I really like fan Tros, lots of time better than the official (like that Spanish one or the One in the OP). Also what happened with OURS? I keep reading about it but I never seen any progress here.
Ayden Anderson
Muninn (one of two major guys working on it) changed continents a couple of times and disappeared, and since he has a lot of the files involved, it's ground to a halt.
Ethan Peterson
(regarding pic)
Where is the ammo for those cons stored?
Michael King
He could update those, we have lots of bored anons here than could do wonders. We could start it from scratch too, and make our own AU.
Gavin Nelson
Every time we work on an AU, it eventually collapses as anons can't agree on what they want the AU realm to be like. It makes more sense for you specifically to make an AU and keep up updated on it, taking advice here and there, but maintaining personal control of the project according to your desires.
Bentley Carter
How does a mech with a ST mounted cockpit (Thunderbolt, Summoner) survive losing the cockpit ST?
Juan Cruz
The cockpit isn't actually in the side torso, it's in the head. The art is not a perfect descriptor of this, you just sorta have to roll with it.
Aaron Howard
The head's mounted on the ST. I'd say that really, lore-wise, losing the head ST should be enough to destroy a design like the Thunderbolt or Summoner and the only reason you don't lose the mech in actual tabletop play is because that'd complicate the rules and would probably make them much less desirable mechs considering they'd be far easier to kill for no real benefit.
Charles Murphy
It's not structurally mounted in the ST, but on a spar integrated into the CT structure.
Sebastian Green
Could be stored in the hull the rear of the gun seems to be more of an ejection system than anything else
Ethan Brown
>worrying about where BT things store ammo Anyone have the Thunder pic?
Nicholas King
That's an awful lot of structure just to eject some casings. Yes, please. Tanks with and without drive sprockets would also be nice. And aerospace fighters with cockpits clearly mismatched from the vehicle size.
Adrian Lewis
>And aerospace fighters with cockpits clearly mismatched from the vehicle size. The F-22 Raptor. 20 tons unloaded, 30 tons loaded.
Dylan Morales
Deathstalker. 80 tons. Estimated pilot height: 8 meters.
Aaron Scott
If we're being rational about this CTs are probably going to get wrecked more than the L/RT because one of the basics of combat is to aim center mass. That and even the existence of neatly divided separate torsos as they are is heavily a game construct, given mechs aren't really all that big. On a lot of mechs each torso "part" would only be around a 1-1.5m.
Levi Mitchell
its not unheard of honestly heres a decent example the rear of that gun ejects the shells and if i remember right the hull is where the ammo is stored
Benjamin Davis
I liked the quickdraw from it. The Steiner casemate tank seemed pretty fluffy to me (built from spare HGR/LFE lying around, instant armor hunter)
Nicholas Bennett
When does Catalyst's licence expire? Wiz wouldn't be stupid enough to make it permanent, and there's no way Catalyst can afford to extend it given they have so little money it's legitimately amazing they haven't been shut down yet.
Adrian Butler
I don't know that we actually know this and honestly, I can imagine CGL scraping together enough money to satisfy WizKids (which shouldn't be too much, given the age of the franchise and its history of mediocre at best profitability).
Caleb Barnes
They'd probably throw up a kickstarter, milk the grogs for their money (there are a lot of retarded old men who will throw money at them for no good reason) and have enough to renew the license AND build a new porch. We're stuck with them, unless someone better decides they want the license.
Adrian Collins
I seriously don't think that's a likelihood. I suspect that CGL has more money than we think they do, they just don't spend it on BattleTech for reasons that defy understanding. They have enough to keep licenses, go to GenCon every year, make Shadowrun and D&D products (not to mention getting the D&D license for that card game, that couldn't have been cheap), and otherwise keep the lights on and porches under construction. I think CGL just pretends to be super poor to garner sympathy and to explain why they aren't doing anything with the BT license: if they "don't have money" we can't complain about BT stagnating when the truth is they don't know what to do with it and don't want to cop to it.
Kayden Sullivan
I think multiple people can work on an AU as long as we keep the notes for it around. I think at least a few things made it to the 1d4chan.
Charles Morales
>someone better You mean literally anyone? Because I'm pretty sure literally anyone could get a half dozen plastic mold injectors up and running. Fuck I have pretty much no capital and I could get a production line for a lance pack up and running in my garage within a month.
Asher Collins
>the truth is they don't know what to do with it and don't want to cop to it
Didn't they say a new box set was coming some time ago to come out along side the new video games (Battletech and MechWarrior 5)? I mean sure, they've said nothing about it and released nothing of note for 2 years now, but ffs how hard is it to get a box set out?
We missed the 30th anniversary, looks like we'll be missing the 35th as well.
Luis Scott
Then do it.
Evan Jenkins
Unless I sell it on ebay (which we know how reliable that is) do you really thing CGL won't send CnD orders if I tried?
The point I was making was that if someone wants to do something with the IP, it wouldn't take much resources to do it. Fuck I'd take cardboard cutouts at this point.
Jack Lee
Yeah, they did say that, but let's be serious: CGL doesn't give a fuck about BT. They could have diverted cash to BT instead of getting that stupid D&D card thing out but they didn't. They could give BT a year in the sun instead of Shadowrun (which has had plenty of time recently, what with a new edition and everything that goes with it) but they didn't.
If they cared, they could get shit going without too much trouble and reap a whirlwind of returns but they just don't care enough to put cash into it.
Brody Johnson
Already exists in the form of Warhansa.
Dylan Gutierrez
>Anyone have the Thunder pic?
I'm guessing that we *all* do, but nobody else wants to be the guy who posts it. Either that, or we're all being crafting and saving the requested pic for a needed bump as we approach page 11.
Liam Mitchell
>I'm guessing that we *all* do You'd guess wrong. I have legit never seen that (fairly amusing) picture before. Thanks for posting it.
Kayden Garcia
>You'd guess wrong. I have legit never seen that (fairly amusing) picture before.
After I wrote that blurb, I opened up my "Battletech" images folder expecting to find this in there, and when I didn't, I backed out to my general "Pictures" folder, and it wasn't there, either! But I knew which one was talking about, so I googled it and it came right up.
>Thanks for posting it.
You're welcome.
Camden Cruz
I always assumed that the 'large drum' ACs were sort of like that "Metal Storm" gun thing that like shoots a million rounds per minute, lol.
Jordan Roberts
I don't see any ejection in that image, and if there is it's dramatically smaller, with the rear overhang on that turret housing other equipment including counterweights. In the OP image it's not even clear how ammunition would be fed into the gun.
What you don’t understand is that cockpit is The Elusive Man-tier with floor to ceiling glass walls + roof and the blister behind the “canopy” has a king-size bed, galley kitchen, and a full bath.
Robert Martin
Okay but that's still nothing like what's seen in the OP image
Benjamin Ortiz
That would be because the OP image is a work of fiction you autistic retard.
Adam Bennett
>The person not saying half the gun is a reasonable casing ejection system is the autistic retard
Austin Hall
that guys not me im saying that a system similar to the pic exists you bum
Jayden Myers
Yes, clearly I thought it was dumb that casings would be ejected but had no problem with the system for doing so being the same size as the rest of the gun. Good job.
Dylan Morales
It's from Topps now WK, and nobody else wants it.
They constantly bitch about not having enough money to do the most basic of productions and use it as their explanation as to why everything is so shittily fact-checked and proofed.
Caleb Sanchez
Reading a discussion on bombers during WW2 recently, with fighter pilots commenting on how viciously agile those lunky things were up there where the air gets thin and how sluggish their own machines handled in the same enviroment, I really began to wonder why nobody seems to be building conventionals specifically geared towards intercepting Aerospace assets right at the edge of the atmosphere.
I mean they're so much cheaper to build that it would totally be worth catching aerospace fighters with a machine that excels exactly in that stretch where both the spaceship and the aerofoil parts of the AS work suboptimal.
>And aerospace fighters with cockpits clearly mismatched from the vehicle size.
They aren't aircrafts, they're basically weaponized space shuttles, so it figures that they'd be a good chunk larger than a conventional.
Caleb Jenkins
>They aren't aircrafts, they're basically weaponized space shuttles, so it figures that they'd be a good chunk larger than a conventional. What does this have to do with the cockpit size not matching stated vehicle size?
Eli Powell
>I really began to wonder why nobody seems to be building conventionals specifically geared towards intercepting Aerospace assets right at the edge of the atmosphere. ASF can carry many times a Conventional fighter's armour and weapons, and they're faster for the mass since they don't use ICE or engine shielding.
I mean, you could do it but there are less expensive ways to commit suicide.
Jose Perez
>They constantly bitch about not having enough money to do the most basic of productions and use it as their explanation as to why everything is so shittily fact-checked and proofed. What's more likely: they have literally no money despite having multiple active product lines they're producing products for -or- the company with a known history of embezzlement misuses and misspends its money in order to claim the moral high ground over its fanbase? I'm going with option 2.
Matthew Garcia
ASFs don't have engine shielding?
Samuel Rodriguez
Regardless of how much money they have in the end, I am pretty sure currently much more comes from Shadowrun sum total. Barring licensing for Battletech I'm not really sure how they even make enough money from it to cover the losses.
It would be interesting to see the numbers.
Isaiah Kelly
It's a vicious circle: BattleTech doesn't make money, so they don't print stuff for it, so it doesn't make money. If they took some of that Shadowrun money and poured it into BattleTech, I bet it could at least cover itself. New minis, new maps, IlClan, etc, would all do well.
Bentley Gray
Nope, built like BattleMechs instead of combat vehicles.
"Conventional fighters multiply fusion engine weights by 1.5 (round up to the nearest 0.5 ton)." Per Tech Manual. Proper ASFs don't.
Christian Thomas
But what about all of the fast neutrons?
Mason Hernandez
They don't pay an extra 50% engine mass for it like conventional fighters do.
ASFs use 'Mech engines but calculate their engine rating on (Safe Thrust-2)*Unit Mass so a 6/9 50-tonner uses a (6-2)*50 =200-rated engine.
It is really an unimaginably bad idea to try and tangle with ASFs when you are in a conventional fighter.
And that's just on a per-mass basis. Conventionals are limited to 50 tons, you do not want to see what happens when they have to try and take on heavy fighters.
Sebastian Miller
The engine has shielding, ASFs just don't have to pay for it like conventional fighters do.
Nathaniel Evans
Gabriel Collins
Cameron Hughes
ASFs are to Coventionals as Mechs are to vees.
Also Doug Chaffee made some beautiful ASF art.
John Cooper
What is different about mechs and vees that makes vee engines heavier?
Isaiah Watson
What would it be like to be a ASF jock?
What are the best 3025 aerospace fighters?
Sebastian Bailey
Why does it have major surfaces for both the tail and canards? Why aren't those surfaces swept for improved supersonic operation?
Jason Carter
Chaffee is a good artist. So is Loose. It's just they both had bad art direction give them a bad rap. I mean look at Loose's stuff for the new HBS game. And yeah, look at Chaffee's ASF art and Dropship stuff.
Nathaniel Phillips
>game balance why?
Because fuck you that's why.
>realism why?
Because fuck you that's why.
Ryan Ward
ASF are basically built around the axiom of "more thrust = better" and a basically fusion rockets with wings strapped on.
Aiden Gonzalez
If he's so good then why are there so many errors?
-No room for a decent off-road suspension -hatch in the missile turret would intersect a missile -The fuck are those hubcaps? -those rings (not sure of the technical term) are not arranged properly for airlifting -ladders to nowhere
Certainly better than that CGI though. Why would they replace a sensor with a 70 mm rocket hive?
How does making vees have heavier engines improve game balance?
Isaac Clark
That's pretty much how conventional fighter aircraft are designed, minus the fusion.
Josiah Williams
Why does it feel so good to take down mechs with tanks, Veeky Forums?
Reactor shielding weights in BT vary hugely by application. I assume ASF have enough heavy material and shielded areas in them that they can just put a lightly shielded reactor on the other side of the ship from the sensitive components/people and get the flux down to allowable levels, while conventional fighters don't have the space and bulky shit to put in the way, so they need to go heavier on shielding material.
Battlemechs and ASF get away with lighter shielding on reactors because it's far away from people/sensitive electronics. You need more in a vee where some poor bastard's duty station is on top of the reactor.
Aaron Cox
Oh, so conventional fighters have lower structural weight then?
Ryder Jones
The reactor on an ASF and other small/large craft is proportionally smaller than those on an equivalent 'mech or combat vee. The reactor on those just produces power for the craft itself and the weapons. The actual means of propulsion is through combusion still.
Hudson Young
Why would you do that when you have a perfectly good source of heat for nuclear thermal propulsion?
Benjamin Wilson
Metal Storm gets that ludicrous rate of fire by stacking a lot of caseless rounds in a single barrel. The individual barrels are disposable one-shots. If you look at that pic, you can see that box has quite a few barrels mounted inside.
BT autocannons don't work that way.
Wyatt Cook
I don't want to blame it ALL on art direction because I'm sure he isn't perfect either, it's just that he gets a bad rap for a lot of things that aren't his fault, like the Bushwhacker (and most of 3058 for that matter). A lot of artists that have done Battletech work have suffered the art direction, and it shows. Designs don't look the same from image to image, and that happens a LOT. I have to imagine they didn't want the suspension because it's going to be a moving target made of explodium they didn't want to dedicate a ton of resources to. Just a cool silhouette for the most part. Also, I don't think that's a hatch; I think it's a sensor dome but it doesn't even show up on the model so... who fucking knows?
tl;dr - Loose gets a bad rap. Not perfect, but not the demon devil shitman that everyone likes to claim. You can deride me as the DLDF if you want but it's kind of the truth. Art direction in this game has been as spastic as Alex Knight gets when he's proven wrong.
Liam Clark
No, they just don't have design considerations intended for fusion engine application. If you are going to spend the money to buy a fusion reactor you are better off building it as an ASF from the beginning.
Kevin Baker
>What are the best 3025 aerospace fighters? Cheetah
Dominic Smith
Then why would ASFs have shielding already factored into their weight? Especially when conventional engines don't need any shielding?
Hunter Sullivan
Matthew Stewart
ASF and Mech reactors use less shielding, making them lighter but more dangerous to be near when they operate.
Jackson Myers
Less shielding than ICs?
Tyler Johnson
No, IC's don't incorporate any shielding, but have 1/100000000000th the fuel efficiency and lower thrust/weight ratio then a fusion rocket or electric jet.
Ayden Cook
But if I put a fusion engine in a conventional fighter it's heavier than in an aerospace fighter?
Eli Collins
yes, design rules state fusion engines in conventions add 50% weight
Henry Brooks
>What are the best 3025 aerospace fighters? Corsair, Stingray, Transit, Transgressor, Stuka.
Cockpits and distance from the reactor. Also how open the construction is.
Jason Edwards
Because heat is not enough for suitable thrust. Heat emission is a poor reaction. Using too much heat from the reactor would cool the reaction down too much to sustain it.
Luke Barnes
>tank crew working as a team to defeat a single, larger and far more deadly opponent You tell me.
Cooper Jenkins
In atmosphere they pull in air and heat it, along with reaction mass, then expel the resulting jet of expanding mass.
Exoatmospheric (where conventional can't operate anyway) they do the same, but purely with reaction mass.
No combustion involved.
Gavin Reed
For very short bursts and very short distances. It's not suitable for sustained, constant thrust which is necessary for flight. You'd also melt the jet nozzles if you tried flight; this is explained in the lore.
Brandon Davis
That's literally how jet engines work, my sweet friend.
Air is drawn in, compressed and heated by mixing it with fuel that is ignited. The heat causes the air/burnt fuel mixture to expand and exit the engine in a hot stream.
A thermal jet works the exact same way, you just heat the reaction mass electrically/by injecting plasma instead.
Jump jets can't operate constantly, and are what you are thinking of, because they are very small engines that produce a giant amount of thrust. They lack the cooling and support to operate for long because they are built to fly only very short distances.
Caleb Gonzalez
>mixing it with fuel that is ignited >heat the reaction mass You mean just like how BT Aero engines work? Whodathunkit.
He's right that a chemical rocket have a lower reaction chamber wall temperature, but wrong that this is a major limiting factor.
Carter Cook
Anthony Murphy
I am so confused
Dylan Jackson
For all the shit that people give him now, I did and still do like Loose's stuff. The main reason being that his artwork, in spite of the badly designed joints and looking very boxy, do an excellent job of feeling like technical drawings of war machines that you'd see in a military training guidebook. TROs have lost that a long time ago, going for a comic-book'esque art style that makes me think of it more like a Monster Manual for mechs.
I really wish that future projects would go back to that industrial design aesthetic and ditch the action poses.
Adrian Watson
As am I, but I like it.
I'm either looking at a Sorenson, or looking at the progeny of if Victor and Omi had wed.
Chase Sanchez
I think I'm two or three threads behind.
Someone suggested Spike would pilot a Jackal because it has a big shoota that fires blue stuff; but does that also suggest the Jackal itself should also be blue (like Spike's suit), red (like his Swordfish), or ...?
Justin Long
red with arms out and fairings to make it look more swordfishy
Logan Lee
enjoy your shs
Cooper Hughes
Connor Morris
You fool! Everyone knows heat is sunk at a quadratic rate.
Aaron Wood
You're not thinking big enough: we need triple heat sinks that take only a single crit, but for IS only. That'll finally even the fight between the Clans and the IS.