Have you ever been so desperate for a game that you hired a DM?
Have you ever been so desperate for a game that you hired a DM?
no but I'm considering it.
No, but I was once desperate enough to play D&D 4e with strangers.
No, and I never will. I can run my own game.
I might be driven to hiring players soon.
I’ve been the GM somebody hired once.
I did my best to facilitate and they indeed paid me, but to be perfectly honest I felt so bad being paid just to help a hobby of collaborative imagination happen that I spent most of the money they paid me with on food for the group since I didn’t desperately need anything like that.
I didn’t do it too long because I felt weird about it but I did my absolute best to make sure everyone had fun. They later found their own GM.
No. I'm pretty much the only DM of any worth in my community so I always have retards begging me for games.
what? no. at that point I just DM.
Where would you even do that?
>a DM
DMs are common as shit, and a quick trip online will give you pages on pages of D&D/Pathfinder groups. The idea that someone would struggle to find one sounds silly.
Now, if you're wanting to play a more obscure game title and/or a game that requires more research and prep work, and are tired of being the forever GM for a bunch of players who couldn't care less about the setting, I could see the appeal.
>you pages on pages of D&D/Pathfinder groups.
>D&D/Pathfinder groups.
You know, I have to wonder. Is it the same guy who keeps making these threads and variants of the same threads? (i.e. "Would you pay for a DM?")
It's such a weirdly specific topic, I can't imagine anyone else bringing it up. Is someone trying - constantly - to test the waters, in the vain hope of living as a GM for hire? If it is, I gotta tell you: If you make your favorite hobby your work, it just means you're working all the damn time.
No, but I have gotten a hooker to sub in for a player when we were down someone once.
How much did you pay?
i can be a DM, The idea that i have to play to play a game that IS FREE makes me refuse to buy a DM let alone the concept that im playing a man to story jerk me, and ect.
anyone that would pay probably dosnt have enough charisma to find a good DM. Paying fora a good DM is like paying your friends to be with you. If you got that kind of money they by all means go play DND in your Daffy Duck pool of gold with porn stars, Chris prat, and Nicklaus Cage as the DM. your still a loser.
$200 an hour
Wow. Are you from the USA? That's incredible expensive for a ho. Where I live you can get your dick sucked for like 5 euros.
Nope because my group has 3 rotating GMs for a starwars campaign and while kinda janky at times, has worked fantastically well.
Honestly if you're that sparse on GMs enforce a rule, if you want to play you have to GM 1session every X number of sessions. I have 4 people total in my group currently and we play once a week. Therefore I DM once a month. It's how we keep our forever DM happy and I can gain experience since I've DMed about 10-15 sessions total.
I've been on the other end of it, the hired DM for a group of incredibly desperate people. Despite making 23 dollars per hour (and I'm counting prep time in that calculation), it most definitely was NOT worth it.
This is /tg's equivalent of one night stand with a fat chick, user.
And paid DMs are like a prostitutes in this analogy.
DESU I personally would do a fat chick too.
No, but i was wondering what it would be like to DM for a bunch of prostitutes since i lack friends.
Just get 3-4 girls and take them on a grand adventure for a couple of hours every week.
>DMs are common as shit
There are ten players for every one DM, let alone a good DM.
Yeah, but I mean we wanted someone who would actually play. We went through one guy's regular agency.
...Hell I'd try that too, Mostly just to see how they react.
do it
I was desperate enough to do a whole adventure in 4e with strangers.
Was she good?
Yeah. I mean she was probably bored out of her skull in actuality, but she put in a good effort and did some important stuff in-session.
paid GMs are a meme and do not exist outside of this website
Short answer: probably yes
Roll20 dude. There are DM's running campaigns for 15 dollars a fucking session. And niggas buy it. I'm considering getting in on this shit myself.
>$200 an hour
I live in nyc and used to hang out with some girls who went to FIT. Two of them (that I know of) did things on the side to pay for college, and if I remember correctly, 75 bucks an hour is roughly what they look for unless you're hideous or asking for something extremely elaborate. Please shop around better user.
I have nothing against prostitutes, everyone has to make a living, but I do have trouble believing it's easier for you to spend 500 bucks than it is to find a random person who is interested in playing an rpg.
Even if I didn't already have a group, and didn't know roughly a dozen people who might be interested offhand, I would still have a pretty easy time going to any of the nearby colleges or the two nearby gaming stores and just asking.
And if you really live in the middle of fucking nowhere, perhaps it's time to admit that roll20 and similar sites are designed with helping out your exact situation.
I've met a few GMs who charge for their time. Mostly have their own world's that peopl join in on, but they can do other systems ccassionally when they have the time. I meet a lot of them through Gen Con and other conventions.
15 dollars for like, three hours? Thats bellow minimum wage. More power to this guy
I mean, if you'd be playing for free anyway with friends, why not make some money?
15 dollars per person for like 3 hours means you're making a bit more than minimum wage assuming a 4 or 5 man party.
Also this, if you're doing it as a hobby thing it's just simple pocket change. If you wouldn't be doing anything else with that time I don't see why not.
Three of my friends DM for kids in local community center and i played with them few years as well. It was fine.
...but good luck finding a GM at all for Rifts, Eclipse Phase, Traveller, Earthdawn, Mekton, Jovian Chronicles, or a full blown Mechwarrior RPG with unit management.
Even for bigger-but-not-D&D systems like Shadowrun or Star Wars, good luck. The only other systems I think you could find GMs for with any reliability would be anything 40K, CoC, or WoD.
>DMs are common as shit
Build a tent and say the world is dry.
I have two games a week right now, and six months ago when I lived in Chicago I had two games a week, one filled to the brim with hot girls. Fuck no.