I need pictures of biological/physical differences in fantasy races, line-ups of fantasy races standing next to each other, fantasy race concepts, etc.
Fantasy Race Biology/Concept Art Thread
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I will never not find it weird that gnomes are larger than halflings. I have always depicted them smaller than halflings. Halflings are half a man tall, hence the name.
I always did prefer this height chart.
>Two ribcages
Do centaurs have two hearts/stomachs/sets of lungs/etc.? Is their horse ribcage where they keep their intestines? When they digest food, does it filter past their heart horse ribcage organs?
Reminds me of some reading I did about neanderthal/human competition.
Neanderthals had more robust physiques but this meant their energy requirements were more than a human's, about 600-700 calories IIRC.
That giant fucking orc would have really struggled during times of famine.
These fellas are from Skyrealms of Jorune.
>That giant fucking orc would have really struggled during times of famine.
He'd have to raid or something
This thread, I like this thread!
does it count?
I wonder what it's like to get fucked by a Centaur.
Dont forget how humans are extreme omnivores. Able to forage, hunt, fish, scavenge carcasses, eat bugs, whale and find food in pretty much every environment from the arctic permafrost to tiny island chains to mountain ranges to deserts. Adaptivity kills specialization.
I would think to have a heart big enough and strong enough to supply the entire body you'd either need two or a really big one in the horsebody.
That makes for interesting tactics because a killshot to the torso is not garunteed unless you destroy the head.
If you get shot through the heart its not the lack of pumping that kills you but bleeding out within seconds.
Any have some where the sexual dimorphism is greater than just 'female is smaller and slender'
Those orc weapons looks like west african swords and pikes
A full blood orc would barely be able to move his arms, they'd just be meaty tubes
Anyone have the countless shity "monsters and their ruber foreheadfemales" chart and the parodies of them?
It would be extremely painful.
For you
Lizard tits
>Look, it's the "human in a lizard suit" race!
In my setting spotted gnoll males are smaller and slender.
I saw a documentary on it that claimed that they needed on the order of 5000 calories per day (vs 2000 for humans) just to power their superior strength, durability, and healing factor. Even their brains were larger (though not necessarily smarter; there's little evidence of ritualism or the other activities that come with abstract thought). That forced them into a meat diet, which yeah limits their flexibility and ability to survive famine.
Orks are gorillas that can't breathe worth a shit?
Yeah, that seems about right - in our physical anthropology classes, they told us pretty much the same. They seemed to have been dependent almost exclusively on red meat diet too: not only that they could not survive long on vegetable or nut diets as humans frequently did, but to them, it seems like hunting anything smaller than a fucking deer was pointless too, as hunting poultry or rabbits would likely cost more energy than than it would gain.
Another issue seemed to be with the size of their groups, as they (again, for reasons most likely associated with their hunting territory demands) seemed to keep their groups considerably smaller than homo sapiens: and there is a good point to be made about the importance of cooperation and social organization being the greatest force behind human technological development and general adaptability.
Also, fun fact: their urinary system must have been something to behold. If our assumptions are right, the sheer amount of toxic waste from processing the volumes of meat they had to eat would kill a human almost immediately.
That 90 degree bent spine. Srsly, how do centaurs even work? You've got this huge 100+ pound weight, and the only anchor it has to keep it from flopping around like a limp dick is a delicate spinal column that's already twisted to near breaking.
That spine needs to be far more robust, to support some serious musculature to hold the human torso upright all the time. Also, there would be some kind of major adaptation where the spine bends that 90 degrees, otherwise the entire species is going to suffer from chronic pinched nerves, back pain, slipped discs, etc.
What about teeth? If they aren't eating meat then there's no point in having incisors and other dentition that's meant for taking care of dead animal product. Their moths would be full of molars. They'd have to be in order to process the enormous amount of plant material their diet would demand.
Cavemen were actually incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable, they had huge "libraries" of knowledge memorized. Just imagine, everything from how to hunt, where to hunt,how to make tools, the lay of the land, poisonous plants, dangerous animals,calendar, weather patterns, familial and tribal relations and drama, your history, myths, deeds of your ancestors, literally EVERYTHING must be passed down and memorized orally because every single shred of that knowledge may heavily impact your life and you dont have google, books or manuals to help you out. You NEED to know your shit or you will die or at the very least will never get a mate.
The amount of survival knowledge to lead a stone age life alone is staggering even without everything oral culture entails.
It's almost like they are fantastic beings.
If you really want to you can prolly explain it with special muscles and bones that work on a whole different level from those of other animals.
Either way, centuars would have to be unnatural, artificially made things, simply by virtue of them being a chimera of human and a horse (deer, zebra, lion what ever you want) thus any discussion about their evolution is silly.
If you reallyy want them to be naturally evolved beings, they would have to be changed in a major way, all the way down to that fish from which all animals with a skeleton come from, that only had 4 limbs, and make it have 6 instead.
And from there god only knows what happens to the whole world.
I heard that there is something weird about the neanderthal muscles so they can punch real hard but they cant overhand swing for shit. so they cant throw spears or swim.
Is it true? No idea.
The Neanderthals lived in an artic and tundra ecosystem, so a diet based in red meat not only is viable, but relatively easy to get. The problem is that their individual inversion (how much energy and effort requires to get to adulthood) was so high in comparison, that when the Homo Sapiens entered the game, they lose terrain, and could no longer maintain their population, slowly diminishing over thousands of years.
But Homo sapiens also ate a red meat diet, becoming dedicated hunters of a few kind of animals. It only changed with the end of the last Glaciation, when the warm forests (like the ones in central europe) expanded, the land got reduced by higher sea levels, and the animals the human were eating got extint, that humans were forced to a more variate and seasonal diet.
I must say that this is in the Eurasian scene, wich is the one I´ve study.
>It's almost like they are fantastic beings.
They totally are, and I accept that. If I'm in a setting or running a setting where centaurs exist it's just accepted that they do and that's that. Suspension of disbelief and all.
But the thread is specifically biology of fantasy races. Which begs questions and makes you think about "well how does this shit actually work?". So I'm going down that road.
I adore fantastical races in my fantasy. When it's fantasy, you don't think about "how does it work" you just accept it's there and go with the flow because it's a fun romp in a make-believe world.
I HATE fantastical races in sci-fi because sci-fi (good sci-fi anyway) invites you to think about what's going on and how things work. And when you think about fantastical races and try to figure them out; they fall apart and it destroys my immersion and my ability to enjoy the story.
Not a term you really should use. Cave dwelling does not define any human species, not even neanderthal.
It's not questioned that they weren't intelligent enough to use tools and be efficient hunter gatherers, but evidence points strongly to that they didn't have high enough intelligence to form culture per se, at least any akin to early modern human societies.
It is not true. That is a trait of quadrupedal apes, they can´t throw hard nor accurate -chimpanzees throwing shit have an awful accuracy, luckily for us-. Bipedal apes had our shoulder anatomy adapted early in our evolution, so Neanderthals could throw as good as we can. The swimming is harder to say, considering their heavier bones, and the fact that they lived in fucking arctic europe, so swimming would be a no-go.
>any games where orcs are stronger and bigger than humans
Hate this meme desu, orcs are scrawny weird fuckers
>human with animal head
>human with bigger ears
>human with more hair
>human with just one eye
>homo face-on-chestus
>human who broke his legs
>just an Orang Utan
>human with tail
That is all? Man, step up your fantasy race game, humans of the nth century!
Its just a colloquialism for neolithic times, dont ruffle your notes over that one.
>It's not questioned that they weren't intelligent enough to use tools and be efficient hunter gatherers, but evidence points strongly to that they didn't have high enough intelligence to form culture per se, at least any akin to early modern human societies.
This one is debatable. Latest research posits that neanderthals are other early hominids were actually more intelligent but H. Sapiens had the edge in "social intelligence" which led to tighter knit tribes with more social connections which led to the development of (more advanced) culture but also more tribal breakups and conflicts fueling migration. Human evolution is almost as cultural as biological.
The neanderthals were the cave autists outbred by the Chadsapients(no Homo) and Homo Stacies.
To be honest, every single vertebrate on earth is just a photoshop morph of a fish.
The bigears in that picture would make a neat desert race. Giant ears to radiate body heat like a fennec fox, and the ears could double as a windbreak or a body wrap for frigid desert nights.
>were actually more intelligent but H. Sapiens had the edge in "social intelligence"
Here is where the definition of "intelligence" actually starts to fall apart. But you are right that Neaderthals were exceptionally good at crafting and tool use in many regards.
>Human evolution is almost as cultural as biological.
And here were are at what is currently the BIGGEST fucking issue of modern anthropology: the idea that biology and culture are two separate identities. Now don't get me wrong: It's not that I don't agree with what you are trying to say. It's just that "it's more cultural than biological" is like saying "it's more chemical than biological": it's the same bloody thing, just two different levels of resolution. Culture is a faucet of biology - more specifically it's etology of cooperative behavior strategies. The edge that humans had again seem to be related to size of social groups there, which allowed (or forced) for more complex forms of cooperation and information-sharing strategy.
>Is it true? No idea.
As far as I can remember, no. I don't remember Neaderthal did not have significantly different shoulder ligament and muscle structure.
I thought the Neanderthals were disadvantaged outside of forests because they specialized in getting close, which was bad when things became open and you couldn't sneak up on animals?
I read somewhere that Neanderthal's shoulder bones were somewhat squarish in cross section, thus making an overhand throwing motion much harder for them.
Gorillas have huge canines, and they're herbivores. Ruminants, like cows and horses, eat only grasses in the wild, so it makes sense that they don't have cutting teeth. Primates do, because our hands let us eat something other than leaves and grass. Primate teeth evolved for biting into things, from carrots to flesh. Since the centaur has hands, it's entirely plausible they'd have human-like teeth.
Now you've done ears lets see penises
Well, you can assume that a Centaur has a pretty big penis.
Neanderthals were tundra hunters. It was the most extended ecosystem in Europe at the time (and remember, Neanderthals are the genuine europeans. It´s where they evolved), and where the biggest game was (we´re talking Mammoths, fur rhino -I don´t know how is said in english-, giant bull, etc). The size of the prey and it´s herd mentality, more prone to gather and try to repell the enemy than to run from it, made it easier to close hunting.
I thought they just trapped them.
Neanderthals were huge motherfuckers and usually just wrestled shit to the ground and beat it to death with rocks. All the sophisticated methods of hunting came from cro-magnons.
But it IS separate! Genetics and memetics(in the original dawkinsian sense) are not the same Having better social memes, stronger identities, more cohesive ingroups, etc. generally more social shit kickstarted culture and completely made the bigger, stronger, faster guys extinct. Everything in culture from language to drawing to rituals just enabled the transmission of better memes.
Half elves are perfect.
They had very sophisticated crafting, and very efficient weapons. They were extremely advanced, in their way.
I have read that the average neanderthalian male would range around 80kgs of lean mass and require 5000 kcal/day.
Impressive stats
In some cases, yes. There is evidence that they lured mammoths to cliffs, or waited for them in points where they had terrain advantage. But they also went after groups, probably choosing a specific member and taking it down before the herd could repell them.
yeah but they were about 6 times stronger than humans of the time. it's funny that a neanderthal would be tiny compared to me lol.
They're not the same, no.
>And here were are at what is currently the BIGGEST fucking issue of modern anthropology: the idea that biology and culture are two separate identities.
I think it's because we aren't yet capable of connecting cultural anthropology/sociology with biology effectively. Much like chemistry was considered a separate science from physics before the discovery of atoms and their structure. Although I agree that we should try to see the connections and the origins of culture in ethology.
Where's the stomach ? The heart ? The lungs ?
>They seemed to have been dependent almost exclusively on red meat diet
Wait, does that mean they didn't cook it ? Sorry if I misinterpreted your post English isn't my mother tongue
say what now?
good posts
Pigs, cows, arguably deer and the like.
Pork isn't red meat
83 replies, and NOT ONE is a shitty series of dicks next to each other thrown together in MS Paint? So disappointed, you used to be better
Yeah, it is.
It is, in the sense of a highly energetic meat with fat, against white meat like lamb, chicken, etc, wich is much poorer in energy and fat. That is why, on a diet, you eat turkey or chicken, and not pig.
>If they aren't eating meat
Who sad they aren't ?
>That 90 degree bent spine
Maybe it's the original form ? Is it possible to have 2 spines, and have the higher torso hold up thanks to muscles just like it stays straight in humans ?
>Cavemen were actually incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable, they had huge "libraries" of knowledge memorized. Just imagine, everything from how to hunt, where to hunt,how to make tools, the lay of the land, poisonous plants, dangerous animals,calendar, weather patterns, familial and tribal relations and drama
Can't a good part of that be attributed to instinct ? Predators know that too, and it's instinctive knowledge.
Be the change you want to see.
>Can't a good part of that be attributed to instinct ? Predators know that too, and it's instinctive knowledge.
Are you a fucking idiot or what? If you walked out innawoods you'd instinctively know how to trap a deer?
With practice and determination, anything is possible!! I have the webm to prove it
I meant like wolves, apes and the like
That's true the front legs should have hips not shoulder blades
Red/white definitions are about myoglobin levels, not calorie levels.
In this subject, we can accept pig as a red meat animal, due to his calories level.
Their offspring learn from them.