>the skeletons, lacking the ability to use magic, instead develop advanced technology
The skeletons, lacking the ability to use magic, instead develop advanced technology
They go forth with one great motto: To boldly rattle where no skeleton has rattled before, to seek out death and skeletonisation.
But as they explore the cosmo in search of death, they instead find living planet after living planet, and move on in search of alien death.
I would unironically play/watch a setting where the evil lich commands a modernized skeletal army going GATE on the other magical kingdoms
>elves and humans are flinging spells at each other
>skeletons are using assault rifles and trying to get to the moon.
Nuclear age skeletons in a fantasy world would be the best.
Hey, who turned out the lights?
>A great debate rages in the skeleton kingdom
>Should they use their most powerful weapon, the atomic bomb, to wipe out all fleshy life?
>One side believes that flesh is a weakness, and should be wiped out
>The pragmatic side claims that skeletonkind would cease to exist without fleshlings to make more skeletons
great skeleton nation
>2000 skeletons in a valley
>normal 80’s town
>skeleton 80’s TV
>skeleton 80’s music
>one sided Cold War with the fleshlings
>plans for skeleton moon base
>spy satellites
New campaign idea being stolen over here. Look away.
Why would a skeleton need a space suit?
What is this from?
Diagnostics readouts. It doesn't supply any oxygen or anything, just information about his surroundings, etc...
>>The pragmatic side claims that skeletonkind would cease to exist without fleshlings to make more skeletons
The more radical of the anti-flesh side believe they can just cast more skeletons from steel...
>Why would a skeleton need a space suit?
>Diagnostics readouts.
More aptly, protection from micro-meteors and cosmic radiation.
Just 'cus your bone doesn't mean gamma rays won't fuck with you.
>Just 'cus your bone doesn't mean gamma rays won't fuck with you.
Well, yes, it does
If your marrow isn't producing blood cells anyway, what does it matter if its internal mechanisms are smashed into bits?
Do you think bones lose their hardness/integrity due to exposure? How would thatmatter to a sceleton anyway, seeing as they aren't held together by anything anyway?..
Why would skeletons be nomagic if magic is likely the only thing making them animate? Is all of their magical potential being used to keep them "alive"?
Technoskeletons animated via nanomachines, obviously.
it depends on what the magic is powered by in the universe.
If all magic was powered by life or some shit, then anti-life beings like skellingtons would be unable to use magic without destroying themselves.
This is likely what would lead to it. You have to have some living material to cast magic. Vampires cast magic by stealing blood.
Skeletons typically don’t have living things on them, so once they are animated they are stuck like that.
There are some skeletons that cover themselves in moss and whatnot. They can cast magic like vampires but aren’t as civilized as the others.
>There are some skeletons that cover themselves in moss and whatnot. They can cast magic like vampires but aren’t as civilized as the others.
any magic that could be cast by fucking moss is inherently shitty, such individuals should be mocked to deter others from following in their misguided footsteps.
>any magic that could be cast by fucking moss
[race name] lacks th ability to use magic, so they develop advanced technology instead
Unironically love this trope.
>all magic is sex based
>skeletons lack "the bone" to cast magic
ironic isn't it?
>they then discover the magic was inside them all along
>read thread about skellingtons
>0 puns
I've got a bone to pick with you Veeky Forums.
>instead they develop sickass magitek by using other races wizards as fuel.
fixed that for you
>all magic is sex based
>druids exist in the setting
do i even wanna know
shit forgot pic
I'm such a bonehead
>if magic is likely the only thing making them animate?
Wait, why do they need magic to be animated? Can't they be just, like, normal living skeletons?
The skeletons- unable to cast magic to increase their ranks- trade technology for new members with the vampires.
Thus an alliance was born elevating one of the clans to WWII era tech.
why would a vampire care about WWII tech when he can decapitate a ratogre just fine with his sword?
So they could be nazi vampires, obviously.
this is why we must purge the flesh-creatures, they are impure and degenerate! Especially the pointy eared ones, they barely even provide us with any skeletons what with their dreadfully long "lives".
tanks/access to skeleton-TV
watches and stuff do happen to be nice
too spooky even for vampires
what if skeletons developed organic exosuit to walk around in hostile environments?
>they barely even provide us with any skeletons
no, brother, you're doing it all wrong. They can provide us skeletons just fine, you just tell one of them where the orcs are, then wait for a week or so, the visit that place and harvest skeletons.
They're even pre-cleaned for you! I don't know what these elves do, but there's no trace of that "flesh" stuff on anything after they pass! Easy AND efficient!
what if you are in fact a skeleton wearing an organic skeleton right now and you just forgot
>skeleton wearing organic skeleton
hold your horses, that's just too spooky.
That's what he was saying user
This is my kind of thread.
>skeletons, are animate without any connective or muscular tissue, etc
>"lacking the ability to use magic"
I can't put my finger on it.
What's wrong? They're just ordinary nonmagical living skeletons.
>nonmagical living skeletons.
Uh, okay. I guess that clears up everything...
"Magic" is not a blanket-term for all kinds of supernatural phenomena. And even if the said skeletons are POWERED by magic, that doesn't mean they can USE magic.
Skeletons can't move on their own, it must be M A G I C!
That's really calcist.
Are these made by you, user?
they're pretty good.
Yep, just having a little fun.
>random skeleton thread that I posted
>new memes coming out of the woodwork
Thanks, Veeky Forums
>new memes coming out of the woodwork
something something skeleton in the closet
>firearms never hurt any skeletons and as such any fear mongering is nonsense spouted by human sympathizers
You need bigger firearms.
Would skeletons look to use weapons that take advantage of their natural resiliency more? Or would they seek ever large and more powerful weapons, some that might even damage the most majestic and powerful skeletons themselves?
Or perhaps they might even look for weapons that deflesh their unwakened brothers immediately?
>Or perhaps they might even look for weapons that deflesh their unwakened brothers immediately?
Calcium magnets
>you will never be a cool skeleton that goes to his work every morning riding his trusty old breaking wheel
Bone cancer bro
What about a Calcium Magnate?
In Bloodborne, skeletons (well... a skeleton, there's only one in the main game) are animated via the Old Blood contained in their bone marrow, and the Old Blood is most likely composed of nanobots.
There's only one skeleton in Bloodborne?
Yes, only one in the main game. Darkbeast Paarl. You can meat unlimited Darkbeasts in the Chalices though, but they're not a part of the story.
This thread needs more calcium and fluoride.
what happened to skeleton heaven?
What about the bOne Reborn?
That's what happens when you kill all the demons and put out all the firea
>skeletons piloting mechs build of mainly flesh
im stealing everything in this thread for a setting, and theres nothing you can do to stop me.
i think having the skelly wearing tacticool suits and helmets to hide their looks would be a neat reveal and reason to hide their horrid faces due to most people not liking them for various reasons, like morally darker grey sciences.
>races magically develop whatever is necessary for them to be competitive
magic is cheating, science is the path of no cutting corners. while the mages spend decades to make a magic nuke, we already nuked them fifty times over.
Let's be honest, we're too busy being skeles and dootin to care about what the fleshies are doing.
>be on the moon, doing your science and dooting about thang
>look outside of window
>fleshies be up to shit, looks like they blew up a small city
>its a very small explosion in a non skelly colony, no big deal
>hey manny
>yeah paul
>why dontca go down there for the new recruits
>a'ight boss
an thus, begins the adventures of Manfred the Conqueror
>science does not cut corners
Your education has failed you
in comparison to science, magic is very much more like cheating. months making a test tube baby, with magic can be done in hours or even shorter with enough gold and materials. why even go into science when majiks have all the answers in less time?
but i wasnt really basing it off personal beliefs. magic hating science skelly seems fun as part of the concept.
so just like real workd humans. Which is just skeletons wearing flesh
energy beings piloting brains piloting skeletons piloting flesh mechs
>no magic takes months
Do you read stories that aren't shit?
magic and science can have different strengths and weaknesses dude, its not all just one is strictly better forever. a magic nuke would take alot of time to accumulate power or a level 20 something wizard who focused their entire life studying to blow shit up big and be exhausted for a day, but a nuke is easier to make en masse if you know how. but wizards can do other things better and faster, but might not have the precision of gene splicing. it could help set a science vs magic mentality of one side trying to outdo the other, like the cold war.
im sorry your brain cant comprehend being different outside of your recycled trope filled trashheap and come up with some semi- original ideas like the other anons did.
Doesn't space radiation cause bone loss? And with skeletons being DEAD they wouldn't regenerate it and become permanently weaker.
I think you may be confusing it with the effect that being in microgravity causes loss of muscle mass.
I'm not sure if radiation can induce things like Osteoporosis in skeletons, since by definition those diseases only happen in living organisms.
Of course, stay in space long enough and you may photodisintegrate, but that will take a LONG time.
Yeah I just checked and the bones loss is apparently due to radiation damaging bone formation which naturally would be lacking in skeletons. But the question remains how do skellies maintain their bones or does the magic just kill all microbes?
the only thing the human race ever had most of above all other races.
sheer willpower, that includes not giving up on life. or mitochondria. yeah lets go with that.
That space suit looks badass. Do you know where it is from?
I ran a game like this last spring.
Can you link the post that claims that magic and science cannot have different strengths and weaknesses?
Midichlorians protect them
Modern Warfare Skeley Edition.
> Skellies develop ever more advanced weaponry
> Fleshies discover ever more advanced resurrection magic
> Literal tug of war
Science is all about cheating, all the time.
If it happens, and it's consistent, and it's effects can be felt in any way whatsoever, science is on it like a pack of ravid coyotes, using it to build more science, better science, science that enhance our ability to feel the effect of things, and to predict them.
Being a munchkin is science, because science is being a munchkin on the truths of the universe. And if magic is consistent, then the study of magic is science too.
Also, can the skelletons be powered by anti-magic? Not a magical nullifying field, not dark magic, anti-magic. Which is like magic, except it is indiferent to magic and animates skelletons for some reason.
interesting. but consider this:
purifying clerics charging high prices for true eternal rest. no life magic, no skelly boning, no tug of war. dust to dust ashes to ashes.
To expand a bit in anti-magic
>what is anti-magic?
It's like magic, but it animates skeletons.
>but, why magic?
Because skeletons don't move on their own, so it must be magic right?
>but why anti?
Because no know spell has ever interacted, detected, or affected this anti-magic thing, ever. And dark magic already meant something.
>but, what does this anti-magic even do?
Skeletons are moving on their own. It is pressumed that this is because of anti-magic, and no other explanation has been proven.
science messes with rules that already exists, but magic bypasses those laws while science just exploits. of course, imo and not the final ideal.
i like the idea of nega magic, no potential for weird magic bullshit but can do other science. literally just the opposet of regular magic; less sporastic and more readily understandable. like a law/chaos thing.
I've always preferred the idea that magic is not a thing, but several. You think you have figured out magic, its laws and sources, but then you discover a new phenomenon and there go your beautiful theories.
A magical theory of everything is boring, exploitable, and since people always complete it before or during implementation it makes magic predictable and yet difficult to work within a setting without breaking it.