post ur ambition gifs pls
Filename Thread
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For that user in the last thread not knowing the 9mm jokes
Here, have the original
>winning with an Ogre team in BloodBowl
I would pay for a movie involving Lando and Rocket Raccoon.
You may soon have to.
What's evil about this?
>going next to a vehicle ever
Rookie move.
What's this from?
he ordered the extermination of autists like you
>disregarding someone's opinion as a meme
What an asshole.
you ok there user?
He's just having the internet equivalent of a stroke.
Sounds about right. my 9th level bard just learned Raise Dead for fucks sake. on top of that, he's a Dragonborn.
It could just be a secret grenade instead of a trap. Is 7 second delay an adequate amount of time for a useful hand grenade?
Oh you son of a bitch, my sides were killed in that post
Which one? I only see evil teammates.
A cat is on his own side, and no other. To think otherwise is to lie to oneself.
fun fact: the idea of high-functioning autism was created by Johann "Hans" Asperger when he was trying to lessen the number of autists that the Nazis were going to kill by basically saying "Hey these ones will actually be useful in some way."
This one I don't get. At first I thought it was referencing the name Alp, but that's a turkish name so I'm stumped. Is it that Iran pays for sex changes?
Not seeing the connection to evangelion should probably rename it to something like
Using charge attack feats while piloting
Movement as attack
or just some filename about how that shits all over the lore of what hyperdrives are
wait, is that from The Last Jedi?
Um. There was that one time the chick with funny colored hair blew herself up to save the protagonist.
I really don't know what he's going for either with that.
Not only is that file name lazy, but it's also spelled incorrectly
It looks like the ship is growing wings of light, like the Eva does when it ascends. Maybe that's what he meant.
Rei > Asuka btw
How come there are two Supergirls? Also, the Supergirl 'trying' to move the Earth out of his orbit is, if I recall, perfectly capable of doing so and has indeed done so.
>is this from The Last Jedi?
>not knowing "you're waifu"
Fucking newfaggots.
Yup. The Iranian government is not fond of homosexuals.
The creator of MGE has gone out of his way to write out the existence of gays in the setting rather than just avoid the subject.
You can delve for Veeky Forums threads where they shit all over the setting. There's one I'm reading where Veeky Forums is roleplaying in the MGE setting as humans telling their stories about their stories and advice on how to deal with various monster girls without falling or having their village overrun. It's treated as a dark setting, which is contrary to /jp/'s threads and /monster/ where it's all about waifuing monsters instead.
"The Core" sans loli edits. It's either the worst disaster movie in the history of cinema, or an amazing meta-humor piece.
Plot is basically HAARP stopped the planet's core and we're going to get roasted by solar wind, They're going in with a magma submarine and nukes to start it back up again.
So dumb I've watched it four times.
I mean, if you make a setting that is literally based around rape then it's going to be an uphill battle keeping things light. Rance is the only thing I've seen pull it off successfully.
The only way the MGE setting isn't dark is if you ignore most of it and think exclusively with your dick.
That sounds like a bunch of dumb bullshit and I'm going to watch it right now.
Ami is so cute.
Will there ever be a continuation to the Ambition series?
not if you don't post the fucking gifs, there has been a disappointing lack of them in this thread
I get it.
1. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet.
2. A more likely conflict is between the doctrine of the trinity and tahwid.
3. Unless maybe they are Shias they would wear a hijab.
4. Christian has a high chance of wearing a hijab equivalent too.
5. The sword is too big and they don't have shields.
6. Polearms are better.
7. Lesbianism is masturbation not Zina and masturbation is permissible on long trips.
I'm sorry. It's hard to keep track of how many layers of irony each person is on.
Whoi's hanging out with Data and the Illithid?
Malcolm Reynolds, maybe, given the vest.
This is a bar in my city! The Stormcrow, it's really great.
Yes, that's what it looks like when setting versimilitude disappears in a puff of logic.
You're watching a super-luminal kinetic strike that apparently is a capability of any jump-capable ship with a dumb enough pilot in the galaxy.
It's a setting based around "hot monster girls want YOUR dick!!!!" because KC was sick to death of the violent grimdarkfests literally every other setting had, and idiots overanalyzing things missed the point entirely.
I don’t get it.
Do a modicum of research.
This is a website for 18+ only user.