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And one last post of my latest OC since I'm apparently still allowed to.
Hopefully, not everyone is disappointed by it.
tok > everyone else
Reposting this from last thread.
And the box.
literally this
What should I do when they have to use the bathroom?
get that weak shit outta here
...Use the bathroom?
I'm confused by this.
you gonna be looking and everything
How fast and how well to Guardian Spirits heal?
>so many pages
Literal garbage > tok
These expressions may not be mutually exclusive, depending on your point of view
Entirely dependant on the type and cause of injury.
seconding this
also, it'd be a good idea to describe how strong/fast/powerful etc. guardian angels are by default
Is your native language Spanish, by any chance?
That's giving literal garbage a bad name.
At least garbage can be recycled and reprocessed into something useful.
...No? I'm not Peil, though, if you're talking about the CYOA.
I enjoyed this. I don't like the idea of customizing a body for someone else though I'd probably try and let the guardians make their own body.
Bruckheimer seems like the worst charge. Am I supposed to help him re enter society? I see no reason to do that. The others I understand how I can help them.
Also Tehana and Zanimia are the best guardians
I don't like the idea of zodiac protagonist either. I don't know why but it really bothers me.
Overall good work can't wait for more.
What's your definition of strong by chance?
Like, a limb being cut off by a mundane well would that heal?
Also, for Aegis, how well does it do for Mundane stuff? Because I'm unsure if it means that you could survive anything under explosives and heavy fire, or durability to the point of surviving a nuke at point blank range.
Structural- Carbon Restructure, Star-Silk Weave, Simple Wards, Hazmat Systems, Locomotion Adjuster
Astra-Shield, Compromised Suit
Visor Software- Thermal Vision, Night Vision, Tetrahertz Radar, Astral Scanner, Magnifier, Detection
Chassis Upgrades- Magi Burst, Tech Burst, Automated Repair, Suppression Field
Combat Attachments- TK Module
Mobility- Jump Good Augment, Adhesion, Propulsion Jets, Flight
Personal Tech- HUD, Translator, Satcomms, Dress Shift Systems, LA Communicators (Dharma, Headhunterz)
Personality- Learning
Specialization- Blank
Connection- Unchained
Race- Oldkind
Age- mid twenties, Male
Planet, Xeniq, Yharsburg
Background- Delver Student
Class- Rogue, Assassin
Weapon Specialization- Compound Bow, Secondary Dagger
Skillset- Alchemy, Biology, Persuasion, Medicine
>Physical Arts
Ageless, Runner, Climber, Balls of Steel, Staunch Will, Breathtaker, Iron Gut, Diguiser, Striker, Thick Blood, Astral Conversion, Blink Step, Deft Hands, Impromptu Weapons, Gymanstics, Light Step
>Astral Arts
Abjuration- Mundane Repair, Mending Touch, Purify, Replenish, Replenish Mana, Always Fresh, Water Breathing, Cushion Ward, Honed Edge
Conjuration- Item Summon
Enchantment- Fire Imbue, Water Imbue, Ice Imbue, Lightning Imbue
Channeling- Poison Mist
Necromancy- Mana Drain
Xert'a Bylor
Sly-var Forn
Stacy Vernbach
Ques Bleakhallow
Kalin Bright
Chassis- Female
Class- Warrior, Paladin
Weapons Specialization- Greatsword, Mana Rifle
>Physical Arts
Runner, Climber, Balls of Steel, Pain Nullifying, Staunch Will, Iron Guts, Astral Conversion, Hardened Body, Martial Artist, Alert Sleep, Extension
>Astral Arts
Astral Detection, Feedback, Cloak, Polarize
The Gentleman Thief
Exlore the Shards, Expand Something, Stop Nothing, maybe Ascend
Pastebin with full build. Small justifications, stats, and build math.
Ok, so what's the next OC scheduled?
Reposting my build
>Suit type
Bio synthetic -70k
>Structural upgrades
Astral resonance plating -70k
Star-Silk Weave -40k
Simple wards -30k
Astra shield -10k
Locomotion adjuster -50k
Hazmat systems -30k
>Visor software
Tetrahertz Radar -50k
Detection -60k
Third eye -70k
Nerve endlink -50k
Astral Scanner -70k
>Chassis upgrades
Automated repair -50k
Bio;stasis -70k
Tendril;Hack -50k
Chaff launcher -20k
Suppresion field -60k
Propulsion jets -40k
Adhesion -50k
Jump Goodaugment -60k
Blink -90k
>Personal tech
H.U.D (free)
Web-link -20k
Satcomms -10k
Guardian drone -30k
Translator -10k
On board library -20k
Homing beacon -10k
Dress shift systems -5k
>Ai and stuff
Learning -2k
Waifu -3k
Blank -10k
Suit Hardwire -5k
>Race and stuff
Faekind (+10 SP +15k +Racial flight suit compatible? +Shrinking)
130 years
>Birth planet and stuff
Synopsia (Still living there! +30 SP)
Forests of terion
Delver student (+10 SP)
>Class spec
Mage class (30 TP 100 SP)
Grand delver (Str 3 Dex 4 Con 2 End 3 AsC 7 MP 5 Will 4 Int 3)
Astral attunement
>Weapon profiency
Hibridization (Tomearm)
>Physical arts
Ageless -20
Staunch will -7
Alert sleep -3
>Astral arts
MP intensive training -10
AsC Specialized training (x2) -50
Always fresh -3
Zodiac warrior -20
Starblast -10
Astral imbue -5
Faux astral art -5
Water dancer -15
Frost dancer -15
Nature dancer -15
Mana Drain -7
Soul Call -5
>Mystery box
Ferren lionheart
Sofi talisa
Shiva lokhart
Edison targe
>Blessing of a great one
Haru Lündrekyr
Explore the power of the shards
Beyond it all
Mine Bliss, I believe. Maybe SDA will beat me to it with his Apocalypse cyoa? Or someone else has something planned I don't know about.
>why do some background have tangible benefits and others don't?
Some are for the flavor and RP, some are for the power gamers that just want UNLIMITED POWER.
Really like the build, user. The way you synergise with your Android is smart.
I'll see you on Raknarok, mage.
>Become a guardian
>Astral Bond
>Intimidating Aura
>Ethereal Manifestation
>Inhuman Form
>Eldritch, Extra Limbs, Claws, Huge, Unique Eyes
>Type Special
>Ether Manipulation, Induce Madness, Bring Despair
>Strengthening Suffering, Rise From Ashes, Grand Entrance
>Time Manipulation, Terrify, True Sight, Soul Drain, Space Manipulation, Shapeshift
>Independence (Free)
>Consequence Free
>Resentment for 2 Abilities (Reflected Above)
Oh my, there are a lot of good choices here. That would be OK with their guardian angel being some sort of eldritch god of madness... probably fewer, but I did take resentment.
There is a mystery box. I just have to know...
... I can live with this. I hope he's not going for that faint promise of a Harem route though because with the powers I took it's likely that at least one defeated hopeful will end up a mind-and-soul-broken wreck left in a state worse than death where only madness and sorrow exist... But on the other hand I do think I'm a fairly formidable guardian, so that's good!
Looking forward to see what are you made of
What's wrong with Siis?
One of the main complaints about this cyoa seems to be that you pretty much have enough power to be equivelent to an entire mundane army at the very least, but pretty much nothing to do with it beyond vague "you will face others" stuff, so why don't you expand on that part?
Like, some kind of Villain/Enemy supplement or dlc where you pick an arch nemesis that sends enemies out against you, and they themselves are either Guardian Users, a Demon-Guardian analogue user, or some other Supernaturally enhanced opponent.
Not saying you have to do this, but it would help with the issue many people have with this CYOA.
All the guardians seem fine. I wouldn't choose siis though. It seemed too forced almost like she is toying with me. I assume that's just me though since everyone's a good guy in this.
>a limb being cut off by a mundane sword
Depending on the skill of the wielder and assuming your Guardian is a Physical Manifestation that isn't inherently resilient or able to regenerate, you'd be walking around with a stump for a week or so, but after that, it should restore itself fine.
>Also, for Aegis, how well does it do for Mundane stuff?
>explosives and heavy fire
>surviving a nuke at point blank range
That is not what I'd consider mundane, but Aigis would 100% allow you to withstand it with nothing more than a few scratches or singed hair at worst.
>Oh my, there are a lot of good choices here
Literally, the first person to say anything of the sort!
I'm so happy right now I may piss myself.
>That would be OK with their guardian angel being some sort of eldritch god of madness... probably fewer
Actually probably more than you'd think.
>with the powers I took it's likely that at least one defeated hopeful will end up a mind-and-soul-broken wreck left in a state worse than death where only madness and sorrow exist...
You could unleash utter destruction upon them and you'd still be letting them off easy compared to a certain someone...
>Like, some kind of Villain/Enemy supplement or dlc where you pick an arch nemesis that sends enemies out against you, and they themselves are either Guardian Users, a Demon-Guardian analogue user, or some other Supernaturally enhanced opponent.
See: and >I wouldn't choose siis though. It seemed too forced almost like she is toying with me.
She's more desperate than anything.
Ooooooh, I see what you did to get the names of the Guardians. Though I can't figure all of them out.
Anirme is the only one that doesn't fit the pattern, which is mostly because I couldn't decide on one that does.
I changed them from the original because nobody seemed interested in naming the girls in Fortune's Cookie, so I figured I'd at least alter them this time to be vaguely original.
Cool. also, how common are Guardian Spirits like the protag('s spirit)? And are there a Demon Parallel to Guardians?
>Demon Parallel to Guardians?
Oh, don't you dare start giving me ideas....
I just finished this fucking thing!
In all seriousness, because I apparently didn't make it clear enough, the answer to your question is pic related.
>loli succubi protecting loli
>I can get behind this...
Sorry I forgot to post my character motivation.
>Young North Korean Kid Charge in the near future, where a second Korean War has broken out. Enemy is North Korean Martial Arts Illuminati
>Teenage Charge in a unusual boarding school. Enemy is the Headmaster, a Demon Guardian User.
>WW2 Soldier charge just out of the academy. Enemy is Nazi Warlocks.
Have some more ideas forced on you
heavy -50
star metal plating -100
astra shield MK VII -120
Simple Wards -30
Nerve Endlink -50
Magi Burst -30
Tech Burst -40
Tk Modulex2 -100
guardian drone -30
Automated repair -50
Flight -90
Propulsion Jets -40
Magnifier -50
Dress Shift System -5
Satcomms -20
weblink -10
>AI- E.N.K.I
combat -7
proper -1
Al'catora: Al'catar
Higher Nobility
Champion- Longsword (4,3,5,4,2,2,2,3)
extra stats (6,3,6,4,2,2,2,3)
Trading, Gambling, Charisma (persuasion), Blacksmithing
Manarifle proffciency.
Longsword x40 -200
manarifle (ManaCannon) x20 -100
remaining 195
2x arm+TK module-180
Shield x2 -10
Hybridization sword/tome-5
Intense training (125) -dex (6,4,6,4,2,2,2,3)
Specialised training (100) - con (6,4,7,4,2,2,2,3)
Staunch Will (93)
Balls of Steel (90)
Hardened Body (85)
Extention (80)
Steadfast Guard (75)
Astral Conversion (70)
Steeled Bones (63)
Alert Sleep (60)
Ageless (40)
6th sense (33)
Focus (28)
Sure Grip (25)
Explosive Muscles (15)
Sweeping Blow (10)
Berzerker Shift (0)
Item Summon (30)
Absolute Shield (20)
Replenish (13)
Mana Replenish (6)
Always Fresh (3)
Astral Charge (0)
Bounty Hunter
Edison Targe
Shiva Lokhart waifu
Android: Grand Delver (2,2,2,3,5,4,4,3), Tome, Manapistol
Disguiser (15)
Thick Blood (10)
Pain Nullifying (5)
Sleepless (0)
Starblast (40)
Zodiac warrior (20)
Complete (10)
Starry Light (5)
Elemental (0)
Viltar Lumek
D'lor Vect
Xert'a Bylor
Gundar Gooi
Explore the power of the shards
Beyond it all
OC or somesuch.
bliss btfo
No. The writing isn't bad enough, the graphical design isn't bad enough, and there are numbers.
Name: Izdubar Al Uruk
Age: 36
Occupation: bounty hunter
Asshole? yes
The basic plan is to take it easy and enjoy life, By which I mean murderhobo to my hearts content
In combat throw swords at them with item summoning +TK or use guns and TK for one man volleys
the Arms are either controlled by My AI - in which case they can control the shields or guns to act as an alert defense system, or simply add power/versatility to my barrages. Should my ranged volleys prove insufficient I can always hit them really hard- but thats effort and dignifying them, so a last resort.
for interactions?
Edison seems like a fun enough fellow, competent, to the point and skilled in a fight.
Shiva is a cinnamon roll too good for this world and who should be cherished and cared for at all costs
The AI is my trusted companion #NOROBO
Viltar is to remain rich, and to see where things are flowing
Dlor for them deep lores
Xert'a because what use is money if you cant spend it?
>9 stats
I'll pass.
>inb4 someone makes a build where they align their former self with whichever faction and generals they consider the worst (in terms of ideology and such) and commit TPK
>Tower (magical focus)
>Settlement (1,000 people)
>Townsfolk(change species, customize culture, increase strength/toughness)
>Planar Affinity
>Form Change
>Immortality (no needs, reform in a week)
>Elemental Magic
Demiplane is vast savanna scattered with mountains, crawling with monsters and eldritch abominations. Plane affinity so that we can train various animals as pets for hunting and guarding things. Have village of diverse and exotic amazons that have culture obsessed with hunting and slaying monsters, kind of like Norn in GW except amazons and not shapeshifters. They'd hunt giant serpents that hide under the sand, nomadic centaurs, and giant carnivorous birds that live on top of mountains. Amazons live as tribe that shares everything and are very cooperative for survival. Forging strong weapons and training hunting pets are important to them. I live in tower and am leader of the amazons because of powerful elemental magic that is strongest close to my tower and because I can turn into a dragon to fight off biggest monsters. Take form change so I can be tall, strong amazon. Occasionally travel to earth when things are calm to check how everything is back home.
So how can you shapechange yourself, as a charge, if you have a guardian spirit? Soul Strings?
Hey, just wanted to clarify, I don't think the issue people have with spirit guardians is that it's bad, it's very good, but it's been built up for a long time, y'know? People get unrealistic expectations, and considering the exceptionally high quality and depth of your usual cyoa's, the expectations were raised even further. I enjoyed it very much myself, my only critique is that I felt it was a little short.
I think it means that your Guardian can shapeshift, so they look more normal.
I'm pretty sure he was asking how one would go about acquiring the capacity to alter their form whilst being the charge.
I’ll have something to post as soon as I learn how to edit images on an iPad.
Yes this is what I'm curious about.
the guile capstone doesn't have the same oomph as the others
looks good though
There's a disturbing lack of immortality for charges. If a charge romances a guardian spirit, then it would kind of suck for the charge to grow old while the guardian spirit remains youthful.
SDA is dead, you have to let go.
Whole point of you becoming guardian spirit is to allow you to pass to heaven after earning some more good boy points, your charge being immortal would kinda defeat the point
Black > Green purely becuz lapsang desu
Also I need to know because PACYOA was actually good and previously I thought his CYOAs were all SHIT.
>as soon as I learn how to edit images on an iPad
So sometime after PPP+, it's nice to have something to look forward for the rest of my life, I guess
What if we want to remain in the Mortal World after our Charge's natural lifespan runs out? Are we allowed to return to Earth with a new charge?
I love this, it's so sweet.
Power armour CYOA, of Teamwork Edition fame and autism.
That kind of kills the fun of having a romance with a guardian spirit though. It'd be nice to at least have an ability that lets you retain your youthful appearance and youthful energy until the moment you would have died a natural death.
You could pick something that lets you extend your charge's lifespan, like time manipulation, maybe healing magic.
No you faggot one lover growing old while the immortal god-dude stays by there side in absolute perfection is the whole point of that dynamic. You people ruin everything with your comfycore "I wanna isekei" retardation GOD I hate you people.
It’s pretty simple, really: If I never deliver a finished product, it can’t be disappointing.
MY oc will never ever be posted, and will only be enjoyed by ME. Don't want you getting your grubby fingerprints on it.
I do the same. It's all in my head, and it's perfect. Why would I ruin it by letting this imperfect world contaminate it.
>PACYOA was actually good
It was for brainlets, my man. I aim to rectify that.
So what would be hurt if there were an option to remain youthful? It's not like anybody forces you to take that option. If you think that one lover growing old while the other lover does not age is "perfection" then you could still do that.
What has you so buttblasted is because you know that most people won't choose to do what you want to do. I think we both know that the vast majority of people would choose to remain youthful, because growing old is not "perfection".
Not at all. While the weapon stats were a mistake, they're absolutely harmless, so they can be forgiven. The CYOA is excellent at letting people create whatever sort of power armour they want, from trudging drone-hives to orbital assassins to chameleons which mimic whatever's around them. The specific choices are all interesting, with each one able to deepen the player's chosen 'style' of power armour (with the exception of many of the weapons). It's a good CYOA, while a lot of his other stuff was pretty boring.
I wouldn't pick the concept yourself but I understand your desire for it but I swear if you're doing it just for an eternal Annie I will personally kick your ass
>It's not like anybody forces you to take that option
Literally no one with a heart wouldn't choose it. The whole point is to force the guardian (and the player) into that situation. You want the strangeness of growing old while your lover stays the same, and you want the guardian to care for their lover despite their slow deterioration. THAT is the desirable dynamic; it's not some sort of granny fetish.
>raging against comfy
I hate comfy so much.
I don't see that dynamic as desirable, but to each his own.
What do you do when you're confronted with a CYOA (or any fiction, for that matter) which isn't eternally upbeat and happy? A great many great works are tragic, user. Presumably, you are not one of those people who wants ZBG to include actual threats.
You are a pleb. I have spoken.
>his other stuff
Who, me? SDA? I didn't make the original PA.
But, hold on, you're talking about the TE? Don't make me fucking laugh.
>I didn't make the original PA.
Oh well then, guess you're back to mediocrity.
>Don't make me fucking laugh
I would not find it surprising that someone of your taste would dislike something like PACYOA.
Although, if we're talking about the threads rather than the CYOA itself, then we're not in disagreement.
Do what I did and create a Guardian capable of giving you it.
It's really not all that hard to make yourself a paradox and then use said loophole to allow yourself to reach enlightenment and ascend to a higher plain of existence.
That's pretty much my goal in all this. To become strong enough to stop this universe from ending. I will not let the light fade.
arent there like 5 different pacyoas?
I have no problem with actual threats in the forms of violence, magic, or whatever. Thinking about how to deal with those threats and fight back against them is fun. Old age is not a threat that can be dealt with, it's an inevitability and it sucks. Your tastes are shit bro.
Now I'm interested, what is this build?
So you see conflict and tragedy as some sort of challenge? Something to overcome through the power of isekai self-insert Suedom? That is just yet more feel-good schlock. It is the sort of thing which drives quirky little SHIT novels, like 1632 or Robinson Crusoe. You have once more missed the point, and have only reaffirmed your plebness.
I would like to remind you that I have already spoken on this matter.
Immortality in a grimdark world doesn't make you live forever. Most of the time it just ensures that you will not die a natural death. You'll die a violent death. Old age is a shit tier "challenge". Your tastes are still shit.
It almost feels like I'm developing this CYOA to trigger you, though. Hope you enjoy delicious stats.