Think it'll be any good?
Mtg dominaria
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God damn no interest? Has wizards really fucked themselves this badly?
I'm interested and hopeful, will be my first set on dominaria that I get to experience.
But we had this posted already yesterday.
Lead Designer is Richard Garfield. It’ll be good and solid, if not great, and the best Magic set we’ve had in years. Mechanically speaking, anyways.
I don't really get hopeful about Magic. WotC have constantly mismanaged all of their IPs and have proven themselves more than willing to gut the lore , the setting and the characters to try to appeal to a "broader audience" who generally aren't really interested in playing in the first place. If what said is true then it'll be mechanically sound but narrativewise a goddamn disasterpiece of biblical proportions
Do you really care that much about the lore of Magic? I mean I read all of the stories and have some investment in it but honestly the story not being perfect doesn't take away from the gameplay at all.
Given how lame all the return to sets have been, meh.
I'm optimistic.
I'm pessimistic.
It's what got me hooked in the first place. I know it's not the best but I remember getting the Onslaught novels secondhand when I was younger and thinking it was the coolest shit. I couldn't afford to make a good deck because poorfag family but I could get into the stories and the art. Now both have gone to shit, and so has the gameplay for the most part
I'm cautiously optimistic
WotC are stuck in a paint-by-numbers set design rut right now because they're trying to make sure every set hits a bunch of different wickets equally. The set needs to be good for draft, but it also needs to be easy to draft, so there will the inevitable cycle of multicolored uncommons to railroad you into certain draft archetypes. There will be a bunch of two- and three-color factions to make sure every color pair drafts differently, and that every color has access to at least two factions. There will be a bunch of callback cards for nostalgia points that are either strictly worse or watered down versions of their older versions because "balance". There will be a bunch of random shoehorned multicolored legendaries to make Commander players happy. There will be the obligatory Standard-defining mythics and a few playable rares to boot. 98% of the rest of the set will be draft chaff garbage or EDH bait.
You can predict the shape of the set from a mile away. I'm not excited.
The stories and art are what inspire poorfags to stick around until they can afford it too. Without some inspiring, mind blowing concepts and wild art, Timmy and Tammy aren't going to give a fuck and will go spend their money on bubblegum, holo-porn, and heroin instead.
A return set the way Richard Garfield intended.
The lore is what those pushing a narrative use to sink their teeth into the game, so yes. There’d be no reason why we absolutely NEED to have a literally autistic Planeswalker if we didn’t have lore or flavortext backing the game.
MaRo said they would only revisit Dominaria once they found a way to make it the X plane like Innistrad is the horror plane, Ravnica is the guild plane etc... so there is a huge chance that they fuck everything and ruin the plane for everyone forever and it will be the end of MtG.
Wasn't Dominaria still looking pretty rough even during the events of Future Sight? Maybe sticking with the post-apocalypse theme?
I expect the theme to history/archeology. That's a good way for both old fans to remember and new fans to discover.
I mean... You can enjoy the lore, but MTG has had some absolutely baffling shit as the cornerstones of the Dominaria lore since the beginning of them even trying to tie everything into a coherent setting. Do you really think that what they do won't be an improvement so long as they don't go out of their way to hire writers from the same pool as back then?
WotC never manages not to fuck these things up. It's most likely going to really suck in one aspect. Something like they get flavor right but the set is incredibly under-powered with strictly worse versions of older cards. Or something were they hit one aspect right on but another so far off it ruins the set.
Character choices
>woman, black, golem
>no white man
Really tired of this shit
Karn is part white man. He's got at least a white dude's head stuffed in there somewhere
I'm gonna invest in some boxes. Nostalgia is a big thing.
I really hope the art for this set will be better than the mediocre shit we have gotten in the last year.
No MTG has been fucked ever since they removed damage from stack, mana burn and added 4th rarity. Putting niggers on the cover or continuing to rape the memory of old sets won't make it better or good.
He also inherits his power from Serra. The plane was made from superior white mana.
The "nigger" on the cover is an oldwalker. Its not raping the memory of old sets to use someone who was part of their story.
This. Why was damage on the stack and mana burn too confusing for people to understand? Although 4th rarity I could honestly care less about.
What's that, the Diverse League?
Jesus christ, they never learn.
is this a shitpost? theres no fucking way you dont know who Teferi is.
Hello there newfag. Don't try too hard.
/pol/ is to the exit behind you.
>One of the biggest mages/walkers in a Plane's history is just a diversity pull.
Your world must suck.
That is definitely a shitpost. Bringing back Teferi and Karn is neat and I'm excited to see them both even if I'm trepidatious about the set itself. I expect it to suck in spite of Richard Garfield and to dull his ideas down into sanitized, "marketable" pablum. Pointing out that Teferi does appear to have switched races to a different kind of black man is mildly amusing though, and "white men are too scary to put in advertising" is becoming a problem in general. But simply having Teferi back, in a vacuum, is neato.
Return set track record:
Flawless. Broken cards, but I prefer having too many broken cards over everything being shit
Good cards, limited was great and the best standard ever. However, 7/10 mechanics had to do with +1/+1 counters + Shitty lore cuz muh posterboi Jace.
>Battle for Eldrazikar
Literally the worst set/block ever made. Killed any and all interest I have towards eldrazi and zendikar.
Thematically alright, but the timing was awful and so were the cards.
Following this formula, we will get a lot of shitty cards that are supposed to resemble actual good cards from the past, awful disney-diversity stories with lots of shitty jacewatch members and an okayish limited environment.
Maro's shitty "every world has to be a theme park" is really worrying, it really ruined a lot of potentially interesting planes. Kaladesh and Amonkhet in particular could literally be a tiny city on some other plane and nothing would change. The scale is so damn low it's a joke calling them a world. I'm also super disappointed that we'll never get a set based on Indian mythology because Kaladesh has done it alreay though in name only. Only Indian influences were brown people, names and a little bit of architecture. I would have loved to see some actual basis on India.
I think, an archaelogy theme would be the only way to keep Maro's idiotic X world theme but still keep Dominiaria's scale and rich history. The world was pretty destroyed after Time Spiral block, so it'd be neat to have the inhabitants rediscover their history. Make them dig up the remnants of the Fallen Empires. Let us sees some Homarid colonies in the ice. Let them find the Caves of Koilos, the ancient Thran civilization, the empire of Madara, the time bubbles of Tolaria, the wild Slivers of the Riptide Projects, the ruins of the Rathi Overlay, the Suq'atan portals to Wildfire and all that cool stuff again. I'm honestly worried they'll tone down the scale too much that it will feel like "the village of returned Zhalfir" instead of this enormous plane of many lost cultures.
I also hope they keep Teferi character in tact. He was by far my favourite character of all time. Please don't make him into a faultless super hero. Let him remain a dick, a prankster and a fuck-up who still does the thing he thinks is right at the end of the day.
He doesn't play the game so it's the only hill he has to die on
Didn't Teferi get fucking cremated by Bolas? Why is he alive suddenly?
The difference is that once Teferi was a character, now it's a nigger token for an agenda. Just look at the picture for fuck's sake.
It's embarrassing honestly.
I'm prepared to buy at least a case of it.
Eh. I see his point. To put it in a healthier phrasing: many Magic characters have been Flanderized, and Teferi appears to be the next.
... What?
he literally has just appeared in this promo image for now. You are straight up just doing this
So, the headline of this set is "Gather Legends". Which Dominarian legends are still alive though other than these three and Jaya?
I can think of Sqee, Lord Windgrace as the spirit of Urborg and Jodah but that's about it. Maybe Sisay and Tahngarth but they should honestly be too old at this point. They could of course bring back the Future Sight Grandeur circle
Maybe it's in the past story just after the Mending. Small chance, but i wish it is.
I think you're unconsciously trying to avoid looking at the truth because it would be too painful.
Wotc has always been a "progressive" company and there's nothing wrong with that, they changed the way they implement all these elements and now the story, the characters, the atmosphere etc. have no importance anymore, all that matters is having a nigger and a woman for the sake of having a nigger and a woman.
They've been doing this for a while, that's why I can already tell they're doing it again from the pic alone. Marketing pics are well thought, it's not like they use random art to present the new set.
So, oh benevolent Grand Wizard, who should they used instead?
They used blacks as their poster characters quite a few times before going to shit though. Time Spiral and Ravnica both had a black protagonist and I rank them to be two of the best sets, both in gameplay and in story. If there's hope of returning to former glory, it's now
Time Spiral had the same fucking dude, as a matter of fact.
Richard Garfield's last set was Innistrad. This set should be great mechanically.
I don't disagree with you but you're arguing about the time where WOTC actually have black characters who are there not because of diversity bullshit.
I started magic at Mirage and i remembered these niggers fondly.
Teferi, Sidar Jabari, Telim Tor, muthafucking Kaervek (and his torch) etc.
Pls print another version of Hakim Loreweaver. I like that dude.
literally complaining that they shouldn't put iconic characters on their promo art.
post apoc wild wild west, my dick is already hard thinking about black female cowboys and orc/goblin injuns
please do this wizards
Teferi grew hairs?
Not him but I would assume he shares those fond memories with us. Looking forward to the Garfield touch, but he still has to wade through the marketing and art conformity, and I'm not sure any black man can survive the PC police intact any more than any white man can. They all get distilled down to insulting caricatures that meet brand archetypes and appeal to focus groups.
>Why was damage on the stack
an entire extra subphase in mtg most complex phase that did matter for only 4 playable cards, 1 of which is still the best common of its set after the nerf.
>mana burn
a mechanic most people didn't know about created after one of the most forgettable pieces of lore otherwise found only the books most people don't give a shit about.
how many cards were designed to use this mechanic in a relevant way? 2 or 3 of them and no one cares about them RIP vineyard deck .The biggest impact of this mechanic was making people confused at the extra bits of text on mindslaver and kamigawa trash snakes shamans.Oh and there was one infinite combo that did have a 5% to lose to manaburn if they didn't draw their fireball after going off.
Generally speaking a game should get rid of useless rules that serve no purpose.
>4th rarity
i was actually mad at it, but afterall they have control of their prices in every way. if they feel like a cool strong deck should cost 300€+ and people still buy it and the company keeps growing, all i can do is disagree with them all and quit the game. and that's what i did.
Which continent? I remembered there's one overran by slivers, one overran by thallids, one where Yawgmoth's corpse was there and fucked it up, but the rest is probably okay.
Yay I can't wait for another iconic plane to be run into the ground like zendikar or innistrad. How many more years of midrange/aggro is standard going to be able to tolerate before the game finally fucking dies?
I would love to see Captain Sisay, but they've already use their old grandma pirate captain slot for the year.
I think you are actually projecting.
lets hope they turn dominaria into a pseudo Japan plane then we can have pirates, dinosaurs, ninjas and robots in the one standard
I'm optimistic, I just hope there's something in the set that will shake up both standard and modern.
>damage from stack
I play since Alara but damage on stack will never not sound retarded. you wanna act before your creature feel the pain of a wound?
I don't really care about the lore but I do care about cards being interesting and helping convey a story.
Right now the only card art I find in any sort interesting to look out in the whole of Standard are Ixalan Merfolk and Vampires.
Damage on the stack mattered a lot if you were for instance, sacing creatures after blocking or attacking with them. There are plenty of smaller interactions that were changed by this one rule change, not just four cards. And it was nowhere near as complicated as you make it out.
>Dominaria 2: Electric Boogaloo
WWII Phyrexian Nazis vs Oldwalker Allies
I don't kniw where you people get this bottomless confidence in this set just because of Garfield. How much can he REALLY care about magic at this point, especially with Wizards and Hasbro breathing down his neck and telling him what to do. At some point, his spark of passion for MTG is going to go out, and the next time he works on a set he is just going to phone it in, just give Wizards another marketing ply they can use to milk fans.
also remember he is just a cat, he eats lasagne and sleeps all day so he cant be expected to produce stellar sets every time, he doesn't even like mondays
Why does this not surprise me?
because its 3 main characters from dominaria, seems wierd because the expansion is set on dominaria, I was expecting more kamigawa art/characters too
>/pol/tards unironically bitching about a black person and a woman that are older than they are
Technically Dominaria has that japanese bit. That one samurai guy sort-of-killed Bolas.
Don't forget that new chick with tumblr haircut that is clearly meant to be a new feminist icon of MTG. Those soyboy, numale, SJW cucks sure do ruin everything. They want to kill us all straight white males.
Subscribe to MTGHQ patreon, he says like it is.
Can somebody explain that soyboy meme. I kinda understand they were tired of cuck and they needed to choose another word for "people I don't like" but why soyboy?
If I remember correctly it has something to do with couple of streamers going on a soy diet and changing gender few years after. Not 100% sure, I preffered cuck though. Sounds less retarded.
Soy contains estrogen.
why does it not surprise me that a /pol/ tard doesn't know anything about mtg.
Yeah, foolish me. It's just bad luck WotC rolled the plane roulette for the new set and it stopped on the one where all white males apparently have gone extinct.
because all the recent sets he works on are good? And he only works on sets when he wants to?
those characters are major characters way before any of the gatewatch avengers bullshit, teferi, jhoira, and karn
stop falseflagging, retard
you're an idiot, those three are the most iconic characters from the plane. It would be weird if we did not see them.
Sisay and tarngarth could be alive. Mtg lore is notorious for having very long lived characters.
I doubt however them bringing back grandeur. I do think they make their legends with commander in mind, and grandeur is not a good mechanic for commander.
>no big daddy Yawgmoth
I miss when you guys just said wake up sheeple
I wouldn’t call it “Bottomless Confidence”, but I do think the set at the very least will be competently designed even if it’s nothing exciting. Richard is a great game designer, and I don’t think Wizards can really bully him into coming back “just for marketing”.
>. How much can he REALLY care about magic at this point, especially with Wizards and Hasbro breathing down his neck and telling him what to do.
I mean this has been true since Alpha
There are many iconic planes in Magic, right? Wizards could have revisited any number of them, but for some reason they chose this specific one. Was it because it's a fan favorite? Perhaps. Or maybe it was because MaRo and others have been publicly stating for years their intention to make the cast of Magic characters more diverse, less white and less masculine and this old plane just fitted that description?
Tell me more about these red pills Mr. Pole
you literally know nothing about mtg!
This is fucking dominaria.
Go kill yourselves /pol/ fag.
>three classic planeswalkers from the 90's
>muh sjw menace
please go back to /pol/
Go drink more koolaid
>new chick with tumblr haircut that is clearly meant to be a new feminist icon
isnt it jhoira?
he's being sarcastic. Some /pol/ fags first response on seeing the image was to call jhoira a feminist tumblr whatever.
I'm expecting Open Fire-level spells celebrated as "throwbacks and pillars of Magic" and Gatewatch teaming up with and saving Teferi, Karn and Jhoira. We probably won't even get White Knight because it's offensive.
In other words, I'm expecting the worst. Unstable aside, it's been a bad year for Magic products and I'm unexcited and dreading the manner in which they will "celebrate" Magic's 25 Anniversary.
>In other words, I'm expecting the worst.
Has /tg ever expected anything else?
Hey give us all a space to be pessimistic and negative man, it's healthy.
I was pretty hype for innistrad and return to ravnica was painful due to high expectations
>I preffered cuck though. Sounds less retarded
Every buzzword they've latched on to since retarded has been gay.