>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
>how powerful is your meta and do you try to make it more or less powerful over time?
Not very powerful, we've agreed to no infinite combos/turns, no infect (because none of us played mtg when it was a thing) Only 1 guy in our group runs fetches and tutors, and he's of course blueish player so we take him out before he does his blueish shit.
Jace Murphy
seconded, top of the food chain
Jayden Sanders
I tried to keep it pretty low since one guy still plays precons, but the third guy made a deck that likes to reanimate Iona or some other stupid shit on turn two. I've added graveyard hate to try and slow him down.
Benjamin Nguyen
It used to be strong, but now its dead. It's clear that people would be tired of playing the tutor game until someone combos and we all shuffle our decks again, but they didn't listen to me. I managed to get one guy back to playing some casual games, but the rest are still fed up with it.
Alexander Smith
We only have 1 try-hard with hardcore Selvala deck with 10 minute turns and a few infinite combos in every one of his decks. He's gotten a bit tuned toned over the past 6 months. Most of hus have budget decks and no fast mana or duals etc.
Thomas Parker
>Thread Question Our main FNM crowd is a bunch of ~40yo pro-wannabes (who shun casul formats) and people of 15-27 (who play EDH) try to imitate them, so they use a lot of shit they really can't afford, netdeck and never play suboptimal. We have a long way to go
Asher Long
>how powerful is your meta and do you try to make it more or less powerful over time? i have no friends who play magic near me anymore so not very ;__;
Levi Sanders
>how powerful is your meta and do you try to make it more or less powerful over time?
I played my Hidetsugu deck against my friends krenko deck when we were bored and couldn't get a full group together
I ended up winning twice of the 5 games we played
Owen Peterson
>how powerful is your meta and do you try to make it more or less powerful over time? 2 derevis, a meren, and an atraxa all playing stax seeing who can lock who first
pure fucking pain
Hudson Collins
Your problem is worse than mine , but I know how you feel. Just sitting around looking up the new spoilers with no one to talk to about it.
Jackson Collins
I would hate if my group devolved into this. That's just horrible.
Luis Rodriguez
Not him, but I'm here thinking about all the fun decks I could build, but then I remember I have no one to play with anymore. I haven't played a match of commander in almost a year now, and I'm still here, ordering some cards every now and then.
Ayden White
>thread question I make decks for my group so I control our meta. It's a low 75% with durdling and winmore, featuring fun goofy cards but stable mana bases, one boardwipe per deck, few counters or tutors, and every card being part of the deck's story or theme. Usual win is around turn 15 to 20.
Luis Morales
Iktf user. I just built a new deck and it feels like such a waste since I can't even use it. I don't even really have people to play modern or legacy with, its just nothing but standard near me and even thats pretty dead
Xavier Gomez
Do you guys know of any resources for finding play groups? I've been thinking of doing that since my last magic friend moved away and my lgs i used to go to closed down due to no business
Eli Carter
>how powerful is your meta and do you try to make it more or less powerful over time?
There’s one guy who is “Oh, it’s turn 4, time for me to combo out and win!” and he’s an ass. Nobody else relies on combos like that, but there are some pretty skillful players with good but fair decks.
I’m in the process of collecting cards for a Gitrog Combo deck, but that’s just for something when the ass is being an ass.
Charles Mitchell
I mean the only one I know of is just searching for stores near you and calling them. If there's no store near you you're just fucked
Sebastian Rogers
I don't how it is near you, but I just started visiting other lgs at different days to see what kind of people frequented it, I eventually found a fun playgroup to play with, it's not the best day for me, and also not the closest lgs, but it's much better than nothing.
Ethan Lee
Facebook? At least my town has a few magic groups that are supposed to be for coordinating playgroups and stuff like that. Also we have forums here in Finland for magic. And how about just asking around reddit or something?
Leo Harris
TQ: playgroup of four and we all go hard as we can. Im a little bit more aware that were not playing on the most comp level but it's fun. Top commanders are breya,Niv mizzet,daxos, and I'm the cancer sultai player. (Tasigur,aatraxa) We talked about limiting for infinite turns and no sol rings but we also feel like it would make us little bitches and were all highly competitive. P.s. fuck static orb. You play that shit you're catching these REEEEEEs
Jonathan Sanders
>how powerful is your meta and do you try to make it more or less powerful over time? It's semi-competitive but we don't really have anyone playing real comp decks - like, the most competitive decks in our meta are my Kruphix control deck, a Riku combo deck, and a Karlov aggro deck. We don't really try to alter the power level of the meta much just because it's at a place were everyone can play and compete reasonably well even with $20 of tuning to a pre-con.
Tyler Gutierrez
It's time to talk lands. Who's the most fun land commander in your opinion? I'm looking into making one, but I'm not sure who to go with. I'm looking at Angry Omnath and Titania currently. My problem is that Kool-Aid Man is a little popular and I don't like mirror matches and Titania would probably require an expensive land base because she wants all of the fetches.
William Cox
Karametra landfall is the patrician lands-matter deck.
Jaxson Collins
angry borb is the only real answer
Logan Brooks
Sek'Kuar because you can do some dumb shit involving animating lands and Bitter Ordeal.
Oliver Bailey
how good is the skullman? looks like fun but i dont own doubling season
Cooper Martin
All fun and games until you play a -1 counter deck
Aiden Williams
It makes for pretty decent voltron, but people see him coming from a mile away. Not that it matters because he's still a giant walking skeltal intent on smashing face.
Levi Jenkins
Not him, but I never considered that. Playing him against Hapatra or The Scorpion God sounds awful.
Christopher Anderson
Don't you mean >playing The Scorpion God sounds awful
Thomas Moore
At some point you just have to look at someone and ask yourself "do I want to crush a mans dreams"
The answer is yes. Yes you do.
Carter Martinez
>tfw there's a hapatra at our table it's already unfun as is, i can see it's not any better vs a +1/+1.dec
Xavier Walker
At least I'm not playing stax. most of the time
Cameron Nelson
>finally realize my player archetype after 1 year of EDH
it turns out i'm a timmy-melvin
i kind of thought i was a spike because i loved to optimize and create synergies in my deck, but i actually just like these combinations and synergies for their own sake, so i'm a melvin instead of a spike
but more importantly i'm a timmy because i love making the table cower in fear of my big fatties
>Melvin enjoys comprehending the underlying structure. Melvin wants to understand how something is put together and then admire the craftsmanship of the interdependencies. This means that Melvin is much more comfortable dealing with subjective facts than objective feelings. >When Melvin evaluates something, once again like a Magic card, he tends to break things down into its components and then studies each part. He intellectually dissects whatever it is he is analyzing. Why does he do this? Because how something works is very important to Melvin. He enjoys understanding the rules that govern its creation. For that matter, unlike Vorthos, Melvin is a fan of rules. Rules create structure and allow things to make sense. Cards that excite Melvin are ones where he can admire the intricacy of the design.
describes me to a T
Nicholas White
Slamming fatties is the most pure form of joy. Excellent taste user.
Levi James
i like gitrog a lot
William Foster
Second for Gitrog. It's the most interesting lands matter deck I've ever seen.
Grayson Jones
I decided to try and build Gitrog into a weird mix of fog, creature hate/stax, and combo. I've found mixed results
Evan Ortiz
>love green >enjoy landfall >gitrog was the first mythic i opened (started in Oath of the Gatewatch) >dont own any fetches >dont own crucible
tfw life is pain
Ian Brooks
You can play Gitrog without those if your playgroup isn't absolutely cutthroat. He's pure gas even if you run shit like Evolving Wilds
Samuel Green
I like Mina and Denn for a Landfall Commander. You get the extra land per turn into the Command Zone, plus the ability to return lands to your hand and drop them again can really help churn through your deck or get those triggers, not to mention the ability to save some lands in case of a Land Wipe.
Wyatt Allen
I can second this if you're going for a pure landfall spam deck. They're not the strongest Gruul general by any stretch but they definitely do what they're supposed to
Julian Long
>how powerful is your meta and do you try to make it more or less powerful over time? We have a super Spike with an unlimited budget We have a Johnny who tries to keep Spike under control We have a guy who makes really really good budget Decks but refuses to spend more than a dollar on a card so his decks suffer Then we have two timmies who don't know their head from their asshole and who sometimes steal a win from us when we are trying to deal with mld zergo or doomsday zur
Daniel Jones
It's ok it was hard on me too when I realized I was a faggot it gets easier
Henry Russell
>No crucible There's one in standard get you some
Ayden Thompson
Funny thing is that most gitrog lists actually use ramunap excavator over crucible nowadays because it's easier to find due to creature tutors and what-have-you
Nathan Kelly
I've been considering them too, especially since they seem a bit more under the radar than Gitrog or Angry Omnath who just tend to explode.
Jaxon Ramirez
feelings on proxies? i've decided to stop buying cards
Juan Allen
Don't. All those proxy threads are literally just part of the /pol/ propaganda arm of the culture war.
Gavin Jackson
How does it feel being so wrong and pleb?
Justin Ward
Just print black and white cutouts on office paper and no one will care.
Angel Myers
Obviously because pol would support communists and Chinamen instead of the true free capitalism who despise the proletariat and the consumer
Colton Rogers
They hate wizards because they're SJW's, and it's probably just one guy.
Mainly looking for creature support to replace things like Godsire, fun to get out but he becomes a target pretty quickly. Originally had Thunderfoot in place of him but noticed in my playgroup that usually has 6+ people at the table that becoming that huge of a threat and being left naked after a big swing never ends well, and my playstyle usually centers around the long-game anyway.
Cameron Lopez
How do you go from day to day with that kind of paranoia?
Ryder Hernandez
I am not going to buy proxies, that would defeat the purpose.
i was just curious if people would actually care if i showed up with all proxied decks
Jace Rogers
If it's a casual game they shouldn't give a shit unless you're trying to go up to an unnecessary amount of power. You can ask them beforehand if you want.
Lincoln Hughes
Go hard on fog and combo, It's a blast
Aiden Powell
I printer proxy fetches, alpha-revised duals, and staples like Force of Will.
Luis Reyes
Think again sport
Ethan Ward
Only asking because i don't know where else to ask. What is the best way to begin a cube? Singleton or some sort of graduated scale by rarity?
Mason Diaz
>I am not going to buy proxies, that would defeat the purpose. this needs to be repeated many many times
i personally don't mind proxies within reason. if somebody has thousands of dollars in proxied cards it's kind of disgusting. if somebody has mostly real cards and a couple proxies that's fine. if somebody has proxied duplicates of cards that they already own in other decks, that is very fine. if somebody has proxied versions of cards they are planning on eventually trading for/buying then that is 100% fine. if you want to try out an expensive card before buying it that is totally fine.
buy for god sakes make the proxies look decent. if you just write "ice cauldron" on a basic land that is not sufficient. it is not my job to look up the oracle text for your cards to understand what they do. the proxy should be clear and include all relevant information.
Isaac Bell
i tried scorp against a friend with my trostani cat lady deck. SOMEHOW pulled out solemdy when i was going to play black sun zenith to reload my hand. i got too greedy.
Brandon Reed
Virgin commander player >1000 dollar deck >Never builds his own list >Fun derived from making people watch him play magic >Casts doomsday
Chad edh player >Understands the spirit of the format >Slams eldrazi >Always brews his own list >Has friends
Mason Robinson
Sub question for the thread because I had this little wet dream on the uber ride home. What would be your dream legendary? If wizards would let you design one commander for whatever set and whatever reason what would you make. Mine would be R/G, probably 4 drop that goes "all creatures your opponents control have wither, and, whenever a -1/-1 counter would be placed on a creature place a +1/+1 counter on it instead."
It sounds like the perfect kind of shenanigans commander was made for, I wish it was real.
Dominic Cook
>solemdy Either you're 12 or you're brain damaged. Which is it?
Evan Robinson
dubs say it all
Camden Johnson
holy shit gitrog is confusing i may have made a mistake building him
Chase Harris
Best cards to protect a commander without shroud? (Hexproof, indestructible, etc)
Connor Nelson
Justin Sullivan
im drunk, sir, and not a grammer nazi
Levi Butler
A jund commander with a reanimation effect or a mono black demon legend that buffed other demons
Anthony Ross
Gift of immortality or Totem armors
Parker Robinson
a U/R artificer that does something with artifacts and isn't a spellslinger or looter
Elijah Sanders
Oh I got this:
>2UB Whenever an opponent puts a card into play, if that card wasn't cast, put it under play under your control.
Whenever a player counters a spell or ability, counter the counter instead.
Michael Howard
I like you.
Alexander Sanders
Lincoln Jones
>1st for most overrated dragon
stop being a metacuck, play something that wasnt printed in a precon
Jaxon Cox
Probably something along the lines of 3BR "Whenever a player taps a land for Mana, you may put a -1/-1 counter on target creature. Whenever a creature you control dies, if it had no counters on it, you may put it onto the bottom of your library instead of into your graveyard." 1/3
So a good maybe combo effect but a bad body, which rakdos doesn't really have I think. My dream commander already exists in Xenagod though.
Tyler Thomas
>yfw every card ever is better with doubling season put a blade of selves on this guy bonus lulz sundial of the infinite your end of turn stack
Camden Evans
>Lodestone in Derevi y/n Also Winter orb and Horoki are the main lock pieces right? What other cards are good with Derevi? Never really played blue greenn white creature combo
Blade of Selves does not work, because the tokens will not be declared as attacks, they come into play tapped and attacking.
Daniel Long
as someone with two well managed cubes, figure out your budget. unless youve managed a cube before id start with a 360 pauper/peasant cube or 360 unpowered if you have money (and by money i mean a lot). themed cubes are very difficult to build if you want to ask more ill be lurking
>5/5 flying >other demons you control get +3/+3 >at the beginning of your combat phase target opponent gains 3 life for each demon you control.
Brayden Young
no foodchain/10
low effort
Isaac Foster
>posting custom cards outside of the ccg >asking people to post custom cards outside of the ccg
really man
Brandon Lee
Something that works like Malefic Yggdrasil from Force of Will, though it would have to have Eminence abilities.
Nolan Brown
A R/G legendary with Greater Good stapled to its body.
Jackson Gomez
Dralnu, but Grixis. Literally all I want.
Jelevafags and Kessfags need not apply.
Alexander Richardson
>Thread Question When my meta meets, we're not all that powerful. Our power curve really depends on what myself or my brother have bought recently, which also usually isn't much.