We all know that D&D has had a lot of different artists and art styles over the years. Some pieces have been pretty bloody awful. Others have actually been pretty damn good. What, in your opinions, are the best pieces of artwork to come out of D&D? Any edition, any piece - race, character, class, landscape, whatever. If it was in a D&D book or an issue of Dragon/Dungeon, it's fair game.
Best D&D Artwork?
You can't argue with the facts.
>You Can't Conquer The Caldwell
I really like Todd Lockwood's dragons
I thought Ravenloft 3e's art was pretty good. I really like the little touches that make the races Gothic without going "Goth". And yes, I have the individual race-pieces too if greater clarity is desired.
Definitely. Lockwood's dragons are god-tier designs.
Terry Dykstra's art for the Rules Cyclopedia is also better than anything from the same period.
As much as modrons=minions isn't the best idea ever, I love the expressions there.
>dwarf player ready to leeroy on them
>ranger player that wants him to stick to the plan
>gnome (?) that is like "oh jesus, I have stealth for shit, don't destroy my build GM"
>Digital art
>Wayne Reynolds
>3.x nu-fantasy garbage
Correct choice.
What's with the lack of love for Tony D?
>And yes, I have the individual race-pieces too if greater clarity is desired.
PLEASE post them, user.
Sure thing, if you insist. Here's the Elves, and I posted Dwarves here:
The gnomes of Ravenloft 3e.
Humans, and now we'll move on to the half-breeds.
I think Calibans are the most underappreciated race to come out of Ravenloft. Better standard fluff than the half-orc, certainly. And the Brutes & Banshees article really gave them much better mechanics to work off of, too.
Best part of this art is that you really can see the similarities to the Elf and Human artwork if you compare the three.
And finally, the Half-Vistani. Gods, am I the only one who thought these guys were kind of racist?
well, for one thing, those are shit
No, the Vistini in general are based off of some pretty strongly held racist stereotypes of Roma peoples.
My Grandma on my mom’s side lived in a trailer and even spoke the frigging language, but I was raised pretty much like any other American there was even if I sometimes get mistaken for Hispanic or Indian because of my hair.
Wait, so you’re Romany then?
Did they even actually come to the us?
There’s supposed to be a tiny population in the US yeah, but honestly I don’t know a lot about it and never really strongly considered myself anything other then a white guy. Actually for the longest time I thought my grandparents were Polish or some kind of Eastern European or Italian or something, which I suppose might be true depending on wherever the hell they came from originally. I guess my mom bailed on the lifestyle because it was too restrictive and she wanted to go to college and so I just got raised as a white guy with really dark hair that grows really straight.
I don’t really identify as Roma at all because my entire life was just doing all the things I guess you’re not supposed to do because of that weird leftover Indian caste-system crap from a bajillion years ago when they left India.
Many thanks, user.
Would you consider the Vistani or the Aperusa to be the most racist D&D Gypsy species?
No problems; I was looking for electronic versions of these myself for ages - wound up just cutting them from a PDF of the 3e campaign setting. Why did you want them?
>Why did you want them?
Partly for my ever-growing folder of art but also because I specifically like that old way of introducing/representing the playable races in a line-up like that.
one of my favorites
Big 5e pieces are generally good quality though I find many boring or too obviously digital. This is dope though, and is also great.
The artist who did some concept art for Volo's (forget his name) also has a nice style.
Best dwarves
Colored for character art for a female furbolg.
Anything by this guy. His shit is just beautiful and the stuff I wish my dreams were made from.
I only have a few more but I'll dump them if anyone wants when I wake up.
Best illustration so far.
Why the long face?
Aww, that's kind of cute.
I kind of wish it was halfling-sized now.
Who says it isn't? If you decide that it's halfling size, then it's halfling sized
Also from the cover of the dullest gold box game.
Takhisis really knows how to attract worshippers.