I hate orcs but I like seeing them steal away and impregnate females of other races.
Is that wrong?
I hate orcs but I like seeing them steal away and impregnate females of other races.
Is that wrong?
Remember to fap before posting a thread on Veeky Forums.
fpbp. Also, a thread had to die for this. Anyway,
How does orc elf c rossbreed even look?
And wouldln’t it be a master race, combining intelligence and gracefullness of elves and strenght and tenacity of orcs? How would full blooded orcs and elves even compete?!
Half elf half orcs are actually the most common crossbreed race in most fantasy. They're colloquially known as humans
I'm getting really sick of your shit /pol/ and/or /tv/.
>makes shit thread
>gets shitposts
To quote a great faggot, ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Adding to this, I miss having quest threads on Veeky Forums.
What's wrong with shitposting in a thread made for shitposting?
What is this face suppose to be.
America is 56% white
>steal away
Clearly the elf wants to get with that orc. Elf men need to up their game instead of hating the players.
>Implying Elf "men" didn't woo 2-3 orcs in the same amount of time.
Amerimut is the best meme of this year.
I love how butthurt it makes murricans.
>it's /a/ thread with /int/ posts on Veeky Forums
>I love how butthurt it makes murricans.
It's one of my favorite memes
t. 100% european ameriburger
This one is the best imo.
Worse than vorefags.
It makes shitposters believe that they can spam shitposts into non shitposting threads, and it makes faggots like OP spam more threads such as these. Shitposting is like cancer, it spreads quickly and once it's in it's a bitch to remove.
I like it too!
>i do not like how other people post, people should post like me because i post the best posts, ok?
There you go, a late Christmas present.
Well, this is the cost of getting rid of quest threads. It's what the anti-quest fags wanted. They prefer this type of content.
Removing quest threads didn't change a thing. The amount of shitpost is the same, if anything it is less now because quest threads themselves are shitposts.
Now go back to your containment board.
>there are anons who will praise this because 'le don't even need the other boards ecks dee' may may
Can't wait for Comcast to throttle the shit out of this place so I can stop compulsively coming here