What would magic divided by sex look like? What is "male" magic and "female" magic?

What would magic divided by sex look like? What is "male" magic and "female" magic?

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I am like 80% sure this is already a thing

This thread is going to get flooded by faggot redditors

The only time I've ever seen it is "woman=yes magic, man=no magic/bad magic" like in Wheel of Time or basically anything inspired by new age/wicca type stuff. I've not really seen any work/setting where they're on semi-even ground.

Water/earth = female
Air/fire = male
any healing/defensive magic = female
any destruction/offensive magic = male
divination, abjuration I'd class as female
transmutation/conjuration I'd class as male
not sure where I'd put necromancy

Male magic is orderly, methodical and scientific. Female magic is chaotic and unpredictable.

>won't let you rest even in death

I think it's obvious

In the European tradition, all "magic" is female. Which is why most pagan rituals involve penetrating yourself with oversized wooden dildos and smearing yourself with menstrual blood. Male "magic" is when you hit shit with a hammer really, really, really hard. Like so hard you probably wouldn't believe it, and that makes lightning. Goddamn you're so beefy.

So basically the difference between male and female magic is martials with magic equipment and straight spellcasters. Which is why people feared witches way more, they get all the OP save or die shit.

I thought similar things but what about illusion? I'd say that is more in the female realm and give necromancy to males

Witches of the entire world would be fighting for equal rites.

For me, male magic would be direct, while female magic would be indirect

Basically, a man would shoot a lightning bolt out of his hands, while a woman would cause a thunder storm

Male magic is powered by semen, female magic is powered by breast milk.

I think this is the best option, stuff like alchemy and occult science are male magic, and stuff like fortune telling and hexes are female magic. Though the more I think of it, the more I think that gendered magic system wouldn't work well.

My favorite european male magic is when you transform into an animal to avoid dealing with women and their shit

Not all magic is fertility rites.

Male magic = regular magic.
Female magic = verboten because if women were allowed to mess around with magic they would probably be embarrassingly good at it

Really? Not one of you is going to mention Prachett's Discworld canon?

Wizards are all male and operate with extremely complicated incantations that warp the world (mostly by pulling a trick on it so that it doesn't notice).

Witches are more like bards or illusionists, their power comes from convincing other people of their power with a technique called "Headology" and they do a lot of common work like herbology and laundry.

Equal Rites covers this topic

Male magic is creation and destruction, evocation and abjuration, that which transcends existence, elevating a plane to greatness or bringing it to ruin. Female magic is manipulation, illusion, summoning, that which flows alongside existence without directly altering its balance.

Not only is it already a thing, there are lots of different takes on it.

Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of predominantly male European magic:

>they would probably be embarrassingly good at it
What makes you say that?

I was quoting Pratchett, user. Maybe you just didn't catch it, but if you actually haven't read his works, you really should give them a try.


That's more like divine casting cleric bullshit

Male magic = magic cast by men
Female magic = magic cast by women

There's your difference

That's most magic, traditionally. The notion of magic as something entirely distinct from divine entities is extremely modern; most traditional systems of magic worked on the notion of calling upon divine powers in some way, whether it be animistic spirits, entities from Judeo-Christian cosmology, or simply being part divine in the first place.

What are Liotta and Davies on two ends of the magic meter and whoever makes out with Sobieski gets it filled more on their side?

>The only time I've ever seen it is "woman=yes magic, man=no magic/bad magic" like in Wheel of Time

There's quite a bit more to it than that. For example the male half of The Source is controlled through sheer force of will and domination. The female half is more about submission and manipulation.

That's sort of boring, though.

It must be sad having no imagination

men have magic based on manipulating their environment and the world around them. they deal with the physical world
they are wizards, alchemists, runecasters, druids, and elementalists.

women have have magic based on the manipulation of other beings. they are enchantresses, mediums, necromancers, witches, and summoners and binders of demons and spirits

male magic is normal
female magic is -4 str

This, but flesh out the batshit patriacracy stuff and make it playable too. Apparently the male magical tradition comes from the biblical Cain calling down the serpent god Mars to help him and his ragtag band overthrow the theogynomagocracy of Atlantis and the goddess of earth (who is just called the Goddess), who encouraged her followers to be little shits and made magic a girls-only club in the first place.

Alchemy was decidedly male. Hell, most formulas were like "just cum all over that shit, it will turn into something else!" And "mew is under the truck" tier trolling.

Fuck off

I would probably go with some yin yang stuff, yielding versus pushing, soft power vs hard power, internalizing vs penetrating, vagina vs penis etc. . .

Woman move, control, and explore qualities. Men create and destroy qualities. Female magic is more useful in day to day life, but it takes a lot of intelligence and practice to be truly powerful with it. Male magic isn't very useful in day to day life, but is necessary in serious conflict and relatively easy to do immediately impressive things with. Male magic obviously can be incredibly valuable in day to day peaceful life too, but it takes a lot of intelligence and practice to wield the creation aspects to do so. Such exceptional creative men surpass even women in things that came naturally to them. Inversely, exceptional women may or may not be more powerful than men naturally achieve, not one's really sure, exceptional female magic gets weird and confusing and what you think about it is highly confounded due to the influence of what said exceptional female WANTS you to think about it.

You could go with David Lynch ideas and have male magic be, penetrative, invasive, and direct, while female magic is enfolding, surrounding, and saturating.

Lighting bolt, passwall, magic missile telepathy, all male,

Charm person, evards tentacles, Leomunds hut, entangle, etc, all female.

Another thing could be that males, having no ability to create life, focus their magic on calling things into being, and shaping things into new forms, while women who have naturally already mastered the art of creating something from the barest seed focus on destruction and tearing things apart with their magic.

No one? Come on, Veeky Forums, keep up!

There is no such thing as male and female magic as wizards can shapeshift and genderbend.

No it's not.
The gods in hermeticism/gnosticism are basically personifications of ideas and principles, not humanlike actors.



>Breast milk
>Not menstrual blood
U wot

T-the Veeky Forums spells could be made by power hungry magic user that wanted to have access to all the spells... t-that's not magical realmy, right?

>muh deeanddee

actually historically androgony and occult have a long history together.

Not the user you're responding to, but I can see different things having different effects.

Breast milk can add strength and vitality to something already living. Menstrual blood adds fertility to something and enhance its ability to support life. Semen can serve as the catalyst necessary to actually create life, and imbue strength in doing so.

At least, that's what I was taught cave dwellers and the first agrarians believed.

Male magic is wizardry. Female magic is psionics. They do the same thing but neither side will ever admit that they've got more in common than they are different and "just don't understand" the other.

Female magic would use a lot of herbs, male magic would be your typical fantasy magic with a focus on destruction

Necromancy is a subtype of divination

Yeah, like magic irl.

Male magic is fueled by the casters masculinity and muscles, female magic is fueled by the casters femininity and fat in the right places. Do you have a motherly nurturing intent? Channel your inner anima and start treating wounded people Do you want to protect frail weak people? Flex your muscles and engage their enemy!

You can go the "Magic is about transformation" route, and say that all magicians *must* be crossdressers or transgender. There's enough of that already with wizards in dresses and witches in pantsuits. Magic has long been about "bucking" the natural order, and seeking an unnatural solution to your problems.

this has some basis in history but risks coming off as either magical realm at best or political at worst

Ultimate reddit response:
>Any sex can learn any spell
>But only half of it.
>only half of a fireball
>only half of raise dead
>Male or female, you fucking suck on your own
>But when you find a partner and work together to complete your spells, your magic's results is exponential than merely a sum
>There is a reason we are two
>Each half is needed
>For without there is no whole.

As with much of magic, the one who studies and uses it can become closed off from the world. The difference being that blue magi are not closed off studying, but rather using their magic on themselves for fun and profit and losing themselves in the various hot and sticky pleasures to be found in the pages of their spell books. Pallid and trembling of hand, their brief and rare forays into the outside world for food can spark a panic that aboleth slime has made its way into the town water supply. Towers are a peculiarity of most wizards. According to many female, earthy, druidic persons of an unshaven armpits persuasion they are…

‘Towering symbols of the lascivious thaumaturgical dominance of the wizardly profession expressed in architectural form to compensate for their inadequacy and to express their believed supremacy over female oriented earth magic.’

Quite what any of that means most people are not sure but wizards who have seen the patches of mud these people call holy tend to attribute it to ‘tower envy’ and add an extra storey.

Blue magi seem especially attracted to the idea of towers, spending a great deal of money to have the most splendid and extravagant one they can afford. This is in part good advertising, as their tower looms over the surrounding slums in which they usually make their homes. Decked out in pink marble and crowned with dazzling amethyst, the towers are a sight to see and something to be sniggered at.

Sounds like a decent idea, but execution needs work.
Understanding the "masculine and feminine" in magic could be great. Be like a D&D Paul Atreides.

The hell...?

Any men are the bad guys?

In the original book On Stranger Tides that the terrible movie is based on, Blackbeard's plot is to symbolically invest a woman with strong female magic, marry her, then symbolically become her so that in himself he would have mastery of both female and male magic.

Someone made a game to accommodate the Tumblr crowd, it sounds like.

I wonder if they went in knowing that the Tumblr crowd doesn't play TTRPGs.

And coming in 2018!

I like Raggi, he's a cheeky bastard

Yes. All are complicit in the patriocrarchocracy(tm) and thus deserve the awful, awful punishments the PCs dish out in "revenge". The fact that most of those punishments in the art involve transforming them into things and crushing/destroying/consuming them and the fact that the lead writer and artist also made TF/Femdom fetish comics have nothing to do with each other

You'd be surprised, especially with the influx of people thanks to TAZ and Critical Role. Plus there's always been a bit crossover between dyed hairs and the WoD fanbase, which is why Bellum Maga is basically babby's first Mage the Ascenwakening. They were even excited about Beast, which says something about them

Hermeticism has its roots in Egypt though

I once ran a setting that kinda plundered the whole Yin and Yang balance idea. Women could be born with destructive yin powers while magical men harnessed creation magic, conjuration and healing.

>Spellcasting while crossdressing is the most powerful form of magic

raggi is a faggot

>>Spellcasting while crossdressing is the most powerful form of magic
>spellcasting is programming

that entire book is gem.
You can't go a single page without finding something that is hilariously bad. Either in the Fluff, the mechanics, or the editing. And here's a sample of one of the traits you can get.

Is there a way to see how many copies an RPG has sold?
I'm really curious as to how well this did.

Men use their dick as a wand

That one's impressive because it's offensive to basically everyone, no matter your views

no u

Y'know what. I'm free for the next 30 minutes and have the damn thing.
Anything in it you fuckers want a screen shot of?
Can't upload the whole thing cause well.. haven't scrubbed my name off of it yet.

Figure i'll start off with the text that pretty much informs you what the rest of the book will be like.

>we are here because what you are done

Shameful. Their editor should be fired.

>We been spending most our lives
>Building a white man's paradise
>Oppressed women once or twice
>Building my white man's paradise

Male magic is learned scholars who have to metodically study and learn magic over many years and apply it.

Female magic is about being a huge whore and fucking some goatheaded dude in exchange for it.

Thank you for that, user

Magic is expressed through cerebral signals, through the nerves
Men have bigger nerves => greater magic output but less precision
also more damage to the skin, and more ressource heavy
Women have smaller nerves, but more of them => smaller output but way more precise and less dangerous


It took me a second reading to get it.
Thanks user.

>penetrating yourself with oversized wooden dildos and smearing yourself with menstrual blood


>beaten raped

When I grow up I want to beat-rape someone to.

That was perfect user.
Now for a brief look at a couple Stats. Can you spot the weirdness? Also a sample of art.

also wizard-like magic is well thought and aims to be precise, controlled, rational and cold, impersonal, needs a lot of concentration and knowledge

witch-like magic is wild, full of surprises, with a greater chance of biting your ass if you're not careful, infused with emotion

Of course, men and women can do both, except it's not what they're predisposed to do. If they have magical power, that is.

And forgot to include fitness. My bad.

Well it's a cheap, terrible plagiarism of World of Darkness.

But what weirdness? It all looks terrible to me.


Why do I get the impression that the person who wrote this was at least a hundred pounds overweight and spends their days eating and sleeping?

>not Matron

overpowered shit

Mostly the fitness bit. But agility is pretty fucked as well.

Who wants to see some classes.. i mean paths

Is this the infamous FATAL?

No, FATAL is quite a bit more thorough in its terribleness

This is the opposite, actually. Like said, FATAL is worse. FATAL has rules for rape in combat and how to die from rape.

>another subtle anit-femenist thing jordan threw in there for shiggles and gits on top of the fact that the white tower is
>divided into cliques interested in different things with little interaction
>heavily classist based on how powerful you are
>can never get anything reasonable decided without a strong defined person in charge
>regularly backstab each other just to gain position
>trained for generations to be the hardest bitches out there, quickly find out that they are not in fact.



The interesting thing to me is that in discworld the "more" powerful wizards rarely accomplish anything and are more about staying in their tower and tinkering with the fabric of existance while the witches make a daily difference in the world and regularly save it from itself