How comes nobody tried to make a good rpg out of Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic? it's literally the best fantasy world, who's running something based on arrabian/persian myths?
How comes nobody tried to make a good rpg out of Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic? it's literally the best fantasy world...
>it's literally the best fantasy world
Based on what?
While the story is complete shit after a while I am running a three years campaign in a setting heavily influenced by it.
>Djinns vessels
>Djinns equips
>The world not being a giant shitfist of overused boring races
>Magicians are patrons to elect the king
>Martials aren't useless
This is one of the few cases where the lore and worldbuilding is more interesting than the actual story.
See you list these as pros and I see them as cons. This shis is what happens when you try to game the story instead for storying the game.
Eh. All things considered, the politics aren't super interesting unless you're already one of the big actors (i.e., already leading a country or monarchy), or in good with one of the big actors. Otherwise, you really have no say in what's going on, and I don't see how you could worm your way in without something super contrived. Potential is there, though.
>Martials aren't useless
Only if they get magic items. Otherwise, they can't compete, and getting those magic items isn't guaranteed.
It started great, but Christ, it just unraveled more and more as it went on until it became a completely incoherent mess. That nonsense with Sinbad and layers and godhood and the palace was so fucking dumb.
I solved the politic part by putting in the setting some big actors and a lot of small actors competing for becoming one of the big. For example my PC got to lead a very small province but in a higly strategic place that was contested by two very powerful Kings, and considering that neither of the two King wanted direct war against each other it meant a lot of intrigue for trying to obtain that region.
Explain, how dungeons can be a con when it allows you to have a self contained world with it's own creatures, laws and challenges without throwing the original world out of balance, also Djinn vessels and special weapons allow for characters to grow beyond their limits without breaking the system (aka how a human survives the amount of abuse it lives through without being a mage).
>Only if they get magic items. Otherwise, they can't compete, and getting those magic items isn't guaranteed.
They're still strong enough to take above average foes and can finish a dungeon on their own, I imagine the campaign would start with one so characters can get better equipment.
Tell me moar about your "heavily influenced" setting. What system do you use?
>and can finish a dungeon on their own
I question this a bit. If I remember the series right, you have to be one of the baddest of badasses, or have a mage on your side. PCs tend to be the former, so it's certainly possible, but I hesitate to say it's certain.
Well, for starters shit would be pretty hard to balance once one of the players got a djinn. You'd have more mundane mages and martial artists on one hand and a walking nuclear explosion on the other, and god forbid one of your players wants to play a Magi, they have literally unlimited spellcasting.
Also the ending was kinda shit desu. They could have done the same but without an utterly inane chain of asspulls.
You can either have the magi be inexperienced or an NPC, of course it wouldn't be fun if you don't have multiple parties competing for control, also items can be stolen or force taken, in a normal situation the PCs would steamroll anything but with constant harassment they will have to compromise.
Because dungeons should be something born naturally out of the game world. An ancient crypt left over from a forgotten civilization, a ruined city, a dragons cave. Something with context outside of WE NEED A DUNGEON, MAGIC ONE!
>also Djinn vessels and special weapons allow for characters to grow beyond their limits without breaking the system
Character limit is a bullshit nothing equation. You just want shitty anime alt mode power ups
We actually went throught a lot of systems. Started with dnd 4e, went throught pathfinder, had a brief try with Fate, then went back to 4e and now again in Pathfinder. We know it's not the ideal system, but it's the one we all knew better, and there are lots of flavour self imposed limits to what PC can do.
Anyway, in my setting there was a Mythic Age when King Solomon ruled, now almost forgotten in the eras of chaos and disorders that followed. The three Magi are Epic spellcaster that were his advisors, and actually are the only living connection to that era. Their role is to select King candidates to the "Throne of the World", which everybody believes to be the role of the successor of Solomon, to bring peace and and a new Golden Age.
Dungeons are created by them, and by conquering them you obtain a Djinn and a lot of ancient artifacts. Djinn are not omnipotent or able to grant Wishes as the spell (at least, lots of them), but they are still very powerful outsiders that serve the owners of their vessel.
This means that conquering a dungeon grant you a very powerful ally, but high level npc or other dudes with Djinns can still fuck you up.
The campaign also started in a time when the majority of dungeons were already conquered, so there are already established King candidates, and the news of a still undiscovered dungeon is a very big deal.
One of the biggest movers and shakers of the setting is Osman the Wise, commonly called "The Sultan". He is the ruler of one of the biggest countries, rival with Sinbad (who is basically the Sinbad of Magi but with a heavy dose of Senator Armstrong philosophy), one of the top dog in the race to the Throne and has the deal of controlling the largest number of Djinn and giving them to its vassals, for which the Djinn act as both an enforcer of his will and a supervisor.
>Because dungeons should be something born naturally out of the game world.
You know how many settings had a well thought out fantasy world? zero, adding a single super natural entity can break the whole world, the laziest solution would be "this race only mind its own business" or "dragons live in isolated caves", you're basically forcing consistency through isolation which is lazy, while having a tamed world with portals to exotic worlds is consistent by design.
And no, you can't just throw something without much thought, humans will weaponize everything and anything they see.
The absolute first adventure the party had for example was when they were trapped in a remote city when the brother of the ruler killed the current king using a djinn and claiming that it was doing so by the will of Osman. The party then discovered that the "Djinn" was instead just a powerful Ogre Magi, and the whole thing was just a deception to cover a succession ploy.
I completely removed the black and white Ruk thing, and instead placed a background conflict of two magic orders, the Umbra witches and the Lumen Sages (yeah, yeah, I know, but I'm very bad with names and nobody in my group played Bayonetta) extremely powerful in the past but which killed each others in time. They now exist hidden and manipulate things in the shadows because when the presence of a witch is know the sages are 100% going to organize an assassination attempt and vice versa. Their fight is also a very consistent theme in the campaign as well as the race for the throne, and the party recently discovered that King Solomon was a Sage while his now forgotten wife, the Queen of Sheba, was a witch, and the reason the two orders hate each other so much can be traced back to the conflict between them that also put an end to the Golden Age.
>Best fantasy world
Holy shit, no. It started out with alot of potential, but then it just became a hot mess of literal GOD-character Gary Stus and plotholes that shoved aside all the interesting world-building so that the author could show off his favorite DMPC.
Gorramn, why do weeaboos always have such shit tastes. Read Dungeon Meshi or something GOOD instead of this shit.
Isn't that the anime where an extremely unsubtle expy of the Israelis are running a genocidal magocracy?
This. Dungeon Meshi reads like an actual campaign with low-level characters played by good roleplayers.
Magi reads like some Pathfinder demi-god shit played by players who's idea of "roleplaying" comes from playing heavily-modded skyrim with anime weapon packs installed.
It might sound cool but in practice all your players will want to be Sinbad and fight over who gets to hoard more djinn equips.
It's not that weebs always have a shit taste, it's that nippon writers are shitty hacks they reliably fuck every story that had a potential due popularity pools, waifu trash and editor fucking up
Honestly it's a problem with the entire industry as a whole, and the way it demands authors shit out a new chapter every single week for months on end, without giving them time to plan or think... while barely paying them a livable wage an then fucking them out of chunks of that if fan ratings ever dip. Being a manga artist is pure hell. Have fun with your 2-4 hours of free time per week.
The only reason Dungeon Meshi as mentioned by and is any different is because it's a monthly release the author does for fun while having a real job, and she takes breaks from time to time.
No new chapters until February. Life is suffering.
Tell me more user, what did the party accomplish and what fun encounters they had?
No, this is just shit and boring world building. Philotomy's dungeons as mythic underworld is one of the best ideas I've come across.
Eldritch Ass Kicking could work
>it's literally the best fantasy world
No such thing
But I have really toyed with the idea of making a system that captures the feel of these dungeons that exist. Having personalized challenges, that scale with the accomplishments and strengths of those who enter is a neat idea. I would like to do something that involves some procedural generation or setpieces that could be associated to a list of the 72 Djinn.
>it's literally the best fantasy world
Magic School art is dogshit
I mean Arc
sorry man
Why is this show R-rated? There are chicks with their tits hanging out all over the place.
I was thinking more of the early arcs when it was good
>brothels and whores.jpg
aw yee