Gonna see if I can fit some Adeptus Sororitas in the remaining points because I'd like to field some of them as well if possible.
Managed to get a friend back into 40k, and other friend now interested in picking up a starter pack and playing a match just at that level to see if they like it.
Ryder Baker
>metal detectors and dogs to find booby traps
The IG would just send men into the traps.
Isaac Reed
I got a bunch of Cultists from myself
Julian Scott
How much anti geq should I get for eldar for a 1.5k game.
Also can swooping hawks leave the board after fire and fade?
Justin Torres
>38000 years later, men willingly fall for traps.
Hudson Roberts
Is it really willing if a commisar is waving a bolt pistol at them?
Aiden Mitchell
It depends on the regiment
Levi Cook
Depends on your meta but err on higher volume of fire. It's great this edition.
Also I don't think so. IIRC the swooping hawk ability is used at the ens of the movement PHASE, fire and fade just lets you make an out of order move after shooting.
Christian Morgan
but does that make them gay?
Jeremiah Perez
Added some gubbins to my brain bug
Anthony Moore
>2017 men want to fuck traps
Alexander Robinson
Asking again due to no reply last thread for some advice on this list, or where better to go. Still thinking going with a unit of Raveners (love the model) a Neurothrope, a unit of 3xVenomthropes at least, rest is whatever. Though thinking heavily to go with a Barbed Hierodule, it has really grown on me in the past few hours.
With Christmas past now and having gotten $190 USD in spending cash and a Tyranid Start Collecting box (the Genestealer one) I am pondering on where to go next. I don't want to over commit (funny to say with Genestealers being as good as they are) to Genestealers, already have a Biovore (need to pick up two more), a Red Terror, and a box of 12 Hormagaunts. I am kind of thinking of a list along the lines of:
Thinking this is what I want to build towards, hits 2k points even and has a bit of everything nids have to offer. Plus most of them (except for Genestealers, though they are growing on me) are models I am fond of. Undecided on Barbed Heirodule or Scythed Heirodule, but, Barbed seems better due to the lack of fuck you and your tanks fire power the list has outside of it.
Jace Gonzalez
Should be ready for a coat of paint soon
Jack Russell
Yeah but you treat it as a movement phase according to FAQ. Like you can even embark.
James Watson
user, the Penis just makes it better.
Jaxon Wright
Jacob Young
>Mines ahead! >Send in the conscripts >S-sir since the fall... we >Either find some conscripts or I'll send you >How about we remove the mines >What do you think conscripts are for! >I have an idea sir
Asher Cox
TB knows, but he's not telling us!
Charles Allen
not really a fan of the side plates, but the rest looks baller. i'd look into replacing those meself.
Benjamin Wright
But it is NOT a movement phase, you just follow the rules for regular movement with the move. Embarking is done as a part of a regular move, not as an "end of movement phase" ability.
Lincoln Rodriguez
Well why not? Custom nids are cool, no?
Blake Myers
>we will never get anything supported by GW in relation to the Lamenters
Benjamin Kelly
>on the left 6ft >on the right 5'11
Bentley Gomez
Honestly, I love it. Post more if you have it
Nathan Lewis
Lucas Peterson
Gavrill > Fran
Jacob Gutierrez
Its so you can roleplay their suffering. Its genius.
Carter Howard
Hmm, so grenades don't work?
Hunter Edwards
doesn't look very 'nid like
Isaac Evans
as of the BA codex they are not dead and got primaris reinforcements.
Parker Ortiz
Don't tell me things about my waifu like i don't already know.
Lucas Kelly
this is what happens when you don't thin your paints
Jeremiah Ward
The feel when you finally have time to paint
Jack Garcia
lamenters suck anyway
Logan Ramirez
BA are vamps?
Oh fuck they need a bat unit.
Charles Thomas
You seriously think that's bad? At least people remember their name, sad times being a Destroyers fan.
Jaxson Hughes
Footslogging, Infantry-heavy Guard, how is it? Good, bad, WAAC? Also how are Rough Riders and can they finally take Lasguns again or is that option gone forever? Are Hellhounds good for anything anymore? I'm just getting into 8th, haven't played 40k in a few years.
Evan Gomez
Look at it this way, now no one can ruin your fluff.
Hunter Evans
>Rough Riders are they even in the codex? I dont think so
Thomas James
Lamenters want to make the universe just a little bit better, starting with one person at a time.
Jeremiah Ross
Yes, as it states "as they fly over a unit in the MOVEMENT phase" and though this move follows all rules for the movement phase it is still during your shooting phase. If it wasn't you would instantly destroy all of your fliers whenever you used Fire and Fade as they would end a movement phase without having moved.
Blake Sanders
it must be depressing when one of your successor chapters have more fluff and development than you
Jayden Johnson
Well, ogryns, scions, and guardmen screens are good, mortars are mathematically better than Wyverns, and Heavy Weapon teams can take orders easier than a tank so it COULD work.
Christian Bennett
This is an overlooked boon.
I modeled my Blood Angels after the 5th Company, which had zero fluff for years, then Angel's Blade came out and turned them all into Death Company in one paragraph.
Joseph Price
It's waac. I'm serious.
Dylan Martinez
Considering the fact that Giard can fill out a brigade in less than 500 points, it's fair to say foot guard are a little waac yes.
Jeremiah Roberts
Wasn't it Faq'd that Fire and Fade on your flier destroys it because it only moves 7 inches and it has to move its minimum or else is destroyed?
Christian Collins
before and after I redid the greenstuffing on my chapter masters tabbard, think it looks better? Also post you converted/kitbashed characters
Justin Powell
So fire fade flyer doesn't have to move?
Elijah Campbell
You don't know the half of it
Gabriel Foster
Yes, but that's if you use it ON the flier due to the way the flier rule is written. It also woukd affect ALL fliers if it just carte blanche granted you another mocement phase in general, again becausw of how the flier rule is wordes.
Zachary Richardson
>Throws a bunch of conscripts into a minefield >None of them explode >Tanks Drive over minefield >The very expensive Leman Russes all explode because they were MAGNETIC mines, mines with a higher pressure threshold, or just remote-activated by hiding enemies.
Quit your stupid meming and go cut some wires.
Liam Campbell
2 WARHAMMER 40,000 – CODEX: CRAFTWORLDS Q: Can a Swooping Hawk unit use Fire and Fade to move over an enemy unit and use the Swooping Hawk Grenade Pack ability? If I use Fire and Fade on a Crimson Hunter, will it crash due to not being able to move its minimum distance? If a unit that can Fly uses Fire and Fade in a Fire and Fury Battlezone, does it have to roll for the Burning Skies special rule? A: Yes in all cases.
Lincoln Brooks
So I've been wondering. Where did the "year of the Xenos" thing come from? Has that actually been stated officially anywhere is is it like, Facebook posts or wishful thinking? Because as much as I'd like otherwise, I have a hard time believing GW is gonna let up on treating Xenos as NPCs and sidelining anything not in power armor.
Nathaniel Wright
Forgive the typos, I'm a filthy fucking phoneposter and more than a little sloshed on leftover nog.
Nolan Carter
Index unit that can still be used.
Dominic Watson
My big guy
Camden Russell
>footguard are WAAC and Rough Riders have been squatted >mfw I don't wanna be That Guy, but I've always liked the idea of watching my guard get mowed down in droves and keking because it doesn't matter, there's more anyways
Leo Brown
Daniel Flores
Coming from 5th to 8th ed. How are my Dark Eldar doing this edition?
Juan Turner
You all get codexes but you lose every battle in your respective books for the next decade.
Jordan Kelly
Didn't know they updated the FAQ, nevermind then in regards to the nades. It still shouldn't allow you to jump back into the air though, unless they specified it does in another FAQ.
Noah Russell
You can still use rough riders. Foot guard is not waac it's just time consuming and therefore tiring to play against.
Hunter Moore
Guard are the new Taudar. Get used to it.
Joshua Peterson
Theyre called drew carey now
Thomas Davis
>Have over 4000 points of Space Marines >Still haven't played an actual game yet
Brandon Sanders
Oh man I hope they do.
Wyatt Wright
Depends user, did you like having HQ choices and flavorful rules in an effective army that requires skill to play but can win games if you know what you're doing?
Levi Edwards
Jeremiah Martinez
Just set up a game time.
Hunter Johnson
Jesus do you have no friends? I have 8 friends who all play, 6 of which who live near me.
Leo Davis
Twas good user, I worked the overnight sjift to get Today off and get paid that sweet OT on top of my holiday bonus and still have 4 jars of nog left over (not including this one) after today's festivities. How was yours?
Logan Torres
>tfw get a full week of double time because holiday pay
Blake Taylor
>what are scout sentinels
Dominic Anderson
>Leman Russes >expensive
Jace Gray
I am in a similar spot with my CSM. Started the hobby again in October after being off it for 10 years. Feels good to have all the stuff I ever wanted and just slowly build, assemble and paint it.
Thomas Gonzalez
>Jesus do you have no friends Correct
Liam Powell
>tfw assembling dkok specifically to be footslogging
should i be worried? So far I have a battalion with 1000ish points, 3 squads of infantry and a command squad with 3 hqs, a malc infernus and a mars-alpha vanq leman russ
Levi Sanders
You're already a massive faglord, why even care?
Oliver Reyes
How many people did he kill for an empty bottle to hug?
Kevin Sanchez
You don't even need to have friends, just go to your local game store and find people that play. Unless they (or you) are total assfagots I'm sure someone will agree to a game.
Dylan Allen
pretty sure they were meant to be played foot sloggy with their rules
Chase Bailey
I don't have be any friends either and I'm gross and a tranny but I started going to the store and got plenty of games. If there's a store with in an hour or so of you, you should go for it. It's a lot nicer than you would think.
Luis Williams
So long as you aren't being an ass and going out of your way to be WAAC you're fine. Now if your list turns out to be blatantly too strong for some reason just tweak it.
Sebastian Gutierrez
are you that poster with the fw=nazi autism?
not enough
that's what I figured, with their orders swapped out and stuff
I think the general consensus is being non-caac but at the same time having fun and building a reasonably fluffy list, no?
Hudson Cooper
Are storm eagles any good. I have ultramarines and I don't feel they should lower themselves by walking in the dirt like other, inferior chapters.
Bentley Lewis
>building a storm eagle
Why do you hate yourself?
Levi Bennett
They're very good. Take Catachans or Mordians with a command squad bearing a standard and you get Ld. 9 troops. Take certain characters and that can be boosted to Ld. 10 or 11 which is as close to fearless as you can get. Just remember to mob up, keep the important weapons closest to the Ld. buffers, and spam those orders like no tomorrow.
Rough Riders aren't in the codex but you can take them from the index if you like and its legal according to the community site. But better to take Krieger Riders so you can have MOAR ORDERS!
Just make sure everything's painted. A painted footguard army looks cool. An unpainted footguard army looks nauseating. No. Disgraceful! Only those truly dedicated to guard and willing to paint every day should be allowed to footguard without being glared at by the entire store.
Hellhounds are cool, and Bane Wolfs now have assault melta cannons which are neat but not particularly powerful. The chemical variant you take to kill mechs and monsters but really the hellhound with track guards is better.
Adam Green
>Supporting holocaust deniers and buying the literal Nazis army Scum of this earth
Andrew Scott
What's a good thematic Mymeara list? The Mrs. got a Guardian squad for Christmas and wants to paint them in a Mymeara scheme.
Also, why can't Guardians use a Bright Lance or a Missile Launcher etc. on their weapon platform, only a Shuirken Catapult?
Ayden Barnes
Would you guys like to have a talk with the Company Techpriest about the proper use of HIS machines?
Aiden Jenkins
Yes, You should be worried Hitler.
Daniel Reed
Tyranid shooting is good enough and Genestealers are effective enough at CC that it's not a great idea to go so thoroughly melee in everything in your list.
The Barbed Heirodule is pretty much carrying your only decent anti-tank/anti-monster.
Trygons are no good at taking them out, they're another anti-infantry unit which like 80% of your list is already dedicated to. Trading out the Trygon Prime and the Red Terror for a couple of Dakkafexes (cysts, senses, spitters, HVC) will give you some more ranged punch.
It's hard to look at the list and identify what you can and can't do without, I imagine the Red Terror was included because you like the model, possibly the same for the Trygon Prime, but those are the only things I see that can be eliminated without breaking your force org or the balance of unit roles.
Brody Rodriguez
>I think the general consensus is being non-caac but at the same time having fun and building a reasonably fluffy list, no?
Pretty much. Just make a list you think works and that you like.