It's Da Curated Archive™ ! It Will Be The Best 36 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!
STEP 0: Please exhibit good manners. This thread will be automatically archived after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.
STEP 1: Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. There is lots of stuff, including filled requests posted directly to the board. Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now. More archived threads can be found here: share/
STEP 2: Grab your documents. Da Archive is multiple documents. You especially want to get Da Curated Archive.
STEP 3: Get comfortable and browse through the blasted thing. It is only about 160 pages long. If you skim over the Personal Collections without looking you will miss 7,654 pdfs.
Remember, we are better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and good manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.
Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.
Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all. Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.
Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread. I understand your frustration (they used to drive me crazy), but you don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken. If they upset you, punch a teddy bear or something.
Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.
Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - include a page number. There are dozens of copies of some PDFs.
Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.
If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, one way to clean it is to contact our resident Transmutation Wizards and ask them politely for their assitance. [email protected] [email protected]
CityofCarse is responsible for many recent scans from private collections. If you have a rare or obscure book, he may be willing to convert your dead tree into digital bits. He may also be available to clean your files. [email protected]
Okultek resides in the UK and may also be available for scanning or cleaning. [email protected]
Benjamin Young
Why 1337 5p34k? A Paraphrased Message from TheWiz!: To guard against rapid takedowns by bots, we suggest encoding links thusly:
The above link is easy to decode but does not show up as a working link to the lurking T-888's. Obfuscation becomes most important when filling requests. Posting a full link right out of a large Trove/Collection risks the whole thing. Just post a page reference for Da Archive or Da Annex, with a short instruction and let the document do the job of guarding the links.
|-|0\/\/ †0 1337 5|O34|
Jackson Clark
Please do not ask for or share any of the following, on pain of thread-cancer:
A Sundered World Microscope Ten Candles Zweihander
Adam Ward
user says:
Literally all the banned stuff is readily available on IRC. Rather than go on about not asking for them you should just send people there. server: channel: #rpg-books "@find GarbageYou'reLookingForGoesHere" should net you plenty of DCC responses to sift through.
Just do the text. If you use mirc you're going to have to go into your options and turn off the option that denies a whole bunch of file formats as well as the check box that turns them on again after a couple of minutes. (genius design there)
None of these have been shared afaik, please set them free!
The Lonely Lighthouse Fosc Anansi: Shadow of the Spider Goddess Evil Wizards in a Cave Primeval Thule (Savage Worlds)
Charles Carter
Added to the /HeroTrove
Hero 3rd Ed Espionage - Border Crossing Espionage - The Armory - Volume 1
Hero 4th Ed Cyber Hero
Connor Ward
I'm looking for the midgard and southlands campaign settings (and whatever else you may have regarding 'em, like the bestiary and whatnot) - in return I can offer the following all from the recent DnD humble bundle (second tier).
I have checked both the PFTrove, Ponyfinder, and cartoon troves and have not found them.
Tyler Cruz
Does anyone have Mystical Companions for 5e? (pic related)
Asher Cruz
5e Requests
Cut to the Chase - WK3 Revenge of the Over-Kobold Encounters in the Savage Frontier M.T. Black - Bastion of the Frost Lord M.T. Black - Horror in the House of Dagon M.T. Black - The Secret of Skyhold Tower M.T. Black - Beneath the Ruins of Firestone Keep M.T. Black - The Clockwork Queen M.T. Black - Awesome Encounters - Dungeon Levels Killer Kobolds! The Iron Bastion: Rise of the Blood Watch Carnival of Horrors In Search of the Unknown - Realistic Maps Curse of Xanathon - Realistic Maps Castle Amber - Realistic Maps Tomb of Horrors - Realistic Maps White Plume Mountain - Realistic Maps The Forgotten Realms Atlas Project: Book One The Forgotten Realms Atlas Project: Book Two
Nathaniel Turner
/PFtrove under Open Design...
Everything from that bundle is in the trove too
Jason Gonzalez
I'm looking for a field guide to dragons if anyone can please share it.
Mason Smith
404 my dude
Jace Perez
Capital T
Henry Howard
Even then?
Bentley Sanchez
Never mind, issue resolved... Cheers, lads
Cooper Kelly
I dont know where to post but someone requested so.. www(D0T)$H)vault-outpost(SL4$H)kingdom-X44499(SL4$H)Kingdom_RPG(D0T)pdf
Gavin Hall
The BASH link on page 26 of the annex no longer works.
Sebastian Perry
Just got sent these by a donor ... found 'em in my inbox!
The Lonely Lighthouse Fosc Anansi Evil Wizards in a Cave (and Maps)
Jordan Cooper
Survive This!! - Dark Places & Demogorgons
at my vola
John Russell
But... but what will I ask for in the next thread?
Grayson Jenkins
Fantasy Craft wants -
Call to Arms: Witch Hunter Call to Arms: Skirmisher Call to Arms: Shinobi Old School Fantasy #1: A Keg for Dragon (Fantasy Craft Edition) Old School Fantasy #2: Darkness Over Keryhk Nhor (Fantasy Craft Edition) Old School Fantasy #3: Hunger of the Iron Mage (Fantasy Craft Edition) Old School Fantasy #5: Call of the Crow (Fantasy Craft Edition) Old School Fantasy #6: Tangle in the Silver Vines (Fantasy Craft Edition) Old School Fantasy #7: Rot & Ruin (Fantasy Craft Edition) Old School Fantasy #8: Light & Dark (Fantasy Craft Edition) Old School Fantasy #9: Hand of the Harbinger King (Fantasy Craft Edition)
Henry Gonzalez
Looking for W20th Changing Ways, if anyone can share it, I would be thankful.
James Foster
looking for 'into the deep dark' by gamehole publishing
Daniel Lewis
>into the deep dark
Seconded! This looks mint!
Wyatt Cox
Anyone know if a pdf/online version of the Masks Decks of Influence + Villainy exist online?
Jeremiah Carter
Requesting the last printing of the Castles & Crusades core books. Thanks in advance.
Hudson Jenkins
Requesting Great Hall Burning.
Also requesting Inner Darkness for HOT CHICKS: The RPG
Nathan Rogers
Adam Phillips
Being served now at my Vola
Benjamin Powell
second this
David Collins
requesting the Star Log series EM -05 to EM-16 for Starfinder by Rogue Genius Games, TIA
Adam Hernandez
Requesting the last sourcebook (albeit a small one) for Degenesis: The Rebirth.
Gavin Reyes
Requesting the Golden Sky Stories variants Fantasy Friends and Faerie Sky. The GSS trove in the Curated Archive, and the link in Da Archive are both dead.
Jace Nelson
requesting Open Fantasy, a relatively recent version of the Open D6 rules thats updated, that I saw on Drivethrurpg.
Parker Ramirez
u$er$cl0udcom request from last thread for Stars w/o #s noitavratS paehC /iisytt1fj4q4
Chase Martinez
Hey guys.
I'm looking for some of the recent Tails of Equestria releases: -Bestiary of Equestria -Festival of Lights -Movie sourcebook.
Thanks in advance!
Christian Hughes
Mage, you have Beneath the Ruins of Firestone Keep in your trove already :-)
>Requesting the Golden Sky Stories variants Fantasy Friends and Faerie Sky. The GSS trove in the Curated Archive, and the link in Da Archive are both dead. The Cartoon trove (/V634 at snip) has them, though.
On that mather has anyone seen The Killing Game around? Or the rebirth books in french?
I know the editor of the french version is not really close to releasing it but I read somewhere that someone had used his book scanner at work to make a pdf out of it...
Jayden Morales
Anyone have the Heroic Fantasy Handbook for ACK?
Colton Wright
> Didn´t see the DLC for TKG...
Tyler Smith
Requesting Revolution D100
Jordan Adams
Has anyone posted a non-beta copy of Synthcide?
Bentley Jones
Humbly Requesting Total Party Kill Handbook - 2CGaming
Thomas Long
Anyone have bedlam hall- a terrible tale of an unsettling tradition and gruel truck?
Nathan Reed
Anyone have the Legendary games stuff for 5e? Kingdoms, Ultimate Rulership etc
Elijah Gonzalez
>Revolution D100
Check the MiscTrove in Da Curated Archive™
Justin Cooper
Requesting Armies of Arcana
Gavin Jackson
Looking f9or Early Dark RPG
Blake King
Looking for the spanish "El Resurgir del Dragón".
Thank you.
Nicholas Gutierrez
Tytytytytyty user ive been looking for eons
Jose Rodriguez
I'm looking for web enhancement for Dragon Magazine #100 - Tu'narath City Guide.
Looked in the WOTCTrove but couldn't find it. Could some kind soul point me in the right direction?
Someone just posted their PbtA trove in this very thread, so go look there.
Andrew Cook
I understand some of these items have been shared recently:
White Box Compendium White Box Gothic White Box Companion II
Unfortunatley, they are already gone. Could anybody upload them again, please? Thanks in advance!
Hudson Smith
They're back... vola
Jack Williams
Thank you, sir! =)
Luke Morgan
Anyone got numenara character options 2
Eli Rogers
Loading to the vola now /r/f0648h90
Dylan Walker
Is this from the Queen of the Githyanki or sum shit?
Benjamin Garcia
Yep - Lich-Queen's Beloved. Part of the Incursion idea along with Dragon #309 & Polyheron #159
Lucas Gomez
Best I can do, I'm afraid: vola /r/eg7x9k0c
Hudson Lewis
Looking for "The Whole is Greater" for Cthulhu Dark. Thanks in advance!
Carter Ramirez
Requesting the extra PDFs for the endpapers and maps for Cubicle 7's Adventures in Middle-Earth: Wilderland Adventures, which aren't in the 3rd party folder of the trove.