Red magic should be about more than FIRE ANGAR RAAR, but that seems to be all that it is limited to. What should be the least boring color is far and away the boringest.
Agree or disagree?
Red magic should be about more than FIRE ANGAR RAAR, but that seems to be all that it is limited to. What should be the least boring color is far and away the boringest.
Agree or disagree?
I guess I can kinda agree. R and B are very similar colors, whereas R goes too one-dimensional with the anger, B goes too one-dimensional with the evil and insanity discard. R could borrow a lot from B, but minus the evil. Overall, B is more developed than R though in terms of themes.
Some old good R themes were things like Browbeat, Bedlam, Relentless Assault, Fling, etc.
Green is the most boring color. Big dumb creatures, lifegain, and mana. Red has more going on than that.
I think the issue is that red in a non-anger format is a bit trickier to make easily applicable to a combat scenario. However, I'd love to see more non-anger red stuff.
this, if one color had to be dropped it would be green. Green has very little stuff that couldn't just be given to other colors.
If anything, I think red should have some crossover with Blue- namely, in creative, game-bending effects. It is, after all also the color of inspiration and creativity, as well as beauty and (in part) the arts.
Green is also limited, but at least it is capable of playing the long-game, unlike Red, which is all rush.
100% agree that Feldon is such a well done red card. Love, sadness, passion and melancholy all on one flavorful card. Red should be emotion and heart, not just anger, but also those cards that can embody 100% happiness or sadness. Emotion to the nth degree.
I did enjoy a custom card I saw done ages ago on that front. 'Hope for return'. Was an instant version of that old red 'Your life can't be reduced below 1 this turn' with the flavor text 'I cannot stop now, I have people waiting for me'.
They've tried to give red other things but it always ends up too powerful. Red, as a concept, is just too much stronger than other colors. Other colors have effects that indirectly win the game, while red has effects that directly win.
I agree, its ironic because its supposed to be the color of passion. Then again, blue mana is probably the only color that is properly fleshed out,
IMO the order is blue>black>white>green>red in terms of creativity
Red is the most basic color, gameplay wise, in the game. Simple means more universally applicable, which leaves them with little design space to add new effects to red for flavor without over costing them to the point they'd never see play.
mana fixing and mana ramping are the genuinely green stuff, and they really should not be in abundance in the other slices of the pie, niggers
Just put those in lands or colorless dur dur dur. W does ramp too.
Changes nothing about it being the most boring, uncreative color, especially after the modern card frame switch.
There are very few abilities that should be singularly color specific. I would like to see counterspells as a secondary in red. A sort of "take a little damage, lose your concentration" effect.
>let's give R counterspells that also deal damage to opponents
Really bitch?
Counterspells aren't red because they represent restriction of thought and expression while red stands for free-thinking. They were supposed to be secondary white (the color of control and tyranny) for this reason, but WotC pussied out and we have very few white counters.
>white (the color of control and tyranny)
Fucking racist SJW WotC
Red can already get soft spell control and is allowed to get mana denial in any form. The problem with counter magic is that it's reactive, which doesn't fit red.
Counterspells are this really weird mechanic where they don't really HAVE a secondary colour, where most everything else has.
With a high enough cost (2RR) and only dealing 1 damage? Yeah, really. Fight me.
As the color pie exists now, yes. But if we are talking about revamping red, then we need to talk about revamping the color pie. Green could use some additional thought as well.
I don't know about that. Being impulsive/quick on the draw seems reactive to me.
>being impulsive
>which is synonymous with being spontaneous
Really nigger?
Here is a cute card effect I made.
>opponent casts spell
>reflexively cast an instantaneous spell to disrupt his casting
Fuck off, cunt.
It may as well read instant or sorcery because there are few situations where you'd actually choose a permanent to give your opponent for free.
red has been stereotyped as the stupid color by wizards for too long. red tends to set the pace while blue is reactive, but red gets the guff as not playing "real magic" for overwhelming players too fast. red has interesting stuff, but pails in comparison for blues simple, clean answers.
Its more than just fire, the earth is involved and the least explored aspect of it. It'd improve design space tenfold if they remembered that.
Red gets redirect spells such as Ricochet Trap and copy spells such as Reverberate, both of which can be used to fizzle counterspells.
I know that Blue has spells that can gain control of spells, such as Aethersnatch and Commandeer. Red and Blue have spells and abilities that can gain control of permanents temporarily, so I think that Red ought to have a card that can gain control of instant and sorceries, or gain control of permanent spells for the turn and then giving it back to the opponent after it resolves and it goes to end step.
That seems...mostly downside. Very quickly becoming a dead card as the other guy ends up with less and less for you to pick from.
Why the fuck are you inserting the word reaction to your argument/definition, dumbass? You are FORCING the word to be reactive when it's not.
>opponent does nothing
>you PROACTIVELY cast something IMPULSIVE that is detrimental to you
Some ideas for Red counterspells:
Befuddling Bolt
Deal 1 damage to target opponent. Exile target spell.
Incantation of Impact
Whenever an instant spell you control deals damage to an opponent, counter target spell if that spell's converted mana cost is equal to, or less than, the converted mana cost of your instant spell.
Because you ignored one definition in my statement in favor of the other. I also said "quick on the draw". They're in the same wheelhouse: acting/reacting on impulse.
I'd like to see that in red, actually. It would be overcosted as hell, but the precedent would be nice.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Aggro. The strategies are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of analyzing the boardstate most of the plays will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Red’s aggressive outlook, which is deftly woven into its characterization- a personal philosophy draws heavily from goblins passion and motivation, for instance. The fans understand this flavortext; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike RDW truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in Goblin Chieftain’s existential catchphrase “Lets all sing the Smash Smash Song!” which itself is a lively reference to Diogenes simple life yet aggressive questioning on blindly accepted social norms. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those Spike simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as MaRo’s genius wit unfolds itself on the Unstable set. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a MTG tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 1 judge level of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
I think red should be more focused on land destruction and punishment.
I.E taping lands will deal damage to you.
I could think of others.
Counter target non-creature spell unless its controller has Overheat deal 5 damage to him or her.
Ionized Aether
Target instant, sorcery, or enchantment spell has "This spell deals 3 damage to each opponent" and loses all other abilities.
Counter target spell with a target.
(Image and flavor text implies that the spell is redirected or deflected off rather than fizzled.)
I don't know what the power level of these cards should be.
Have it be a trap card.
Depends on the era.
There was a time when red was token focused (goblins, dragons, giants) which atm in standard is white focused (annointed procession).
So each meta depends on the sets theyre in. Also red has some of the best planeswalkers and combo card pieces.
Red isnt all about rawr fire, its a spikes favorite toolkit.
>mostly downside
Not exactly. Its a thoughtsieze in red that allows you to pluck a reactive instant or board whiping sorcery as early as turn 1.
Giving you a look at your opponants hand and removing a threat.
Counters are blue
Discard is black
Pump/ramp spells are green
Direct damage is red
Mass removal is (mostly) white
Wizards of the Coast has acknowledged this for years now and we can see attempts to show the more emotional, passionate side of red since 2015. Namely Enthralling Victor and Cathartic Reunion, but there's a few others.
Red used to be a colour of risk taking from a design perspective. Cards like Wheel of Fortune were as ballsy to be sent out by R&D as they were interesting, and it feels that the "safe" environment that Wizards has been playing for design wise stifles that. In the past I made a retarded custom set that still stuck to most colour pie rules while exploring secondary effects in the colours, red was a puzzling one but led to some amusing events (for the record, power level is around zendikar/scars/innistrad era, but with the love of secondary colour pie identity of the Kamigawa/Ravnica/Time Spiral era).
One mechanic developed for the set was Outstanding. It had its strongest effects in Red, as the intent was to make cards that were as powerful as a Legendary creature the first time you play them, and not quite as powerful in future. It encouraged Red's individuality, as cards fell off as you played more of the same, a lot of inspiration was actually taken from how Legendary was used in Kamigawa (thinking cards like Isimaru, Hound of Konda).
Outstanding also gave red VERY powerful spell effects as first casts, but punished people for trying the same trick again. A note on Oustanding, yes, exile effects in eternal formats would interact with this, I was designing around a more limited format and hindsight made me realise that these cards would have had interesting power level in Modern and the like.
Note that these cards are not intended to be "oh my god good cards". No, they were shitty Custom Card Thread tier pieces made by an autist who was playtesting on a kitchen table with his mates. The point I am trying to illustrate is that Red was a colour that was completely worthless in some sets and absolutely sublime in others. Wizards gave Red risky effects, and when the risk was worth it they were great, when it wasn't they were shite. Wizard's determination for safety in their constructed and limited environments have hindered Red from being able to show the personality it once had.
A great example of a card produced in a side product knocking it out of the park meanwhile the main design team seems to really struggle understanding Red in main sets.
I think Feldon helps highlight the problem, and makes it worse because it means there are some designers who know what they are doing and getting ignored.
Everything got fucked when WotC design philosophy came down too hard on defining the color pie. Let colors do whatever they want so long as they fit the theme and feeling.
That doesn't mean lets floor green with counter-spell magic, but every once in a while a Dashed Hopes like card is fine. (Maybe something a bit more playable too)
Outstanding sounds like a bomb in EDH.
Speaking of EDH, i like red getting asymmetrical effects there.
I like the way you think.
My sentiments exactly. Once we get past the "you can't do that because color pie" mentality, it opens things up into some intriguing design space.
Here's more
Experiment Awry
Counter target creature spell. If that spell is countered this way, it's controller creates a X/X red and blue Weird creature token, where X is the spell's converted mana cost.
Sparkmage's Trick
Sparkmage's Trick deals 2 damage to target creature or planeswalker. Activated abilities of permanents dealt damage this way can't be activated this turn.
Stun Pulse
Counter target activated ability or triggered ability you don't control. If the ability was from a creature, Stun Pulse deals 3 damage to that creature.
Overload 1RR
Scramble the Aether
For each spell, choose a player at random. Then each player gains control of each spell for which he or she was chosen. That player may choose new targets for those spells.
Spell Warp
Exile target spell. It's controller exiles cards from the top of his or her library until he or she exiles a card that shares a card type with it. That player may cast that card without paying its mana cost. Then he or she puts all cards exiled with Spell Warp on the bottom of his or her library in a random order.
>Scramble the Aether
>For each spell, choose a player at random. Then each player gains control of each spell for which he or she was chosen. That player may choose new targets for those spells.
I’d play the shit out of that
Experiment Awry costs 1 hybrid mana, by the way. It's technically a mono-Red spell.
I thought about adding Overload to Sparkmage's Trick, but I figured it would be overpowered. Don't know if Stun Pulse needed an Overload, I just figured I would add it to troll Storm.
Spell Warp should say:
Then each player puts all cards he or she owns exiled with spell warp on the bottom of his or her respective library in a random order.
Cost may be too cheap.
Can't tell if sarcasm.
White is law & order, community and cooperation. We almost always see white as the good guy peaceful kingdom, but white is also the color of tyranny, oppression, xenophobia and pejudice.
>Red magic should be about more than FIRE ANGAR RAAR, but that seems to be all that it is limited to. What should be the least boring color is far and away the boringest.
>Agree or disagree?
Strongly agree of course.
small and repetitive Art theme.
small and repetitive mechanical slice of color pie( all damage spells are versatile but read the same).
it's the color that is most restricted to one deck archetype, and said archetype often result in less complex boardstates, mindless and simple gameplay.
red suffers too much, yet i feel like it's in a far better place now that 10 years ago back when i was playing.
WotC is now more mindful about consistently printing all the small corners of R color pie, and Planewalkers and creature power creep expanded the versatile of direct damage.
WotC also got better at designing aggressive abilities for creatures so that you can finally find red creatures with something more than first strike haste and trample.
Give your opponent free spells? Red's not just the santa clause colour you know...
You missed "NWO" fault's and "fucking MaRo" literally you choose the stupidest thing to complain about, heck this could have been a proxy thread