Tarot Cards in 5e

I want to incorporate them into a campaign, but I'm unsure how. Any ideas?

>inb4 divination

OP here. I have a copy of the Rider Deck, if that helps.

Theres a fucking dumb but fun Argentinian movie called "Daemonium", the protagonist is a wizard that uses a tarot deck as a system to cast his spells

Use them like scrolls for summoning spells.
Punish the first player who makes a Jojo reference.

Rollplay: Court of Swords encompasses tarot a fair bit I believe. It is shitty to watch but maybe you can get some ideas from Adam.

The deck of many things can use tarot cards but the Deck of Ruins Games is something you want to avoid.

Alternatively, you can use Tarot cards as a backstory inspiration method. Each player draws a card and uses it to inspire their backstory.

Create a villain based off of each tarot card that are all in league with one another.

OP again. Might end up using this.

>The deck of many things
Where did you get the impression that I was referring to the DOMT?
Summoning spells are like Summon Monster I, Summon Monster II, etc.

So weeb it's good

And the leader of the villians is THE WORLD

Incomplete Veeky Forums set

Not sure what this is from...

I mean the filename is pretty self-explanatory... but it was Veeky Forums attempt at creating a more balanced Deck Of Many things so you could actually use it in your game without fucking up your game completely. The thread died before we could get really into it.

Neat. I do remember the DoMT was pretty unbalanced. Decided against using it most of the time.

>DoMT was pretty unbalanced. Decided against using it most of the time
Yep, it is. That's why we were going to try making a more sensible one because the lose-reward risk mechanic is actually really enjoyable when it doesn't fuck up your campaign completely.

Sadly, Veeky Forums doesn't live up to its reputation these days.

>The deck of many things can use tarot cards
Not enough of them.

>The Scale
I'd get up and slap the dm in the face


And here's a DOMT module for those interested.
I haven't run it, but I've heard good things.

I tried translating this to 5e, some of it works better than the rest depending on the in-game context, or even trying to stuff percentiles into the system's streamlined rules.

What if I make a Persona reference instead?