barbarian thread, talk about barbarians, raiding, pillaging, savages, steppe horse archery, fine choice of loincloths/furs (or linen and wool clothes whatever suits) and other barbaric things. Such as axes and clubs. To me my brothers.
Pop-culture loincloth barbarians are lame compared to actual "barbarians."
Easton Cooper
James Gomez
I like them ugly and truly savage. >57118842 >57118867 Realistic barbarians are about as overplayed as "pop barbarians."
Luis Wood
I want to be a beautiful slave boy in a role-reversed barbarian world.
Luis Jones
barbarians are rad as hell which game did them the best, Veeky Forums?
Aaron Rogers
Carson Diaz
Have you considered doing first aid at the roller derby instead? Anything to keep your horrifying fetishes out of game.
Jason Barnes
Wasn't BARBARIAN just a vague catch all term meant to discredit anyone the other civilization didn't like?
Dylan Miller
This is how I play my Barbarians.
The closer to normal they appear, the more foreign their divergent practices become.
Parker Hernandez
The term BArbarian allegedly comes from how the ancient Greeks thought the non-greeks spoke like, all “Bar bar bar bar”. Barbarians = people whose language we find hilariously dumb.
Austin Hall
is that from lupin?
Austin Edwards
In my barbarian setting I want massive bodybuilders rescuing 10/10's with massive tits from various OP threats.
Aesthetics are very important in barbarian settings
Kayden Long
I like the tiny gold bikinis that by all logic shouldn't stay on
Ryan Jackson
>clubs I resent this stereotyping.
Michael Murphy
Why, barbarians get (into) all the cool clubs by default.
Henry Rivera
Me too. It looks good. Also notice how his sword becomes a phallus aimed directly at the woman.
Boris is my man - And Julie is my gal
John Kelly
is that necromancer dud literally throwing skulls at the steroidmonster? that thing is gently breezing through the air, how fucking weak is that guys upper body strength?
Hunter Fisher
Correct. To the greeks even the persians were barbarians. The spartans didn't even use the term but used 'foreigner' instead.
Elijah Scott
Every non-greek was a barbarian, even the persians. The spartans didn't even use the term but used 'foreigner' instead.
Dylan Richardson
Clubs have been used a plenty by warriors throughout history and fantasy so I don't see what you have against it.
Benjamin Sanders
heck off, clubs go great with everything.
William Murphy
How come girls and panthers go so well together?
Jace Thomas
yes, but in modern years it is pretty much the shirtless savages who wanders around and punches skeletons and orcs with just their fist.
nothing wrong with girls who have abs, user
imo I love both the Conan-esque barbarian and the real life gauls/gaels/germanics/vikings I am pretty sure that Warhammer combined the two when making up Norsca?
Jackson Rogers
So hey, it’s alwaya bugged me how bad Ariana are supposed to be good warriors but wear no armor.
How about this as a concept- magical body-paint or tattoos that make the skin hard as armor, that loses its effects were you to wear real armor.
Jayden Rogers
Interesting fact, in the 1954 Webers English Dictionary, the term Barbarian literally means "Someone that does not wear shoes".
I have no idea if this means that barbarians are allowed to wear slippers though.
Adam Young
Because the naked, elemental female IS feline. A woman on her hands and knees crawling across the room towards her lover isn't being submissive; she's stalking them the way a lioness stalks it's prey. Slowley lifting one hand, then the other, her breasts swaying with her movement, lips parted slightly, eyes fixed on the object of her desire, rump wiggling like a thrashing tail.
Hell, there's a reason Howard often used analogies to animals like wolves and panthers even when describing Conan. There's a wild, natural, animalisitic instinct in the Barbarian.
Connan, duh.
There's a d20 module with epic shittons of lore, but it's old as fuck and out of print I belive. There's a new one by Modiphus that I'm rapidly warming up to, it dosen't have as much lore as the d20 but then again, Howard didn't have time to set down a lot of lore. Much of the d20 stuff is blanks filled in by later authors.
Camden Morales
I'm gonna point out the other side of the coin and mention that if you want to do a "barbarians but without the bulging muscles and nubile wenches" sort of campaign, Runequest is made for that kind of stuff.
Luis Martin
Marginal semi-agricultural human societies. Either incapable or unwilling to invest resources into intensive food production. Minimal economic surplus. Minimal capacity to afford specialists or advanced capacities. Inevitably such groupings will be assimilated into larger more sophisticated agrarian societies, adopt intensive food production or be exterminated.
Chase Wright
>Inevitably Still hasn't happened.
Jacob Sanchez
My barbarians are based off the Germanic peoples. They mostly wear wool, fur, buckskins, often fight naked for glory and honour, and are tall, strong, light haired. They are not really "agricultural", they don't have huge fields, they mainly hunt, have herds of animals and might grow vegetable patches with lettuces, berries, etc, but their diet is 70% meat based.
They don't live in cities, they despise all kinds of civilisation, and they hate the !notRoman invaders.
Jordan Rogers
Germanic peoples during the time of the Roman Republic/Empire were plenty agricultural. It was only the upper class who would live in accordance with a martial ethic. Your average tribesman was a farmer, craftsman, etc.
Their clothing would have been primarily linen, with wool for warm outerwear. The wealthy may have also sometimes worn imported silk or cotton.
They didn't have cities, but they wouldn't have really "hated" civilization so much as been envious of its material wealth, and perhaps scornful of foreign customs (as is anyone) and hated/resented civilized peoples who encroached upon them (though they'd hate "barbarian" peoples who encroached upon them just as much)
Ryan Price
They also had a thing for equality. IIRC Julian the Apostate faced an invading germanic army (I forgot which confederacy) whose soldiery refused to go into battle untill their king dismounted.
Asher Kelly
>"The universal dress in Germany is a cloak fastened with a brooch or, failing that, a thorn. They pass whole days by the fireside wearing no garment but this. It is a mark of great wealth to wear undergarments, which are not loose like those of the Sarmatians and Parthians, but fit tightly and follow the contour of every limb. They also wear the skins of wild animals - the tribes near the river frontiers without any regard to appearance, the more distant tribes with some refinement of taste, since in their part of the country there is no finery to be bought. These latter people select animals with care, and after stripping off the hides decorate them with patches of the skin of creatures that live in the unknown seas of the outer ocean. The dress of the women differs from that of the men in two respects only: women often wear outer garments of linen ornamented with a purple pattern; and as the upper part of these is sleeveless, the whole of their arms, and indeed the parts of their breasts nearest the shoulders, are exposed."
>"Their food is plain - wild fruit, fresh game, and curdled milk. They satisfy their hunger without any elaborate cuisine or appetizers. But they do not show the same self-control in slaking their thirst. If you indulge their intemperance by plying them with as much drink as they desire, they will be as easily conquered by this besetting weakness as by force of arms."
And yes, a person who has lived his entire life innawoods living freely would hate Roman Civilisation if he saw it.
Julian Evans
Germanic traditions were pretty egalitarian for the times. It lived on in Scandinavia for a very good while with the local and regional Things (tribe councils, essentially) where most free men had a right to speak and/or vote (though usually in line with their chief to whom they owed allegiance). The lack of strong, central authority meant it was very hard to deal out judicial killings and make any serious judgments on individuals or clans, so they were much more focused on consensus and law as oral tradition that was to be respected rather than a codified set of rules.
I believe the parliaments of Iceland, Norway, and Denmark still use the old name for the regional Things. The Swedes went the same route as the germans and named their something along the lines of "realm conference" or something.
Benjamin Anderson
>And yes, a person who has lived his entire life innawoods living freely would hate Roman Civilisation if he saw it. Or you know, become enchanted by the opportunites afforded therein. There's a reason why various germanic people wanted to settle in roman lands and become roman citizens.
Jayden Sullivan
If every german wanted to live in civilisation then a lot more would have gone to Germany.
Most of them served because of money, they would have preferred to live in their homeland.
Justin Reyes
>they would have preferred to live in their homeland. Germania was in general a swampy forest seemingly void of any natural resources at the time of the roman empire.
Anthony Adams
And? They lived free, happy, good lives, in their Tribal groups, and either died in battle or of old age. They lived a lot better than (((civilised))) romans.
There's a reason they fought so bravely.
Liam Clark
Not even discredit.
The Greeks adored the shit out the Galatian Celts and their exotic culture.
They just didn't fucking understand the Language
Kayden Phillips
Mostly around the Rhine. You're confusing it with Britain.
Jason Diaz
Also unlike what the guy says Germany wasn't very Swampy, so we have little evidence of Germanic settlements.
What we do have however is foundation of houses, so while the Germans didn't build massive structures of Marble, they did have permanent wooden dwellings quite handily.
I imagine living deep in the Germanic forests in our own little wooden village, trading furs and drinking mead was a plenty enjoyable life.
Liam Peterson
Yes, because "most of them served because of money" really jives with nearly every Germanic tribe on the Roman border choosing to cross over with their entire families and settle in Roman lands, while also having long-adopted elements of Roman culture and language which they much admired.
Seriously, there's a reason why nearly every Germanic group that settled in the former Western Roman Empire ended up abandoning their traditional languages in a few generations, and competed with one another to be the most obvious continuation of Rome's political and civilizational legacy. The only invading tribe that DIDN'T do this was the Anglo-Saxons, and that's because Roman influence in Britannia was very limited outside of a few cities. Groups like the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Franks, and Lombards ended up indistinguishable from Romans in almost every respect except social status and Arianism, and both eroded to meaninglessness within a few centuries.
Pic related, a Visigothic noble whose only distinguishing features from the Romans is facial hair.
Ryder Lewis
This is an issue for a lot of cultures that built structured out of wood. Comparatively it's very hard to figure out exactly how they built, and what their settlements would have truly looked like, since all those structures are long gone and the only thing that remains are the foundations.
What happens when you don't build out of stone, I guess.
Jayden Davis
... You mean Germanic culture slowly bled into the Roman Empire, eroding away all of the Formerly Italian cultural signifiers, with the Germanic tribes adopting formal languages like Latin for business while keeping traditional languages around.
I know I am probably speaking with a demented Romaboo, but if you honestly think that Visigoth is wearing traditional Roman symbols you're hilariously misinformed.
The Roman Empire was much more mutable than people like you think, at the end of the Western Roman Empire, any semblance to the former Roman ideal was literally washed away by Christianity and Germans.
Mason Kelly
>This guy is nearly exactly like a Roman. >Wearing a curved dagger on his Yellow fucking belt.
I mean if you're going so late into the Roman Empire that the majority of the Army was Germanic soldiers who immigrated on the promise of free land under the laws of the Roman Army sure.
You're also forgetting it was this same neglect of the Germanic Immigrants that caused the Western Roman Empire to crumble and nearly every single actual cultural symbol of the Roman Empire to become either props in the Papacy or fall into Antiquity until the Renaissance revived the interest in Italian Roman Culture.
Blake Rodriguez
See now THAT shit right there, THAT is what She-Ra should have looked like.
Christian Gonzalez
Go away Gibbon, you don't know the first thing you're talking about.
> Formerly Italian cultural signifiers
Meaning what exactly? You yourself say Roman culture is mutable (which it was to a crazy extent), and much of the Italian peninsula wasn't even considered properly "Roman" for centuries. I also beg of you to provide me with a source saying the traditional Germanic languages survived past the 6th century in any capacity outside of a house language (literal translation of the German word, not sure what the English equivalent is) in rural areas.
> I know I am probably speaking with a demented Romaboo, but if you honestly think that Visigoth is wearing traditional Roman symbols you're hilariously misinformed.
Pic related, a Late Roman hunting scene from the 6th century in Carthage.
The Roman Empire was much more mutable than people like you think, at the end of the Western Roman Empire, any semblance to the former Roman ideal was literally washed away by Christianity and Germans.
Again, what the fuck does this even mean? The entire mythology of the "Roman ideal" didn't even exist until thousands of years later, at least not in the Paganboo sense you're undoubtedly using it in.
tl;dr open a book and learn shit you pathetic nonce and stop listening to Varg
> What is the Eastern Roman Empire
The entire idea of "Germanic neglect" is another Renaissance invention to suck their own dicks. Roman culture SURVIVED because the settling Germans were such enormous Romaboos, and overwhelmingly adopted the local variations of Latin that became the Romance languages. And again
> every single actual cultural symbol of the Roman Empire
What the fuck does this mean? Segmentata and skirts? The Roman Empire evolved continously, and the meme vision that pop culture is in love with never existed, or only vaguely existed for a few decades.
Brayden Richardson
True that. Tend to be a lot more colorful too.
Christian Kelly
>Romaboo tries to tell people to read a book.
Hilarious shit, perhaps you should look up the development of the Roman military to see how it adapted to the waves of Immigrants over time.
Rome's biggest strength was absorbing cultures into itself, that's how the Roman Imperial truth worked, the City of Rome was a City that was first among Equals, All gods are just Roman Gods, and if they're not, they're made Roman Gods like Epona.
This is how Christanity wormed it's way into the Roman Empire and happily shattered the Imperial Truth.
>Cultural Symbols of the Roman Empire.
Copying Hellenistic symbology, Pillars, Wreaths, something that was phased out the More Germans became the dominant force in the Military also Germanic language family has stayed alive over the years and was not eclipsed by the Latin language family, So your idea that Germans were all turbo Romanoboos is hilariously misplaced.
Perhaps you can confusing them for the Celts who did as a majority abandon their language for Latin.
Gavin Martinez
So not only are you a Romaboo, you're a Christian Romaboo.
That's fucking hilarious as Christanity was the Deathknell of the Roman Empire as it was the fundamentally intolerant ideas that Christanity represented that destroyed the Unity Rome relied upon.
Jose Lee
>Through an obscure geography of forests and marshes, the wars brought him to Italy from the banks of the Danube and the Elbe, and perhaps he did not know he was going south and perhaps he did not know he was fighting against the name of Rome. Perhaps he professed the Arrianist faith, which holds that the Son's glory is a reflection of the Holy Father's, but it is more congruous to imagine him a worshiper of the Earth, of Hertha, whose covered idol went from hut to hut in a cow-drawn cart, or of the gods of war and thunder, which were crude wooden figures wrapped in home-spun clothing and hung with coins and bracelets. He came from the inextricable forests of the boar and the bison; he was light-skinned, spirited, innocent, cruel, loyal to his captain and his tribe, but not to the universe."
>The wars bring him to Ravenna and there he sees something he has never seen before or has not seen fully. He sees the day and the cypresses and the marble. He sees a whole whose multiplicity is not that of disorder; he sees a city, an organism composed of statues, temples, gardens, rooms, amphitheatres, vases, columns, regular and open spaces. None of these fabrications (I know) impresses him as beautiful; he is touched by them as we now would be by a complex mechanism whose purpose we could not fathom but in whose design an immortal intelligence might be divined. Perhaps it is enough for him to see a single arch, with an incomprehensible inscription in eternal Roman letters. Suddenly he is blinded and renewed by this revelation, the City. He knows that in it he will be a dog, or a child, and that he will not even begin to understand it, but he also knows it is worth more than his gods and his sworn faith and all the marshes of Germany. Droctulft abandons his own and fights for Ravenna. He dies and on his grave they inscribe these words which he would not have understood:
>Contempsit caros dum nos amat ille parentes, >Hanc patriam reputans esse, Ravenna, suam.
Lucas Reed
>Romans wank off their ideas because they're Romans.
A quaint piece but Fundamentally flawed because the Germans were trading to Rome and Eastward anyway.
Eli Mitchell
I legit cannot tell if you're being serious or just shitposting right now.
> Hilarious shit, perhaps you should look up the development of the Roman military to see how it adapted to the waves of Immigrants over time.
What are you even trying to say here? Did I ever dispute this? Of course the Romans adopted "Germanic tactics" and vice versa, most of the battles of the 4th-8th centuries in Europe would have been between forces along the Romano-Gothic-Frankish continuum that looked almost identical to one another.
>This is how Christanity wormed it's way into the Roman Empire and happily shattered the Imperial Truth.
L M A O. I have no words. You're just spitting chromosomes here.
> Copying Hellenistic symbology, Pillars, Wreaths
So your idea of Roman cultural symbols is wreaths and pillars? Shit that continued to exist in Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque architecture without interruption, and which itself had largely fallen out of Roman favour? Not to mention the Byzantine Empire literally continued it directly in modified forms, without any Germanic influence at all for the most part.
> Germanic language family has stayed alive over the years and was not eclipsed by the Latin language family, So your idea that Germans were all turbo Romanoboos is hilariously misplaced.
Nice shifting of goals posts faggot. They became Romanized ON THE TERRITORY OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Of course the people who remained in Germany didn't continue Roman culture, because Roman culture barely existed there.
> So not only are you a Romaboo, you're a Christian Romaboo.
That's fucking hilarious as Christanity was the Deathknell of the Roman Empire as it was the fundamentally intolerant ideas that Christanity represented that destroyed the Unity Rome relied upon.
No, I'm a historian. What you're saying would get you laughed out of the room of any historians of Antiquity and especially Late Antiquity.
Jordan Hernandez
Cont. from my previous post It's rich seeing Christianity called "fundamentally intolerant" when the Romans spent three centuries violently persecuting them in episodes where the Christians didn't resist through force of arms. By the time of Theodosian and the supremacy of Christianity, the overwhelming bulk of the Roman population living in cities was Christian anyway.
Also, great job blaming the rise of a religion for the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and not the four centuries of non-stop Roman civil war, economic collapse, famine, plague, and foreign invasion/settlement.
Charles Bell
Exactly. The Germans lived a good life Yeah, just because some German Tribes assimilated to the Romans it doesn't mean all of them did.
Fuck off Romecuck, Rome was a degenerate Childfucking sodomite shithole. The Chad Barbarian Tribes triumphed.
Daniel Martin
>I'm a Historian
No, you're a person who enjoys a particular setpiece in time, preferring to adhere to the biases it proposes and accepts everything written within that bias as truth.
Let me explain why you are this, and why you are a fucking retard.
You literally said that Roman Culture evolved over time due to the influx of outside influence.
Yet you utterly refuse to admit it was these outside influences that brought about this change in Roman Culture.
You make a fucking VAST sweeping claim about all Germanics being massive Romaboos, yet you directly pointed out it was a few Germanic tribes who fully embraced Latin as their Language fully, and even then bastardized it to hilarious extents.
I mean for fuck sake, "Anglo-Saxons" were a group of around 4-5 culturally similar tribal groups.
>B-But muh persecution
Now who is listening to Renaissance dogma. Christanity was a violent death cult that caused Riots, burnt down Librarys and destroyed Temples and on the most literal sense destroyed the very cultural fibre of the Roman Imperial Truth That the different religions could fundamentally be understood and worshipped in the same meaning.
If every single Christian was killed and the Religon surpressed it would have been nothing but a boon for everyone.
Gavin Butler
BarBABEians are the best.
Adam Harris
You know, burning down temples and repositories of knowledge and defacing statues isn't something I'd be proud and ultimately shows the Hypocrisy of the Christian Faith.
Or you know, the Persecution of the Anglo-Saxons because they didn't abandon their own Religion to worship something they barely heard about because they were on the fringes of Roman Influence to begin with.
Like legit, Show be the historical justification for the Franks getting the Papacy's blessing for murdering the Anglo-Saxons and burning their temples?
Because at the time the Anglo-Saxons were part of the Roman Empire.
Brody Watson
No way he gets that club around before the lion mauls him
Jaxon Collins
Not that user but early Christianity was happy to take stuff from other religions to get people to join. The being really intolerant came later.
Cameron Stewart
I like to think that the thin golden bands dig so deep in the phat tits and hips they remain in place anyway and only the barbarian's mighty strength can remove them.
Gavin Bennett
Actually, Early Early Christianity was very much against this.
Fundamentally, they were to the Roman Empire what Muslims are now.
It's only after the fall of Western Rome and the utter collapse of unity that the Papacy started getting it's Missionaries to do clever tricks like Canonise Heathen chiefs into Saints and adopt beliefs of the early peoples into their fold.
The easiest example of this is the Anglo-Saxons. If the Papacy wanted to convert the Anglo Saxons easily, they'd have just made Wotan a Saint, Saint of the forests or whatever, and made all Wotan Sacred sites into Christian sacred sites.
Instead they simply backed the Franks into killing them.
I mean the first council of Nicaea was literally formed to try and crush a possible Christian sect who didn't think Jesus was Divine and was instead mortal.
Charles Sanders
Fuck off and read some Borges you pleb.
Adam Anderson
>ITT Romanboos bitch about each other than focus on the barbarians woah... like pottery... just like IRL...
Gabriel Hall
Like I said, Quaint notions, but fundamentally the Romans were so up their arses they utterly could not comprehend Rome was just the same as any other bustling city metropolis.
Chase Ross
He's literally already killed one lion user. He's just revving up his secret technique.
>Borges was Roman o I am laffin
Easton Morgan
>Borges was a Romanboo
Andrew Rodriguez
Romanboos truly are disgusting, aren't they? I made a post about my barbarians relating to the Germanic Barbarians, then the Romanboo has to feel the need to defend his degenerate shithole and ruin the thread. Typical.
Jaxon Rogers
Matthew Murphy
Jonathan Howard
>Arms and armor thread intensifies.
Samuel James
Yo this nigga here is doing some Naruto bullshit with a second hidden spear, anyone spot that?
Daniel Perez
>babe >posts a hideous tranny
Noah Walker
>Odin Style:Hidden Spear technique >N-nani!?
And that's how the Germans won Teutonburg forest.
Logan Torres
>muh barbs are cool >stop shitting up muh thread
Why are barbs so fucking thin-skinned?
Connor Gray
Stop shitposting.
Zachary Williams
>Come into a thread literally titled about Barbarians >M-MUH ROME
Because fundamentally, the Barbarian hordes and their Pagan ways probably influenced more of Western Culture than the Roman Empire and the only thing of value people remember of the Roman Empire was mostly dreamed up during the Renaissance.
Blake Harris
Wrong on all accounts my friend. Modern society, modes of government, military, engineering and commerce are all derived from Roman practices and law. They invented urbanised society and what you think of as Germanic "good old days" died out by 900s.
Isaac Anderson
>When you Romaboo so hard.
Modern Militaries, Engineering and commerce are so far beyond Roman conceptions it's fucking hilarious. The entire Military and economic structure of Rome is literally the furthest away it can be from Modern ideas.
Modes of Government is another meme, as American Government is a meme hash of Anglo-Saxon Parlimentary and Greek style proceedings, Literally no Government in the western world follows the Roman Model.
The Romans invented none of those concepts.
Jason Young
Spear so big it cast a shadow on the damn mountain
Oliver Perry
Why are Romaboos so butthurt?
Is it because your Precious empire was a degenerate, multicultural shithole that accepted sodomy and child rape?
Rome was disgusting.
Jaxson Rivera
>this thread
Hunter Powell
Stop shitposting. This isn't /int/
Luke Johnson
I literally at a loss for words if you think the modern world owes more to Germanic culture and the fucking Germanic paganism that we know barely anything about than it does Rome.
Though I do find it funny that I've been called both a Romaboo AND a Germaniboo for arguing basically the same thing: that the Western Europe we know today was created by the Germanic peoples moving in and settling on Roman land, and adopting much of the Roman culture they were familiar with and admired while keeping certain elements of their own.
This post though, fuck me sideways I can't remember the last time I read something so stupid.
> hurr durr Rome never did anything because our modern civilization isn't a 1:1 replica of it.
You're literally on the level of someone saying humans didn't evolve from a primate ancestor because we aren't living in trees.
Owen Hall
Well, for one, our Modern Government systems are literally nothing like Rome and are based on Germanic "Moot" representatives far more than even Roman Republic Senate.
You'd also understand the "Germanic people" who adopted Roman culture are not actually the ones who molded Western European Culture.
Or are you fundamentally incapable to see it was literally the Anglo-Saxons, the Pagans who fled the grip of the Holy Roman Empire, who have sculpted Western Europe out of their Pagan heritage?
Daniel Sanchez
Why aren't you responding to what I'm saying, Romeaboo? Is it because you know that Rome was a degenerate, childfucking sodomite shithole, but you keep on denying it to yourself?
Ryan Mitchell
Muh dick
Leo Lee
It's nice to think Rome is the basis of Western Culture, but in reality, Western Culture arose out of the Ashes of Feudalism and was mainly spearhead by countries such as Spain, France, the Netherlands and Britain.
Countries that while they did enjoy the Idealistic things put forth by the Artists and new Historians about Rome, In reality had Political systems based on Germanic ideas, Commerce based on much older systems than rome.
I mean to fundamentally show this force, Look at the days of the week.
6-7 are named after Saxon/Norse gods.
Jack Nguyen
True. We know now after the discovery of the Battle at the River/Bridge that central and northern Europe were well developed and decently populated even in the bronze age. The problem is that wood building and even writing in wood doesn't survive the passage of time. Who knows what was in the depths of the European forests?
Brayden Lee
>mo I love both the Conan-esque barbarian and the real life gauls/gaels/germanics/vikings I am pretty sure that Warhammer combined the two when making up Norsca?
Norscans are just death metal pagan Scandinavians with a dash of Christfag propaganda viewpoint + cucked British viewpoint.
If you want 'Cimmerians meet real barbarians,' you want the Kurgan, who combine Turkic horse savages with Conan's likes.
Justin Gomez
Norscans are just 80ies heavy metal Vikings.
Dwarves are Saxons.
Wood Elves were Celts complete with bright white pants.
Josiah James
I mean this idea that Germans and such lived in shitty wooden huts can't really fall through when they'd be wiped out by every bad Winter they'd have.
Parker Hill
Anne of Green Gables anime?
Carson Jones
Is this all the same dude? Why this fixation with the Anglo-Saxons? I find them interesting too, but ffs that doesn't mean EVERY language has Norse gods for days of the week.
It's funny too because a valid point can be made that parts of England's government have Saxon roots, with shit like the Wittangemoot and travelling judges being unique; but that's exactly my point, it's unique to ENGLAND specifically.
It is neither an exaggeration or controversial to say that Roman law is the basis of civil law systems, which encompasses about 95% of the world outside of the Anglo sphere that developed common law.
Hell, just look at the development of feudalism. It gradually came into existence under Charlemagne because he melded Roman practices of diocesan church estates with the Frankish military elite, which itself literally established itself in the manor houses of former Roman aristocrats and created their own private military forces akin to the bucellari.
To address modern political systems; parliamentary democracy was a creation of the French Republic trying to recapture Greek, not Roman, ideas of civic development. The Absolutism that preceded it was hinged on reclaiming the alleged absolute power that Roman emperors had. Once again, literally the only country where this doesn't apply is England, and even then they owe a shit-ton of their political development to the Norman invasions introducing French feudalism to the island.
Juan Hill
>Muh... muh noble savage
Jacob Rogers
Is that a dead hoplite? The fuck war was this?
Lincoln Wright
You butthurt, romaboo? You realise the Germanic tribes had a form of democracy?
and this was my post, the rest you included weren't mine:
Jayden Morales
> You realise the Germanic tribes had a form of democracy?
And do you have any idea how many different civilizations and groups have had "democracies" over the course of history?
The modern incarnation of democracy owes absolutely nothing to Germans from the 2nd century AD. By that logic, modern democracy owes just as much to certain tribes of Polynesian hunter-gatherers, Caribbean pirates, and the Holy Roman Empire, since they all had systems with SOME kind of elections in them.
All that, and I haven't even gotten to the part where I say that you're generalizing every single of the thousands of Germanic tribes as being "democracies," which was blatantly not the case.
Evan Thomas
This whole "My team YAY! Your team, BOO!" -thing that you're doing here... it's really pathetic. Particularly in the context of historical societies with which you have virtually no relation and of which you clearly have little understanding.