> Plague tree >Beasts of Nurgle > 2 Plaguebearer Characters (presumably Heralds) > Blight Kings on Flys > Possibly a humanoid unit for AoS like Poxwalkers
What did I miss?
Gabriel Harris
Can Magnus the Red take powers from the CSM codex?
I'm gonna play against him today, just want to be sure.
Nathaniel Johnson
I am weeb and that video is still 1000 times better than AMV about that shitty anime.
Michael Moore
The great unclean one at the end of the vid!
Colton Walker
yes, there was some sort of FAQ or whatever when the CSM codex came out which allowed others to use it.
Hunter Garcia
Doesn't he get to choose from the dark hereticus discipline?
Ayden Lewis
Apparently Pestigors might be likely as well, as they've recently been mentioned in some of the AoS books.
It'd make sense because they already have Tzaangors in both settings.
Chase Hall
Looking at starting a shooty SM army that allows me to play defensively. Any recommendations?
Isaac Cruz
Jordan Jenkins
Play SoB or IG if you want shooty
Aiden Foster
There was a Warhammer Community post that allowed that... but it was deleted
Charles King
So I've got the Tau Battleforce box and picked up a Start Collecting Tau box. So now I have:
Whats my next step for expanding my army? A Hammerhead maybe? Or some Pathfinders?
Aaron Cox
Devastator marines, vindicators
Carter Rogers
Xavier Moore
3 boxes of kroot
Connor Bennett
2 Commanders and then some more screening units like Fire Warriors or Breachers or Kroot.
Juan Edwards
What are the more fun and unique armies out there?
Something like Space Marines seem a bit too vanilla and boring. They get a good toughness and armour save and then just get good weapons. Seems boring.
Blake Scott
Ultrasmurfs with Bobby G, assbacks and chadblasters
Jonathan Gray
Kroot are lame and ugly and for neckbeards
Lucas Allen
SM are real exemplar of boredom, if army of regular men have more character of oomph than them.
Captcha: extra bologna
Jeremiah Smith
Imperium Soup is a really fun and unique if you start pulling from some of the weirder units from the Ministorum and Guard and Inquisition and Custodes.
Blood Angels play a lot different than normal Marines.
Chaos Marines with Demons has a lot of neat combos.
Eldar have a lot of ways to play the army in a unique fashion.
Orks are also really unique, but a heavy investment.
Nicholas Nelson
Carter Butler
Who can have a warlord trait in an army? Obs a HQ, but can independent charaters have one (Such as a champaion, or chapter ancient.
Ian Adams
Any character can usually.
Joshua Stewart
SM are the middle of the road faction. If you want unique, look at the alien armies. >Genestealer cults >Tyranids >Craftworld eldar >Drukhari >harlequins >ynnari >necrons >orks
Michael Johnson
Yes, any single model can be your model.
Characters can only get warlord traits though, unless otherwise specified, like named characters needing to take a specific one.
Oliver Rogers
I can't tell you who can, but i can tell you who can't.
Sly Marbo
Julian Young
>Not playing your HH Legion in 40k and having a creative list >Not making creative Marine lists that include their own planet Auxilia >Not playing themed Marines
The problem is you
Hudson Watson
No that's still boring. If you brought that to a match I'd politely say it's neat, but really I'd be rolling my eyes internally.
Jack Cruz
Super Imperium Friends is the only reasonable way to play humans in 40k
T3 master race! Playing marines with the Imperium is just boring
Blake Mitchell
I really don't see the SM=boring thing. They are only as boring as you make them
Juan Johnson
>I am a joyless husk who only exists to bitch Ftfy
Owen Hill
I painted up another icon bearer.
Im going to paint a little nurgling for him in wooden colours, similar to his wooden thigh plate.
Alexander Brooks
Was looking at the Chapter Tactics and the Raven Guard's seemed quite interesting, would they not suffice for a long ranged army?
Andrew Williams
Sons of Hydra epub when? I spent all my money on the fucking Advent calendar so I'm poorfag now.
Cameron Carter
>Genestealer Cults Mite b cool, they seem a bit too weak and with a limited range though.
>Tyranids The newer generation of models seem a bit too overdone, except maybe the Trygon kit.
>Eldar Cool, potentially but seem hard to paint and have ancient models
>Drukhari Cool guys, their models seem a bit too fiddly, also split into 3 sub-factions and I only really like 1.5 of them
>Harlequins Literally like 3 units the (((Army)))
>Necrons Cool idea but the new gaudy egyptian aesthetic sucks. Should have left it to the Thousand Sons.
>Orks Cool dudes, got some old models sadly. Their vehicles look like ass.
Jose Rivera
You have very little imagination.
Space Marines have an insane amount of variety from colors to conversions all the way to army layout.
Making a blanket claim that they’re boring speaks more of your unwillingness to look deeper into them than anything.
Andrew Rogers
No I love a lot of things, your thing is just boring. I'm sorry for your waste of effort and money.
Aiden Butler
Talons of the Emperor can be fun if you mix it with Inquisition, Ministorum and so on, get some really weird combinations in your army that back/ boost your custodes mainline. You will have very few miniatures on the table unless you bring out lots of the cheap Inquisition and Ministorum units and despite its high toughness, is an army that will punish if if you fuck up.
My current goal is to get a thunderwarrior model and run him as an Imperial Space Marine counts as, fluff him as the last Thunderwarrior fighting in vengence for the recent Chaos expansion and for unity
Blake Cruz
If my theme you mean vampire/werewolf/goth/emo/another cliche, then thanks but no thanks.
Adam Hill
lol they sure do buddy, you got em
Isaiah Bailey
So do every other army. Witch Hunters (Inquisition) are basically the army
Marines are small time compared to that
Gabriel Gomez
>He can’t give a good response to user >Poorly done sarcasm instead
Sebastian Miller
all guesses and wishlisting > Kugath plaguefather bits in the GUO set ( itd make no sense to not have a special character after the other 2 gods got theirs) > Glottkin usuable in 40k. ( its a big expensive kit and gw would want to maximise sales of it) > a smaller human scale version of the blight kings would sell like fucking crazy
Angel Hughes
What user said is basically like shouting "I like poop!" You don't need to respond to that with anything more than "Good for you buddy".
Jacob Howard
Wtf I love the black legion now
Brandon Collins
seconding this.
Colton Barnes
its not him who likes space marines tho, so jokes on you
Logan Hall
But that’s wrong?
Marines can be interesting. Just because they’re the most popular faction doesn’t mean you can’t do something cool with them.
Jack Hall
Oh you two.
Jose Mitchell
Should the Commanders all be quad fusion?
Jason Lee
>>ITT: Players who think they’re better because they don’t like Space Marines
Isaiah Young
I don't like Guard either
Carter Mitchell
should /40kg/ put together some 1000pt starter armies, like the /aosg/?
Anthony Mitchell
A+ for bigotry, E for arguement
Julian Moore
>Alpha Legion have whips >Emperor's Children have whips Just give us the models and rules for Power Whips already.
Joshua Baker
Log in ADB.
Ayden Hill
As a marinefag, they are better. Now I’m trap with the boring army till I manage to sell it.
Aaron Johnson
What should I add to my Guardsman squad as a special weapon?
Flamer or Grenade Launcher?
Josiah Sanchez
Not better, just laughing at Marine fags as usual. In a universe where you can pick from such a wide variety of xenos and human factions, so many pick beefy bald men with a gimmick and say it's interesting. Male power fantasy mixed with sadness is what it tastes like.
Julian Phillips
>Now I’m trap nice
Carson Fisher
Some people play Marines because they enjoy warrior monks made into super human warriors.
Everyone has their reasons. Genetically modified super soldiers are a neat aesthetic.
Jack Hernandez
you'll have your swords, staves, and axes and LIKE it.
only drukhari get to have whips.
Nolan Collins
Marines have no been warrior monks since BT lost their codex.
Mason Lopez
with the ap on the GL in the 8th, they both good imo
Chase Edwards
I'm too busy writing more harem waifus for Khayon
Samuel Scott
You are honestly retarded if you actually believe this.
Aaron Nelson
Oh you!
Jose Rogers
Look at new marines release after BT. The knight and monk themes are basically gone
Luis Murphy
>you'll have your swords, staves, and axes and LIKE it. I made most of my CSM HQs and Termis with Spears, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Leo Williams
That would be good, especially if your Crisis can have some of the Burst Cannons for anti-horde. Also 1 Commander with quad Burst is also pretty neat from what I've seen.
Jose Brooks
>They only read the codex and not the fucking mountain of lore in front of them
Cooper Campbell
> t. tabardfag
Connor Reyes
>X is boring They exist in your imagination and in little pieces of plastic that you stick together and paint according to your imagination. Your imagination is the problem here.
Owen Carter
Classic case of Marine fags on suicide watch because girls don't find their army interesting.
Nathan Baker
>Male power fantasy doesn't define IG as well Do you know what power fantasy is? >OMG army manz is so kewl cuz so weak but so brave!
Angel Morris
>I play as all Primaris Ultramarines
Logan Williams
Nice delusions fuccboi
Justin Jackson
No one would probably agree on anything and it would depend on what peopl want. The age of sigmar one si good because they just need players for a dying game, so it does not need to differentiate between comp and normal lists.
40k is much more popular, so people want different things I find there are waacfags, people in the middle who like fluff and to win and people who will play for fluff even if it means probably loosing most games and even then every stores meta is different, like in mine Talons of the Emperor is almost always winning, but based on what I hear, in most stores it aint shit.
Chase Long
>t.insecure space marine player
Elijah Perry
For now. Magnetize that shit together with your other crisis suits. As the other annons mentioned you should pick a troop choice next thing you do. A less faggy way of playing is to cool it down with the commander spam and add two hammerheads, one of which you run as lingstrike. Won't leta you win ad much, but is more fun to play if you ask me. You can use them as devilfish as well. The turret is removable.
Robert Ortiz
boy did those responses not look good for ADB
Matthew Garcia
I can't say I like Guard either, but they are not a male power fantasy. Liking Guard because they are the underdog is the equivalent of liking those movies where the dorky nerd gets the hot girl because he's nice. Both are equally terrible.
I'm not sure why Marine fags always default to thinking it's Guard fags that are the only ones who find their faction boring. In my experience it's mostly salty Xenos players who are annoyed their army isn't getting proper attention.
Jayden Ortiz
mfw marbo only has a powerlevel, no points cost given
Jace Cook
Wheres your NYT bestsellers kiddo? Get on my level
Grayson Evans
Poins should be in the back of the book in the roster thingy, or they forgot him?
Grayson Lopez
He's a special edition model and given his own rules when you buy him. Apparently it's just power level that is listed.
David Peterson
he's not in a book, his only rules come with him, there's no points value, the last page of the little booklet is just the Italian rules for him
Justin Martin
Really good series so far. Can't wait for more to come out.
Brayden Bell
his rules kinda sux anyway, he can't 1v1 a primarch why bother?
Connor Young
When the complaint is "I do not like thing", the response "A lot of other people like it" seems perfectly adequate.
Caleb Cox
Just look at the models. The lore could say they are transexual Jedi Knight and it would mean very little if the models just look like fat infinity models
Wyatt Walker
>Marinefags and Guardfags at eachothers throats >tfw I play both
Subversive tricks of the T'au no doubt
Juan Green
More Fire Warriors and a Fireblade. Then parhfinders for some markerlights if youbson want to use drones. Hopefully the maekerlight table will be changed in the codex
John Baker
I always thought of them as angry turtles.
Jackson Brown
I like it. Special characters shouldn't have points values, just power. Then no one has to pretend they're "matched" against anything.
Carson Gutierrez
I don't have any. Then again, I don't have any daddy issues, so I'm calling that a win for me.