We lit?
>speshmuhreen shit
Who cares?
Stop posting this picture. It's childish as fuck.
Just how many warhammer fan films in the making are there?
>those terminators
>that running contemptor
>marines actually being fast as fuck in combat
>the loyalist WE dreadnought
Lighting looks good.
Models look great.
Voice work could use some tuning. (Using voice actors who are well versed in Shakespeare make for the best 40k voices)
Animation could use some tuning.
Looks lore friendly.
It'll probably be fine. I mean it's a fan movie so doing major complaining would just be a waste of time.
Marines are described as being much faster than regular humans.
But you rarely see that in stuff like movies or video games.
>Always talk about Transhuman speed and fear
>Everyone always depicts them as slow fuckers
Pretty cool to see them go fast
>Stop posting this picture. It's childish as fuck.
That's my point. They are fast in this movie. Unlike in any other depiction of space marines, where they are slow and heavy as fuck. Here they actually feel like superhuman monsters with power armor and deadly weapons.
my only complaint is the marines' running animations look goofy. Other than that, looks breddy gud
Poor angry babby
Just noticed the flash the terminators make as they step. Why is that? It is as though they're using a video game to model and animate this. The blood looks off-model too.
Those models are 10x times better than any video game with GW IP in them. It looks off because it is a low/no budget fan project, but still very impressive considering that video games with huge budgets can't make HH/40k look nearly as good.
The WE dread is traitor user, watch it again.
Better than DoW3 trailer which had professional studio attached with million dollar budget. This is what happens when people genuinely love the work they are making instead of hired hacks.
I still can't get over how shitty they made SM look in that DoW3 trailer. Fuck them, they deserve all the hate they got.
>This is what happens when people genuinely love the work they are making instead of hired hacks.
Yes but hired hacks can rip off your idea for cheaper and you'll buy it back from us anyway you worthless fucking nerd garbage.
t. salaried GW employees
My dick turned to diamonds
By the Emperor, that's what the power of the love for the Emperor do.
That's what an Emperor-blessed animator can do with naught in sight but love for what he is doing.
it's also pinpoint-accurate
Accurate for 40k in general, not only guard.
No, it's specifically about guard players. Do you seriously think a nid player or a CSM player would spout some hackneyed HFY nonsense? Or that a Necron player would get autistic about camo patterns?
other players express their autism in different ways
True, but they still added bright flashes and light radiating out of the steps instead of a less "this is a video game" way of showing the steps of a Terminator are heavy and thunderous.
The sound they make as they move, though. Instant boner.
No, not autistic. Just childish.
Ha, I'm a Renegades and Heretics player and as such I am safe from this accusation. See guards player it was worth spending all that money and losing all games for this freedom.
Those Terminators...hnnngh
It looks great for a fan filme, but do we really need a film that is basically gachi with power armour?
>he doesn't like gachi
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong site. Neogaff is two pages down.
Hot damn this gave me a nerdrection
Isn't that like what EVERYONE in the hobby looks like though?
Plenty of people don't. That said I've never met a guard player that looked different than those in the picture.
>hurr hurr all players of all armies are monolithic
You're not childish, you're just retarded
>very fast marin running at hihg speed
We destroy that, and this is over! CHARGE!
This made me want to start a loyalist army.
>Fan film
>Space Marines
Alright to be expected
God damn it. I understand if it is official GW stuff why they put Ultramarines in everything, but why a fan film? Do people actually like Ultramarines?
They're easier to write.
I didn't think it was so bad and I don't understand why you'd think so.
2 as far as i know
3 if you count Helsreach, which is pretty baller too
Pic related, Gabe being twice the size of other marines, pretty much all SM shots are fucking hideous.
The guy who's doing that inquisitors grey knight fan movie is using the crisis engine of all things to make it
>dead ultramarines
Best kind
This looks absolutely fucking amazing. I cannot believe how goddamn scary the chaos marines looked charging down the street, massacring civilians. How fucking BADASS was that moment when the lady was running with the baby and she runs towards the cataphractii screaming 'Don't let them kill my baby!' and they roar at the heretics 'YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME, HERETIC!' and later when the one armed marine clothelines the World Eater in the FUCKING FACE with a power axe to protect the civilians?!
The Astartes are the fucking DEFENDERS OF HUMANITY, and showing them finally for once going to bat for regular people, not even guardsmen, just civilians, was fucking AWESOME. I wanna add a civilian element to my 40k games now! Save the citizens! Kill the citizens! Protect the civilian Bunker! Massacre them for your dark gods! I don't even care this was Ultramarines, this was AMAZING.
It's never going to be completed. Crysis engine being 10 years old now only makes it worse.
>10 year old engine
>hours upon hundreds of hours laboring
>still looks better than a brand new engine with a full staff behind it
new =/= good
Not exactly I meant, just that the finished product will likely look worse than you expect.
>The Astartes are the fucking DEFENDERS OF HUMANITY, and showing them finally for once going to bat for regular people, not even guardsmen, just civilians, was fucking AWESOME
Not really. Astartes are murder machines, they shouldn't care about the common people
You're mistaking the Marines Malevolent with every other chapter.
"My baby!"
Honestly couldn't take it seriously after that
I'm going to imagine that in every single 40k film or video game cutscene from now on.
>You're mistaking the Marines Malevolent with every other chapter.
no, he's actually right. most marine chapters don't give a shit about individual mortals. they have no right to be held back by sentiment when the survival of the species is on the line.
it's not their job to take care of civilians. there's the PDF for that, and the various other organizations.
most chapters have little to no contact with normal humans outside of chapter serfs and aspirants.
some chapters however, such as the Ultramarines and Salamanders, go out of their way to make it better for normal humans. even among them, probably most battle brothers don't care much about civilians.
the best illustration of this attitude is a short comic in Eternal Crusade (I think) where orks invade a feudal world and shorty after the Black Templars arrive and murder the shit out of them and then when they're done they promptly leave without talking to anyone.
It’s really cool, voices are way too high and too many one liner bullshitting. And I know 30/40k for years now, but Even then i can’t really make out what the fuck is going on..
For the rest it’s awesome
Ah, and the whole
Once is ok, then it’s just annoying
Keep in mind, this is specifically 30k Ultramarines. They were highly focused on civilization and maintaining human values. It's different from sympathizing with the emotions of humans, like the Salamanders, it just means keeping civilian casualties to a minimum is maintained as an objective because it's important for a functioning society.
Maybe he's actually an ork. I don't fancy this kind of moving cardboard cutouts much.
Did you like the announcment trailer?
I mean you would be thinking of little else you were her
>no one mentioning the awesome as fuck guardsman that does a roll under the power axe of the marine only to get into a shooting stance to kill more heretics
steel balls, baby
>I mean you would be thinking of little else you were her
yeah, I don't think she'd think anything other than "I DON'T WANNA DIE!" while clutching the baby as an afterthought. but I'm no mother.
not saying that it would be realistic for a mother to drop the kid just to save her skin, but I think in the sheer animalistic fear one would feel in a situation like that, I doubt anyone cry out loud "MY BABY! DON'T LET THEM KILL MY BABY!".
source: I've been running for my life before
>>no one mentioning the awesome as fuck guardsman that does a roll under the power axe of the marine only to get into a shooting stance to kill more heretics
at which part of the video is this? I saw it like 10 times already and never noticed
When was that?
That isn't a loyalist model, but regardless there were loyalists and traitors on both sides, except maybe the Word Bearers. Though, a good chunk of the loyalist WE, DG, EC and SoH were massacred at Istvaan III.
But have you ever run for 2 lives before?
good point.
but still.
>Tarik Torgaddon will never be together with Loken and his battle-brothers again
that's pretty fuckin' badass!
also @1:45
is that fuckin' Kharn?
Unlikely. Kharn was never on Calth.
>Tarik Torgaddon will never be together with Loken and his battle-brothers again
man, I remember listening to Legion of One for the first time. as a grown man, I was bawling my eyes out at the Torgaddon scene.
>Unlikely. Kharn was never on Calth.
huh? wasn't he all buddy-buddy with Argel Tal? I faintly remember him being there at the battle where he dies.
or that wasn't on Calth?
also, I don't think there is a confirmation that this is set on Calth.
He was killed either at Armatura or the razing of Nuceria iirc, which was a bit after Calth and when the Shadow Crusade was in full swing,
The vast majority of people who like popular shit.
I doubt anyone would care about something niche like a Harlequin vs. Tyranids movie except people already interested in that faction. I mean, that applies to marine shit too, except there's like 999 marinefags for every non-marinefag.
I'm a nidfag but I felt like purging for a second, mildly hyped
And that baby grew up to be the greatest of space marines
well, he's probably not him though. I keep seeing the same 3 or so character models in each legion recycled for every scene. I hope they do more designs because what they have so far is pretty fuckin great
Not gonna lie, it looks like a lot of work went into this.
Pretty damn cool, especially for an independent project. I still want to see "Inquisitor" first.
Rogal Dorn approves
That is one of the things that makes them so goddamn deadly
What the fuck are you all hyped for? I'm not usually a negative nancy, I fucking love helsreach. But this shit is no better than Ultramarines, you fucking hypocrites. Astartes proportions are whack, the movement is shit, and worst of all this dumbass can't figure out how pauldrons move.
You hyped me up for this, but as soon as I clicked the link I couldn't fucking believe this; this isn't tg standard, whats with you boys?
TL;DR: PlasticWax, Helsreach, Space Marine vidiya game. If it isn't that its shit. Did you all have too much fucking turkey?
I kinda gave up on Lord I.
they'll just never finish it. and it's supposed to be 15 minutes long. plus that prologue. what the hell?
Fan projects are usually shit, and this already looks pretty bad.
>most marine chapters don't give a shit about individual mortals.
>they have no right to be held back by sentiment when the survival of the species is on the line.
That awkward moment when the survival of the species hinges on one individual mortal
>I kinda gave up on Lord I.
(sigh) and to think I wasn't going to drink tonight
>Astartes proportions are whack, the movement is shit, and worst of all this dumbass can't figure out how pauldrons move.
what are you on about?
Accept your shitpetual retcon, guardfag.
>Accept your shitpetual retcon
I refuse. Thats GW trying to butter people up to sell more models and rules for saint Olly
They didn't understand what made him a good character.
They probably thought "Hey, this is a beloved character, but we aren't getting any money from selling character models of him" and tried to make that possible without realizing that its the setting that people buy.
All the billions of lives spent to slow down Horus's assault. Brother's choosing loyalty to the emperor over their fraternal bond, killing their battle brothers in order to bring a message to Terra. All the work and time spent fortifying Terra and the Imperial Palace.
And yet you autistically focus on one guy who managed the impressive accomplishment of dying all over his enemy.
he never had a model to sell...
also, he had no character before the HH series latched on to the idea of making him a 40k doctor who expy.
This short will be good for one thing, and that's producing gifs/webms for people to use here. The visuals are washed out, a lot of the animations feel stiff, a lot of the weapon impacts in CQC feel like they lack weight, there will probably be little to no plot as it's a short that's probably going to just focus on bolter porn, and the audio (despite the video saying "Audio Fix") is still a nightmare of reverb, garbled voices, and a complete lack of depth and positioning. Mediocrity is the best you can hope for.
>he never had a model to sell...
And that was just fine. His presence made the setting better and (retching noises) more marketable.
>Dr. Who expy
see pic related
>look up the Battle of Calth
>WB forces were outnumbered well over 3 to 1
>lost basically everyone they sent, but managed to inflict a 90% casualty ratio on the Ultramarines and Auxilia, plus billions of civilians
They sure worked. Also they didn't have WE