Topic of the day: What units should Kaplan sectorial contain and how it is different to the Druze one?
I think Mobile Brigada links could be cool.
Lucas Garcia
Kaplan sectorial isnĀ“t qapu khalqui?
Charles Robinson
As much as it's a Druze sectorial.
Nathaniel Walker
This game is so dead. I can't believe it is almost 2019 and there are still threads about it. get real, go play WH
Lucas Sanders
I'm unsure, how many layers of irony that post contains. Four?
Easton Powell
Nolan Brown
Joshua Perry
I love how these bait imgs are always different.
That is some awesome art, where is that from.
Christian Cruz
Charles Campbell
I liked the Druzes could fireteam with a remote, but I strongly disliked none of the niggers in that squad could be an engineer to fix the bot when it breaks, also none of those fuckers was a Forward Observer to tag its targets, furthermore none of them was a regular hacker to spotlight targets for the clipper or provide marksmanship I would like the KTS to have a core which includes a combat REM the "problem" the KTS would have is that none of the niggers in the core (as far as existing profiles indicate) could be a regular hacker, but it would not be THAT bad if the REM they team with has repeater. a fireteam of KTS with either of the sputniks would be nice, and a fucking team of KTS with the YuJing RuiShi would be great, especially if anything else in the sectorial can provide the smoke
Colton Jenkins
But they can drop in Valerya G and a Brawler with engineer into the core team right?
>Druze >Druze >Clipper >Valerya >Brawler E
Juan Wilson
I had not read Valerya's special rule for the sectorial, but she is a bit too squishy unlike the brawlers and the druzes The brawler is ok, and makes the team a bit less expensive but he also has one point less in WIP The clipper is the one I'm not too much of a fan, I would have preferred an actual combat REM or the nomad StemplerZond
Julian Bennett
I think it's from that Android Netrunner -cardgame kids tend to play nowdays.
Jackson Carter
Infinity survives through the years because it is different enough from other games to be overshadow by "Game-X" popularity peak.
Adrian Allen
People are talking about doorkickers as an archetype but I've yet to see any doors to kick in the ~10 ITS missions I've played. Where do I find them? Are they part of the optional scenery rules?
Caleb Wood
the armory building (forgot which mission it is) is supposed to have doors that start the game closed but can either be opened all at once by spending a WIP short order or one by one using antimaterial ammunition when setting up such pieces of interactive terrain you kind of have to be a fair player or have a neutral party set up the terrain, otherwise people tend to hoard good terrain (which can totally backfire if they lose the initial WIP roll to determine deployment and first turn)
Justin Allen
I think it is still pretty mean, the clipper (w guided ml) will be buffed to MM2 and fire team bonus means that it will be hitting with a 2 burst ap/da/shock template in aro and active on 15`s (at worst) in all ranges and ignoring cover bonuses. The sectorial also gets two hunzakuts which are fantastic wip 14 FO`s, tons of pitchers and reapeters for Spotlighting so it might not b that hard to get the guided-mode working effectively. But you are obv right, Val is not exactly tough and the brawler has a weak wip which brings the team down
Ethan Adams
I'm not a fan of the re-sculpts, I don't like the fins on their helmets
Ayden Evans
There are no more armory missions in the new season of ITS. Lots of terrain has doors, we mostly play that they are open. We also tend to play with the rule that you can shoot into and out of buildings but not shoot through.
Nicholas Morales
Or the even better regular missile launcher profile for explosive templates. Guided is a trap.
Isaac Brooks
I think they balanced things out with that troop choice for the sectorial since the Hunz are irregulars and thus cannot fuel the fireteam, but they have camo so at least one should be ok on a different note, you can field two fugazis and since hacking does not benefit from fireteam bonuses you can keep val hidden and prone on some roof or beneath some rock the engineer can also sit down somewhere else outside the core and do his job through nasmat servants
Bentley Rivera
If you are expecting TAGs bring the regular missile launcher, the fireteam bonuses (+1 B, +3 BS) plus Marksmanship (ignores cover to hit) from the hacker almost guarantees dead TAGs on your first strike or, alternatively, your opponent now has to tip toe his most expensive piece around the board the guided one is actually better against IPs since its always a template weapon which ignores the +3 ARM bonus from cover (and is already ignores the -3 MOD to BS from cover) regardless of whether you fire it indirectly or not
Asher Harris
Had an opponent try to use that against me by dodging his TAG towards and HVT.
Nolan Sullivan
You can also top the clipper-team with a Druze GL w EM and Nimbus to drop templates to flush out TO and MSV shitters, should you need to
Andrew Rivera
as far as I know you can put the template on any point inside a miniature's base the same goes for measuring the distance for purposes of MOD to BS or WIP TAGs, REMs, and bikes have bigger bases so this impacts the game more if he dodges towards an HVT the template does not move with him even if it had been a direct template weapon(which neither the unguided smart nor the regular launcher are), and it becomes a face to face roll against the REM BS roll, also TAGs have negative MODs for dodging (-6) if the guided smart missile launcher was used then the TAG may dodge and I am uncertain about having to add a negative mod of -3 for not being able to see the missile, but the TAG might also use ECM or have a friendly hacker support him, but if he decides to dodge the tag will not drag the template closer to the HVT, even if it succeeds
Christian Hernandez
also, let's not forget Arslan has a MULTI rifle to deal with anything close to the fireteam and due to lethality his weapon is strength 14, he also has a viral pistol to deal with high ARM low BTS Ariadnans
Christopher Bennett
the E/M dude is also great against any kind of REMs
Aaron Hughes
Doesn't necessarily refer to busting down a door, it's just a model that's tough enough to get up in your opponent's face and clear out a room.
Jack Fisher
Circular impact templates are placed over the center of the base, you can't choose to move the template like you can when using speculative fire. He was trying to dodge nearer to the HVT so I couldn't continue to shoot him with missiles because the template would then clip the HVT.
Since the SML drone was out of LoF there is an additional -3 mod, his tag was facing -9 to dodge.
Dylan Green
>KTS sectorial - KTS. But with new/upgraded profiles. Maybe even Haris/Duo - Nomad Combat REMs - Haqq Basic/Baggage REMs - KTS character - Sforza?
Also wasnt the KTS company Beyhan Resources and the Druze were the White Star Company?
Adrian Davis
Oh cool, FRRM Anaconda has been updated with the new stats.
They're trying to do the same with QK Druze but it seems to be presenting some difficulty. The QK version has an x visor on its HMG where the DB version does not, and they appear to have accidentally removed core linkability. Also no paramedic or sniper, but that may be deliberate.
Jayden Bell
also, you can field 3 Pathfinder REMs, which can mark the shit they reveal, so there's that
Michael Martinez
Is there a list of all the factions that can run 2x TR bots?
I know Shas and NCA, was wondering if there were any more that weren't nerurocinetic.
Noah White
Vanilla PanO, MO, NCA, vanilla YJ, QK, vanilla Nomads, Aleph and Shas. ISS is a special case that gets 3.
Bentley Evans
Just about all factions can run the usual 2 TR bots, you are forgetting the larger usual baggage/minesweeper/EVO bot comes with a TR combi profile.
I think Bakunin can run the most TR/Neuro set up possible. Its dumb, but if you want as much bullet in your reactive phase as possible, its doable.
>tfw you can have a second TR bot
Mason Hill
The problem there is that the TR baggagebot isn't very good outside of a few scenarios. TR combi is basically just a passive supp fire. It's nothing like that sexy HMG bot or a Sin Eater.
Luis Reyes
Well yeah, but I covered that. > Its dumb
Brayden Hall
Benjamin Scott
On the third day of Christmas, Corvus Belli gave to me
Three Jaegers
Two Sapper Zouaves
And a shotgun for my Kuang Shi
Adam Cruz
I just bought red veil + expansion. Did I buy into a dying game?
Jayden Myers
Nah, it's growing pretty healthily. You playing Haqq, Yu Jing or both?
Dylan Murphy
I don't know yet, they both look cool. Will decide after reading and playing a little. What do you recommend?
Ayden Thompson
Doorkicker is a tough, usually fast model that can clear a room quick, usually with a shotgun or a DTW weapon. Examples include Father-Knight with BSG, Riot Grrls or Spektr with BSG.
Easton Taylor
The limits on Druze could be deliberate. Druze aren't that popular of a Core in QK due to their inability to link with Hafza. But Duos are played.
Nathaniel Evans
It's a trap, you're going to play both now! It depends if you prefer a lot of big, fast and durable Heavy Infantry or a lot of cheap, well-trading and versatile Light Infantry. Yu Jing excels at the former and Haqq at the latter. You can notice how Zhanshi aren't good at anything aside from providing Orders to Hsien or Daofei, while Ghulam make great Forward Observers, corner guards (due to shotguns) and Doctors, but aside from Tarik and Al Fasid their main gunners are one Wound each.
Robert Morris
Sniper being a deliberate exclusion is definitely possible (so as to avoid stepping on any Kaplan toes) and I don't think the para will be particularly missed, but I really doubt they're just going to remove Druze core from QK and the x visor on HMG is definitely a mistake.
Cameron Kelly
The warmahordes kids are getting desperate for players.
Colton Garcia
They have too much overlap with other games.
Joshua Williams
wh stands for warhammer you dolt
Daniel Evans
Ryan Lee
The game that doesn't exist anymore??
In my area Infinity is booming. 18 players at last ITS, 2x what shows up to 40k or AoS.
Caleb Lewis
Its doubled every year for the last 5 years. While that kind of growth isn't sustainable, it is definitely in a great spot.
If anything, Aristeia being a sleeper hit is going to make more people interested in Infinity.
Colton Anderson
>If anything, Aristeia being a sleeper hit is going to make more people interested in Infinity. Finally got to play it. Damn is it fun, and surprisingly easy to understand once you get the new guy through an entire round.
And just like in Infinity I activate my dudes in wrong order and end up losing where I should have won easily.
Aaron Jackson
I have 10+ games under my belt and haven't gotten bored yet. That being said, really looking forward to the expansions to mix things up.
Gavin Perry
Senor Massacre looks like hell of a fun guy to play. And Hannibal is probably the most powerful one there. Maybe with him Lunah won't miss all the damn time.
That's the one criticism I have so far, a lot of Face to Face rolls end with ties.
Lincoln Wilson
I am looking to get into infinity, honestly i have been for awhile, I've even got a hold of a senior player that can teach me the basics and is situated close to my work so we can play a couple a times a moth if it works for both.
The ONLY thing that is holding me back is my lack of confidence in painting the minis, i've bneen trying to get a hold of the giraldez books to get an understanding of the difficulty, but only one place sells it around my country, and as such i've been hesitating to buy it, as far as i can see they're charging a bit over medium for it, confident that it will cost me more to import into my regressive shitty country.
Can someone,please, give me a link to the giraldez book so that i can see what it is like toi paint the minis?
I am looking mainly for Nomads or Haq if that makes any difference.
Thanks in advance.
Lincoln Flores
The best answer i can give you is to grow up and paint them. You will be bad at it. You will get better. Just do it. Its fun i promise. Dont NOT PLAY THE GAME just because you think you need another book first to teach you how to paint toy soldiers.
Asher Thompson
I've painted heroic scale stuff for about a decade, it's just that the colours on the infinity stuff is alien and deviant from the norm that i've done before, and as such i guess that shit frightens me a slight bit.
Hence my request for the book. But i get what you're trying to say. I've just played 40k/fantasy and the like for long enough to despise playing unpainted shit, and thence do not want to field it m'self.
Oliver Gray
user, know that i love you and only want the best for you. I mean it in the best way when i say Quit being a bitch nigger and paint your minis. Painting books exist to snatch $30 from nerds who are worried their toy soldiers arent "good enough" when the only hard reason to paint at all is to differentiate play pieces. That said ive not seen a copy of it floating here, but game stores that carry ANY infinity should have a copy for sale behind the rulebooks. But homeboy, making infinity models look good is way easier than making GW minis look good in my experience. Just thin your paints, dont be afraid to recoat and play the game.
Colton Hall
You can paint them whatever color/style you want
Ryder Edwards
Here's a top-class Giraldez mini. JUST PAINT seriously, do it, why are you still reading this spoiler you faggot
Mason Fisher
I repeat, your colors are fine, if youve been doing this so long, your paints are fine. Its all good. Dont let lack of confidence stop you from playing a fucking table top war game. Cause the game is fun as fuck. I dont want you not playing for another week because you weren't confident enough to paint some game pieces. We play games here sir. Stressing over paintjobs isnt worth it unless you are being paid to paint it.
Gavin Martinez
Someone link to killionaires wash painting guide. Im phoneposting and dont have the links. Dude these models paint themselves with some washes. If you can make heroic scale shit look decent you can do this. Other than drybrushing, which doesn't translate well here, all your painting skills and knowledge are applicable with some adaptation.
Ian Lewis
Eli Myers
Blake Wilson
*snort* that actually made me laugh a fair bit.
Ok, so if i go into my FLGS on friday and want to buy something for myself to start with is operation icestorm a good investment if i am into oogling both PANO and nomads? Would these be good teams to coerce a friend into with playing with?
if not, can you please give me a decent starting point for nomads and Pano?
I get if you have better stuff to do, so if i get a "fuck off" can you give me a "fuck off, look at this youtuber" Cheers
Aaron Ortiz
Sure, as someone who plays both sides of Icestorm, the starters are fine. So is Beyond, there's two iffy units overall: Bolt Paramedic and Grenzer Sniper. Everything else is fine, though bear in mind that Nomads start to shine with some more advanced rules like Hacking in play, and objectives based scenarios.
Daniel Carter
That is literally perfect if you like both. There is also an expansion to that called Beyond Icestorm. They are designed as intros to the game by slowly introducing new concepts.
Red Veil has nicer scenery but unless you want Haqq or YJ, its not where you want to look.
Also Giraldez deals with airbrushing instead of conventional brushes iirc.
Aiden Adams
I just use the standard GW method of basecoat->wash->highlight and my models look better than most things I see posted here, in batreps etc. If you can paint 40k/fantasy, you can paint Infinity. The models don't require any blending or NMM or zenithal highlighting or any other advanced shit.
Elijah Rodriguez
Icestorm is fine provided you want to start those factions. Fuck, i painted my nomad Grenzer sniper red and called him an intruder.
Joshua Peterson
thanks for the help! I'll check these out!
Easton Butler
>sitting around thinking about outrage >Jethro is a nobody of Knauf
Infinity in KH when
Thomas Roberts
>Disney or Square Enix buying Infinity Do you really want that?
Christian Brown
so Christmas was awesome. I got the following models for Onyx
Onyx 300 point box Doctor Worm Samaritan Imetron Ikadron Ur Diplomat (Nexus proxy)
I have $50 in an amazon gift card and I am thinking I can add a unidron swc box and a sphinx but what do you guys think I should get?
Justin Howard
Unidron Batroid
Mason Nelson
yeah, that is one of the two items but should I get the sphinx or something else to go along with the unidron box to round out my onyx christmas?
Hunter Cook
Malignos. Or Shrouded/Seed Soldiers if you like those models better, they proxy real easy.
Blake Kelly
I'm interested in this game as my first mwg. A question I have, is if I buy red veil, and a starter for a different faction from their website, are the three balanced to where a friend could have the option to pick any of the three and they are equal, or will the outside starter be OP, or the reverse?
Josiah Reyes
Depends on what that other starter is. The RV starters are relatively balanced against each other, but things vary a lot outside of that.
Adrian Barnes
The RV ones will be a model up on the regular starter.
Caleb Roberts
Okay, so it'd be hard to fuck it up as long as I go with that in mind. Good to know, thanks anons.
Xavier Perez
The outsider will be down 1 miniature to the two player pack armys. Also, if someone likes infinity, the starter set will very quickly feel limiting. That said its still a sweet idea for getting friends in. Ideally id like to hace 3 evenly matched 200 (maybe250) armys and each player pick one to learn, but the game doesn't work great in 3 player.
Tyler Walker
On the fourth day of Christmas Corvus Belli gave to me
Anyone got a chance to play the rpg? Any good stories, greentext or not?
Cameron Sullivan
I'm definitely interested in the RPG.
However my current group got overwhelmed by Shadowrun. While the Infinity RPG is certainly simpler I don't want to push my fun.
The system overall looks pretty baller.
Robert Baker
Nathan Edwards
Blake Thomas
The 8th.
Jose Wilson
Even Angel can't make space marines look good.
Bentley Parker
Jose Smith
Never forget
Oliver Sanders
What do you wish for exrah to have in their sectorial?
Tyler Cook
die in a fire
Juan Howard
That's Tohaa
Henry Nguyen
If Maximus is wearing Moto.tronica power armour, shouldn't he be super fast instead of super-slow? Or does Moto.tronica usually make TAGs and Remotes and their cannot into Power Armour. On that note, are ORCs the only ones using Omnia Research Corp armour?