>In booming voice, the Master Blacksmith invites you to be his Forge-Mate.
>A Dwarven diplomat pushes past the gathered throng and whispers into your ear "such an offer cannot be refused".
wat do
>In booming voice, the Master Blacksmith invites you to be his Forge-Mate.
>A Dwarven diplomat pushes past the gathered throng and whispers into your ear "such an offer cannot be refused".
wat do
>master of smithing from a race of smiths that just love smithing wants to teach you his smithing secrets
Duh, what do you think I say? This seems like a prime opportunity for learning shit about smithing.
>"such an offer cannot be refused".
Fucking watch me.
"u wot m8?"
"me forge m8"
"u wot m8?!"
"me forge m8!"
"U WOT M8???!!!"
"ah blast it"
no way am i mating with a dwarf
Set him up with a automated forced air source so he doesn't need an assistant on the billows.
Then ask if it's a weird sex thing. Whatever he says, make it a weird sex thing.
>The stout dwarven boyars usher you forward into the elaborately-carved palace beneath the mountain.
>As you are brought before the throne, the dwarven tsar rises from his seat.
>Gripping his diamond-edged axe, with a piercing blue light glowing in his eyes, the long-bearded lord speaks in iron tones that resonate throughout the deep.
>"Velcome, comrades. I hope you are ov likink Russian accent for dwarvess instead ov Skottish one! Mmm, yes."
Russian dwarves > Scottish dwarves
>he's too shallow to realize russian dwarves and scottish dwarves are the same exact thing but with different coats of paint
Time to learn the ways of working mithril and make a fortune when I return home
>Scotts are happy drunks, Russ are nihilist drunks.
Tell me what the fuck a forge-mate first. If it means I get to be a smith then fuck yes, if it means I get fucked bt a dwarf then we're about to have a bit of a political disaster on oir hands.
I want to be the dwarven girl and get filled with dwarven dick
Russian Dwarves would have elaborate bath houses segregated by Clan and caste with the nobles having marble works of wonder while the plebs have wooden hot shacks.
All real business is actually conducted in such places.
Hahaha nice try, I may be new to this city but I'm not that naive. Go swindle some other tall bastard you fuck.
>Molten gold is poured into your womb
>The mass solidifies and is turned into a beautiful statuette
bad end?
>Scots are angry, spunky drunks tempered by oppression
>Russians are angry, nihlist drunks made haggard by a thousand years of suffering from their rulers, their religions and their environment
Too right!
The fundamental difference between Russians and Scots is clear vs colored alcohol. All other differences derive from that.
I tell the dwarven diplomat to get the fuck back, do NOT whisper in my ear you creepy little man. That is not an okay thing to do, no one should ever do that to anyone.
>Scotts are happy drunks...
t. never been to Glasgow on a friday/saturday night!
>Scots are happy drunks
I admit i may have confirmation bias. The only scotts i've known personally are really fucking happy drunks.
>dwarven diplomat
>whisper in my ear
>my ear
Manlet detected
Implying Russians had vodka for most of their history (we didn't, it was invented in like 16th or 17th century)
Before vodka Russians were mostly drinking homebrew distilled drinks (most likely brown or yellowish) and mead
>wat do
Refuse just to see what happens.
>whispers in my ear
did he bring a ladder?
>not ottoman dwarves
kvass is the drink you are thinking of.
Kvass is nonalcoholic, but there is marple and birch juice used in alcoholic beverages.
>ottoman dwarves
Like he would invite some random bumbler sincerely. Of course I accept as I am half a master smith myself at this point, duh. Stupid diplomat can go back to putting rebar up his hindquarters
>"such an offer cannot be refused"
Oh yeah?
Before I say yes or no. Two questions.
1. Can I drink on the job?
2.Are you hiring me just so o can grab shit off the top shelf for you?
Yorkshire Dwarves > All
>he doesn't have special Diplomat Stool
Look at him. Look at him and laugh.
>Kvass is nonalcoholic
Hey, it's 1% alcoholic.
I tell him as a fellow blacksmith that
They're Masterworks all you can't go wrong.
I ain't into beards.
Why does everyone assume this is a sexual thing? Maybe he just wants an assistant or a student. Shipmate, squadmate, etc.
What do you mean wat do? Diplomat literally just said the offer cannot be refused.
you're talking about a people who's word for a noticeably strong alcoholic drink translates to water.
it's not alcoholic.
But I’m a superhero.
I guess?