Previously, on /5eg/: How do I make the players hate my villain? They have pretty neutral feelings about him. Also, thoughts on Mike Mearl's promotion?
>They have pretty neutral feelings about him. Are you sure your players aren't evil?
Hunter Bell
Have him do something that advances his plans and directly harms the party or their loved ones. Do they have a party owned business or a sponsor? Have the villain buy out their property from the local government with an absurd amount of money, regardless of how shady the idea of that is.
Jonathan Garcia
They don't have to hate them. They just have to want to stop them. Do you know why they don't hate your villain?
Nicholas Ross
Warlock invocations are kind of boring. How do we fix them?
Xavier Gonzalez
>not making your villain smug >no, smugger than that >SMUG >SMUG LOLI SMUG
Dominic Stewart
>Do you know why they don't hate your villain? As one of my players have put it, "normal feudal relationships mean complete immorality by default, so he's not that bad considering". Now he's not actually the main antagonist, but he's the next best thing until the real BBEG comes out of shadows, and I'm really concerned about how the party is open about the idea of working with the guy who only recently pulled a hostile takeover of their hometown.
Gabriel Ross
Darker than Black style costs. Every time you invoke, you have to perform a routine action or challenge, like remove an article of clothing, or eat a turnip, or spell your target's name backwards. Something odd and seemingly nonsensical.
Asher King
>Also, thoughts on Mike Mearl's promotion? I'm so excited for Greater Contingency, Celerity / Greater Celerity, and other completely fair things making their return from 3.5 under his direction. I'm also relieved that we now have official conformation that Fighters will never get another playable archetype, and that Lore Wizard and Mystic will finally hit the market after some much needed buffs. Maybe we'll get some Hexblade specific invocations to give them the edge they need as well. Just so gosh darn happy.
Blake Garcia
He got "promoted" to creative director, hopefully he has no say on rules now
Grayson Cook
>creative director The fuck does that mean?
Anthony Davis
it means he's incompetent but has dirt on the higher ups.
Camden Gray
More interesting spells would be nice. But also mearls is responsible for the status of martials not as heroes but above average high school athletes and the general constipated design of 5e. You know what I'm talking about. How every class is balanced around doing one cool thing per day. So I'm torn here.
Lucas Wilson
If you cast a Wish spell from a magic item like Lucky Blade or Ring of Three Wishes, do you still have to roll to see if you can cast Wish again?
Juan Bailey
In what time period is d&d usually depicted in? Late middle ages/early Renaissance?
Luke Cox
you gotta be more specific, DnD is all over the place with it's time periods
Ayden Gonzalez
So I think this is about as good as this Bladed Sorcerer/Gish Sorcerer/Battle Mage is going to get, but if there are changes you think should be made I'm always open for more feedback and recommendations.
Thank you guys so much for all of the help making this over the past week, I know I must have been annoying someone with this constantly being posted so thank you for putting up with me.
Caleb Williams
From wikipedia: >The creative director may also assume the roles of an art director, copywriter, or lead designer. The responsibilities of a creative director include leading the communication design, interactive design, and concept forward in any work assigned. So if that's any indication, he can choose what direction the lore of the next supplements/adventures are going in, and direct the design of any new rules.
Anthony Wilson
>direct the design of any new rules. I think the "lead designer" part is about flavor not crunch
Tyler Hill
By realizing that it isn't the invocations that are boring, boring was inside you the entire time.
Ian Sanchez
>mfw we will never get the cool pseudo science flavor from psionics >mfw we will never get anything other than FR >mfw edgy shit like Hexblade will become common >mfw more gish spells will be made 5e is dead
Carter Rodriguez
Is the guy enough of a dick? I'm not sure I understand the feudal society/immortality thing.
Either way, if he's not done anything directly to the PCs then he might need to start putting the squeeze on their family and friends. Perhaps he needs more resources for his plot and is easily losing his patience. If they've not made any then perhaps building up their sympathy for the area under the villain's domain would be a good start.
Samuel Young
PHB lists him and Crawford as lead designers in the credits. I'm pretty sure "lead designer" is what he's been until the promotion, meaning he can do all the same shit he did when he fucked the playtest martials.
Ryder Hill
>more gish spells will be made that are too high level for EK or AT to take, just like Steel Wind Strike FTFY
Ryan Edwards
Wealth system.
Levi Cruz
>more gish spells that are only in the wizard spell list will be made that are too high level for EK or AT to take, just like Tenser transformation FIFY
Easton Perry
>Mystic will finally hit the market after some much needed buffs Unironically happy about this.
Joseph Johnson
>The responsibilities of a creative director include leading the communication design, interactive design, and concept forward in any work assigned. For example, this responsibility is often seen in industries related to advertisement. The creative director is known to guide a team of employees with skills and experience related to graphic design, fine arts, motion graphics, and other creative industry fields.
Benjamin Jenkins
>How do I make the players hate my villain?
People are pretty self-centered. Look how many hollywood types fellated Fidel Castro and still do, despite everything he did to his own people. Many artists pre-WW2 admired Hitler and Mussolini. Hell, not just artists-- all kinds of people.
OK so the easy way to do this is to have him fuck them over. Especially if it's perfectly justifiable or in line with his normal laws. Taxing away some of their loot is a great way to do it. Or confiscating a particularly juicy item because it's for the greater good of the state. Remember that rule of law and bills of attainder and other "I'm the duke and this is what I want therefore it's the law that I get it" type laws were the norm under feudalism. He IS the state.
The other way to do it is to be a dick in a superficially non-dickish way. IE be smug and condescending and grossly hypocritical. Players hate that shit just like people IRL. Especially if you can be like, "this is all for your own good."
Wyatt Sanchez
>hexblade >gish spells How likely is it that he brings back Magus as a full caster?
Carson Adams
Hey guys can anyone recommend an android app that does 5e character sheets well? I'm looking for something that can do at least SCAG options or can be customized to do so.
There are several android apps like Squire and 5e Character Generator but I'd rather hear from actual users than 5-stars best-app-ever shills on Google Play.
Brayden Sanders
Magus is not edgy enough, come back with a cooler name
Joseph Gonzalez
Cameron Smith
Yeah it depends whar setting. Faerun is pretty much dark ages Europe. Eberron is kinda steam punky Spelljammer is space pirates Darksun is mad max
There's always homebrew. Played homebrew game set in fantasy Constantinople. Shit was cash.
Jayden Adams
>Ebin Mearls is a wizardfag maymay Mearls is the reason Tome of Battle exists, Crawford is the one with a hard on for magic over martials. This always was a statement made of pure retardation.
Joseph Nguyen
I'm not sure Faerun actually resembles Europe that much. It's just a generic kitchen sink setting
Adam Miller
Hold on, I would like to take a crack at this.
Faerun is pretty much Medieval Pre Renaissance Europe punctuated by magical travel and no outright powerful central church authority. Eberron's Khorvaire is kind of Post World War 1 Europe with Magic Substituting Technology but with strong Feudal and Constitutional Monarchy trappings and a focus on international diplomacy and a cold war. Spelljammer is Space Pirates with planet by planet and culture by culture explainable advancement. Darksun is a more Planet Fantasy Fist of the North Star than Mad Max. Al Qadim doesn't fit a right proper time, though I'd compare it to Alladin. Maztica, when we last saw it, was South America when Cortez came. Greyhawk is more like Dark Ages Europe, with a few magically advanced city states. Krynn is very mythic age, the not quite placable era of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
Brandon Campbell
How long should a player be able to maintain an erection for?
Ian Wright
>tfw you make your own setting and just take the parts of FR that you like so you don't have to deal with all the bullshit you don't Genuinely a better gaming experience for myself and my players when I can just integrate the parts I like into my setting as a while without either them or I needing to know every part of the FR setting to avoid lore cock-ups or entanglements. It really is the best of both worlds.
Cooper Jenkins
Exactly user. You see, when I was designing martials, I tried to emulate the great heroes of my childhood. I looked to gilgamesh, Hercules, and Kyle, the star quarterback of my high school team. Then I realized I was really only considering the male perspective, so I also added to the list Jenny, the captain of my high school girls volleyball team. I loved Jenny and Kyle almost as much as they loved each other.
Anyways, I digress. I began doing research on these heroes of the ages. Unfortunately, most of the facts surrounding Hercules and gilgamesh are rather fanciful and not to be taken seriously. So I had to rely mostly upon the Athletics records set by Kyle and Jenny. Averaging them out I think I was able to create the most heroic Dnd martials yet!
William Stewart
Good. Now do the Known World/Mystara, Birthright, Ravenloft, Midnight, Kingdoms of Kalamar, Wilderlands of High Fantasy, Dragonmech and PoLand
Kevin Morales
Considering Crawford wrote the rules, the early playtest martials were much more capable, and feedback came from fags primarily... yes, I'm aware I'm right that when Mearls was a rules guy he was making 4e (originally on the 4e R&D team) and when anyone else from WotC is in charge of making rules there is a huge imbalance between spells and martial ability. How astute of you to notice that Mystic is the most 4e class in the entire game and is the one Mearls had the most influence on.
Cooper Lewis
Do I have to? Okay, hold on.
Nentir Vale (PoLand) is Dark Ages, but with more hold over knowledge of the empires what fell before it in terms of metallurgy and society. Kingdoms of Kalamar is a built around a world during a Holy Roman Empire expansionist era with distinct cultures that incorporate to us supernatural and supernormal races and world events, slavery and serfdom are still a big deal as are the political powers of different churches in different lands. Ravenloft depends on the Dread Realm, but normally a Gothic/Victorian equivalent Romania horror with only occasional fire arms. Known World/Mystara inside the curve of the world is a crapshoot variety of era equivalents, and the main setting itself I couldn't tell you because I've not delved to far into the lore. Birthright I don't know enough about. Midnight, I don't know enough about Wilderlands of High Fantasy, I don't know enough about Dragonmech, I don't know about but it sounds like its all in the name and you can't really place a real world equivalent.
Brayden Gonzalez
for as long as the DM is crying.
Hunter Scott
Is there anything in the RAW that states you can't use a shield in the offhand, keeping your mainhand free for handling your magical focus? And if so, why does nobody do this?
Isaac Perry
>boring >take speak with beasts at will >have Tharizdun as patron >he communicates with me through a tiny Budgie on my shoulders >keeps screaming about his never ending torment and demands to be freed from his damnation >use awakened mind to make everyone around me hear this >all they hear is ''toot toot tweet toot'' >party later gets mission to investigate the plague of the bird voices
Andrew Clark
I want to put together a full physical book approximating the book of vile darkness, for the players to interact with. It would contain hints about future plotlines, magical rituals, and insight into things already encountered, but all saturated in such arcane designs and such that they wouldn't realise it all on the first run.
Adding the hints and secrets seems like the easy bit. What I'm struggling on is what designs and shapes and ritual notes to include to pad it out significantly enough. Has anyone tried this before? Has anyone got any suggestions?
Isaiah Jackson
yes, because there really is no such thing as a "mainhand" and "offhand" in dnd But to actually answer your question, yes you can have a shield in one hand and nothing in the other, as for why people don't do it, most mages aren't shield proficient.
Christopher Scott
I enjoy this
Anthony Sanchez
Can someone explain to me what's unbalanced about having the Blood Hunter's Crimson Rite work with the entire polearm? There is nothing in the entire game that has a distinction between what end of a weapon your using (Holy Weapon, Elemental Weapon, Magic Weapons). So why does this one?
Is it because of Polearm Master? You can use this with Crossbow Expert and a Hand Crossbow without needing to tap each individual ammunition.
I ask this because apparently, Mercer said and I quote...
>This was added after a LARGE number of community balance enthusiasts were complaining about the abuse of the Polearm Mastery with a single Rite. It could go either way, but this restriction was there to ensure a level of balance was introduced that allowed you to still use the "two-weapon fighting"-esque off-hand attack at the cost of an additional rite.
Evan Hall
>How do I make the players hate my villain? Players don't tend to care about evil or good in my experience. But have the villain kill off an NPC they like and they'll hunt them to the ends of the earth.
Owen Hernandez
Then you are a terrible person.
Brayden Hall
You can use an arcane focus for both somatic and material components, there is nothing RAW or RAI stopping you. Clerics can even use a shield with their holy symbol on it as a focus.
Brody Gray
I just like psionics famalam
Connor Cook
Okay, you go me to smile. The main problem I have with a lot of them is that they just let you spend spell slots instead of giving you at will effects like that.
Brandon Wood
It builds up, though, without you necessarily realising it. Especially with the additions from XGE. At level 13, my Warlock can:
>Breathe water, swim fast, and cast water breathing on others (helpful as it's a nautical campaign) >Use his +1 pact weapon as a focus, make an extra attack, good for Hexblade >Summon a cloak of flies for proximity damage and intimidate, more damage for melee Hexblade >AoE damage on cursed target as a bonus action for more damage >Use a spell slot for smiting damage
All combines after a few rounds to do some serious damage to a Hexblade cursed target, plus some side stuff.
Hunter Nguyen
What's the best term to use when you wipe out a certain enemy group at the behest of another. Out dm used ethnic cleansing and that felt messed up
Robert Morris
Oliver Rivera
>hexblade being used to justify anything >if something is boring just add damage to it
Oliver Richardson
but damage is fun, user
Isaac Perez
No. Damage is for savages.
Benjamin King
Asher Miller
1 damage = 1 fun 10 damage = 10 fun It's math, user. You can't argue with math.
Gabriel Cooper
What are some fun race/class combinations that work well mechanically but wouldn't be the first thing that comes to mind when you consider either?
Everybody thinks about human fighters, dwarf clerics, elf wizards, tiefling bards, and goliath or half-orc barbarians, but what about...
>genasi barbarian with their +2 CON and elemental power from storm herald >dwarf wizards, full casters with half-plate! >goblin sorcerer, a shamanistic type with +2 dex and +1 con plus a bonus disengage >dragonborn war cleric, worshipping the ancient dragon gods and going into battle praising their name >lizardfolk swamp druid, a witch doctor covered liberally in herbs and potions they made themselves with +2 con and +1 wis What are some more?
Andrew Nguyen
Have the villain thwart THEIR plans, not the other way around. If they want to build an army, have him assassinate their general. They bought an airship? Have him steal it. They want to unite a kingdom? Disrupt the peace talks with an attack framing one side or the party.
If they are thwarted, be sure to let them get it back. They steal the ship back. Recruit a better general. Restore the peace and prove their innocence.
Players cannot stand being stopped. PCs and villains are petty vindictive little shits. Act accordingly.
Evan Jenkins
Tabaxi glamour bard. You can spend your fights running super fast away from the enemy while charming them slowly.
Jacob Baker
Faerun has guns, the printing press, the steam engine, and cannon artillery though.
But a lot of writers choose to ignore this stuff because it doesn't fit the LotR aesthetic that they think Faerun should have.
Jacob Ortiz
Mason Miller
Does a satyr seriously have a no save sleep attack?
Jayden Reed
No. Try reading for a change.
Aiden Scott
>No. Try reading for a change. I don't have the pdf on me and am using 5etools
Jason Robinson
>using 5etools well there's your problem. Stop using shitty tools and start reading books.
Luis Bennett
>actually reading the books instead of asking the questions here look at this nerd
Connor Johnson
Henry Diaz
Why would I do that though when 5e tools is so much better organized?
Matthew Evans
>Why would I do that though when 5e tools is so much better organized? >Does a satyr seriously have a no save sleep attack?
Wyatt Richardson
The fastest way to make players hate a character is to have them inconvenience them both in and out of character. Like have the villain take their gold or something.
Henry Flores
GMs will probably hate you for this but in all honesty EK is crap with Xanathar out. Just go 3 levels of Fighter (I prefer battle master because maneuvers but Chevalier or Samurai works good too) and then take the rest of your levels as War Mage Wizard. Constant +2AC or +4 to one attack/save a turn, damage rewards for counter/dispel magic, and a +2 to AC&Saves when concentrating on a spell. That way you can get 9th level wizard spells, one action surge, fighting style, etc. Get a scimitar of Speed and now you're a better EK as you can cast any spell (cantrip/or leveled) and attack with the scimitar with a bonus action.
Aiden Powell
EKs are better fighters and worst casters, and everyone has a scale of fish they want to be.
I like the more cast-y side but a lot like the more fight-y side.
Owen Jones
PCs want a job from the blacksmith? Can't, fuckface has me working day and night for next to nothing so I can keep the land I'm on. I can fit you in next tuesday maybe?
Leo James
What's the best mix of levels for a coffeelock?
Josiah Garcia
Ian Johnson
the levels that make it a coffeelock then 20 more in lore bard
Jason Lee
Is there a way to download an entire folder from the Trove?
Dylan Kelly
Apparently there used to be but it was too much server strain from people doing it. I've just been downloading the whole thing with the good old right-click-save-link-as.
Jacob Edwards
How many of you would allow tap shoes as a musical instrument for a bard?
Michael Cook
>Reposting fron old bread. Hey GMs can I get some advice? Im running a game and need dungeon building advice/inspiration.
One dungeon I have planned is a sewer system under a city that runs from the off limit capital city to the slums. And with many paths that can be taken that lead to things like secret gang hideouts, shop cellars, shit like that.
Id like to have more than just: theres shit down here, kill it before it kills you. I want some RP or skill challenges. Maybe some traps. Any tips?
I should also point out Im not running this in 5e but in star wars saga edition. I just dont see this warrenting a new thread and expect a few helpful gms here, hopefully.
Juan Lee
What if all classes were moved to long rest based? Triple all short rest based resources to account for the 2 short rests per long, and make short rests a 5 minute time to use hit dice or examine magic items. Sure, monks and warlocks can now nova harder, but paladins can already do this. Please tell me why this is a terrible or great idea. It would ensure class balance (no more locks spamming short rests, no more coffeelock and no more parties where the one short rest character gets boned because no one wants to stop and rest). Also, the DM would not have to autistically manage the adventuring day and could instead do a few hard combats or many little ones and retain balance.
Owen Perry
Move all classes to short rest instead.
Cooper Cox
What could some illithids do with magical sentient weapons? I'm having my players get some magical weapons and I want to lead into some Underdark stuff. I just need to figure out a reason beyond "Illithids are evil and just want to fuck your day up. Yes, you Zac. They want to ruin YOUR day." Any ideas Veeky Forums?
Hudson Harris Have him introduce a caste system and replicate what happened like in video related. Maybe the players loved ones fall into the Hinan category?
Maybe Yakuza styled gangs start popping up and are left to their devices due to a lack of concern for the outsider caste. Players will care about stopping the villain if he results in bad things for them. Makes for fun side quests to stop these gangs and then find out they flourish because of his new laws.
Jace Roberts
That would require waaay more rebalancing lol. I assume you were joking.
Joseph Howard
>I should also point out Im not running this in 5e
It's a shame my /rrg/ attempts never took off. It was so nice to sit back and chill with actual GMs instead of playerfags and wbgers who never actually play
I agree, maybe rebranded it could work - then again the hobby is 90% players.
Aaron Lee
It's a good idea, but some short rest abilities will scale wonkly
Bentley Morgan
Mearls approves
Noah Cox
make short rests 5seconds and long rests 10seconds
and last I checked I don't autismo manage the adventure day, shit happens and if a nigguh needa sleep the nigga can lay down. short or long might get interrupted.
niggrs gone get interrupted too.
but manage? fuck that I don't pick when they sleep any more than I pick what they do.