i really want daemons for Total War already. Fucking annoying it'll prob be another year
Luke Reyes
So this is the face of the dreaded Amerimutt...
Caleb Bailey
Where does one go to discuss warhammer lewd these days now both the Veeky Forums and /d/ thread have been nixed?
Benjamin Taylor
/aco/ like the rest of the cringeworthy fucktards who still think "heresy!" is a cute and funny meme
Isaac Jenkins
Trash, where you belong.
I forgot that flying nurgle insect was a thing.
Leo Watson
unironcally, I'm afraid
Or just make another one, moderation is so inconsistent losing one thread today doesn't mean identical one won't hold tomorrow.
Camden Price
Are the high elves feudal?
Brandon Ward
I don't think that's funny, I just like to write elf rape
Jack Bell
Anyone have the rules for 3e WHFB? My friend will only play that for some reason. I would also need the chaos book. I posted this in the last thread, but it had reached the bump limit
Thomas Sullivan
>elf rape We told you it's .
Jackson Campbell
>I forgot that flying nurgle insect was a thing. In january we're gonna get a Putrid Blightking version of them.
Daniel Nelson
Holy shit, I'm genuinely surprised - it's not more Sigmarines!
Joseph Reyes
It's more Chaos instead.
Jason Wilson
It doesn't seem that way, despite all the focus on noble houses the high elves have, normal asur are full citizens. Considering there is some ancient greek influence it would make some sense.
David Allen
The 3rd had no armbooks, what you need is Warhammer Armies for list building. You only need Realm of Chaos if you want to use Spawn.
Bentley Long
This list won a tournament. How can it be countered?
Ryder Young
Has anyone here tried playing a Legion of Chaos army from the Glottkin-book? With the coming release of pic related I'm seriously considering adding some Beasts of Nurgle to my WoC-list. Reading through the rules for them it appears that they would be useful either as one-man units of chaff or thrown at the opponent's flanks in units of 4.
Andrew Gonzalez
Ok, thats good to know, is there a PDF of it?
Easton Carter
And they say herohammer is dead.
Nicholas Hernandez
I found it in the mega, ignore me!
Carter Reed
>4 >not 7
You disgrace the plague god.
Christian Hughes
No, not like Bretonnia. Nobles do a lot of things, but skilled non-nobles can ride high as well. I guess their population is low enough things have to be a little fluid.
Grayson Martin
by the looks of it, it seems to be running End Times 50% Lord allowance, which is as Herohammer as it gets
Matthew Scott
In consideration to the other releases we're getting that frankly looks pretty great, these guys are just a let down. I was starting to think that GW might have learnt that overdesign is not good design. I guess however that the scribe fella' could be used as a Lvl 1 Herald of Nurgle Wizard. The musician might actually look pretty good if you remove the mock-night goblin staff. I kinda want to use his dancing and bagpipe-blowing ass as the 'leader' of a unit of Forsaken of Nurgle. The other two seems to be just ordinary, all ready availible, Plaguebearers.
Hudson Flores
How many points total is that?
James Hill
Four in one unit and three out on their own. That's 420 points of Nurgley love.
Joshua Ward
Um. Using 8th edition, it comes out to 2133. A rather odd number. Is it 6th or 7th?
Samuel Gonzalez
They're actually either a democracy or an oligarchy- The Phoenix King is chosen by either the Asur people or the Asur nobles, can't remember which, and is sent to walk into the sacred flame at the shrine of Asuryan. This is how the first phoenix king was chosen, and how Malekith got set on fire for all eternity after he killed the phoenix king he was passed over for. Because, you know, Asuryan ain't about that shit, and when the usurper steps into a divine flame of the god of flame. Well. Then he's just asking for it. Him and his evil mom.
Christopher Jenkins
Albion...has been confirmed from files found in-game...I...I don't know what to say...
Robert Harris
Ayden Robinson
You know, that says nothing about how the asur nobility treat their subjects. Just because the nobility votes their leader doesn't mean the society isn't feudal.
Austin Sanders
Grayson Barnes
No fucking way...if the Rooster will be anything like that awesome fanart one showed on reddit, then it will be awesome.
Robert Williams
>no trolls >no ensorcelled weapons >no marks for non-chosen units >no rank bonus in combat
the new edition is a disappointment
Hudson Bell
Its 8th. The magic items probably just aren't listed.
Carter Jones
>Total Warhammer >not fanfiction
choose one
Connor Campbell
its canon enough. So long as Age of Shitmar is around, this is the only material we'll ever get for the setting ever again.
Easton Cox
It's better then anything GW has shat out in the last decade, AoS faggot.
Landon Price
Its awesome, but also annoying Albion gets in before Kislev.
I want my ice waifu god damn it
Jose Wood
Wouldn't cannons do the trick?
Liam Wright
>Being this in denial It's fanfiction, pure fanfiction.
Jordan Barnes
>Approved by GW >OC units worked on closely with GW. Keep telling yourself that Age of Sigmar faggot.
Jaxson Roberts
They're more like Early Modern Europe. There's a nobility that enjoys special privileges, but there's also a merchant class and middle class and even the peasants have rights
Jonathan Cox
>being this addicted to sigmarine cock
Oliver Baker
I'm sorry you guys have your undies in a bunch, but it's fanfiction, I like WHFB, it's rad, but trying to pretend that the WHFB setting and story is going strong is just silly. WHFB died, it's dead, it's all age of Shitmar now.
Christopher Hill
Fuck off cunt.
Hudson Carter
>feeding the troll
Hunter Green
>Albion >Norsca
>no Kislev yet
Joshua Green
You can discuss it in here if you don't mind that one guy chimping out endlessly.
Or you can make a thread in /aco/, though you'll not see much actual Fantasy content.
Jacob Ross
Decent chance of them bein' one of the base factions in game three, since as of now it looks like chorfs, ogres, and daemons, none of which can be sold as a "Good guy" faction
Xavier Williams
Dylan Cooper
Why would they add a fourth "Bad guy" faction. That only makes the problem worse
Eli Gray
>Constantly saving the brittle empire from a ravening horde of chaos mongols >Bad Guy
Nicholas Thompson
Why did you bring up Kislev again?
Grayson Price
sorry, fixed >Constantly saving the empire from a DIFFERENT horde of ravening chaos mongols >ruled by a literal star dragon >fights chaos at all >"BAD GUY"
Noah Robinson
The followers of chaos infight all the time
Alexander Green
Thomas Green
The fuck do you want?
Lincoln Parker
No demand for this faction, unlike Norsca and Albion. How many people do you know who are obsessed with Nordic and Celtic cultures? Aneed d how many people who know or want to know anything about Russia beyond "lol so poor and evil"?
Xavier Howard
Dude, WHFB is dead, it's not trolling, WHFB is oldhammer tier now, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Joseph Nelson
fuck the miniatures, i wanna rp. Age of Shitmar can fucking eat me
Brandon White
It's migrated to digital format, it aint fucking dead.
Leo Flores
cathay soon
Jackson Myers
meh. These days on Veeky Forums the only more active games than WHFB are 40k, age of sigmar, D&D, and X-Wing). Not bad for a discontinued game desu
John Evans
>No demand for this faction There's so much demand its become a meme on the TW social media account.
Kayden Barnes
These "dogs" are lions...
Nathan Morales
They're still called temple dogs tho.
Some Cathay units that trigger people (samurai-looking bannermen, ki-rin, temple dogs, crow-men, etc) are actually some of the rare few CONFIRMED stuff catahay has
Only problem for me is how T:WW's new things can't really have a place in the RPG and tabletop - obviously, sure, but you'll never see a Foot Squire in WHRP without someone doing some home brew.
Bentley Barnes
>we're getting that frankly looks pretty great, these guys are just a let down. You have to go back, WoW-kid.
Adrian Sanchez
>posting AOS teaser image as OP pic for your dead game
Nolan Young
>meanwhile AoS general using WHFB picture
Angel Howard
>In january we're gonna get
why are you pretending that WHFB is getting releases? its sad.
Jonathan Parker
>geneeal degenerated so much that let GW making new threads Guess it's time to move in /twg/
Cameron Ward
>all these discussions about the computer game
migrate to where discussions should be taking place.
Zachary Green
you first
Isaiah Allen
Jose Davis
Nice try AoS-shill.
Sebastian Edwards
>Warhammer Fantasy GENERAL >Not Warhammer Fantasy BATTLES We can talk what we want to talk about faggot.
Nolan Thompson
>strong independent woman of color on the cover of the 9th Age WoC armybook
lmao my fucking ass off
William Edwards
Sorry /v/tards, but only GW can write official fluff. Video games will never be canon. Anything that's not in Albion's Warmaster list doesn't actually exist in Warhammer.
Angel Wilson
I just wish you people would talk about the fucking tabletop game.
Colton Harris
alright so I managed to get another spirit host painted up and assembled today
things I learned
1.don't fucking glue the spirit host bodies wrong or when you go to put on the last 'face' you gonna cry then spend 40 minutes trying to seperate the glue without breaking thin plastics.
Basing and adding cool little bits of course come once all 3 are done.
Jonathan Collins
currently running an RP campaign, and it somehow evolved that none of the PCs actually knew what halflings were. So, of course, I put like 5 in the next session because these guys are really good at RPing idiots
Was anyone else disappointing when they Dreadfleet turned out to only be a one off? It would have been nice if they turned it into a game with navies for the factions.