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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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There's way too much going on in.... 4 games of that universe and 2 visual novels of a DIFFERENT universe that ties in with the main universe?
Fuckin blazblue
Would you snuggle up and read with them on long cold nights?
I like this book more
You fucking know it. Best book waifu.
Although her Master is the one who stole my heart.
So, in the spirit of Boxing Day, how about times when 'mystery box' items have given you something you desperately needed?
'Mystery box' being those sorts of items that change depending on the setting, like Titanfall's SERE kit or the Artifact from IBO.
For some god forsaken reason I started playing WoW again, has there been any news on the WoW jump?
Usually Shamal is the one to steal peoples hearts...
And there's always room in Hayate's Personal Harem Recruitment Branch aka Riot Force Six
Amaterasu, the reality-warping machine-god is trying to create an ideal future according to certain parameters, but other forces and its own limitations prevent it from succeeding.
Rachel gave a metaphor at one point; the world under Amaterasu's care is like a book whose first and last pages are set in stone, while the middle section changes minute to minute as the author flails about with self-indulgent rewrites that ultimately go nowhere and satisfy no one. That contradiction is the centralfiction.
Final Update.
0.7 - Fixed grammatical error in Not So Boring Bookwork.
Can the Shazam's Chosen be trained up like Kryptonian Biology? I remember someone mentioning it grows through maturing somehow, but I don't know how that works.
Nah, don't want to give off mixed signals.
Actually fairly serious about that whole 'monogamy' thing I have going.
Shame we have such a subpar jump of it.
We need to get Brows to relinquish it for someone else.
Every time OAA even comes up as a topic it's shitpost city.
That's all the news I have for the WoW jump.
Give it a break already
I think there was a minor update awhile back. However I don’t think OAA has the free time or energy to really work on it as much he would like to. Maybe he’ll get something down during this holiday season.
Speaking of Vidya Jump, NiohAnon how goes your play through? Have you managed to beat any bosses?
>However I don’t think OAA has the free time or energy to really work on it as much he would like to.
Good. Hopefully he works himself to death.
There's too many worse jumps on the drive for that. The difference is most if not all of those don't have a name attached to them, so there's no one to yell at and no drama to create. You can't derail the thread by posting bile about Shovel Knight user because literally who?
I want to build a time machine and beat the user who found the harvest moon jump with a club before he posted it to the thread
No you can't train it up, as far as I know.
Billy Batson is given a fully mature adult human form when he transformed that's assumed to be the peak of what he can become. You can train up as a Kryptonian because you're not Superman level yet. Shazam's Chosen lets you start out at Billy Batson's level, and he can stand as Superman's equal.
Keep in mind I am not a Captain Marvel expert, so if someone else who's a fan of the topic who knows more than me says otherwise, well they're probably more correct than me.
Alright, /jc/. Name that Background, and the Jump that it's in. You know, the one you're pretty sure only you ever took.
God fucking damn this past season has been going SO SLOWLY.
Hey jumpers, how do you handle properties that follow you? Do they combine, do they end up scattered across the world, are they all just sort of in different pocket dimensions connected to your warehouse?
I coulnt tell you if anyone did because no one posted Duel Terminal builds.
I did make crimes against nature with it though
I just had a cat jump into my brain and start giving me lectures in an elderly old man's voice.
How do you THINK it's going.
Okay look I have a complicated relationship with most of the Yagamis and I crushed on Shamal the hardest when I was a girl, Signum the most in high school,
and now Eins and Hayate in my adult years.
You may or may not be exhausted. Or drunk. Or both.
>elderly old man
As opposed to all those young old men?
No I mean as in Shamal literally steals peoples hearts more often. Like takes the still beating heart out and holds it in her bare hands.
Since Duel Terminal has just come out and no one has made builds for it (aside from this user , apparently), I can tell you that I took Fabled in it and be technically correct that no one else has taken it yet! I actually had a hard time deciding between Fabled and Ice Barrier, for obvious reasons, but ultimately decided to go for the former because the perks are perfect for a King of Evil, as are the items!
I also grabbed the Fabled Family while I was there, so now my villainous family has expanded. It's actually pretty nice, having siblings, cousins, uncles, and even grandparents who are really into the super villain shtick, and Krus is a cute who deserves to be protected. Anyone who tries to hurt my baby sister will feel my great and terrible wrath!
You say that like it wouldn't be insanely hot.
Won't you share your OCs? I wanna hear about your waifus and non-waifu companions/followers.
To spring on Desu's post cause he responded to mine, mine was a Genex build based on a potentially dumb combination gimmick.
Genex Neutron allows you to create wormholes with decent precision, Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway allows you open dimensions up, and finally Naturia: DHARMA allows for the manipulation of leylines and other forms of power to supply Neutron and Cosmic Gateway, with a dash of Genex Ally for protection. And in the context of the Sacred Tree itself its pretty formidable, but that's a story for part 3.
Oh BOY is it a story for part 3
Aura/Savant, Psionics/Savant, Psionics/Champ, or Aura/Champ?
Psionics/Savant is OTB
I'm planning to have a single waifu that I import every time I jump, starting as a Ghoul in VTMB.
But first I need to jump VTMB.
If I'm exhausted and/or drunk then explain why this wall just grew arms and smacked me like a redheaded step-child.
Hey man. Grey hairs can start at a very young age nowadays.
Probably a nurikabe. Try kicking the underside.
oh don't I know it. My mom wen't grey at like, twenty-five.
Have you used a cat clock yet to figure out if dawn is breaking
Champ/Savant, and a bunch of 100 CP perks.
Hey Heavans, how's Tau and/or IG doing?
Not sure my tonfa ninja build's gonna be too good at fighting this thing.
Oof. How did it look for her tho, compared to most?
Son, cat clock is how this started.
Sure! I've got three OC companions, my three wonderful daughters: Demetria, Neve, and Noelle. Demetria, my eldest, is rather cold and harsh. She's very proper, and is focused on getting things done, unlike myself, since I love goofing around and having fun with my evil. And make no mistakes, of my three daughters she takes after me the most in that regard, being a super villain herself, and my most loyal minion. Despite all this, she's very affectionate towards her family, and gets adorably flustered whenever I treat her like she's still my little princess or if I give her over the top gifts like rings made of shrunken planets turned into gems.
Neve, my middle child, is very calm and gentle, and tends to be more (im)moral support for my minions and I. She enjoys teasing Demetria and getting a flustered response out of her normally cold sister, while also looking after and caring for Noelle. Despite her usually gentle manner, however, she can be terrifying when enraged, such as that one time where she cursed a group of merchants who sold her followers rotten food during a time of hunger to suffer the same fate as the Donner Party, or that time when she casually froze a man who made Noelle cry. Not someone you want to get on the bad side of!
Finally, my youngest daughter, Noelle. Noelle is my adorable baby girl, a ball of endless energy and joy. She represents everything beautiful and wonderful about winter, especially Christmas, and she is always looking to make new friends. There's not a mean bone in her body, and my little princess is on the top of Santa's nice list every year! Because of this, though, she's also very sensitive and a little naive. Cruelty to her can make her cry very easily, and as you can see from the above note on Neve freezing a man, that is a very, VERY bad idea.
>Leyline powered wormholes to other dimensions
>In Duel Terminal
...oh boy.
>That pic
>>Leyline powered wormholes to other dimensions
>>In Duel Terminal
>...oh boy.
Dont forget: Wormholes with RANGE, with a certain Cosmic Gateway serving as a way to weaponize them by vomiting god knows what into one wormhole and shooting it out of others
Cease the bullying of Vita, she needs time (and lots of milk) to grow into a mature lady
Vita exists for being embarrassed in front of her friends.
You're right. We should use the perfect target for embarrassment and teasing, Adult Fate.
Oh God, I do not want to know what kind of shenanigans that will cause with the Shaddolls, Infernoids, and Tierra.
She just started dying her hair, so I'm not sure.
You forgot Qlis and Zefra
But the answer is yes. Very yes
Oh he’s a blast. Really sarcastic.
Ninjas in Nioh aren’t a joke. Just wait until you get the kunai throwing Nin-dogs.
Tonfa is a blast. It gets a lot of cool moves that I think you’ll be happy with.
Good lord, Part 3 was a mess enough as it is, with this...it's going to be pure madness. On the bright side, considering the fact that you're someone from the first age who isn't an Evilswarm, I'm sure you'll have plenty of people eager to hear your wisdom! Just...try not to break everything too much.
Hah.... yes.... totally...
user, please.
You turn yourself into a superweapon with ties to ancient god conspiracies, and be a magnet for disaster, and see how utterly fucked the geoploticalscape is by your very presence is in a world that by default ends when the Ice Barriers really fuck up with Trishula!
> going to pokemon
Enjoy your deathworld.
So, where can I find out the series of events for the duel monsters jumps? Terminal apparently has something going on, what with the worms eventually showing up and such.
It's the only available starting jumps if you actually follow the rules, famalam.
Master Guide 3, File Number 01. Its on the wiki. Don't worry about File 02 or Master Guides 4 or 5
That comes later
I drew literal cards to determine my tarot deck's personality and I got The Devil at first. I thought the deck was sassing me, so I drew another card and it was the three of pentacles.
He's a smart guy who puts a lot of thought into how people work. He also he has some minor clairvoyance. He really likes helping and saving people.
And then I ended up fucking him. Yeah.
Another one is my sword daughter, Midnight Blue. The sword was named after a song that described my jumper's feelings for EMIYA. I then awakened her spirit with the perk from Touken Ranbu and she popped out looking like a mishmash between me and EMIYA, plus with abilities from said combination. She has dark blue hair (To reflect the blade's dark blue color) and red eyes with tan skin.
She's pretty cheerful all things considered and likes to draw and design buildings. Plus she likes to fight bad guys! She's growing, fortunately. She's not a tantou, so I expect her to grow instead of remaining as a little girl.
Pat has Violet Walker, a girl from Worm who didn't get a shard but wanted to be a superhero. The Stand Arrow stabbed her (it just shot at her from where it was because it sensed her desire to have a power, like it shot Kira when it sensed his desire.) and she acquired a stand, Burning Bright. It lets her throw and control sparks that blow up. She's well-adjusted (Because she doesn't have a shard compelling her to create conflict) who is for JUSTICE. She's also a source of inspiration and a rallying point for Pat, as she pushes Pat to be a better person instead of the mindless anger and revenge machine she was developing into. Which is good considering her other three companions are Arcade Gannon, Gilgamesh (Archer) and Kumagawa.
Violet also blew up Jack Slash while Pat was fighting him. (Although it turns out that Jack Slash was meant to kill another Parahuman, who ended up becoming her rogue's gallery so oops) Pat and her are also kinda gay with each other.
There was no plan
I wrote the build as a first jump set up, it's supposed to end in tragedy for the first jump
Would that tragedy be pretty much everyone else besides you, two ex-Ice Barrier members, and the children they take care of dying due to pissed off Ice Dragons?
Well I mean that is basically what happens in Duel Terminal
Thanks user
Figured that would be it, just curious to see if that's what you meant or some other tragedy, like either the Worm or the Fabled winning or something else.
What jump's have good jet packs?
>Ice dragon eventually kills everything
Well that's gonna be a pickle to solve.
Especially since I was considering it as an early jump.
Not entirely sure what I'm hoping to accomplish by posting this at 3AM, but I spent all day slimming down Keitai Sousakan 7.
It's not the massive leap in quality I was hoping for, but I'm super tired of working on this, so take my appraisal with some salt.
Depends on the kind of jetpack you want, but Titanfall has the jumpkits, while Star Wars has the Z-6 jetpack if you're looking for short bursts. Longer duration, probably Metroid, Iron Man, other settings that feature power armor and so on.
The setting of City of Heroes has quite a collection of flight packs.
Oh, uh, probably should have mentioned that I'm be going to bed, so I won't be able to respond to anything until tomorrow. Still, It'd be great if people could leave feedback that I could act on as I'm working out the kinks in this jump.
A build for PrincessAnon.
Love Is A Battlefield: A Knight's Tale
Several Days Away (+50)
Many had attempted to free her from this dreadful Prison… (+100)
In the highest room of the tallest Tower… (+100)
The Colourful Knights (+50)
The Archer With The Feathered Cap (+50)
The Forgotten Princess (+50)
The Grey knight (+100)
The Reborn Hero (+100)
The Young Dragon (+200)
Trap Finding (Free)
Trap Disarming (100)
Kampfringen (50)
Basic Combat (100)
Basic Acrobatics (50)
The Basics of Architecture (50)
Basic Hero Equipment (Halberd) (Free)
Jellybeans (50)
The Rose Sword (200)
Hookshot (100)
Red Potions (50)
Boomerang (50)
End choice:
“I wish to tour this world before I go.”
Not sure which princesses I'll finally go for, but I'm aiming to personally rescue 0
The font and format are not easy on the eyes.
(may be in part because it is 04:00)
Well, let's give this a shot.
The first thing I'd say is to move the origins ahead of perks. I understand why you did it but I think the jump would be better served by having those two origins at the start to explain things better, than at the end. It also means people don't have to go back and check how many of each type of perk they have, they can do it from the start.
The Word of God needs some limits. As is, there's nothing preventing you from making a "All people obey jumper" law and having people accept it the same as a law against murder. Maybe have it be that while the government might enforce it, people don't need to agree with it and if it's an unreasonable law, may actively rebel?
Destroy Me To Protect Me feels more like a capstone worthy thing, at least if it really does affect everything targeted in existence.
Tell Me Tell Me Tell Me seems more like a 400cp perk, given it gives effective immunity to anything that eats or absorbs minds or souls.
A World Without Humanity should be 600. On the fly effects on this level on any human is pretty incredible and you can get it to the same level with any other species with some effort.
Going To Hell As a Bride feels much too strong for the jump as a capstone, what with the ability to change around the origins of things. The note about not being able to benefit makes no sense, since you'd directly benefit from the changed origin in many cases.
Past the perks, I feel like you stopped shortening stuff, because the phone origin alone goes on for fucking forever.
The Maid Cafe feels a bit lacking compared to the other capstone items. Maybe give it some employees to start with?
Please, please, please don't do this. It's annoying as shit, since the people responding to your jump might not be around when you next get up. If any shit starts because of your jump, it gets lots of time to get brewing into a storm without you here.
Just wait until you're ready and awake for a few hours before posting instead of doing it immediately before bed. It is never ever a better choice to just leave straight after posting something new and asking for feedback. Ever.
>>>>>poket log
In celebration of the upcoming movie next year. Did anyone see the new trailer yet?
Hope you all enjoy Dieselpunk.
Please link criticisms and feedback to this post. I've got to put dinner on.
So how about unbanning Shard power in Elantris.
Wow, like clockwork. Don't you usually ask when Sunless Sea DLC is due or to unban immortality?
Ok, these are all valid issues that I need to resolve.
Some of your problems are actually a direct result of my sloppy editing, but most of them are things I genuinely didn't think through, so thanks.
Yeah, sorry about that. I mainly posted it to ease my own frustration at my lack of progress. In retrospect, it was seriously a dick move and I wasn't really thinking straight when I posted. I decided to check back on my phone after I had some time to think about it, so here I am.
I'm probably gonna take another look at the jump once I'm better rested, and repost it once the sun's actually up.
Not that user, but since you insist on hearing it:
Sunless Sea DLC when?
This is, of course, a joke.
Do Trips translate differently on mobile? In any case, I'm poking in on my laptop to confirm that this was me.
They shouldn't, but considering it was mobile you would be forgiven for not noticing a typo until it was too late.
KOTOR question
>Advanced Blaster Pistol
>capable of killing most humanoids and creatures with a few hits.
Wouldn't a normal blaster take out most humanoids in one hit?
Are you adding/dropping a # after your name maybe?
No, what I typed is identical to what I use here.
There are two things obviously missing from the city optimization section.
1.No vehicle import option.
2. No city import option,
Also can we choose more than one mobility option?