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Good to know the cheating goes beyond Third-Circle Souls now.
Here's the latest Mummy Trilogy; I'm going to go ahead and upload this to the drive unless there are any complaints.
Why are you giving out hundreds of extra CP in every section, when you already have a very high drawback cap?
I have but one complaint.
I see nothing for obtaining The Rock's musculature.
I know I know, Scorpion King's technically just a spin-off.
After some feedback from last thread, I present to you the most up-to-date version of Irredeemable. I feel like it's really close to being finished now.
7th Submission v1.3 - #1962: I'll See You Hanged Edition post no. 57112109
Spelling mistake pointed out in General Perk Alien. Corrected
Changes Age Roll to 2d6+20
New Drawback – Precocious
New Drawback - Weary
Clarified Power – Temporal Punch – made clear it only transports a target through time.
Any comments?
Alright, so after KeyAnon is going to be a full-blown Stealth Jumper. Aside from Balance Bangle and Toggle, what are some good 'turn my shit off pls' perks or items? I remember Girl Genius has one, though I have no idea where that particular plot is going.
Glad you liked it! Hope you also have/had a good Christmas and Boxing Day, Brother_user. I read through the entire comic after the jump was posted - it was interesting enough for me to finish it and write out the jump in detail. Thanks for reminding me of it!
Not gonna lie, this brings back a lot of good memories. I'll be making a build and a write-up for this after a few jumps. Thanks so much for making it, YJ!
In the fate go jump how big can the relic of X be?
I'm very excited for this YJ, probably going to make a build later today. Is there an option to be the Scorpion King, by the way? 'Cause despite the shitty CGI, I do love that scorpion body.
Not too big. It's like something that can fit in your pocket or a piece of jewellery.
Poor Brandan Fraser. He looks like someone told him everyone he loved has just died horribly but is trying to put on a brave face.
Is there a story behind that pic?
How is the christmas' aftermath Val?
Ok then thanks, guess Im going to have to choose my Spatial ring from generic xianxia then. Things been with me for fuckin ever.
how goes things?
I mean...it could be worse. The messes aren't that big. And only a few windows are broken.
Neato supremo.
One is full powered the other is half-powered.
You can get their memories
Hi Val. Hope you had a good Christmas.
>The messes aren't that big. And only a few windows are broken.
Sounds lively.
>what are some good 'turn my shit off pls' perks or items
The Incredibles has one. One of the Super Kid perks.
How goes the update to korra?
X-men Evolution has one. And if SB jumps are kosher to you the recent John Wick jump has one too.
I felt it was appropriate, and nobody else seemed to mind. And it's hardly "hundreds" in "every section"; it's 150 CP for items and 200 for companions.
"Awfully Tempting" would; it even mentions "warrior monarch" as something you could choose as your appearance.
I'm glad to hear it Heavens! I'll look forward to it!
Thanks Tamerai! I actually wasn't sure about how to handle the Scorpion King's thing (like, should it just let you get his body, or could you choose another animal/insect/what-have-you) which combined with his relatively low amount of screen time to let us see what he was capable of, made me decide not to include it. I could see about adding it in though, if there was interest. Probably as a 600-800 ticket general perk.
Wife divorced him, and he got screwed on how much he had to pay for alimony ($900,000 annually) due to his declining popularity in films and TV.
The struggle for Jumpmaker Relevance continues.
>Wife divorced him, and he got screwed on how much he had to pay for alimony ($900,000 annually) due to his declining popularity in films and TV.
Poor bugger. Sounds like he plenty of reason to be a bit teary eyed.
You might as well just add more starting CP at that point instead of trying to hide it.
How is it appropriate anyway?
>if there was interest
It may already be obvious, but I'd like it.
>alimony ($900,000 annually)
What the absolute fuck?
SB has blessed us with yet another fanfic jump: drive.google.com
That's what it really feels like, yeah.
>It's not just another fanfic, it's another Dresden Files crosover with that other series
It's like those and harry potter is literally all those retards know.
Well, I'd be interested in being able to become something like the Scorpion King, even if my current Jumper might not be the type to buy things like that.
Although I would then be contractually obligated to request that you add yet another premade OC that has that perk+some other stuff, like the 500ers.
>Wife divorced him, and he got screwed on how much he had to pay for alimony ($900,000 annually) due to his declining popularity in films and TV.
Wow. This isn’t why you need prenups if you’re rich so that the wife can’t divorce you, cry to the courts, and receive shit loads of money despite not having done anything for it.
Divorce court is rigged in favor of the woman. Same goes with family court or any court system. Females will get lighter sentences for same crimes as males.
>any court system
There's a reason prosecutors prefer having women jurors against women defendants and male jurors against male defendants.
As it turns out, women are more likely to give the man the benefit of the doubt and vice versa.
You mean those things that judges usually ignore?
Question if you have Chimerical from Exalted Lunars are you required to have mutations and if so can you be rid of them post jump and temporarily get them back with the use of knacks
Which update?
Yeah, except there's a difference between offering stipends and increasing the starting CP.
As for how it's appropriate- I felt that between the double perklines, 50 CP items being freebies instead of 100 CP ones, and the themes of family and friends in the movies, that letting you have a little extra CP to spend in a few sections would be good.
>It may already be obvious, but I'd like it.
No problem, I'll see about writing it up now.
I'm not sure about that; I might just have it low enough that an import/custom companion can purchase it with the standard companion option if that's all/most of what they get, other than freebies. My concern is that I might have to be too vague in describing them compared to the other OC companions, since not everyone would want their companion to have the same lower-body.
Just feels like many other jumps have lots of perks and items and companions without giving you a few hundred extra points to spend on it all.
>more likely to give a man the benefit of the doubt
You don't know many married couples, huh?
Reposting the new imaged version.
Plenty of jumps DO have section stipends.
>I'm not sure about that...
You know what, that's fair. I don't remember the Scorpion King really doing much of note that didn't relate to the whole scorpion thing outside of his own movies, anyway.
Hi there! Hoping you had fun.
If I may, some questions:
1. Why is Medaka Box's "EVERYONE HATES YOU" power called Crystal Edge? Been racking my brain for a reference or a word play, but nuttin.
2. Can Mixing and Matching from Beatrice be used on living beings?
3. Do God's Feathers from Notes count as born and/or crafted and/or summoned? Do they count as my children? Are they supposed to only have the racial abilities of the race I have when spawning them? What if I had some way of fusing the races?
It's actually pretty rare and most of the ones that do usually have a pretty clear justification for it. Not just a lot of options.
Not really, no. Half the jumps with superpower sections give you a stipend just to give you one. And hell it doesn't matter if it's rare or not, that it's done at all means that it's not some big offensive thing he has to change to suit you.
Who knows? I just used the canon name.
Sure but it's probably gonna fuck up their minds by combining them.
They're born. I guess they'd count as children. That's correct, though on a smaller scale. Then they'd be a fusion.
Given that the Grey Jedi are getting a bunch of computer hacking equipment for free shouldn't their free Hardware perk be swapped with the Sith's free Computer perk? Especially when the Sith get a discount on an advanced droid with schematics for constructing more?
>Superpower section
>Most jumps have a pretty clear reason for it
YJ user is only offering item stipends because he's got one more item than usual. That's it.
Wait the Computer and Hardware perks are discounts, regardless the point stands.
You're ignoring the point just to keep being offended.
Wonderful. Thank you kindly.
And you're ignoring the argument just because you want more stuff.
The Electronics also includes repair parts for droids and vehicles, and Grey Jedi also get a discount on the Assault Droid.
I probably won't make a build for this jump actually.
I don't believe you and I doubt you'll believe me so there's no point continuing.
How are you this salty about such a tiny detail? YJ makes us a great jump and all you can do is complain? Fuck off.
Who made you the fashion police, /jc/? Is there a background to actually be the fashion police? If so, which Jump?
>alimony ($900,000 annually)
What even is the excuse for alimony? Child Support makes sense, but alimony is honestly just a completely foreign concept to me.
I don't see people handing out extra CP as something so minor. Especially not when the justification comes down to just having a little more options than normal.
It's the wife admitting they were just a leech on the husband's money and demanding them to permanently give it to them even after separation.
Alimony originated back when women didn't work or didn't do serious work, it was meant to be paid until she got remarried so she wouldn't fall into poverty. It has stuck around because women would pitch a fit about not getting free money, and now it applies even if the woman is making money, often even if she is making more money than the guy does, and even if she gets remarried.
Sometimes I start to see where the Redpills and MRAs are coming from.
When a man marries a woman he promises to maintain the standard of living he provides for her during the relationship even if it ends. This means when they get a divorce he has to pay her enough for her to maintain the lifestyle she had when they were together.
Technically it is supposed to work the other way around if the woman is the provider but that pretty much never happens even when she is because of how the courts like to view divorces.
So how fast do you think you could progress along the Die Ewigkeit ranks if you consumed a bunch of souls from a Xianxia?
Well senpai, there's nothing wrong with MRA as a movement in general. That's just being an activist for men's rights, which are often trampled on or forgotten in society these days. I mean sure, some people argue for stupid shit, but that's basically any movement. They get painted as monsters because of "fuck you got mine" more or less.
>600CP – Eleosain Scholar
To Briah/Third rank. The last rank isn't about the amount of souls, you need to have potential or you can't get it.
In theory it's for helping divorced women stay afloat after having lived as stay at home mom or housewife for years or decades, which would obviously make getting a halfway decent job difficult. In practice it's really the man needing to pay 1/3 or more of his earnings to his ex-wife because it's 'fair'. Even if the wife wasn't really working as a housewife or mother at all due to the assortment of mexican maids and cooks. And of course, house husbands are usually screwed out of both custody rights and money. Because that's totally fair.
Thanks user.
I'll correct that.
MRA is just like any other movement, f a m. You've got your psychos and strawmen, but the non-vocal majority are mostly those that just want their own shit recognized as legitimate.
There's a good reason nobody wants to get married now. These issues with the system are well known but nobody is allowed to fix it without getting shouted down.
Remind me is the the scorpion king movie part of this universe or is it just that they had a similar movie style.
Lawyers man, I tell ya.
It's a part of the same universe, yeah.
That and it's also fucking expensive, and ain't nobody making that kind of money without a Master's Degree nowadays.
What’s the range on God of High School’s Domination?
Probably improves as your power grows. Might start at a hundred meters or so and eventually grow to inter planetary distances or more.
I'd like to thank you for making the jump. Thanks to you I've now read and enjoyed all of Irredeemable. Cheers!
>Transportation through time but not through space.
Holy shit. That's an instant kill for any normal human.
The Earth moves through space at around 18 miles per second. Being sent forward in time 3 seconds but staying in place leaves you in the Thermosphere.
That being said, I imagine NASA would salivate at what is basically teleportation into low Earth orbit. If they paid you a tenth of what it would cost to do normally they'd still be saving millions.
And we have shrinking real wages to thank for that.
Or it could drop you into the crust.
Fair enough. I mostly just write off both feminists and MRAs because they all just look pathetic and stupid whenever I see them brought up, especially talking to each other.
But I'm sure that's just the vocal minority on both sides and it's all way more nuanced.
He also hurt his back doing some yard work and couldn't actually go out and make any money for a while.
Apparently things are starting to turn around for him now. Hollywood loves a comeback story.
Boy, combining this with the Aleph power from Anima is going to be something.
It probably uses the earth or other similar point of reference and drops you into the same point in space relative to that point of reference.
Even with Master’s Degree you’ll probably be drowning in debt. Seeing how every year universities want more and more money for tuition.
Jump 64: Young Justice
Location: Central City
Origin: Drop-In
Race: Human
Age: 11
Manipulative [1750]
Stealthy [1700]
Smooth Talker [1600]
Team Player [1450]
Notable Presence [1300]
Gum Up The Works [1100]
Genius Intellect [900]
Removed From Context [600]
Super Powers:
Most Common Superpower
Required Secondary Powers
Drain No. [400]
Toggle [300]
Cadmus Cloning Projects [0]
Not Good At Planning [1200] - FREE POINTS WOO
Will Never Live It Down [1400] - Stand by my earlier statement.
Never A Dull Moment [1600]
No Killing Rule [1700]
Just A Sidekick [1800]
>"I don't understand why you're so upset, user."
"Why am I upset? WHY AM I UPSET?! Do you know how long all of these growing lists of powers and innate attributes have driven me CRAZY?! That I needed to crash facefirst into each and every one, little by little, spending weeks on end to learn what they did and what their limits were every fucking decade?! And after over six-hundred and thirty years of journeying, not only did I find out there was a way to mentally keep track of them, but now they each have an ON/OFF BUTTON I COULD ONLY USE -NOW-?!"
>"Why is it even a big deal? Everyone else lives with their superpowers just fine. Shaggy's the second-strongest out of everyone here and he's still his same, sandwich-eating self."
“Does Shaggy have a cult following and legend that follows him into every world, with people all too happy to start worshipping him?”
>"In some night clubs, yes. He's actually quite popular with the ladies."
“...okay, bad example. BUT STILL. I'm tired of all of it. I don't want to be user The Invincible Warrior anymore. I just want to be...me. Be the team player, the support, the guy who isn't always leading the charge all the fuckin' time!”
>"Is that why you have a sudden interest in science?...I thought that was my job, not yours."
“I need hobbies, Ford. I also need to focus less on the big picture and more about the people I'm surrounded by. You, Stanley, Meiling, Okita, Serenity...”
>"I've been meaning to ask - are you going to DO anything about the whole...you know...?"
“I...honestly have no idea how. I don't feel comfortable approaching that subject until we find a way to go home. Also I kind of assimilated Prince Endymion's personality so...that's kind of an elephant I don't want to touch with a ten foot pole.”
“...what's so funny, Stan?”
>"I'm just...wow, you'll prettymuch punt someone through a skyscraper or turn the moon into actual swiss cheese without blinkin', but -girls-! Look out, folks, user's on the backfoot! Ahahahahaha!"
“I can set you on fire by thinking about it really hard.”
Stan just gives me a finger pistol gesture and a wink.
>"Hey, don't worry, I see where you're comin' from, user! Maybe give it a few more hundred years and you'll grow some backbone!"
>"Stanley, I don't think-"
My eye is twitching.
>"I mean, come on, SHAGGY'S seen more action than you in the last hundred years than you have this entire time!"
>"We should run now."
I'm glad to hear that user. That's a real success from my point of view.
You might want to check out Incorruptible as well.
Yeah, you can assume that what says is the case with that power.
It might be worth making a note to explicitly cover that.
Ouch, back injuries are no joke. Nice to hear that he's making a comeback. It sounds like he's due something nice.
>"I'm just...wow, you'll prettymuch punt someone through a skyscraper or turn the moon into actual swiss cheese without blinkin', but -girls-! Look out, folks, user's on the backfoot! Ahahahahaha!"
>Going to collage
>not trade school
Look what trade school gets you.
careful, baby boomers will start yelling at you again.
Too old to be a journeyman.
A real job instead of an unpayed internship for a company that has nothing to do with your degree with a mountain of debt?
>tfw born too late to be a medieval blacksmith that forges only the strongest swords
Checking in as someone else who read both series because of your jump.
Thanks for introducing them to me!
You're welcome, user. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did and I hope you enjoy the jump as well.
I should probably give due to credit, it was thanks to an user suggesting Irredeemable at large here in the jumpchain thread that made me curious enough to look it up in the first place.
How do you make someone feel better when they're feeling down, Jumpers? How do people cheer you up when you're feeling blue?
What are the best jumps that allow the crafting of artifacts?
Im not talking about your bog standard magic crafting of swords or mundane hyper-tech manufacturing, im talking about esoteric items of strange and eldritch make that would have shady government types lock up and study the item for decades.
>How do you make someone feel better when they're feeling down, Jumpers?
That's exactly what I copied that orgasm magic from Fairy Tail for.
If you don't want to pay for master degree you can come to Poland. I'm 6 year in university and I just payed for subjects that I didn't pass.