Anyone got pdf for ww1? Also world war rpg character and vehicle art thread
Weird war one
Keepin it alive
I assume you mean Savage Worlds system?
Keith Thompson has some good pics.
Thanks a lot
Even if i wont find the rules ill use some pics in a homebrew version to torment my players
If I run a game in a "weird war" themed setting, I'll run it on Unknown Armies
Forgot to paste the pic.
Ill look for it, thanks
This one reminds me of Metal Slug
I'd love the rest of Iron Harvest series in normal resolution.
Unrelated, but I didn't want to start a new art thread for what i'm sure will be a small amount of results.
Does anyone have grapplers? Shit is hard to find.
Easy to find in the sharethread. If you fail that, OP, you realize weird war one runs on savage worlds, right? You dont need to homebrew shit, just use savage worlds because it already has 90% of the tools you need.
i made a luchadore character once.
Found only ww2 that I already have
Grappler characters are always fun. Having a backup weapon is a must; a rope or chain makes sense thematically (binding, tying people up), but the folding chair is too funny not to be the official weapon of grapplers.
Another chair char (get it)
The problem i have thematically with grappler characters is multiple attackers. I can buy their ability to fight one on one (submission holds, or crushing strength ala hercules). I can even buy them prevailing vs weapons (early dog brothers fights turned into roof block --> takedowns). But they would die in any multiple attacker situation, which is extremely common in fantasy settings (and real life).
Here's a picture for your collection though.
Tulkas is a rad motherfucker
Oh boy
Santa is it you?
Ho Ho Ho
oh hey this is from Iron Grip: Warlord
posting more iron grip cause why not
I played a character that solved this problem, you simply grapple one attacker and use them as a weapon to fight off the rest of the enemies.
it's my own personal sperg out I guess. i can accept wizards, elves, whatever, but it seems ridiculous. ive done too many martial arts to suspend disbelief.
> But they would die in any multiple attacker situation
Yeah most people would do that. Have you considered playing a system that promotes wrassling as a means of control to support other characters, and then realizing that you're part of a team?
You can just use the core rules for Savage Worlds. It pretty much has everything you need. Their is just extra edges and drawbacks and enemy stats in it.
To be fair this admitted dumb plan only worked because the DM let me use an untested class from kobold quarterly that meant my character had an insanely high strength modifier. So I essentially ended up playing as the Incredible Hulk grabbing up small enemies like goblins and using them as shot-puts.