What humans would do to attempt to steal elven long lifes and immortality, wherever it works or not. Bathing in their blood, drinking their blood, eating their entrails, stealing their souls? Would they do it with other races like dwarves too?
What humans would do to attempt to steal elven long lifes and immortality, wherever it works or not...
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I had idea about mortal races (humans, halfilings, dwarves) being able to prolong their lifes by eating the flesh of immortal elves and corrupted yet still immortal elves (orcs, goblins, trolls).
Organ transplants, more likely. Only African-tier races would think eating an elf would give them power.
>stealing their souls?
Elves don't have souls. That's part of what makes them immortal.
Did you never read Neil Gaiman's Sandman?
Yes /pol/fag, nordic races never ate bears to get their power. Even if you have nothing going for you, at least you have your race to be proud of!
Uhm... be a vampire? Like every rational fantasy setting human would do?
You realize cannibalism is big in Africa right? I'm not that guy you replied to or a /pol/ fag but Africa is pretty fucked up when it comes to baby rape to cure aids or cannibalism for witchcraft.
Big difference between eating a bear for power and eating a person to cure ailments.
Nothing special, just to remind that Elisabeth Bathory was pure and innocent, and all that murder meme was fabricated by catholic H*bsburgs as part of a more massive plan to eradicate protestantism in Hungary.
Big difference to claiming that shit is racial.
Nobody claimed that. I specifically said African, i.e. of the continent.
>Big difference between eating a bear for power and eating a person to cure ailments.
They're equally ignorant, so it seems like you're just trying to start /pol/shit on the elfgames board.
I'd argue that you do gain power from eating a bear, maybe not some arcane powers but definitely energy.
Try to invade the Undying Lands
Neil Gaiman is shitty contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism.
By a submarine, and only disembark at nigh.
>eradicate protestantism
Too bad they didn't succeed.
Rape. When you rape a elf they die and you receive their lifespan
They're right about bears though. I can be a fairly nutritive meat
Go away Virt. You're banned.
this isn't snuff. Countess Bathory was just rumoured to be an antichrist like figure who would bathe in blood
It's got precedent. He's not the first to say that Elves have spirits but not souls.
I'm a traditionalist. Why drain their essence directly and then just drink it?
Fuck no.
Breed elven bloodlines into their family lines. As elves literally have blue blood, many royal lines that have an elf in their genealogy also have literal blue blood.
Of course, elves being masters of the long game, and in a constant shadow war with other elves, are totally willing to pop out a few shorter shorter lived kids so that their lines down the road becomes a pain in the ass to their enemy.
Humans that eat the flesh of dwarves or giants mutate into ogres.
Good to know alternate interpretation and non-stereotypical world building are contrarian just to be contrarian.
Bring me the Gelflings.
>I can be a fairly nutritive meat
on the internet nobody knows youre a bear
>Would they do it with other races like dwarves too?
No Dwarves are disgusting. They're like rats or something.
Shut your cock holster you filthy papist!