>Sees a species of highly social intelligent omnivores which form tight nit colonies, are highly affectionate and will go out of their way to help others out of danger even when the alternative is to get food.
>Makes them into a Race of hyper aggressive backstabbing anti-social creatures who's members are literally incapable of valuing anything other than itself in their games.
Games Workshop logic
Other urls found in this thread:
Lack of space makes rats eat each other. And their lairs are bloated with rats.
>Autist logic
>Sees something based on human cultural preconceptions and symbols
t.Greyseer Skrintkin
Skaven have gotten... weird, since Age of Sigmar.
Skaven are not good rattos
They are bad rattos
Lack of space makes any species eat each other.
Stop playing faphammer and read Redwall or Mouseguard. There! A bunch of good rodent.
How so? Havent really followed the lore in AoS.
I thought female skaven were just giant rat birthing machines
That's fanart. Mind you a Clan of sapient female Skaven could work as a gimmick (either with or without cheesecake factor).
Speaking of which
Is it true the Skaven were originally based off the Jews?
Yes Games Workshop are renowed for being retarded anti-Semites
I mean 40K's Third Reich imagery on it's good guy faction seems to suggest as much
The Imperium is more Byzantine than Hitlertown anyway.
Fuck that, you furry, this is Warhammer we're talking about. There's hundred, if not thousands of years of history of rats being tied closely to plague, poverty, witchcraft, lack of virtue, decay and ill omens.
I won't deny certain cultures venerate rats, or that they can be intelligent and socially altruistic- but it's friggin Warhammer. It's a grimderp European/Germanic styled fantasy; what do you think they're going to take as the basis for their race in a game of perpetual battle?
There is no good guy faction in 40k, that's kind of the point.
Compared to every other faction they are. Even the Tau are shifty as fuck.
See, I was about to believe your honeyed words, but then I saw that you were literally the Devil, and my brief temptation to doubting the rattos has been terminated.
That and you can still have the plague, poverty, witchcraft, decay, and ill omens just fine if you remove the backstabbing amongst themselves bit.
>white knighting rats
>everything that paints my waifu race in less than absolutely positive light is bad reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Are furries the new dwarffags?
Rats are full of toxoplasmosis. He can't help but be a faggot
Good idea.
>fiction is not a copy of reality
They can't keep getting away with this.
Yeah, that's why cab drivers call GW HQ "that nazi building"
Why are you responding
Warpstone's one hell of a drug.
What part of rat society do poison mortars, lightning cannons and space rockets fulfill?
Weird I don't eat people in the subway neither do caged chimps
They just modelled them after GW players.
Yes, but that's because of the giant imperial eagle.
that's cats
Skaven are social as fuck, they wouldn't be abke to function without people to demean, slaves to drive, somebody to blame and somebody to grovel to.
They need the backstabbing because otherwise they'd have won already.
Both. It can only reproduce in cats, but it infects rats as well. In rats it actually reduces their inhibitions and fear of cats, so they fuck a lot and get eaten, bringing the parasite back into cats.
Basically GW wanted to create a race of disgusting ratmen that also are the most technologically advanced race in the setting. In addition, their end goal is the genocide of all other races so that they can take over the surface.
Because of their advancement and their goals, there has to be a limiter somewhere that explains why they don't just take over everything, and they went with the hilarious solution of them constantly backstabbing each other at all times
It also convieniently resresents the fact that rats explode in cancer after a few years. Also the fact that all of their shit can sometimes glue their tails together, causing large clumps of them to immobalize eachother till they dehydrate or starve. Might not be deliberate but it works.
If they were smart they wouldn't be cab drivers.
They won while backstabbing each other.
What if some are born infirtal?
No, they were inspired by the extremely anti-Semitic myth of the zealots, who supposedly lived and worshipped in secret underground caves, stole away gentile children to consume and exsanguinate, and eventually all killed themselves rather than face justice for their actions. This is radically different from a tribal mafia run out of a demonologist led fortress-state that kidnaps gentile children to exsanguinate them and sell their organs while leading a deception-based infiltration plot against all supposedly allied nations and creating mass propaganda to encourage all other tribes to breed themselves out of existence.
It should also be duly noted that the current symbolism for the skaven is radically different than the demon summoning sigil chosen by the Rothschild patriarch to become the flag of Israel.
In short, no. Israel is a much scarier fantasy setting than anything in warhammer.
>End Times
Is shit.
Did you make this thread solely to try and drive the conversation to this retarded shit? Please KYS.
Am I the only one who's bored with /pol/? It used to be entertaining but now it's like they're phoning it in every post.
face it
You should do some research. They make good villains for modern fantasy because they are a real life country of evil wizards. It's pretty cool.
It's just boring senpai. Please go back to your own board, or wherever you're from. Half of you don't even play the games you shitpost about, as evident from that MtG thread with all the "WHO'S THIS NIGGER" posts about Teferi.
They're not really. Their HR is full of the same rot as everywhere else.
You're still on Veeky Forums, remember that. You couldn't make a thread about bulgarian basketweaving techniques without someone screaming "THE JEWS!!!!!!!!!".
Quality of cannon doesn't make it not cannon.
Actually that was completely possible before last year.
Canon is nonsense; it's to be respected if it adds consistency and depth to a setting. Having everyone go crazy and blow up the world is silly.
Blame it on the SJWs pushing the /pol/ narrative too hard.
>m-muh SJWs
fuck off
you literally go hunting for shit to be outraged about and then pretend like anyone other than you is bringing it here
Never done so in my life. This is just a counter-reaction to shit. I wish we could go back to the 2000s where your sort were mocked as the idiots everyone knew they were.
Why I quite like the Tau. When I was younger I read half the lore and decided Tau must be the good guys. Now that I'm older its entertaining to read how nasty they actually are.
Humans, being close to rats, suffer from the intoxicating effects of toxo as well.
They are allot like the Imperium, if they cleaned-up their vocabulary
That's only when they're genetically inbred and then spend their lives crammed in captivity.
Why do half of GW's factions seem to barely include women at all? And I'm not talking in just a tabletop sense, the background fluff for several armies reminds us women are barely seen or heavily controlled.
Women like individualism, rank and file doesn't appeal to them.
>Women like individualism
What the fuck are you on about? Women are herdlike as fuck. They are the conformist gender, while men are far more likely to be individualist.
>the nazi thing didn't so I'd better start shitposting to myself about women instead
>please, please take my bait
/pol/ please go.
Not only do I know more about politics than you, I'm better at shitposting. All that aside, I think the 'nids should just eat those ratfuckers and I'll be happy.
What? This was my first post in this thread.
Even still, they fantasize about being an individual. They tend towards their maternal instincts on the tabletop as well. Most women I've meet play Nids and Skaven.
Women's inclination to play nids is quite puzzling phenomena
Nids are the ultimate collectivists, a literal Hive Mind.They are also run by Matriarchs. It's not really that surprising that women like them.
Skaven are fuzzy. Again, not that surprising.
>big man-eating monsters who birth hordes of smaller man-eating monsters
It's a wargame, about war.Women are bad at war, because smaller and weaker.
And there's plenty of female character models in the human and elf armies, and they are usually powerful casters.Which is exactly what women would need to impact low tech warfare, magical powers.
>thinking any group of people defined by birth can be evil
This is your brain on /pol/.
>thinking evil is a thing that exists instead of something we made up to describe 'that thing I don't like when other people do'
Nice spooks, nerd.
You mean in the Subway? I wouldn't be so sure about that.
On more serious note - cabin fever / behavioral sink are proven phenomenon. Though it it needs to be permanent arrangement with no periods for "decompression" and how little space is too little space for the creatures to get on each other's throat varies.
When you think about it, Tyranids are basically a bunch of male insect/dragon/xenomorphs under the control of a powerful hive mind female that is in constant pregnancy and thats why she is always hungry and demands her children to feed.
Nids also completely strip their host planet of all resources, reminds of something?
It kind of reminds me of the way men act in abusive relationships.
You are saying that tyranids are americans. Gotcha.
murricans just seize the countries with resources but they have all interests in developing them, it becomes annoying having to deal with constant rebellions eventually.
People defined by their political and religious decisions sure as fuck can be evil.
And yes, evil is a real thing. Reality is not subjective. You can't play word games to make unethical acts "good" and some ethical systems are objectively better than others. It is extraordinarily creepy to insist otherwise.
Well, that's not entirely true. It's better to say that you can always create a situation where acts can be justified, but the situation is what matters.
Killing someone to prevent them from suffering a far worse death, for example, can justify murder.(For example, shooting someone in the head instead of letting them slowly burn to death)
However, the important element here is context. Just because in this one case a killing can be justified doesn't mean murder can always be justified.
>you can always create a situation where acts can be justified
You sound like an incredibly sheltered piece of shit narcissistic enough to think you understand the world.
Humans are capable of much greater cruelty than you have been exposed to so far, kid. Sorry.
What in my reasoning disallows human cruelty?
And this doesn't need to be a dick measuring contest about who's more jaded, man. For one thing, you're pretty much just going to call me a liar no matter what I argue.
Ah you're right, sorry. It's a touchy subject for me.
They’re not terrible because they are rats. They’re terrible because they were mixed with humans.
Well, the important element here is that while you can create a situation to justify any act, those situations often become incredibly specific and highly improbable, or straight up divorced from reality.
You could brainstorm a reason to torture a child to death and not have the person doing it be evil, for example, but that doesn't mean that 99.99% of the time, the fucker doing it isn't a monster.
I get that the reasoning can become a slippery slope of "anything can be justified", but it's a line of thinking that just isn't very clean. Too hard on the black/white side and you can start to punish or judge people who don't deserve it, too far on the other and ethics lose all meaning.
>Never done so in my life
>Literally just did
Please go
Reddit is that way >
Its almost like they are chaos mutated, warpstone addicted abominations and not just rats
Agreed. It simply gets very, VERY awkward when you get to the nation state level and you start having people whose literal job is to do that brainstorming in the name of the state. Some are bad at it, and don't disguise their unethical actions well, others have perfected lying to themselves and others, and their nations practically run on justifications.
Well hey, gotta keep the arms market afloat, know what I'm sayin'? Now tell me again how Saddam has WMDs and the Islamic State of North Korea and Syria is going to kill us all tomorrow.
Skaven were originally a way to sell wererat minis
GW was created to sell d and d and other role play stuff
Minis became a thing too use and then people had so many they wanted army rules - that’s why warhammer has armies yet those armies in fluff are hundreds but only a few dozen models
I don't mind it in the wargame itself - there it makes sense, and if you really want you can greenstuff some boobplate or something.
But in so much of the background fluff, ladies are not well treated, beyond just historical parallels. Skaven are the obvious example, but Chaos Dwarves for the women of their dwindling race to bear bullcentaurs that end up killing them, and female Dwarves are pretty much only ever for marriage, not even seeming to get involved in running a Hold while the boys are away. There's so much shit like that, it gets concerning in a 'as a whole' sense.
Makes me laugh how Americans are pissed at how their police treat them when most of those cops are ex military and treated occupied populations exactly that way
Is the vermin acting up again?
>Age of Sigmar.
Who gives a ahit?
i hate how people completely miss the point of memes after a certain amount of time. the chad meme is intended to glorify bad behavior and mock good behavior. shit like this is just deaf and blind