
>humanity is the "le endurance/jack-of-all-trade" race
Why is humanity so boring in most settings?

How many times do we need this thread? Every setting needs a baseline, humanity fills in because, oh shit, the audience is human. Stop whining and crying about how "IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BORING!" Not everything needs to be the goddamn fourth of july.

We have threads like this every day. If you can't make interesting human pc, chances are you have an extra chromosome or some one fucked up during your birthing.

gee op, all the other races are defined by their differences from real humans. dwarves are short and tough, elves are tall and nimble and live longer.

so think very hard for me, if you want to add a default race inbetween dwarves and elves, who is the logical choice?

Probably because most rpgs base their world on works such as Lord of the rings which had dwarves symbolize humans during the industrial revolution or something like that a lot of fantasy races are like that. Also people shit themselves at the idea of human subraces because that would be racist or some shit.


Can we /thread?

The solution is clearly to not have humans at all

I'll just hijack to complain about there really is nothing fucking interesting going on in Veeky Forums right now, but I keep refreshing because there is no other locus of discussion like this place and I have no specific kind of thread I personally want to make.

Then just make humans/apes the race that does all the shit other animals irl don't. Great apes are the only critters we know of that engage in prostitution and have hitmen. So make humans the prostitutes and hitmen of your setting.

I want to play a MAD tv styled one shot with stuart as the main villain

because humanity is boring irl
>90% or more spend life toiling in mundanity
>10% might be in a dangerous profession
>1% in those professions ever actually do anything cool or interesting

There have been infinitely more interesting humans irl than all the fantasy races put together.

>>humanity is the "le endurance" race
That never happens. You don't play any games at all, do you, shitposter?

That kind of applies to all races, though.
90% of dwarves never go adventuring and just work in mines or crafting shit
10% might be working in dangerous regions
1% in those are cool warlocks or player characters or some shit



Because the person playing it is boring

If your character doesn't want to go on quests and save dragons from the machinations of evil princesses, you have no place in this hobby.

user, penguins engage in prostitution.

Master of Orion Bord Game pissed me off about this. Human was the backside of all the other races, and the only thing human had was better starting resources which is pretty shit when you consider it only takes like one and a half rounds to get your core resource engine up.

>Why is humanity so boring in most settings?

Cursorial hunters are boring.
Running your prey and enemies to death is boring.
Whatever you need to believe, faggot.

And get some new bait. You might as well be posting "Excuse me..." images.