I am working on some character sheets for 5 people of middling interest in Dungeons and Dragons to play a short campaign. Running from level 1 to 5 if they're fight heavy and kill everything. Probably be 4 at the end.
They don't want LotR, they don't want GoT, they want something distinct. So I am using some unearthed arcana and homebrew stuff to try and roll them some choices to interest them. Wondering if anyone had any feedback on where I was headed and perhaps any suggestions on ways to engage players that are curious but not committed to the idea of a game that happens on paper and has no real visual feedback.
I mean, I have a map, it is partially filled in and the grey areas will be a random encounter table roll. That'll let them explore and find their goal, but they don't get any special feeling the way slot machines and Final Fantasy does.
5 people and I am trying to give them at least 9 character sheets to pick from.
Anyways, Male Gnome Barbarian with a Scythe. Hinting to push them towards Berserker.
Male Elf Artificer with Thunder Cannon. Long lived Elf finds interest in the deepest of the arcane kinda deals.
Female Tiefling Blood Hunter with two weapons, both Rapiers. Basically the Drow no one names.
Warforged Bard with Hand Crossbow and a Dagger for just incase. Putting into the backstory that it doesn't realize it is not a Male Goliath.
Female Dragonborn Rogue with your standard Short Sword and thiefiness so the one guy I am pretty sure will take it will. Girl because fuck him for always talking about dragons.
Male Minotaur Paladin with Whip and Sabre. Themed as a holy bounty hunter sort. Belmont.
Male Dwarf Druid with a Staff. Dwarf went out into the world and saw that nature has its own beauty, made a believer of him.
Female Half-Orc Ranger with Longbow and Short Sword and Buckler.
Female Aasimar Cleric with Mace and Shield. Painting them as being marked by a higher power and committed to helping others.