What are some weird Veeky Forums tricks you can do?
What are some weird Veeky Forums tricks you can do?
I write all my adventures by combining a random article from the game's wiki with a random trope from tvtropes. I never told anyone and they think I'm some kind of genius GM.
I random page on wikipedia for everything. From character names to entire campaigns.
I can insert 1d6 fetishes into my game without anyone being suspicious. Like pic related.
It's just a handy tool for me to come up with something I never would've thought of. Most of the time if people think they some original idea, it's stolen (subconsciously or not) anyway.
If you need to go a little railroad-y with your players, pick one of them and hint that they could advance some personal goal by doing the thing you want them to do. They will often get the group to follow.
I can shuffle cards like a T-Rex.
I can play an entire game without looking at my phone.
If you're going to lie at least make it credible user
Yeah right and my dad works for Nintendo
I'm using this. Thanks user.
I apparently have a flair for vivid descriptive terms, but I lack the ability to do so verbally, and have little confidence in my ability to do so in a GM role. This annoys the other people I play with online because they want me to run a game.
This, but unironically.
I'm the GM, so I force everyone to leave their phones in the other room. Game improved 50% once I did.
I have the ability to adapt to any situation..balls to the wall style.
No really, I have yet to find a situation where the players get stuck in something and I have no idea how to solve it.
Weeks ago, there was this group that REFUSED to do a temple run. I said "fuck it, contact a spirit and see if they can give you a short cut". Nat20 happened and thus began Journey to the West
Figure It Out, the only television show in America geared towards children with underage girls trying out beastiality.
If you ever find yourself GMing a noir/crime/detective/etc type game like I recently did, just go to archive.org and check out their massive archives of detective radio dramas from the '40s. You can lift entire plots wholesale and no one will know unless they're autistic old-time radio fans. Phillip Marlowe is solid gold for private detective-centric stories, Dragnet is best if your PCs are cops. And both shows are actually pretty fun to listen to, RPG utility notwithstanding.
That dog looks scared
I always wonder how these kids turn out all these years later. This time I think Id rather not know
my favorite Veeky Forums trick to do at the table is ask loudly and repeatedly:
"have we tried NOT playing d&d?"
at which point nobody answers and continues enjoying themselves
OP nice choice of covert bestiality pics, love to see your youtube playlist history
The best way to avoid derailment is to have no overarching plot. Better yet, make it up as you go building upon the foundations the players themselves lay out for you with their actions.
>I force everyone to leave their phones in the other room.
Inb4 'hurr durr im too alpha to let you take my phone or tell me to do anything because I cant be separated from my phone', or 'I NEED MY PHONE ON ME AT ALL TIMES IN CASE I GET A CALL'