>le trippel 20
How would this scenario ever happen? Why do people post lies on the internet?
Also if any of you fa/tg/ots here have any cringey "natural 20" stories feel free to share them.
>le trippel 20
How would this scenario ever happen? Why do people post lies on the internet?
Also if any of you fa/tg/ots here have any cringey "natural 20" stories feel free to share them.
I have rolled 20 six times back to back. However, we don't use stupid houserules so it played out just like an epic battle scene. My group tried really hard to convince about buying a lottery ticket after that.
No, because most of my GMs and myself tend to actually read and follow most of the rules without injecting shitty, memetastic house rules into the mix.
The people that insist that a natural 20 does anything outside of an attack roll are just as bad, if not the same people.
You're bound to roll a chain of 20s someday if you play enough shitty D20 games, and you're bound to see a retard try to make something fucking stupid happen with it.
>Be me
>Be playing 3.5 around 2004
>Have That Guy in the group playing the Vampire Hunter D knockoff Ranger that only a 15 year old would think was cool.
>DM uses the "3 nat 20s insta kill everything, even gods" autistic houserule.
>That Guy leaves the party at level 3 to go kill a dragon.
>GM allows this because we're all 15 and borderline retarded.
>He meets the dragon, rolls the 3 20s, instantly kills it.
>Now thinking he's the hottest thing in the kingdom, does the other stereotypical "That Guy" move, and decides to go take a shit on the kings table and fight the royal guards.
>He does not get meme 20s this time.
>Moron dies and gets angry.
Never underestimate random luck and the D&D playerbases stupidity, OP.
As a DM I enjoy Nat 20s. It's a good way to flex my imagination and add extra flavor to the situation while stroking the players ego and handing them their goal a lot more dramatically or quickly than they expected
Shit dice, in this case.
3 consecutive 20s isnt that unbelievable
>Why do people post lies on the internet?
trolling is the only thing that makes me feel something other than empty all the time. happy isn't the right word. schadenfreude would be close but still isn't quite right.
>playing through white plume mountain with some friends
>double barbarian and druid party
>destroy all the doors!
>but only with both of us giving eachother advantage because I'm failing my rolls miserably, again and again
>come to room filled with spheres full of treasure, keys, etc
>I attempt to smash open a sphere
>crazy air elemental pops out, along with a key
>trying to save face
>"I catch the key"
>fail dex save (I have 20 dex so it feels extra shitty)
>key drops in watery floor and I have to scoop it up
>built a grappler but can't grapple air
>scary fight, we're almost dead
>last ditch attempt to save ourselves, I smash a sphere
>a ring falls out
>"I catch the ring"
>nat 20
>"You smash straight through the sphere and grab the ring"
>party is joking about how I usually fail my rolls
>the ring turns out to have powerful magic properties (that only work in this specific room)
>finally you do something right
>looks that's all your luck for tonight used up
>"I throw the ring back in the air"
>party is furious that I've pretty much killed them, rather than use the ring
>"I catch the ring again"
>nat 20
>party goes wild
>use the ring to beat the elemental
>we still talk about that moment to this day
Being a little reckless can be a lot of fun. It's much more memorable than playing it safe.
You cynical shits. This stuff was all over old Veeky Forums and you loved it unironically. Your all-encompassing smug cynicism is worse than lolrandum enthusiasm.
My houserule is a natural 20 guarantees "cool" shit to happen even if you fail the check for whatever happens.
"You hit him and you crit, his head just...kind of exploded though."
"You ALMOST convinced this guy that eating shit was a healthier alternative to being a druid."
"Nice, you uh...made the jump. FASHIONABLY."
>Playing a Battlemaster Fighter fighting an Ancient Shadow Dragon
>Doing fuck all for damage as we are riding flying mounts, throwing ourselves against it
>My AC has been stacked to truly ludicrous heights, don't specifically remember why, the DM needs to roll upwards of 17 to even hit me, thus instead relies on breath attacks to damage me
>2 PCs down, 2 alive, myself and the caster.
>The caster isn't being particularly helpful, but apparently we can kill the dragon by having the caster take herself along with it, if we can get her close enough.
>Figure fuck it, plot is the only way we're bringing this guy down, so I maneuver her into position as one action and action surge to take the dodge action.
>The dragon doesn't recover its breath attack, and I have enough health to take at least both hits, but I'm basically hedging my bets here so I can try and escape the area next round
>"Oh, I'm sorry dude, the dragon rolled 2 crits, you take 70-something damage."
I didn't make a stink of it or anything, but to this day I refuse to believe he rolled 4 natural 20s just so he could kill my dude.
>playfully toss something into the air
>GM makes you roll to catch it again
It's always funny to me how so many of the "le epic" moments that get posted on this board are either due to poor reading skills, egregious player choices, or asshole GMs. And that's ignoring the fact that most of these stories are falsehoods, anyhow.
It was bullshit then, and it's bullshit now. And in more ways than one.
Eight years ago, it was a novelty. Today it's just tiring.
>I have rolled 20 six times back to back.
No you didn't. That's a 1 in 64 million chance.
Seems every other DnD player I meet has a story similar to this. It's far far FAR more probable that you're all full of shit.
However, it does help me gauge someone's honesty level, and take what they say at grain-of-salt levels from thereon out
>Also if any of you fa/tg/ots here have any cringey "natural 20" stories feel free to share them.
Not really. But I am playing with a new group that gets way too excited about nat 20s and nat 1s.
It's like... yea... you get a bunch of them every session. Calm down.
I'm probably being a sourpuss about it.
Yeah. I know someone that actually rolls 1s a little more than 12% of the time, but even he's never rolled a 1 more than four consecutive times, and that's only ever happened once.
I checked the math after it happened. It is ~ 0.00922 or ~ 107:1 odds against but sure I guess I win extra internet points for trying to lie on an anonymous board.
Its not that they are not cool its that they are pretty fucking unbelievable, after reading through a couple of them your suspension of disbelief dies and they lose their flair
You begin to notice not just the high ammount of houserules but how much someone would have to deviate from the system itelf to actually accomplish something like that
5%^6 is not .922%
Casual reminder that cultures evolve and change.
In Veeky Forums's case for the worse, just look at how often people unironically answer accusations of them being bad GMs when really, who gives a shit.
Inb4 "Veeky Forums was never good", perhaps I'm overly romanticising the past, but come on, we are trying too hard to stroke each others' dicks these days.
Just taking the Amazo story for example you just need to picture a DM allowing his players to aquire multiple powerful artifacts and let them tamper with them enough to somehow craft a highly functional golem out of them with all their power combined, thats already pretty unbelievable and its just the beginning
I mean when your campaign just becomes the tabletop equivalent of one punch man it kinda ruins the fun for the DM.
I dunno about that, my methodology is "You can do whatever you want, just understand there can and will be consequences for your actions."
Sure, I'll give you a golem to carry gear, but you have to pay for it and maintain it.
Oh, you've loaded it down with items? And want it to use them? Sure, roll on a chart.
Oh, you've given it enough stuff that it might awaken, meet your new arc, stopping a powerful sentient golem that doesnt understand humanity but does have powers.
>How would this scenario ever happen? Why do people post lies on the internet?
Do you remember that one time in Banished Quest where some shitposter decided we should roll for sex, Soma decided to go with it, and then we got three 1s on the very first roll and everyone lost their minds? Good times.
Ive rolled three 20s against a ogre once. Me killing it didn't really impress his four buddies. My group bought it was cool & all but really the fact it happened is more noteworthy that the effect. It was just a standard encounter nothing meme worthy.
I've also rolled a character with 18s in all but one stat, which was a 9. It was for a throwaway campaign. I cant even remember his name. He didn't do anything cool.
We've gotten more colorful stories from failing & trying than any luck or pseudo-intentional asshattery
>That's a 1 in 64 million chance.
And there's seven billion people on earth. That means about a hundred and ten people could have done it.
Plausible if user is using real die and they're just shoddily made.
>muh gamblers fallacy
My group also uses the 3 natural 20s for a kill rulel. The only time its happened was about 10 years ago when my dad's paladin killed a much stronger anti paladin while trapped in single combat in a cave.
The group has been together since 1986.
I did have a time when I rolled like 8 6's for the same fireball though
I played 5e back when it came out with a dm who I convinced to have everyone roll for stats.
Of course my character sucked, but we all watched one dude roll four 18s out of his six stats.
granted it was 4d6 keep 3, but still.'
To everyone saying this stuff is impossibly unlikely:
Rolling 1, 16, 12, 4 and 5 on a d20 in order is the same odds as rolling five natural 20s in a row. We just only notice the interesting patterns when they come up.
And even if it takes a million rolls on average for something to happen, your dnd group will roll a million dice eventually.
I've rolled 6 ones back to back, so get off his dick
>t. shitposter who writes fanfiction about rolling 87 nat 20's in a row
>fun police scour the Internet looking for badwrongfun to illustrate the dangers of fun on Veeky Forums
I literally roll nothing but 20s. Every gaming group I've been with thinks I'm cheating, I even used a loaded die that was meant to land on 1 and it still gets 20s. Please someone help I can't find anyone to game with. Why did I kick that fucking homeless gypsy?
>No you didn't. That's a 1 in 64 million chance.
learn to stats retard
rolling six 20s back to back is not the same as rolling six 20s at once.
alright boys, today we learn a bit of probability, nat 20 has a 5% chance. To calculate the chance of more vents occurring you multiply them, it doesn't matter whether the events are back to back or simultaneus, you calculate the chance for one and then the chance that all the others are right too and then you multiply them.
Now, with 6 nat 20s, the first die has a 5% chance of being a favorable outcome, same goes for the other 5 dice, doesn't matter in what order they are rolled. Pic related is the result of 0.05^6. I hope this was useful for you to get to pass your math test.
You rolled trips too, nice.