobs if he wants uni
Nolan Roberts
>they will never gut the reserved list the market will :^)
Cameron Martin
Hey I love you user. Shitposting is a art.
Oliver Brown
As someone who's been buying VZ proxies for a while to play FNM, because I am autistic enough to not want to resleeve and swap real cards around every time I want to try something new, not in another few years. The chinamen proxies are almost all shit with flaws visible to the naked eye with few hidden gems.
Adrian Martin
>Implying I'm talking about proxies Not only is the reserved-list promise no longer valid anyway, it's an actual investment bubble as well.
Jack Myers
I know this doesn't mean anything but I also used to think I would really enjoy miniatures. I went all in on Reaper Bones 1 and 2 kickstarter. I bought a bunch of tools like brushes, lamp, light box, files, mat, etc. I bought mats to make terrain like expanded foam, foamcore, knives, glue, etc. I've spent upwards of $1400. Turns out, I don't really like painting that much. I haven't even touched one of my miniatures in over a year. Looking back I wish I had spent that money on a gaming computer instead.
Aiden Collins
Hey man I'm single & 22, I know you're right.
Problem is we're the 1% even among Veeky Forums. Looking back makes it even worse considering how easy it is to just let yourself go. Most will never find it. I'll probably never find a girl of the 1% but I'm happy to forge a 10%'er into a perfect waifu. Such Is lyfe. It's so easy but so fucking monumental.
You all know how to do it & where to concentrate you're efforts, yet most will not. That's the saddest part.
Tyler Green
>Except she hates all the "nerd shit" with bitter passion Maybe in the past she felt neglected by you because of said nerd stuff and that's why she hates them? But anyway fuck it, YOU want to wargame, don't care about what she says, you have every right in the world to have a hobby.
Nicholas Lopez
I run for two groups, have a regular job, I'm married for 6 years and I also ride as a hobby.
Jackson Murphy
To be fair, reserved list is fucking cancer. If all my cards halved in value overnight I'd be perfectly fine with that, as long as it rejuvenates the game
Levi Hughes
There's no way to win, only do less shit? Sounds about right
Jaxon Edwards
You just couldn't resist, huh? When I got started painting I dropped maybe $20-30 on paint, $10 tops on shitty brushes, and $20 on a box of Anglo Saxons. Then slowly over time started expanding my paints, tools, and quality of models.
Y'know, like a sane person.
Cooper Sanders
OP here, this tbqh. I could actually drop a lot of cash straight away but I am not a complete fucktard. I'd start with 2 starter boxes and just enough supplies
William Kelly
No girlfriend, I share a big house with roomates, I work full time weekdays. I have a lot of time and not a lot of expenses. I figured it would be a fun hobby to do when my friends are not available. Turns out I have more fun shitposting on Veeky Forums/Reddit and playing WoW.
Bentley Moore
Have you heard of the high shelves? No, but seriously if the biggest problem is the lil' bugger eating paints or othervise endangering himself or the expensive investment that is minis there is basically no problem at all. Repurpose some room or if u have no space for that just make a shelf that is very far from the child's reach. And where the he'll do you live that you have to work 14 h daily to feed 3 ppl?
Liam Brooks
>been conditioned to regard anything that doesn't have normie world "value" as a waste of time. Perhaps try to spin the hobby by putting attention to the artistic side of it. Painting and sculpturing is after all, atleast where I'm from, completely socially acceptable forms of hobbies.
>However, I am worried that having minis and modelling junk lying around her autistically neat living room would finally break her. Well, just don't do that then.
Anthony Rogers
>I'd rather cut my dick off than marry or even go out with an average nerd chick. The trick is finding an above average nerd chick. They're like above average nerd dudes in that they are often indistinguishable from "normies" until you get to know them.
Nerds that can be identified as such from a distance, outside their own habitats, are often consumed by issues that preclude them being good mates.
>Nowadays she's mostly ok with me going out on a weekend to D&D or play MtG. It sounds like she doesn't like it, but accepts it. That's pretty fair.
>I am worried that having minis and modelling junk lying around her autistically neat living room would finally break her. ...then don't do that? Go over and above to keep your shit neat and put up when you're not working in it. I'd go so far as to contrive an attractive way to hide your gear and drying miniatures.
Her having to look at your crap all the time would be as unreasonable as you not being allowed to have the crap in the first place.
But yeah, don't share those costs unless forced to, especially if you're gonna get into plastic crack.
>Perhaps try to spin the hobby by putting attention to the artistic side of it. Also this.
Andrew Howard
>judgmental normie wife Where you fucked up desu, better to be single than that
Jayden Watson
>woman will not let you pursue your most beloved hobbies >marrying this woman
Were you trying to transform your life into marital hell?
Ryder Wood
Itt Someone trying to earn dollars from the jews by persuading non Jews not to breed
Jose Sullivan
Good for you. 40kids are mentally handicapped
Isaac Jenkins
I didn't need college to succeed financially an if I ever have a kid the only way they're going to college is if they pay for it themself or get a scholarship. I'm not wasting my money on that shite.