What sort of monsters do you have in your setting?
What sort of monsters do you have in your setting?
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The kind you find in the manual
you know which one I'm talking about
>post pictures of fun looking creatures
Undead abominations galore.
But with undeath reanimation being a somewhat natural ocurring phenomenon (because someone decided to fuck with the veil that separates life and death in the setting's remote past), lesser undead are a rather common thing in most parts of the world. Apart from that, the usual things you might expect in any fantasy game.
Ur mum
A play that makes people go insane trying to kill themselfes. It also makes people want to merge their city with some freaky nonsensical city thats ruled by the avatar of an eldrich being.
The usual u know
Flora and fauna which have evolved in strange and dangerous ways through constant exposure to ambient magic. Like pic related but more monstrous.
pretty much everything my pathfinder dm throws is a ripoff of something from stranger things. I've not watched the show myself but that's what i'm told by one of the other players who has. I feel like i'd almost be metagaming if i watched the show.
I'm sorry OP, but IS that a picture of a monster? Because it looks more like a father and daughter playing tag in the meadow following their afternoon picnic.
Player Characters.
W-what's he going to do when he catches her?
Strip her flesh and make her bones into soup like a good troll would
The reluctant kind
But you use bones to make bread
But that's not what a good troll does.
It's what a good giant does though
Niggers, kikes, mudslimes, and proudly cuckolded soyim.
You are the last.
A "magical" conglomeration of semi-anthropomorphic insects. Magic can be caused by music and unique types of sounds and can alter the most basic aspects of nature. These creatures make sounds that alter nature around them and themselves in frightening ways. They aren't all that intelligent so the alterations are more random and self-inflicted than thought out strategies and traps. They are either totally independent or crudely tribe-based.
>shaman mantis sees party
>begins to cause vibrations
>head forms massive pin needle-like spikes out of its face
>They cover the whole head
>bumrushes you
Folklore mixed with some "gritty" lets say (in the sense than are more down to earth) with lots of "folkloriced" and monsters from games or books I like. Like Pokemon, there are a fuckton than are basically "this side" elementals (incarnated I call them, because I'm lazy) than protect determined places and that stuff.
Rare, alien and inexpicable. Few people meet them but everyone knows them, and they are not to be trifled with. If you get their attention you will probably, likely, definitely die or be cursed in some way. Most can however be warded off and/or bargained with, and all have specific weaknesses that one can exploit to trick them
Whatever I think it's coolest for the situation, usually I can find something for my liking in the monster manual, but there is an unfortunate lack of flaming gorillas and other elemental animals in most bestiaries.
Randomly generated because my players wont stop metagaming and loudly forget the boundries between OOC and IC
I don't randomly create them, but since I run a homebrew I only reveal the nature of monsters past "this thing exists and it will probably try to kill you" if any of the players have monster hunting knowledge
Man, I might just make that an encounter.
Some Huge size category Giant chasing his daughter after a meal, because she's not big enough at Medium size to play catch with boulders. Knowing my players, and spinning it as such during the description, they'd mistake it for a giant chasing some woman through a field and pick a fight.
Congrats, you've chased the giant off. Now you have a distraught daughter that the giant won't take back because "she smells like the little folk," and she's too scared to leave you because she's five years old and keeps breaking things in the Medium-sized towns with her +5 Strength modifier.
Time to find a giant expert who knows how to rid a child of humanstink.
And now you know why good giants don't worship Varpak, god of trolls and ogres, and those giants who do end up with absolutely ricockulous strength, which usually results in their undoing.
Good giants are already strong enough. They make their way in the world, as all good giants do, with their might and size and cunning and all that shit. Those who find themselves lacking either accept their lot in life or beg for help, sacrificing their pride in the process.
Good trolls and ogres, meanwhile, all worship the Destroyer. They're giants, sure, but they're commonly regarded as the least of them. Still big and powerful and terrifying, they destroy and care for nothing. And the few who reject Varpak find themselves equally unfavored by him, and are usually eaten by the ones who spawned them.
Few know what happens to those who are separated from their siring trolls or ogres after rejecting the Destroyer. Those that do usually find themselves horrified and driven mad by the revelation that they regress into mere humans and elves, respectively.
you're playing a yellow king game? How's it working out for you? how are you dealking with the aethereal nature of a play as the antagonist?
The most dangerous of them all.
Zombie goasts
Depends on which group I'm playing with
> One group is into post apocalyptic stuff, so I have a setting where the world is overgrown and teeming with horrific 'natural' monsters, mostly bug like
> One group is into dark fantasy so I have a lot of undead, ghouls etc
Lots and lots and lots of homicidal elves
The human psyche
Plant-like trolls, dark crackles, titanosaurs, zarabatanas, necromantic swarms, javelin-fishes, giant solifuges, my take on orcs are pic related.
>Why, humans are the true monsters in my setting, of course!
shapeshifting dragons, doppelgangers, mages, flesh golems, bullettes, undead, and orcs
lots of orcs
moon devils
I prefer settings where """"""men"""" are actually the bitch of every other species, literally struggling to not go extinct.
Megafauna, mortal megaflaura, monsters, aliens, giants, even demons are out to get us. Feels comfier this way.
Delete this.
ayy lmao
is this a porno?
Crocodile centaurs, boar snakes, bone-suckers, ghoul grubs, elephant maggots
anything is porno if you're brave enough
Isn't that an SCP? The Hanged King or some such shit?
I like most of my monsters to be magical abominations that are one of a kind, few in number to the point that they may die off in a decade or two, or able to reproduce but in such a way that leads to strange hybrid creatures (imagine fantasy cordyceps).
There are a few monsters that manage to breed-up to a stable population but they are relatively few in species. In general though I like to have something small and swarmy, something big and smashy, and something that is uncannily similar to the civilized races but peculiar like how orcs used to be.
Idk yet, I think monsters would be out of place so I don't think I'll have them.
The problem I'm having is I don't know whether to use Earth animals even though the setting is on a different planet to save time and effort, or whether to create loads of different animals unique to that world.
>depends on the setting
But I'd go with unique animals just to give it its own flavor.
It's hardish dieselpunk, I don't want monsters to make it become cheesy or silly. It could be fun to create loads of unique animals.
I love it, even if it's just little things like how fauna interacts with the local populace. What do you define as a monster, though? Some alien wolf-equivalent could be just as "monstrous" as a bumbling ogre.
I don't know if anyone remembers this monster but it's from the Broken Sky books. The Jacyhra. I know that is spelled wrong.
I am unfamiliar with this meme.
evolution of the 56% meme.
It's the theoretical -1%
Ah. I didn't know about the 56% meme until now either.
Something that can pose a serious threat to the populace I suppose, that even with weapons can be dangerous.