Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
You honestly don't think that they are overdesigned? Granted, I am starting to come around to the musician, although if I got him I'd definitely remove his silly wand.
Ayden Gray
the issue is not the amount of details it's (sometimes) the chunkiness of those details
and in the present case the details aren't chunky so it's fine
Jose Garcia
Seems like we disagree on an artistic level then. I prefer my minis to not be too crowded, especially if they're human-sized.
Colton Gomez
Are we actually going to get Slaanesh soon?
Samuel Parker
What are peoples' opinion on his hand-face? I for one am not a fan. Hopefully it won't be to hard to reuse as the face for some other mini.
Julian Carter
Not fair that Khorne has so many leaders. I mean this in a bad way. Such few actual units that piecing together an army is difficult. Slaughterpriests should not be leaders
Samuel Robinson
sadly no, that's why it got an alliegence ability in the generals handbook
Does anyone have the epub for the new Nagash novel? Also is there anything else that features Nagash in the new stories?
Kevin Bennett
We gonna get slaanesh right after GHB18
Hunter Roberts
I think it's fantastic. It reminds me of when horror movies used to look good.
Landon Nelson
And it does bring a new meaning to 'talk to the hand!'
Levi Garcia
I want to read the new warscrolls soooo bad. Anyone got them?
Asher Flores
The paintjob needs more filth and grit. He looks too clean.
Luis Price
Is it weird that its tongue makes me think of the one we had for christmas?
Logan Jenkins
Khorne has a shit ton of units.
Noah Gonzalez
Dirty umies
Anthony Torres
No more slaanesh Only aelfs
Cooper Russell
Hammerers or Longbeards?
Caleb Walker
longbeards are great for making maximum use of all leaders in your army
Aaron Martin
/AoSg/ I have a question for you.
Would you prefer new releases to be new armies like Kharadron Overlords or for GW to go back to old armies and give them new units/heroes?
Eli Gray
Going back to old armies will make a lot of old fans happy and might be a better thing for the game, but making new armies is more exciting and would probably give them more money because people want to buy their fancy new toys.
Jose Williams
old armies without a doubt
Oliver Wood
Yes we all have them but we don't post them...
Hunter Flores
Why not both? Imo all old armies should get the BCR treatment i.e. Spiderfang could be updated to ~8 warscrolls army just like that. Also bigger old armies (>7 warscrolls) should get allegiance abilities and 2-3 battalions. On the other hand GW needs to release new armies and focus on them to make real money so the perfect system would be like this - 2-3 big releases per year - old armies updates to fill the lazy seasons
Jose Nguyen
anyone else looking forward to the new death models?
Chase Long
Weak photoshop, so much potential wasted on your rushed endeavor.
Ethan Turner
Battle tomes for the old armies, like lizardmen got, really no excuse not to.
but new models are only for new armies.
Caleb Reed
>new models are only for new armies >sylvaneth disagrees
Juan Anderson
should have posted this one, lower res, harder to tell right away.
Juan Watson
>This ones got it
Julian Lee
Share new Nagash: the Undying king novel please.
Gavin Butler
shoulderpads need to be bulkier
Austin Carter
I'm amazed that there is a demographic for the lore.
Carson Mitchell
There's loads of content to read about and it's exceptionally interesting seeing so many authors exploring the Mortal Realms.
Zachary Sanders
You buy it, be the hero.
Easton Rodriguez
I just cannot stand the pose the herald is striking. He looks like he's trying to hitch a ride by showing some leg. They were going for him stepping up onto a small rock to exclaim Nurgle's blessings, but it's so far away instead it just looks like he's trying to steal a run for home.
I love that gigantic mouth though.
Owen Edwards
Which GUO will you be building?
>clown grin + bell master race here
David Turner
>I just cannot stand the pose the herald is striking. He looks like he's trying to hitch a ride by showing some leg. They were going for him stepping up onto a small rock to exclaim Nurgle's blessings, but it's so far away instead it just looks like he's trying to steal a run for home.
He's doing a jig. He's even got the pipes.
Nathaniel Harris
That just sounds like they are putting makeup on a pig.
Isaiah Howard
this really needs to be purchasable as a stand alone kit.
Bentley Morgan
Him and the other one will 100% be at some point in time.
Matthew Rogers
fucking around concepting 1000-point lists for tzeentch mortals. how does this look from a not getting shit on in casual games standpoint?
Luis Hernandez
Hey guys what's the best way to arm Chaos Marauders?
Wyatt Nelson
the one looks like a record keeper of some kind, and would be like what epidemius currently does. or maybe not. And the other one to give some mobility to nearby nurgle daemon units, since they are notorious slow otherwise.
what do you guys think they will do?
Josiah James
Going along with the Christmas theme, it's probably Grandfather Nurgle's naughty and nice list to see who is deserving of his gifts.
Cooper Barnes
Not enough synergy for my taste. I also feel that your units won't have staying power or the ability to really hold objectives.
Hunter Cox
Skyfires are only worth their points if there is a Shaman around. Kairic Acolytes are only better than marauders if you know how to use them properly, which your list shows you do not.
Your list is just a StD Start Collecting, the Tzeentch Battleline because you needad another one, and a box of what you heard was the best Tzeentch unit isn't it?
Axe and Shield. No question. If you get a perfect trigger (roll a 6) from the Barbarian Hordes ability the Axes have a 50% attack/wound rate (3+/3+). The Flails under the same conditions get about a 42% attack/wound rate (4+/2+). The Damned Icon gives you rerolls of hit 1 which only pushes the Axes further ahead. Additionally, Shields improve your save to 5+, putting you on par with medium infantry instead of light chaff.
If the flails had rend or extra range they would be a viable choice but right now you are stupid if you build flails.
Jace Johnson
My math was off. Axes start with a 44% success rate, not 50%. Still better than Flails. Just not by as much.
Hudson Martin
How would you advise expanding a StD Start Collecting in a Tzeentch friendly manner? Seeing as by default his starting list would be 600pts, what would you say is a decent addition?
Kayden Cooper
Give that user a beer!
Nathaniel Evans
What color should I paint my runelord's beard? I am thinking of doing it in orange.
Matthew Howard
Marauders and Spawn.
>All units have Mark of Tzeentch Chaos Sorcerer Lord Lord of Chaos Chaos Warrior * 5 Chaos Warrior * 5 Chaos Knights * 5 Chaos Marauders * 9 Chaos Marauders * 9 Chaos Spawn Chaos Spawn Chaos Chariot
Fatesworn Warband (Tzeentch battalion from Everchosen)
This list is exactly 1000 points. Your Lord of Chaos can cast Arcane Bolt. Everything is a member of the Battalion so you get a one drop placement. The Marauders have save after the save of 6+ aganst both normal and mortal wounds (this is from feeding Tzeentch's autism with a model count of 9).
Best of all, every weapon you have now has rend -1 at a minimum.
Noah Green
Floral Pink.
Jeremiah Green
Additionally, once you want to expand this list, you can do so with the Kairic Acolytes. Putting them in this battalion gives their shitty ranged attacks rend -1 as well as the battalion warscroll states it gives ALL weapons rend -1, not just melee.
Anything that has TZEENTCH and MORTAL keywords can be slotted in, such as Ogroid Thaumaturges, Gaunt Summoners, and Curselings. You just have to have at least one hero and nine other units.
Jaxon Gomez
How do I become meta incarnate like you sir?
Jaxon Morales
more i thought they were cool than they were the best (hence, 'fucking around and concepting'), but either way the list you described below sounds a lot closer to what i was imagining thematically than mine.
Connor Perez
This is basically the list I started with. I bought my StD starter before the Tzeentch release. I then expanded into Tzeentch Arcanites and Daemons.
All the Tzeentch battalions got drastically upped in point cost to the point of pretty much being impossible to field properly in anything under 2500. So I have been playing with StD battalions lately. Fatesworn remains the best in every situation I have tried as it scales so well.
The bonus save comes from any unit in multiples of 9. Fielding 27 Chaos Warriors with halberds in this battalion is absolutely insane. Two 4+/4+ attacks per model with 2" reach, boosted by the Sorcerer Lord's Daemonic Power spell that gives rerolls of 1 for hit and wound. The model count of 27 gives the save after the save meaning the Warriors have a save of 4+, a mortal save of 5+, and a bonus 6+ save for anything that gets past the first saves.
They are the best but only when done right. If they have a Shaman by them they do D3 mortal wounds on a hit roll of 5+. Without the Shaman it is only on 6+. In a unit of three this means you only have a 50% chance of a one triggering the main reason to take them.
Once you have the points to run them in groups of six with a Shaman they become a lot more dangerous. At that point you can statistically expect 2D3 mortal wounds per ranged attack. That's a lot better than the .5D3 that a lone unit of three can expect.
Dylan Brooks
Dear God, grant me your genius. I recently came to acquire the following... >OOP "Chaos Sorcerer Lord" >Start Collecting! Daemons of Tzeentch >2x Boxes of Blue/Brimstone Horrors >Tzeentch Arcanites Changecult >1x Box of Kairic Acolytes >1x Box of Tzaangors >1x Balewind Vortex
In your opinion what would b e a good list to run with my current availability?
Austin Wood
Is it uncommon for people to buy Warhammer models just for display? I have been wanting to start collecting but I have 0 interest in playing the actual game itself to be totally honest.
Leo Powell
I don't think it's weirder than anybody who buys Gundam models.
Christopher Allen
Not uncommon but there are better models for less money out there.
Anthony Perez
I think that's ~70-80% of GW's business anyway.
Dominic Clark
Better Warhammer models or better models period? I never knew shit about Warhammer until I played Total War and fell in love with how it looked. Then that led me to AoS models as well and I figured it wouldn't be a bad hobby. Interesting to hear it's not uncommon to do this, I figured the majority of people who bought them were players.
Isaiah Young
I had reservations about playing a game that takes so much time and money to get into, so I told myself I just wanted to paint the guys for fun until I believed it. Then once I had them, may as well play with them amirite?
You gotta outsmart yourself.
Grayson Rivera
apparently the majority of people who buy gw models never play the game
Justin Hernandez
I have made stuff knowing it will rarely be used for the tabletop, but mostly for display and maybe as proxies in friendly games. But for the most part, most things I buy I intend to us in play, whether they are good or not.
Brayden Walker
How do I paint orange/red hair? I have Khorne Red, Jokaero Orange, and Fire Dragon Bright
Jonathan Reyes
whtv has a guide on painting SW orange hair, go check it out
Julian Lewis
Off the top of my head...
Get a Gaunt Summoner. A Gaunt on top of a Balewind will kill single wound per model hordes in a single cast of its unique spell.
>The Gaunt Summoner conjures a rolling wave of >scorching wyrdfire that engulfs enemy formations. >Infernal Flames has a casting value of 8. If >successfully cast, pick a visible enemy unit and >roll 1 dice for each model in the target unit that is >within 18" of the caster; the unit suffers 1 mortal >wound for each roll of 4 or more. Roll 3 dice for >each Monster or War Machine in the >target unit, rather than only 1 dice.
Kill half the models in the unit. The rest run from the insane bravery damage from losing half the unit.
Tzaangors are good. They get better as you add more models to the unit as every ten models gives you an additional attack. Yes this includes the initial ten models, At low model counts the dual wielders are better. At high model count the great weapons are better. You always want a few models with shields for their save after the save (the same 6+ that the battalion i mentioned gives to mortals). The warscroll tells you how many models can be great weapons, always run the max.
With the twenty you have from the Tzaangor box and the Chngecult box you should have eight great weapons, four dual wielding mutants, one dual wielding Twistbray (unit leader), and the rest blade and shield for wound allocation. Before casualties your great weapons have three attacks at 4+/4+/-1 doing 2 damage per successful attack. If all hit (which will never happen) that is 48 damage from eight infantry battleline models. Don't expect to do that more than once as their save is only 5+.
Run your horrors as tarpits. If you do things right you can tie up significant enemy threats with them. I kept a Spirit of Durthu locked down an entire game once with 10 Pinks and the lesser Horrors that split from them.
Kairics are just Marauders that can read. Don't expect them to do anything spectacular.
Christopher Morris
Which Mortal Khorne units are the most self sufficient? I want to have some in my army for visual diversity but I need them to require little support since I'm already planning on running Skulltaker, 2 Bloodmaster Heralds and an ass load of Bloodletters. I have a Bloodsecrator as well of course.
Jack Diaz
Is there any Age of Sigmar fiction that has at least one Dispossessed character?
Aaron Robinson
Dammit, I got a number wrong again. Tzaangors get extra attacks every nine models, not ten.
Josiah Bell
Very detailed, thank you.
Josiah Kelly
One thing to keep in mind, Tzeentch has shit saves. This may not the case in 40K but in AoS it is truth.
We run a glass cannon army. You need to hit first and and hard where it does the most damage. Your daemons are going to die the moment they get hit so only send them in if you know you can do enough damage to make it worth it.
This changes once you have enough models to run max size units and use the spell Fold Reality.
Screamers for example come in groups of three but I only run them in groups of six. This lets the unit hopefully survive a round or two of combat before hitting the unit with Fold Reality and hopefully restoring the lost models. Every time I ran only three models they died before I could do anything useful with them.
Tzeentch is all about combining abilities and being a huge rules lawyer to the point that everyone hates you but admits you are right about the rules. This isn't to be a dick, it is just the nature of the beast when playing an army that has this many different interacting spells and abilities.
Also, Paradoxical Shield is the best Tzeentch artifact. Look up the FAQs to see how crazy it can be. Put it on something from StD with a good save and give that unit reroll save 1 when playing against an army that doesn't do many mortal wounds. Feed on your opponent's tears.
Connor Barnes
Runelords are usually older, as it takes centuries to master runecraft. salt n pepper if he's young, otherwise gray or white would fit.
Thomas Sanchez
Any particular tips on crafting a Tzeentch Army? I constantly Find myself in this Army Maker Developmental hell because I can't seem to find the perfect list. From what you're saying though is there's a definite emphasis on hitting hard and hitting first, what's the best way to achieve that?
Blake Gutierrez
>Paradoxical Shield is the best Tzeentch artifact >it seems cool, but the best? >You can never re-roll a dice more than once, and re-rolls happen before modifiers to the roll (if any) are applied. >before modifiers
what the fuck
Jaxson Young
that'd be cool am eager to read about our new overlord
Jack Edwards
This isn't including the latest thunderer change is it? You can only have 1 of each special weapon now. So the comparison should be between all Rifles vs Mixed special weapons with the new ability synergy.
Xavier Phillips
Please stop trying to force this
>Too much detail
meme, it stopped being funny a while ago.
Juan James
Agreed, stop it. It's bullshit.
Andrew Thomas
Marauders are minimum size 10
Luke Butler
I don't think there's too much detail; that said, some of the details could be made more subtle to allow others to be more prominent by contrast.
Austin Gray
Oh wait, you're just not deploying the tenth. Okay.
Julian Cook
>made more subtle X >paint more subtle O The current style of 'eavy metal team is too bright and colorful, eye catching at all cost?!
Michael Sanders
>not deploying the tenth Under (minimum) strength unit do not count as battleline, iirc.
Ryan Hughes
Is there a correct way to cut from sprues that doesn't gouge the plastic? Or is it expected and you just try to cover it with paint?
Charles Jones
>gouge the plastic Leave 2mm to the part, remove/sand/polish it with craft knives sand paper later.
Daniel Howard
Show picture? You're probably cutting them wrong or need new cutters friend.
Henry Roberts
I just picked up some new GW cutters. I assume the issue is that I'm trying to cut them flush based on
Logan Young
>new GW cutters Duncan made a video about the Citadelâ„¢ tools, take a reference.
Jason Walker
The herald, not the musician. The guy holding up a big unrolled scroll with his giant mouth wrapping around his shoulder.
Carson Taylor
Yeah, so basically leave a bit and sand it down, got it. Thankfully the paint has covered my previous gouge marks decently.
Gabriel Martinez
Yes, that's the case. It looks like as of 2017 GHB chaos warriors are minimum 5, so with two five-man squads the list is legal at 1000 points. I was confused cause my paper warscrolls say 10 and I never looked that close.
Camden Edwards
I still don't understand how you're gouging the model, unless there's something weird about the citadel cutters. I've got a five dollar sprue cutter that's never gouged a model. Then again it does leave some burrs.
File the burrs down and then use an X-Acto knife to scrape away what's left. Lay it at a 45 degree angle with the edge toward you, and pull gently away from you. It works on moldlines too and won't gouge the model if you're gentle.
Daniel Rodriguez
>I still don't understand how you're gouging the model
I've been cutting it flush against the plastic. Obvious mistake now that I think about it.
Anthony Butler
>I still don't understand how you're gouging the model This. I use a hobby knife to do everything from cutting the model out to fine detailing and I have no issues
Adam Lewis
>hobby knife to do everything Bet your models look shit
Nathaniel Johnson
Is there a set timeline of Age of Sigmar? Like how many years Sigmar kept his city sealed?