When people tell me not to buy proxies, are they really looking out for my best interest or do they have a financial stake in the game they need to "safeguard".
My playgroup doesn't care about proxies, they just ask I get a real card, and not a marker and land card or shitty printer paper stapled onto a land card.
Adrian Russell
How are proxies relevant in draft? You mean cube, right? For EDH, you can build a lot of stuff for real cheap. Why not build literally anything that doesn't require you to make another fucking shill thread jesus christ my dudes. I'd recognize those talking points anywhere, time to move to the generals again
Alexander Sanchez
>another proxy shill thread
Wow. Way to fool us. Look how much effort you put into it this time.
I'm curious what your "nuh uh" response will be.
Alexander Gomez
>My playgroup doesn't care about proxies
> not a marker and land card or shitty printer paper stapled onto a land card.
This is where your bullshit overflowed.
Evan Walker
It's interesting how many anticonsumer interests come out in these threads, as if vested interests are very eager to suppress information.
I am sure there's nothing untoward going on...
Nathan Peterson
Sol ring + lightning greaves is already $6-$8. You need to fuck off collector.
Jack Russell
It's amazing how many anti MtG threads get made. It's like people have a vested interest in hating on it because some dumbfuck was stupid and his personal army is out in force.
Henry Wilson
No one is telling you not to buy proxies. Go do whatever you fucking want and yes if you want force of will but have a reasonable wallet then buy proxy by all means
Nathan Smith
Your "best interests" would be to not play MtG in the first place, proxies or no.
Blake Diaz
Thread ask if they should get proxies? Doesn't effect wotc, and is often for kitchen tables. Lowers barrier to entry and helps people get back into mtg, which is riddled with insane prices for cardboard.
Really makes you think...
Zachary Ortiz
That OP is proxy-shilling to try and make some chinese guy some money for shipping shoddy fakes and disappearing when you complain?
This thing happened in the past, and it's happening now, and it's still the same "Wow, these proxies look great and I swear they're not shit anymore!" and "Don't print them yourself, pay some guy 100x the cost of the paper and ink for some obvious fakes, that makes sense!"
Please, don't act like we don't already know you for being what you are, and that there's any, any reason at all, to extend to you a measure of reasonable doubt.
Jaxson Watson
Remember, defending anticonsumer practices like lootboxes, drm, day one dlc and the reserved list is the only way companies will survive, so be a good customer and unquestioningly support harmful business models!
Cameron Williams
Im not working minimum wage and I make $40 an hour. The cost for me to set up a printer/ buy blue or black core paper is way more pain in the ass then just paying a premium. i got my cards 324 cards for $90ish dollars.
Maybe you work minimum wage and thinks that is alot. I however do not and spend my money on stupid stuff, but their being stupid like playing MTG and being retarded which is paying $4+ a card.
Christian Young
>pay chinese man money for shitty fakes
That sounds much more anti-consumer than just making simple proxies yourself.
Julian Baker
>Im not working minimum wage and I make $40 an hour.
Working one hour a day shilling isn't really anything to brag about.
Jordan Ramirez
You're smarter than you pretend to be, user. Don't be so disingenuous and just admit that you're pushing talking points you've hand-picked in order to convince others to not invest money in MtG cards, whether it's personal use or collecting.
Nicholas Evans
No I just want more people to play the game. This is the funnest card game I have ever played. But the business model is not gonna last. I remember 4 yeara ago people loved playing it now my local lgs is dead.
Nolan Watson
Is your store also on the brink of closing? I imagine they're all leaving because of the warped cards being printed. Especially since better digital games are out there and the value of cards are declining. Such a shame that such a great game is dying, we should all sell, sell, sell!
You're even more obvious than that. You fall back on all of the same talking points no matter what persona you adopt. Just accept that we can see through your facades and stop pretending.
Jackson Davis
If part of the cost of proxies is shilling them for the rest of your life on /tg I'd rather pay for the $30 fetches
Carson Phillips
The best part of an obvious agenda is that the more things he tries, the more he reveals his methods. It's like having a key to a code, and the enemy still pushing out their secrets.
John Peterson
>too rich to resort to printing proxies yourself but too poor to buy the real thing Poverty really is a mental illness
Adrian Morales
More like being smart. Ever heard of substitute goods?
Colton Nelson
Well, take a copy machine or a printer, do your print givin zero fuck about how lookalike to the real things it's cames out and for casual play any non-idiotic player is joust fine wih it. If you want an indistinguible thing to scam me off selling it to me or trading it for a legittimate card that's totally another thing. I'm totally ok with proxies but I respect more a piece of paper on a sleeve with written on it " Hi, we are Noble Yerarch now" that those fraud inducing chinese scam
Cooper James
Mods, can you please just start deleting these threads ASAP?
We all know it's nothing more than propaganda aimed at harming the MTG community so just fucking delete them. This cultural warfare bullshit is getting out of hand, we should do our best to keep this trash from ruining our hobbies when we can.
Daniel Sanders
Why would even bother using a printer? Just scribble some shit on the back of a napkin and call it a day.
Leo Jenkins
At this point I'm 100% sure that these threads must ironic and/or some kind of meme, that I simply don't get.
Samuel Perry
Hey man that`s fine. Feel free to print off entire deck of knock offs if you never plan on seeing the inside of a real LGS.
Carter Edwards
Not op but our group is okay with proxies so long as they have / are:
>recognizable from a distance if weve seen your deck before. >can tell color and color identity at a glance. >all rules text is on the proxy. >card is legible.
We're not playing mental magic.
Nobody shills for chinaman fuck ordering proxies from china, no thanks. But there are a lot of 'color printed on cardstock and sleeved' proxies in our group.
Ryan Carter
We do not game at a gaming shop, mtg is a game we sometimea play to fill time between rpg sessions.
Matthew Hernandez
My playgroup has TONS of those. One guy made a bunch of alt art cards in photoshop so his deck would be nothing but anime girls.
Carter Morales
I have an ezuri that is a full art iorveth from the witcher. And ive got borderless full art basic lands ive been using since ktk. Its fun.
Parker Jenkins
I should try doing custom lands and tokens, I'm sure the LGS wouldn't give a shit about those.
Grayson Gonzalez
If your playgroup really doesn't care, you can print 25 cards for a dollar at most print shops. You don't need to pay the China Jew just because you can't pay the Seattle Jew.
Brayden Harris
Check that persecution complex. There's a lot of things to be mad about MtG before even going into their shitty community management.
Check their facebook, real people with their real names and pictures are voicing many of the same opinions you read in Veeky Forums >The card stock is noticeably worse even while sleeved >The game is still disgustingly expensive >Local game stores are closing or having trouble firing events >Art is stale, boring and samey, nobody likes the Gatewatch characters >Cancelling Duel Decks to reinstate the previously cancelled Event Decks under another name is stupid and makes the company look senile
Nobody gives a shit about your /pol/ boogeyman in the real world and yet they still complain Magic is not trying half as hard as it used to.
Oliver Phillips
>Local game stores are closing or having trouble firing events And this is mostly because of their shitty CM. They seem to be actively courting shitty people who would rather spend $50 on a mythic than $5 on a bottle of body wash. Turns out I don't want to play a game that says "yes, come to our official events wearing filthy clothes without bathing yourself, we will make sure no one tells you to be socially acceptable in public!"
That's not even getting into all of the cunts who turn into a goddamned salt mine because you need to read a card at the prerelease, or heaven forbid want to interact beyond silently pointing cards at other cards. It's ostensibly a social game that is populated by some of the most toxic (in more than one way) people I've ever had the displeasure of being around.
If WotC wants people to show up they need to make the most basic attempt at enforcing social norms and the concept that this is a social game for socially acceptable people, especially at FNM. I've seen so many people come in for one week, then get totally turned off by greasy smelly fedoras insulting their intelligence for not having every set memorized, not knowing the top 8 decks of every format, or (and I swear I saw this) getting shit on for not having a game day winner playmat.
Get the shitheads out of the game and non-shitheads will come in, I promise.
John Phillips
Nigger, I've played all across the USA including Starcitygames and Card Kingdom. That shit doesn't happen at 80+ people events, and it doesn't happen at 12 people FNM. It's a fucking meme pushed by people who don't play Magic and need an excuse to pretend they're "the real target audience" while not doing shit other than complain about the people who actually spend their time and money keeping MtG alive.
David Edwards
>kitchen if it just for kitchen, I'm ok with it.
Logan Reyes
If they really don't care about proxies then what excuse do you have to not just use a decent color printer and put paper cards in front of playing cards in the slips or something like me and my friends did when we were ten?
Enough with your fucking shilling moron. If you were really a laid back kitchen table player you wouldn't be here bitching.
Landon Myers
>how are proxies relevant in draft OP is brigading and doesn't actually play
Daniel Ramirez
I assume because a cube is still drafting.
Owen Lewis
Proxys are fine. When you talk about "buying proxies," you're talking about fake cards. Normal proxies that are obviously not real are great for casual play. Fake cards that are made to look real are unfair in the hands of players who use them in tournaments against other honest players who limited themselves in the same ways that everyone is limited: card price and rarity. By buying those fake cards, you support that industry.
Camden Phillips
No, the cards are definitely real. They're just not made by the wizards.
Angel Young
>it's unfair because you didn't pay Are you American
Noah Stewart
Yes just like a fleshlight is definetely a real pussy just not made of meat.