Stat her. Also character art thread.
Stat her. Also character art thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>stat her
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
Thank you.
inb4 anglos, still butthurt after six hundred years, shit up the thread
>frogs defensive about their roastie
Strong is way to high and cha is way too low
The english won that war though
I've got two pieces of original art I've commissioned a while ago. With a third one coming up soon enough
Why does sci-fi Joan of Arc have her nipples emphasized on her armor?
I'd hate to be "that guy", and I'm not offended, but it feels out of place.
>Not having your armor exemplify the male/female form
I mean, it's no different then if a dude got armor that makes him look like a buff naked dude. The fact that it's cool is all that matters
Don't be fooled, but when women say they don't like being "objectified" - if you tell them they are pretty, they will eat it up and preen to show off more.
Fair point. I've always thought of her as a woman out of classic Greek art and poetry.
Hers looks more like a body that's built for fun, rather than beauty. Not that I dislike fun.
I find that's true most of the time. Women who are called "pretty" all the time aren't affected as much when you tell them so.
And women who complain about being "objectified" over a light compliment are better off ignored.
I mean, in real life she wasn't half the warrior she's made out to be right? But then again if we're going to imagine warrior women why not have boob plate power armor that exemplifies I AM WOMAN YOU WILL DIE!
Nah, I think she was more of a symbol than a warrior.
She was a peasant girl who garnered attention for herself after she said God talked to her, and people rallied behind that. She shared a battlefield with knights who'd been training from birth for war, and were more experienced than she was in it's practice.
Why did one of the batman films have armor with the nipples emphasized even on batman and robin? Who knows, it may be a conscious choice to treat the armor as an extension and continuation of the body, or it may be for no reason at all.
>no reason at all
Maybe it's the pretentious auteur in me coming out, but that idea kinda grinds on me.
While the Schumacher movies were made almost exclusively to sell toys, I believe the nipple armor was supposed to be recalling the aesthetic of Greek statues, making the heroes look more heroic and all that.
It did not work.
I don't think rubber works to that effect nearly as well as marble.
>missing the joke
You are correct. Those movies flopped for many reasons, including their shit aesthetics.
It is different, though, because of the time period, culture and person involved. Joan was an extremely religious and by all accounts modest girl from a rural background. Armor with nips-a-poppin' would most definitely not have been a part of her wardrobe.
Keep in mind that she was ultimately executed not for heresy or anything like that, because they could never prove that she didn't actually talk to angels, but because she wore men's clothes and armor at times, "crossdressing" being a religious and secular crime in those days.
Correct. In fact she wasn't a warrior at all. She never fought, only directed.
(a few minutes of Google later to verify)
I learned something today~
Lindybeige pls go.
Glad to be of service.
Her story is a rather interesting one. It's amazing to see just how easily people can buy into the idea that someone talks to god, and the effects it can have.
I'm getting the "sacrificial lamb" vibe from Joan now.
Well, she predicted some pretty strange shit, and the King himself allowed her to be on the field because of it. The French army literally thought God was speaking through her, and so did the English, to an extent. Having the word of your God on your side probably gives a nice morale boost.
Oh, yeah, once she showed that she could be useful the dauphin was more than happy to use her for his own purposes. A charitable interpretation of his actions would make it seem that he was also something of a believer, but ultimately she was politically expedient and that's what the people in power saw when they looked at her.
A few things, yes, although nothing that can't actually be explained by a talent for tactics and strategy or just lucky observation. Having a saint on the battlefield was a hell of a boost though, and I've often wondered if some of the things she was claimed to do weren't actually made up by those in charge to enhance her image and effectiveness. Faith is an incredibly powerful thing. Even the dimmest of persons could see the advantage of having everyone think that they had God's Own working for them.
She wasn't a great fighter by any means (the only records of her really fighting we have are bitchslapping prostitutes with her sword and injuring some british soldiers when she got ambushed and captured), but she was a very inspiring leader and capable artillery commander (and was actually the first in France to use rocket artillery, during the siege of Orleans, I think).
I also find hilarious to have a model teenage girl shrug off arrow wounds and threaten entire cities with extermination.
Weren't breasts not really considered sexual during that period, or at least not really very sexual?
They were more functional, yes, but they still had a sexual component and you didn't go flaunting them, either. If you weren't feeding your child you kept those puppies covered, just like everything else. Remember, at this time sex and the body were considered inherently sinful. Even procreative sex was problematic in the church's eyes. They looked at it as a necessary evil. Of course, less prudish were more practical about things, but you still didn't go displaying your wares, whatever wares you might have, without cause.
That's a little hard to read. Sorry. Chalk it up to English not being my first language.
>Even procreative sex was problematic in the church's eyes.
Except not really. Go read Thomas Aquinas, sex is vital and good, as long as done within marriage. Naked skin was a problem because it encouraged temptation and extra-marital sex, on top of being simply immodest.
I wish people stopped repeating this garbage.
Different people and different regions had different views on it. However, I should have said that it "could be" problematic, not that it "was". As for Aquinas, he was surprisingly moderate in some ways, at least for the times, but even he had some problems with sex. For instance, he considered masturbation to be very sinful because it wasn't procreative. And, his opinions, while widely respected and influential even in his own time, weren't necessarily considered doctrine by all or even most.
The problem with this sort of thing is that you can only make the most generalized of statements because, surprisingly, people and their attitudes vary.
>The problem with this sort of thing is that you can only make the most generalized of statements because, surprisingly, people and their attitudes vary.
which is why I wish people stopped repeating that old Victorian nonsense. Any reading of St. Paul in New Testament or any of the Church Fathers would set the record straight.
In general, people were always sexual, it was the only thing keeping the population stable when you offset it against plagues, wars and general poverty of the times. Prohibitions against naked skin or outward lewdness were designed for maintenance of social structures and thus they were "sinful", not to mention, marriage structure is the one that provides best conditions for multiple children to be born with relative social integrity.
So yes, you are still buttblasted that a women kicked your sorry ass?
Not claiming otherwise. It doesn't change the fact that some considered even procreative sex to be sinful. It was just less sinful than other kinds. We have an amazing ability to declare even biologically necessary things "immoral" while still happily indulging in them behind closed doors.
As for the bible and the fathers you know as well as I do that they didn't actually have much to do with religious attitudes. People *claimed* to be following the bible or whatever, but usually they were just interpreting things to serve their ends.
You know, just like throughout all of human history. It's what we do.
requesting tieflings, demons, devils, and other various fiendish things. mostly looking for citizens for a city in hell, but I'll gladly take anything demon related. gonna dump various knights in the meanwhile
dudes got a nice grin. dudes with nice grins have to be knights, right?
They just don't have to be nice
nimble knight
sauce on spoiler pls
Blue Sub Six.
I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid, but I remember it being a sad movie. Somewhat.
gun knight
reminder of the ending where that fucking mandchild shark leaves with her
That was the only time I was absolutely livid over a work of fiction.
The entire point of the Hundred Years' War was to enforce the English claims to land in France, particularly the Aquitaine region; and an English claim to the French throne. England controls no land in France and no English claimants to the French throne ever sat upon it. Ergo, England lost, QED.
Got any black metal dwarves? They give in vaults in the far north, scavenge the treasures of the dead from Frost Giant raids, deeply value funerary goods and barrow hordes, and their main faith is the Cult of the Maggot.
>be woman
>save france
>france decides to burn you at the stake
you lost any points you ever had sorry.
It's not her fault morons acted like morons, she was only doing what she thought god wanted her to do. And the only points you take is in the ass.
Looking for clean cut military/marine guys in scifi setting. Bonus points for sword.
>Implying a 12 year old banner carrier fought
>Implying that fighting with your own madness isn't fighting
My 808 pins of character art
I have a problem, help me
That is incorrect, the 'crossdressing' charges were shot down early on even in the show-trial. The laws of the land explicitly allowed women to cut their hair and dress as men in times of war to avoid the threat of rape.
Jeanne de Arc must have done some serious lawyering in between battering the English and their false-French allies.
Stat this fucking monster if you can.
Eyyyy boys I'm coming in for a dump. Lurkers shout out and tell me. Is there anything specific you want?
I aint got much but I'll try
Got some paradise lost for ya. This shit is one of my favorite pictures actually.
I used this in a vision that one of the gods of the campaign sent to one of the players. Goddess of Guilt sent in a nurse that was looking over the body of the child the player got killed.
This belonged to a crazed cult in our campaign.
Well that's about all the spooky stuff I have. Save for these pokemon fusions that I found. I'll leave this here. Someone hit me up if you want some of the more fucked up ones.
Onto the vanilla shit!
Found this, for someone's sci-fi
Looking for art of elven wizards!
Here, have a picture in advanced payment.