>Magic is linked directly to music, and the only way to cast it is through singing/whistling/playing an instrument; as a result pretty much anyone who can so much as whistle a tune can cast minor spells, but only talented singers/instrumentalists can be outright mages
ITT: Veeky Forums makes a setting
Other urls found in this thread:
>Magic is linked directly to music
R.I.P. setting.
>Different instruments types are better at casting specific spells or spell types
>A brass instrument would be more cohesive for casting large or bombastic spells such as combat spells, a string instrument would be more conductive to healing spells and so forth
>Different kingdoms each have their own distinct musical styles that are in turn reflected in their army's composition of bard knights, and culture at large
Even kings tremble in fear of the terror of the wastes, an invincible archmage: the one man band.
>Beware the Bards, you say? Pah, in the lands of the south, the Griot is one to be feared - for not only are they adept with the musical magic, they can also somehow enhance it via storytelling. Beware of epics sung by a Griot; for they will make you re-enact a historical event, for good or for worse. There is a reason even southern kings will make way for a renowned Griot - if they aren't Griots themselves.
>But up north, you best not bother a Skald. For they augment their musical magic with scathing insults that will sometimes literally tear your very being apart. It was said that two Skalds fighting would manifest itself as a blizzard, and the aftermath would be best described as 'messy'.
>Long-lived avian magelords are one of the more ancient and prolific races
>the beauty and talents of their nobility are the thing of legend
kekus maximus
Every location in the world seems to have a natural song, seemingly created by the magic which naturally flows through the lands.
In battle you can't simply use any spell at any time. Rather you must play your instrument alongside other spellcasters to effectively channel magic. In a futuristic version of this setting there could be high stake DJ duels.
>While smaller feats and spells are able to be performed alone or in a small group without any particular organization, any larger force -known as an orchestra - must be carefully regulated and directed to keep their combined power under control.
Master of the most powerful sorcery of all: The circus gallop.
Possible races in setting:
Avians: Variety of avians, adept in mimicking and integrating sounds intk marvelous song.
Sirens: Men and women of the sea, capable of weaving enchanting melodies.
Automata: Beings of clockwork, caapable of pefforming complex songs using marvelous machinery.
Lupin: Wolf folk, their night song is fabled to be the cause of thd aurora borealis.
I like this.
Individuals who are deaf or other musical impairments are tossed into the forges forced to work assembling instruments for life.
Will demons play metal?
Not only do the demons play metal
Church music brings light to the darkest places, if you can wheel in the organ.
Epic poems are weeks long spells that prepare soldiers for war like nothing else can.
The drummer boys become part of the centerpiece for most armies.
You know those Disney Musical Moments where everyone and everything starts singing and dancing along? Powerful mages can hijack the bodies and minds of everyone around them to increase the effect of some ritual music.
The most common punishment for a captured warbard that won't or can't be turned is to cut out their tongue, rupture their eardrums, and cut off their pointer and middle fingers.
There's a clan of humans who specialize in purely accapella music magic
All land is being carried to an unknown end by a strong current in the endless, bottomless sea.
Because of this, oceanic trade routes change seasonally, and there's a great demand for sea-surface charting exploration.
What about monsters and well, the bestiary in general? They should have features such hollow bones in order to make use of magic.
Lord, howler monkeys, crickets and most birds would be a nightmare to deal with
The settings final boss
>there exist a magical species of crickets whose song is a lullaby
>it's like a slower-acting, light version of the sleep spell
>if you have too many crickets in your vicinity you could fall asleep too quick
>just one cricket, though, just makes you feel drowsy
>insomniacs usually have trained crickets as pets to help them sleep
A giant parrot like creature who can mimic songs it has heard to cast magic it shouldn't be able to
>Elementary school kids that recorder practice very seriously
Like I said, birds would be fucking Op.
Also, whales sing so, I suppose they would be the equivalent of Old Gods since their songs are abstract and cannot be understood by the mortal ears.
>The most valuable commodity in the world are vinyl records left behind by a long gone civilization
/co/ was here
>As a result, they have become seen as holy scripture.
>deep in the far lands to the north, where there is no warmth and little light, the men of the cold wastes have cultivated silence in secret.
>not just "a lack of sound" mind you, but true silence, a negative sound. A silence that kills magic dead wherever the two come into contact.
>In their silent monastries the men of the wastes plot and refine their silence, never speaking, never making a sound, and slowly drawing whatever inscrutable plans they have against the warmer lands south of them.
>there exist spells with world altering powers.
>however they require an entire orchestra of musicians to perfectly harmonize,
>a hard thing to accomplish, as musicians usually hone their own unique style throughout their lives.
A guy with one of these could be quite dangerous despite only being able to use premade spells:
>95% of their race vanished in a cataclysmic event caused by one of their own
>Those akin to druids, guardians of the natural world, will make magic flow through their lands by preparing beautiful wind chimes.
individuals who are deaf are used as bodyguards beause they cannot fall victim to musical mind control.
ITT: Kalevala the RPG
>they, however, refuse to play any instruments, as they believe them to be signs of weakness and an unnecessary tool
>thus, their magic comes only from their own voices
>this has never been a problem for them, as they have learned plenty of ways to imitate any kind of magic with their iraculous mimicking abilities
The world was sung into being by the gods, with one major conductor
They're probably the magical equivalent of industrial machinery or cannons.
>Hoping to make their fortunes, there are several thousand people who now search the old ruins of the world to find vinyl.
>one amongst them an infamous and extraordinary mimic brought about their downfall and collapse.
>a mentally unstable individual whose mastery of mimicry resulted in the lack of a unique voice of their own